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        이건호(Kun-Ho Lee),김서경(Suhkyong Kim),이태규(Taekyu Lee) 한국경제연구원 2004 한국경제연구원 연구보고서 Vol.2004-22 No.-

        Since the outbreak of the financial crisis in 1997, an important implicit policy goal of the Korean government with respect to the financial system has been the transformation of the traditional bank-based system into a market-based one. The regulation on debt ratio imposed on large corporations is an important reflections of this goal. Following substantial policy efforts, the soundness of the corporate and the financial sectors has been largely improved. In this paper, however, we argue that the financial system might still be premature as an efficient intermediation for corporate activities. The following points support our doubts about the current system: First, the low debt ratio of the corporate sector is a more or less a direct consequence of the strongly enforced debt regulation, and as such, it is too early to say that this debt ratio is sustainable in the long run. In addition, the dramatic fall in the debt ratio has largely been driven by a decrease in firms' demand for investment funds. Moreover, blue-chip companies have been holding excessive cash and continues to play a role as the main supplier of funds, with the household sector as the main consumer of these funds, which is, in a sense, a reversal of the traditional intermediation process. The capital markets still remain somewhat fragile to exogenous shocks and their role as an efficient resource allocations still needs to be strengthened. Corporate financing through capital markets remains less vigorous and the relative dependence of corporate financing on the banking system is again on the rise. However, the size of funds from banks as of 2003 is almost the same as the size in 1997, which implies that the banks' financial support for the corporate sector is still dwindling. At the same time, long-term corporate financing for large-scale investments has almost disappeared. Based on these observations, we argue that the government's attempts to build a market-based financial system, despite improvements in the soundness of the corporate and financial sectors, is still far from building an efficient financial system for corporate activities. A major reason for this failure, we believe, is that the system transformation has not been concomitant with a well-functioning financial infrastructure. We argue that achieving an efficient corporate financing system should start from strengthening financial infrastructure that includes enhancing efficiency in the creation and circulation process of financial information, deregulation of financial services, elimination of unnecessary regulations, development of a junk-bond market, diversification of bond maturities, amongst others. At the same time, efforts to enhance a firm's transparency as well as strengthening market discipline should be continuously made. Considering the fact that the capital markets are not functioning well and remain fragile to exogenous shocks, it is important to increase the efficiency of resource allocation through bank or bank-like financial institutions. In order to do this, unnecessary government intervention should be mitigated in the loan markets, and rather, fostering financial institutions that specialize in corporate loans and which reduce the pro-cyclicality of the BIS capital regulations should be emphasized as important policy objectives.

      • KCI등재

        고령화사회에서 노인학대에 대한 형사법적 대처

        이건호 ( Kun Ho Lee ) 한국경찰법학회 2008 경찰법연구 Vol.6 No.2

        In recent years the older persons in Korea are living longer than ever before and in greater numbers than previously experienced with advances in medical research, nutrition, and health care. But reported cases of elder abuse are increasing as older persons live longer. The older person might be easily subjected to being a pray of the crimes more than the younger, because the older person usually is becoming weaker and weaker gradually. The older persons are usually reluctant to report the elder abuse, because the perpetrator of abuse is a member of their family in many cases. In those cases older victims are afraid of being broken off from the family members for his or her abuse report. In some cases older victims are not able to report the abuse, because the older victims suffer from physical and cognitive disabilities. In these situations there are considerable difficulties in detecting and punishing the abusers as well as in supporting the older victims. The perpetrator of elder abuse is usually subjected to the criminal sanctions. Through the criminal sanctions the criminal justeice system aims to detect the abusers and to reform and rehabilitate them. But in that way there is no place to help and support the old victims. The elder abusing situation recurs again, because the elders who suffered from mistreatment remain in the same circumstances or same places including the health care facility and home. In that way there would be no problem solving against the elder abuse. In order to cope with the elder abuse appropriately, it is necessary to raise up the reliability of the criminal justice system and to ensure a more sufficient support for older victims. It is also necessary to construct a integrated support system for elders, which deals the elder abuse case, offers medical care for elder abuse victims and advises to elders who care about the financial exploitation problems.

      • 마약문제의 해결을 위한 각국의 전략 비교분석

        이건호(Lee Kun Ho) 한림대학교 법학연구소 2004 한림법학 FORUM Vol.15 No.-

        The problem of drug abuse had been already seemed as a major plague of 20th century in the international society. The United Nation and other international organizations requires the cooperation of many countries and NGO in order to prohibit the illegal drug manufacturing and trafficking and to prevent the diffusion of drug abuse. Apart from the requirement of the international society, the governments of many countries already acknowledged the injurious effects of the narcotics and prohibited the sales and possession of a certain categories of narcotics except the usage for medical treatment. The drug control strategies which each nation adopts are various and different according to the political condition and crime situation of each country. For example, the governments of some countries like USA and Japan adopted the strict prohibition strategy, and the manufacturing and trafficking of the drug usually is felony crime on which severe punishment is imposed. In Japan the drug abusers are treated as a criminal who is sentenced to the prison for some years at usual, and some drug abusers are sent to the medical center compulsorily for rehabilitation. In some european countries like Netherlands, the government allows the sales and usage of some drugs like marijuana which is regarded as the soft drug. In Netherlands the government strives to avoiding the punishing of drug abuse and drug possession for own usage. The Methadone is supplied to some drug abusers under the prescription of the doctor for the purpose of medical treatment for abusers. But in Netherlands, the manufacturing and illegal trafficking of the narcotics without the permission of the government is regarded as a felony crime and the severe punishments are imposed upon the drug criminals. Recently, some persons claim that the use of soft drug like marijuana ought to be allowed as one of the liberal acts in privacy. They say that the use and abuse of narcotics is seen as a self injuring by which no other people is injured. Also they claim that the governments of some european countries which allow the use of drug adopted some advanced drug policies and that governments occupied the progressive position in the realm of human rights above the other countries which don’t. This sort of claims are wrong in some points. Firstly, the drug abuse is not a self injuring at all. For example, suppose a drug abuser who is driving a car on the street of a down town. People might be injured by him because he might be under influence of toxication, Secondly, the drug abuse is not a sort of liberal acts in the domain of privacy. The drug abuser needs some assistances of other people in the form of manufacturing and saling of the narcotics. But the manufacturing and saling of illicit drug is a felony crime under current penal code perhaps in almost countries. That is to say, the drug abuser can make other people a criminal and sent to the prison for the sake of abusers’ pleasure, In this perspective, the drug abuser causes as series of many illegal acts of manufacturing, trafficking, and saling drug, and the drug abuser must be blamed by the name of social justice. We can conclude that it is a matter of penal policy whether the drug abuser must be punished, because drug abuse brings about many related crimes. It explains that the drug strategy of european countries which allow the possession of soft drug for own use is not a advanced position of their government. It is a kind of strategical choice which can make this government concentrate the countermeasure on control and prohibition of hard drug. The drug abuse is not a problem of human rights but only a target of penal strategy. In my opinion the drug abuse for his own pleasure must be punished as a crime. Government must prohibit the possession of drug for own use. Because the allowance of possession for own use can cause the rapid dissemination of illegal drug in adolescents who can be easily influe

      • KCI등재후보

        구성요건착오의 고의귀속과 행위객체의 구체화의 문제 -존속살해죄에서 방법의 착오의 해석론을 바탕으로-

        이건호 ( Kun Ho Lee ) 한국경찰법학회 2009 경찰법연구 Vol.7 No.2

        Bei dem aberratio ictus der Tater seinen Angriff auf ein bestimmtes, von ihm individualisiertes Tatobjekt lenkt, dieser Angriff jedoch fehlgeht und ein anderes Objekt trifft, das Tater nicht anvisiert hatte und gar nicht verletzen wollte. Nach der Konkretisierungstheorie kommt im diesen Fall bei Gleichwertigkeit der Angriiffsobjekt und Verletzungsobjekt hinsichtlich der beabsichtigen Tat am Zielobjekt Versuch und hinsichtlich der ungewollten Verletzung des zweitobjekt eine Fahrlassigkeitstat in Betracht. Aber die Gleichwertigkeitstheorie hier annimt eine vollendete vorsatzliche Totung wegen der tatbestandlichen Gleichwertigkeit der beide Objekte. Sie setzt sich uber den individualisierten Totungvorsatz des Taters hinweg, weil der Gesetzgeber setzte das Handlungsobjekt als ein Tatbestandmerkmal in der Form der Gattung im Strafgesetz, so solche konkrete Objektsvorstellung der maßgebenden Entscheidung des Gesetzgebers widersprechen erscheine. I. Puppe behautet die Konkretisierungstheorie konne nicht begrunden, warum sie gerade bei der aberratio ictus von der allgemeinen Regel abweiche, daß <Maßstablich sind das gultige Tatbestandmerkmal und seine Auslegung, nicht Sachverhalte in concreto> und daß <Vorsatz Wissen und Wollen der Verwirklichung des Tatbestandes ist und sonst nichts>. Puppes Annahme ist nicht zutreffend. Denn in den abstrakten Merkmalen sind zwar alle denkbaren Sachverhalte aufgehoben, aber das heißt nicht, daß es zulassig oder gar geboten ware, den konkreten Sachverhalt nur uber diesen Leisten zu schlagen. Geht man davon aus, daß in der Rechtwendung die Ermittlung des Sachverhalts Vorrang vor Auslegung und Subsumtion hat, so ist die Annahme, die abstrakten Merkmale prajudizierten den relevanten Sachverhalt in concreto, ihrerseits eine beweisbedurftige Behauptung. Das Unrecht des vollendeten Vorsatzdelikts enthalt mehr als die Summe einer formalen Addition einer objektiven und einer subjektiven Unechtskomponente, namlich die spezifische Verwirklichung der betatigen Entscheidung. Um zu verwirklichen die betatigen Entscheidung Tater muß auf die durch Vorstellung des Taters vom beherrschbaren Tatverlauf definierte Person oder Gruppe abstellen. Denn die Annahme einer vorsatzlichen Tathandlung ist nicht denkbar, ohne daß sich der Tater die Verletzung von Rechtsgutern und damit notwendigerweise auch gewiße dahin fuhrende Kausalverlaufe vorgestellt hat. Vorsatz ist als psychischer Sachverhalt der Wille zur Verwirklichung eines Straftatbestandes in Kenntnis aller seiner objektiven Tatumstande. Ins besondere im Elternmord bei Begehung der Tat Tater muß erkennen daß seiner Handlungsobjekt ist ein leiblicher Verwandten seiner aufsteigende Linie oder seiner Frau oder Ehemann. Das Handlungsobjekt im Tatbestand des Elternmord stellt nicht eine Gattung dar, wenn Tater hat die Vorstellung zur eine seite von Eltern oder eine seite von Eltern seiner Frau oder Ehemann. Denn ein leiblicher Verwandten seiner aufsteigende Linie oder seiner Frau oder Ehemann ist ein bestimmtes Person unterscheidete von anderen Personen, und nicht eine Gattung. So wenn der Tater Vorsatz als psychischer Sachverhalt der Wille zur Verwirklichung des Elternmord hat, der Tater muß abstellen auf die durch Vorstellung des Taters vom beherrschbaren Tatverlauf definierte Person, das heißt eine Seite von Eltern bei Tatbegehung. In diesem Fall, wenn das Angriff des Taters erstens eine intendierte Seite von Eltern verfelt und zweitens eine Person trifft, die der Tater nicht vorgesehen hatte, es geht um aberratio ictus. Daher aberratio ictus ist vom Objektsirrtum scharf zu unterscheiden.

      • KCI등재

        아동·청소년의 성보호에 관한 법률 제2조 4호의 아동·청소년이용음란물 정의에 대한 검토

        이건호 ( Lee Kun-ho ) 한국경찰법학회 2016 경찰법연구 Vol.14 No.2

        The child pornography is prohibited by the law in many countries and internationally. It means the pornography which depicts or reprensents the image of the child or adolescent acting actually or simulatedly some sexual acts or sexual intercourse. `The Protection of Child-Adolescent Against the Sex Crimes Act` prohibits the acts of making, carrying, selling, exhibiting, representing or possessing the child pornographies. The Act also prohibits the making, carrying or possesseing etc. of the virtual child pornographies. The Act prescribes the virtual pornography abstactively in number 5 of the article 2 as “the person or the representation which is recognizable as child or adolescent, who is represented and acts the sexual behavior or some of the other sort of sexual action, and that image includes the visual and pictorial image, video material, computer game, … `. But it is doubtful wheather the above mentioned provision is correctly prescribed the virtual child pornography, or wheather the provision breaches the definitive prescription standard of the Legality principles. The Constitutional Law Court decided the correctiveness of the clause in the constitutionality of the law case of the Act. The Court judged that the clause of the Act is definitive and clear, so the Act does not breached the constitutioality. But the minority opinion of the Court decided the case in opposite view. They judged the clause of the Act is abstract and ambiguous as the penal code, so they decided the clause breaches the definitive standard. The Act was reformed the clause of number 5 of the article 2 as more difinitive by inserting the word “is recognizable definitively”. But the difinitiveness of the clause is questioned as ever, because the words “representation” and “some of the other sort of sexual action” includes some abstractness and ambiguity. Also the appropriateness of the criminalization and punishing as crime against the children of the virtual child pornography is not obvious. The virtual material does not include any real child/juvenile image, and so any right or interest of real person of child/juvenile is infringed or attacked. It is just the moral sensitivity or ethical norms that the virtual material breaches or infringes. The effect of criminal justice system would be diminsished by punishing the virtual child pornography, and the citizen`s fundamental right for the art and expression could be brought in danger by the excessive regulation for the visual media. Because the abstractiveness and ambiguity of the Act is not removed by the reform of the clause. It is the more effective measure for the crimes against children and adolescent and the child pornography crime that criminal justice system fight to keep the children from behaviors such as corrupting the children. Such behaviors are for example, exposing, showing, spreading or selling the pornographic materials knowingly or on the purpose of infringing the right of children/adolescent in the way of easily being noticed to children or adolescent. These behaviors should be punished by more tough penalties like the countries such as Germany, Austria and France.

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