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        원종세 ( Jong Se Won ),이동옥 ( Dong Ok Lee ) 건국대학교 교육연구소 1993 교사와 교육(구 교육논집) Vol.17 No.-

        The purpose of this study was to suggest an experimental target records for elite marathon runners for the next 10 years in Korea. The subjects were elite class male marathon runners participation in the Dong-ah Marathon Events and Cho-il Marathon Events during the past decade in Korea. During the past 10 years, marathon records have made tremendous stride in the area of developing and training elite marathoners. Results of this study may be helpful in planning strategies and making policy towerds the development of marathon in Korea in the coming years. The results of this study were as follows; 1. During the past 10 years (1983~1992), Dong-ah Marathon records was improved 1.81373 percent, and Cho-il Marathon records was improved 2.4925 percent. 2. The top records of Dong- ah Marathon will be 2° 07`09" for the next 10 years, and the top record of Cho-il Marathon will be 2° 07`59" for the next 10 years.

      • 어린이들의 태권도 수련이 신체 조성과 체력 발달에 미치는 영향

        이동옥 ( Dong Ok Lee ),양윤권 ( Yoon Kwon Yang ) 건국대학교 교육연구소 2000 교사와 교육(구 교육논집) Vol.24 No.-

        The purpose of this study was to investigate the differences of body composition and physical fitness between the taekwondo trained and beginner. The subjects consist of trained group and beginner group. The trained group(10) were trained for over 2years(24 months). The beginner group(lO) were trained for below 3months. The conclusions of the study are as follow : 1. Body composition 1) The %fat of Beginner group was higher than the Trained group by 1.20% but not significant. 2) The fat mass of Trained group was higher than the Beginner group by 0.51kg but not significant. 3) The lean body weight of Trained group was significantly(p<.05) higher than the Beginner group by 3.68kg. 4) The soft lean mass of Trained group was significantly(p<.05) higher than the Beginner group by 3.48kg. 5) The total body water of Trained group was significantly(p<.05) higher than the Beginner group by 2.56 ℓ. 2. Physical fitness 1) Muscle strength (1) Grip strength The right grip strength of Trained group was significantly(p<.05) higher than the Beginner group by 4.15kg. The left grip strength of Trained group was higher than the Beginner group by 2.70kg but not significant. (2) Back strength The back strength of Trained group was higher than the Beginner group by 8.95kg but not significant. 2) Muscle endurance (1) The sit-up was of Trained group was very significantly(p<.01) higher than the Beginner group by 10.30 beats/30 sec. 3) Agility (1) Burpee test The burpee test of Trained group was higher than the Beginner group by 2.80 beats /30 sec but not significant. (2) Whole reaction test The whole reaction test of Trained group was lower than the Beginner group by 0.10 but not significant. 4) Power (1) Sargent jump The sargent jump of Trained group was significantly(p<.05) higher than the Beginner group by 8.40cm. 5) Balance The stork standing test of Trained group was very significantly(p<.01) higher than the Beginner group by 3.41 sec. 6) Flexibility (1) Trunk flexion The trunk flexion of Trained group was significantly (p<.05) higher than the Beginner group by 3.24cm. (2) Trunk extension The trunk extension was of Trained group was lower than the Beginner group by 5.70cm but not significant. As seen above, the two groups showed significant differences in their body composition and motor ability through taekwondo practice. In this regard, the author suggest that the regular participation in taekwondo practice is an important role in improvement of the body composition and physical fitness.

      • KCI등재후보

        여성환자의 안락사에 관한 연구

        이동옥(Dong-Ok Lee) 이화여자대학교 한국여성연구원 2006 여성학논집 Vol.23 No.2

          본 논문은 생명과 관련된 여성주의 연구에서 재생산뿐 아니라 죽음의 문제도 다뤄야 한다는 필요성에서 출발한다. 이러한 관점에서 본 논문은 의사, 가족과의 관계 하에서 여성환자의 죽음 결정이 이루어지는 과정과 안락사의 사례들을 검토함으로써 여성환자의 구체적이고 상황적인 맥락을 드러낸다. 여성환자는 전문가인 의사와의 관계에서 불평등하고, 대리인인 가족과의 관계에서 취약하다. 그러나 여성환자를 남성중심적 의료권력 하의 피해자로서 다루는 것은 죽음 결정에서 배제하는 것이다. 여성환자는 타자와의 관계를 고려하면서도 자신을 위해 최선의 선택을 한다. 죽음 결정에서 여성의 사회문화적 맥락을 드러내는 것은 협상을 모색하면서도 가부장제의 환경을 변화시키는 여성의 행위성을 보여준다.   This paper suggests that we should do feminist studies on death as well as on the area of reproduction technology from the point of view of bioethics. This paper examines cases of euthanasia and the process of women patients" decision on death in the context of the relationships among doctor, family members and women patients. It also discusses the concrete and specific contexts of women patients. Women patients are unequal in the relationship of a patient to doctor-as-an-expert, and also are vulnerable in the relationship of family members as proxy. However, to represent women patients as victims of the internalized image of self-sacrifice results in the exclusion of women patients from the decision of death. Women patients make the best choice for themselves in consideration of others. To reveal women"s sociocultural context in such a decision on death shows us women"s agency negotiating with and changing the patriarchal medical environment.

      • KCI등재

        여행 접근성에서 성별화된 맥락과 여행의 권리

        이동옥(Lee, Dong-Ok) 한국여성학회 2017 한국여성학 Vol.33 No.2

        이 연구는 여행에서 노인여성들의 경험을 통해 성별화된 맥락을 분석하면서 여행 접근성을 높일 수 있는 방안을 탐색했다. 이 연구는 심층면접을 통해 노인여성의 삶에서 여행을 제한해왔던 배경을 살펴보고, 이들이 여행 동안 어떠한 관계를 구성하며 어떻게 자아인식의 변화를 경험하는지 고찰했다. 성별분업의 구도 하에서 여성들은 공적 활동을 해온 남성들보다 여행의 기회를 갖지 못했다. 중산층 주부들은 성역할 수행의 일환으로 가족여행을 하지만 가족여행이 아닌 경우 비용과 돌봄의 문제로 성역할에서 갈등했다. 그럼에도, 연구참여자들은 친구와의 여행을 통해 독립심과 해방감을 체험했고 치유와 위로를 얻으면서 임파워(empower)되었다. 여행은 모든 사람의 권리이지만 연구참여자들은 경제적 자원, 시간 배분, 영어능력과 정보검색 등으로 여행에서 주변화되었다. 연구참여자들은 신체적 나이듦을 극복하려 하지만 자율성의 범위에서 여행을 계획했다. 또한 이들은 해외여행에서 패키지에 의존함으로써 여행을 주체적으로 계획하지 못했다. 노인여성들의 여행 접근성을 높이고 여행의 권리를 확보하기 위해서는 세대 간 여행기획, 자유여행에 관한 상담, 정보화교육, 영어교육, 돌봄여행 등이 지원되어야 한다. This research analyzed the gendered context in the travel through old women’s experiences and explored the plans to raise its accessibility. This research investigated what has restricted travel for old women’s lives and how old women have constructed relationships with others and experienced the change of self-recognition through in-depth interview. Under the gender segregation, women have much less chances for travel than men. Middle-class housewives participated in family travel as taking the gender role but they are in conflict with gender role in the travel, except for the family travel, due to care and expenses. Nevertheless, the women experienced the independence and liberation, and they are empowered by being healed and comforted through the travel with friends. Everyone has the right to travel, but the research participants are marginalized from travel, due to economic resources, the division of time, English ability and searching for information. Research participants tried to overcome the physical aging, but they planned the travel under the autonomy. They didn’t plan travel subjectively by relying on the package tour. Plans of intergenerational women’s travel, consulting about free travel, information and English education, and care travel should be supported to raise the accessibility of travel for old women.

      • KCI등재

        한국의 장애인 돌봄제도와 모성담론에 관한 연구

        이동옥(Dong-Ok Lee) 한국여성커뮤니케이션학회 2010 미디어, 젠더 & 문화 Vol.14 No.-

        한국 사회에서 장애인을 돌보는 일은 어떠한 사람들이 담당하고 있고, 제도는 돌봄을 어떻게 지원하고 있는가? 이 논문의 목적은, 사회문화적으로 장애자녀를 돌보는 여성들에게 어떠한 역할과 책임을 기대하고 있는지 미디어를 통해 살펴봄으로써 한국의 장애인 돌봄제도를 고찰하기 위한 것이다. 이 연구를 위해 2005년 1월부터 2010년 4월 현재까지 신문, 잡지의 기사와 영화, 텔레비전 방송을 분석했다. 모성담론에서 장애자녀의 어머니들은 과중한 부담감을 갖는 것으로 재현된다. 한국 사회에서 장애인의 돌봄은 어머니의 역할과 책임으로서 수행되고 있다. 이러한 담론들은 어머니의 고통에 대해 연민하거나 모성을 찬미하고 있지만, 돌봄을 어떻게 분담할 것인가는 논의하지 않았다. 그러나 담론 속에서 어머니들이 수동적이고 희생적인 모습으로만 재현되는 것은 아니다. 장애자녀의 어머니들은 장애극복 신화의 조력자로서, 장애차별의 저항자로서 적극적인 모습을 드러내기도 한다. 그럼에도 불구하고, 어머니들은 자녀가 성인이 되어서도 보살핌을 지속해야 하고, 삶의 계획을 변경하며, 가족간의 갈등을 경험하고 있었다. 한국 사회에서 장애인을 보살피는 일은 어머니에게 전가되는 한편, 돌봄의 가치는 폄하되어 있다. 장애인 돌봄의 제도화는 어머니의 일을 사회적으로 분담하는 것이고, 역량접근과 자립생활운동을 하나의 대안으로 고려할 수 있다. 또한 장애인의 돌봄을 모성에 한정하지 않고 돌봄의 가치가 사회적으로 확장될 수 있도록, 새로운 담론들을 생산해내는 것이 필요하다. Who has cared for the disabled in Korean society and how has the care been supported by institutional framework? The aim of this paper is to examine the gender role and the responsibility expected from the mothers of the disabled children in the media and to consider the care system for the disabled in Korean society. This research analysed the articles from the newspapers and the magazines and the multi-media data from the movies and broadcasting from January 2005 to April 2010. In the discourses of the motherhood, the mothers of the disabled are represented as the people who feel overwhelmed by pressure for care. In Korean society, women care for the disabled children as mother’s role and responsibility. While this discourse sympathizes with mother’s pain and praises the maternal love, people do not discuss how to share the caring role. However, these women reveal the passive and self-giving image, and at the same time they are represented as the helper in the myth of disability conquest and the resister of disability discrimination. Nevertheless, they should continue to care for the adult children, change the plan of life, and are in conflict with the family members. While the care for the disabled child is the responsibility of the mother, the care is devalued in Korean society. The systematization of care for the disabled means the share of mother’s care in the level of the society. The capability approach and independent life movement can be the alternative of care. Also, we should produce the discourses that the care for the disabled does not set limits to the motherhood and the value of care is socially extended.

      • 아침결식이 여고생의 체력과 신체조성에 미치는 영향

        이동옥 ( Dong Ok Lee ),김현숙 ( Hyun Sok Kim ),송애경 ( Ae Kyung Song ) 건국대학교 교육연구소 2003 교사와 교육(구 교육논집) Vol.27 No.-

        This study was intended to make a comparative analysis of the effect of female high school students’ absence of breakfast on the composition of physical strength and body. This study was conducted for 30 subjects in the group of female high school students taking breakfast and 30 subjects in the group of female high school students omitting breakfast, those female students enrolled in the high school attached to ‘K’ University. As the research method, this study made a measurement and comparison of body fat by group, conducted the physical strength test on six items and conducted the questionnaire research and analyzed its results. As a result, it was found that there was not a overall significant difference in body fat, physical strength and the like between two groups. The result of the questionnaire research showed that breakfast did not have an effect on body composition and scholastic achievement as well. This run counter to the findings of previous studies and the expectation of this tudy. Accordingly, it is necessary to make a systematic study of the effect of female high school students’ absence of breakfast on the composition of physical strength and body for more subjects for a longer period of research.

      • KCI등재후보

        네팔의 생태여행과 여성들의 관계, 우정, 연대 : 쓰리시스터즈'를 중심으로

        이동옥(Dong-Ok Lee) 계명대학교 여성학연구소 2012 젠더와 문화 Vol.5 No.1

        관광산업은 지역의 환경과 문화를 파괴하고 지역 주민의 노동을 착취하면서 이윤을 추구해 왔다고 비판받는다. 생태여행은 방문객과 지역 주민의 관계를 중시하고 공정한 이윤을 분배하고자 한다. 네팔의 생태여행 기업 3 Sisters Adventure Trekking (이하 쓰리시스터즈로 통칭)은 여성 트레킹 가이드를 양성하고 고용한다. 이 연구는 쓰리시스터즈를 중심으로 네팔의 생태여행에서 지역 여성들 간의 관계가 어떻게 구성되고 이들의 삶에 어떠한 영향을 미치는지 고찰한다. 연구 방법으로는 문헌연구와 심층면접을 사용했다. 쓰리시스터즈의 여성 경영자들은 가족사업에서 출발했지만, 도움이 필요한 여성들을 보살피고 교육과 노동을 제공함으로써 여성들의 의식화와 여성들의 임파워먼트에 기여한다. 한편, EWN(Empowering Women of Nepal)의 학생들과 가이드들은 여성 경영자를 역할모델로 삼고, 함께 배우고 일하면서 서로에게 힘이 되어 준다. 네팔의 생태여행은 여성들의 우정과 연대에 기반해서 여성들의 독립적인 공간을 창출하고 있다. Tourism has been criticized for making a profit by destroying the local environment and culture, as well as exploiting the labor of the locals. The business of ecotourism sets a high value on the relationship between visitors and local people, and it pursues equal profit sharing with local people. '3 Sisters Adventure Trekking', a Nepali company of ecotourism, has taught and employed female trekking guides. This research project considers how local women s relationship are constructed in Nepali ecotourism and how women s friendship and solidarity influence their lives, focusing on '3 Sisters'. Both literature research and in-depth interviews were implemented. Although women managers started as a family business, they dedicated themselves to the empowerment of women and raising awareness of their situation by taking care of women in need and offering education and labor. Students of EWN and guides make women managers good role models and help one another by learning and working together. Nepali ecotourism examined through '3 Sisters' produces an independent space for women based on women s friendship and solidarity.

      • KCI등재

        노인여성의 죽음 결정과 죽을 권리

        이동옥(Lee, Dong-Ok) 한국여성학회 2015 한국여성학 Vol.31 No.1

        이 연구는 인간의 기본권인 생명권의 개념으로 죽을 권리를 논의하면서 노인여성의 위치에서 죽음 결정을 고찰했다. 특히, 가족과 의사와의 관계에서 성별화된 맥락을 살펴보면서 노인여성이 어떠한 죽음을 원하는지 논의했다. 연구방법은 심층면접을 실시했다. 연구참여자들은 부정적 이미지 속에서 죽음의 과정을 단축하고 싶어했다. 특히, 저소득층의 연구참여자들은 경제적 이유로 호흡기 착용을 원하지 않았다. 또한 건강한 연구참여자들은 의존상태를 부정적으로 해석함으로써 영양공급까지도 거부했다. 이러한 상황은, 노인여성이 진정으로 죽음을 원하는지 회의하게 했고 죽을 권리의 존중이 인권유린으로 해석될 수 있는 맥락을 드러냈다. 연구참여자들은 남편의 호흡기 제거에 주저했지만, 주체적으로 자신의 죽음을 결정하고 싶어했다. 또한 대리인으로서 자녀를 신뢰하면서도 학대 가능성에 대해 불안해했고 자녀와의 경제적 이해관계에 취약한 양상을 보여 주었다. 한편, 의료제도 하에서 노인여성들은 의사와 위계적 관계를 구성한다. 이들은 의식이 없는 상태에서 병원에서 의사의 판단에 따라 죽음이 결정되는 현실에 무력감을 느꼈다. 연구참여자들이 호흡기 착용에 반대하지만 항상 죽음을 원하는 것은 아니었다. 이들은 죽음의 과정에서 고통을 수용하고 가족과의 이별을 준비하면서 자신의 삶을 존엄하게 마무리하고 싶어했다. 연명의료 결정에서 노인여성의 의사를 존중하고 죽음의 과정을 중시하는 한편, 인권유린을 최소화하는 법적 장치를 마련해야 한다. 아울러, 노인여성들이 전생애 동안 노동시장과 가족 내에서 차별받지 않을 때 죽음 결정에서 주체적일 수 있음을 인식해야 한다. This research explored the decisions on death of old women, discussing the right to die as the basic human rights with regard to the right of life. It examined how old women want to die in the relationship between family and doctors in the gendered context. In-depth interviews were implemented to consider the recognition on death of old women. The results revealed that old women wanted to reduce the process of death in the negative image. This makes us skeptical if they really want to die, and showed the context that the respect for right to die causes the infringement on human rights. They were also nervous about the probability of abuse, relying on the children as the proxy. They showed the tendency of structural vulnerability in the relationship with their children on account of economic interests. Old women have the hierarchical relationship with doctors under the medical system. They felt powerless under the reality that they should make decisions on death in the unconscious state, depending on the doctor’s judgment. Old women want to accept the pain from death, to prepare for the separation from their family and to end their lives. The society should respect their decisions in the course of death, while providing the legal setting to minimize the violation of human rights. Furthermore, if women were not discriminated for all their life in family and labor market, old women could subjectively decide on death.

      • 현행(現行) 체력검사(體力檢査)에 대한 검토(檢討) 연구(硏究)

        이동옥 ( Dong Ok Lee ) 건국대학교 교육연구소 1982 교사와 교육(구 교육논집) Vol.6 No.-

        The purpose of this study was to examine whether the test by which we measure the basic physical fitness of the growing young students is the idealist one that meets the requirements of the measurement theory. 236 male and 178 female senior high school students both, were selected from the Attached Senior High School, College of Education, Seoul National University in Seoul, were subjects. The following conclusions are made based upon the results of this study; 1. Analyze the Existing Physical Fitness Test into its factors, it place great emphasis on power and muscular endurance. 1) Power.... 100m dash, standing long jump, throwing. 2) Muscular Endurance.... chinning(male), chinning keeping(female) 2. By adding the items which are body endurance capacity, balance, agility, flexibility and strengh to the Existing Physical Fitness Test, it will be a synthetic and rational estimation. 3. In consideration of the constitutional factors and the result of the sub-test, it seems to be appropriate that the items of the Existing Physcial Fitness Test should be modified as following. 1) 100m dash (junior and senior high school students), 50 ~ 60 m dash (elementary school pupils) 2) Throwing 3) Chinning (male), Chinning keeping (female) 4) Sit-up 5) Running 10m forth and back 6) Bending down 7) Standing long jump 8) Standing on one foot with eyes closed 9) Long distance running 1000m (junior and senior high school boys) 800 m (junior and senior high school girls) 600m (elementntary school pupils)

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