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      • KCI등재

        硏究論文(연구논문) : 선주책임제한제도의 비판적 고찰 -유류오염 사고를 중심으로-

        윤효영 ( Hyo Young Yun ) 한국해법학회 2013 韓國海法學會誌 Vol.35 No.2

        선주책임제한제도는 해운업을 보호하고 장려하기 위한 정책적 이유에서 중세 유럽 대륙에서 등장한 이후 해상법의 확립된 법원칙으로 자리 잡고 있다. 이러한 역사성에도 불구하고 동 제도의 정당성에 의문을 제기하는 일부 학자들의 비판은 계속 제기되어 왔다. 특히 대형 유조선으로부터 유류유출 사고가 발생한 경우에는 총 피해액이 관련 국제협약(CLC·FC)에 따라 이용 가능한 총 보상 한도를 초과하는 사건이 많았기 때문에, 책임제한의 존폐를 둘러싼 논쟁이 재연되었다. 유류오염 사고 역시 다양한 불법행위의 유형 중 하나이고, 책임제한은 불법행위로 인한 민사책임의 내용 중 일부를 구성한다. 개별 불법행위의 유형과 그 규율 내용은 차이가 있지만, 이들이 불법행위법이 추구하는 목적 내지 이념에 합치되어야 함은 물론이다. 이런 관점에서 본 논문은 손해의 회복과 사고 예방이라는 불법행위법의 목적 내지 이념에 비추어 유류오염 사고에서 책임제한 제도 자체와 현행 규율 내용이 합당한지를 검토하고, 바람직한 입법 방안을 제시한다. The limitation of shipowner`s liability has developed as an established principle since it originated from the reasons of policy to protect and promote shipping business. But irrespective of its historical background some scholars has criticized its legitimacy. Especially whenever the oil spill from large tanker occurs, the debates around its maintenance or abolition rekindle, because the total sum of damages from the accident exceeds the compensation limit available according to the conventions like CLC and FC. Oil spill is also a type of torts, and the limitation of liability constitutes the contents of civil liabilities resulting from torts. Although individual type of torts and regulating contents are diverse, they should correspond to the purpose and ideal of torts law. From this perspective, this thesis explores the principle of limitation of liability and the appropriateness of present regulations about oil spill on the grounds of the purpose and ideal of torts law, the restoration of damages and prevention of accidents, and presents some desirable legislative models.

      • KCI등재

        배출권거래제도의 현황과 개선 방안

        윤효영(Yun, Hyo Young) 강원대학교 비교법학연구소 2015 江原法學 Vol.45 No.-

        우리나라는 2012년 온실가스 배출권 할당 및 거래에 관한 법률을 제정한 후 금년부터 본격적으로 배출권거래제의 시행에 착수하였다. 배출권거래제의 도입이 예정된 이후에도 학계와 산업계의 일부에서는 이를 반대하는 주장이 계속 제기되었다. 산업계에서는 주로 동 제도가 경제에 미치는 부정적 영향을 우려하였고, 일부 학자들은 탄소세의 우위를 지지하면서 동 제도에 회의적 시각을 보였다. 배출권거래제는 전체 배출 총량이 정해지므로 배출 감축량이 확실한 대신 배출 가격이 불확실하고, 탄소세는 세율을 통하여 배출 가격이 확정되는 대신 배출 감축량이 불확실하다. 양 제도를 비교한 다수의 연구가 있으나 이론적으로 어떤 방식이 더 나은가에 대한 결론은 일치하지 않으며, 현실적으로는 정치적 부담이 덜한 배출권거래제를 시행하는 국가가 다소 많다. 본 논문에서는 먼저 배출권거래제와 탄소세를 실질적인 여러 측면에서 비교한 후 탄소세가 비교우위에 있기는 하지만, 이는 절대적인 것이 아니며 제도의 구체적인 설계에 따라서 양 제도의 효과는 유사할 수 있음을 주장한다. 이러한 전제 위에서 탄소세와 비교할 때 배출권거래제의 주된 결함으로 평가되는 할당 방식과 가격 불안정성을 처리함에 있어서 현행법령에 보완되어야 할 내용은 무엇인지 살펴보고, 나아가 효과적인 온실가스 감축을 위하여 배출권거래제와 탄소세의 혼합 시행 가능성을 검토한다. Korea government has started to implement the Emission Trading Scheme in 2015 since ‘Act on the Allocation and Trading of Emission Allowance of Greenhouse Gas’ has been enacted. Even after the scheme was enforced, some scholarship and industry have still argued against it based on its adverse effects on economy and the predominance of Carbon Tax. Emission trading scheme stipulates aggregate emissions, leaving the price of emission uncertain. On the contrary carbon tax stipulates the price while leaving the aggregate emissions level uncertain. There is a variety of researches and debates over which is the better climate policy option, but any of them has not yet winned a victory. This paper argues that carbon tax has not gained an absolute advantage, even though it is relatively better than emission trading scheme, and the two approaches may have equivalent effects if properly designed. On the above demonstration this paper suggests some complementary measures legislatively needed in dealing with allocation of emission allowance and price volatility and a possibility to mix both of them in order to reduce greenhouse-gas effectively.

      • KCI등재

        미국의 자연자원 손해배상법제에 관한 연구 - CERCLA와 OPA를 중심으로 -

        윤효영 ( Yun Hyo Young ) 단국대학교 법학연구소 2017 법학논총 Vol.41 No.1

        In order to remedy the damage caused by environmental pollution, new theories and legislations have been introduced, which have modified the traditional principles of tort law. As shown in the Korean law of 「Compensation and Remedies for Environmental Pollution Damage Act」enacted in 2014, its main purpose is to remedy infringement of personal legal interest caused by environmental pollution. However, if the environment itself is damaged and left unrecovered, the continuous conservation of the indispensable natural environment for the benefit of present and future generations might not be achieved. Based on this recognition, the US has established earlier on a body of federal statutes that allow the public trustee such as federal government to claim damages for the injury of natural resource itself. The US natural resource damage laws are broader than the European Union Directive or the German environmental damage law that transforms the directive, compared to the definition of natural resources, compensation coverage. And the courts, administrative offices and public trustees have been developed regulations and practices that focused on restoring the damaged natural resources instead of measuring abstract monetary damages. In Korea, recently the necessity of liability law for damage to natural environment itself has been raised and related researches have been increasing. This paper examines the US laws that has developed leading legal system focused on the restoration of natural environment, and draws implications for our future legislation. To this end, it will review the major contents of the CERCLA and OPA, the representative natural resource damage laws, and explore the progress of the United States case and DOI regulations related to natural resource damage assessment. Finally, based on these analyzes, it will identify the characteristics of the US natural resources damages laws and suggest implications for future domestic legislation.

      • KCI등재

        해양플랜트 오염피해에 대한 책임과 보상제도의 현황 및 개선 방안

        윤효영(Hyo Young Yun) 강원대학교 비교법학연구소 2016 江原法學 Vol.49 No.-

        석유와 가스에 주로 의존하는 에너지 수급 체계가 지속되고 육상에서의 매장량이 고갈되면서, 세계적으로 해상에서 석유나 가스를 개발하는 활동이 활발하게 전개되고 있다. 해양플랜트는 통상적으로 이러한 해저자원의 탐사·개발에 사용되는 시설이나 장비를 말한다. 해양플랜트를 이용한 자원 개발 활동은 선박의 운송과 마찬가지로 유출 사고의 위험성이 있으며, 막대한 오염피해를 가져올 수 있다. 그러나 선박으로부터의 오염피해를 규율하는 다수의 국제책임협약이 발효되어 있음에도 불구하고, 해양플랜트로부터의 오염피해 책임을 규율하는 국제제도는 아직까지 없다. 이 문제는 개별 국가의 국내법이나 소수의 지역협정, 해양플랜트 운영자들 사이의 자발적 협정(OPOL)에 의하여 해결되고 있다. 우리나라 역시 다수의 선박관련 국제책임협약에는 가입하고 이를 유류오염손해배상보장법으로 수용하였으나, 해양플랜트 오염피해를 규율하는 책임 입법은 마련하지 않았다. 이는 국내의 부존자원의 희소성으로 인하여 해양플랜트 활동이 거의 없었던 데 주된 이유가 있는 것으로 보인다. 이와 같은 해양플랜트 관련 책임법제의 부재 속에서 2010년 미국 멕시코 만에서 발생한 딥워터 호라이즌(Deepwater Horizon) 유류유출 사고는 세계적인 관심을 불러일으켰다. 그 영향으로 EU에서는 해양플랜트로부터의 오염방지를 위한 지침이 제정되었고, 일각에서는 해양플랜트 오염피해를 규율할 국제적 책임협약을 채택하려는 시도가 있었다. 아직까지 이런 노력은 결실을 맺지 못하였으나, 어떤 방식으로든지 이를 규율할 필요성에 대한 인식이 확산되어 있다. 우리나라의 경우에도 해외자원 개발에의 투자 증대와 독도 인근에서 발견된 메탄 하이드레이트 (Methane Hydrate)의 발견으로 장차 인극 국가들과 해양플랜트 오염피해 분쟁에 휘말릴 가능성이 있다. 이러한 상황에서 본 논문은 해양플랜트 오염피해에 대한 책임과 보상이라는 문제에 적용될 수 있는 국제법과 국내법의 현황을 검토하고, 해양플랜트 관련 책임법제의 공백과 입법의 필요성을 주장한다. 나아가 이를 기초로 장래 책임 입법을 위한 기본 내용과 대형 해양플랜트 사고에 대비한 보상 방안을 제시한다. The offshore activities exploring oil and gas have been developed vigorously worldwide, as the system of energy supply depended on oil and gas still continues and their reserves in land go exhausted. Generally offshore plants mean kinds of facilities or devices used for exploration and exploitation of seabed mineral resources. The resource development using offshore plants confront a probability of oil spill as maritime carriage does, and the damages resulting from oil spill are generally difficult to recover. While there is an extensive body of international law concerning oil pollution, any international regulation of pollution damages resulting from offshore plants has not yet been established. Currently this issue has been dealt with in the dimension of domestic law, regional arrangements, or voluntary agreements between offshore operators (OPOL). We don’t have any legislation for oil spill damages from the plants, whereas several international conventions addressing liabilities owing to oil spill from ship have been ratified and the domestic law (Compensation For Oil Pollution Damage Guarantee Act) has been enacted. The vital reason for the regulation deficit is that offshore activities have been rare domestically. In absence of legal system regulating damage liability resulting from oil spill from an offshore plant, 2010 the BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico attracted global attention for establishing a legal regime against oil spill from an offshore plant. Thereafter Directive 2013/30/EU ons the safety of offshore oil and gas operations has been established in EU, furthermore an effort toward an international convention regulating oil pollution damage from an offshore plant has been tried. Unfortunately the effort has not yet been successful, but it is clear that the issue should be regulated appropriately. Given increasing investments for foreign resources developments and a discovery of methane hydrate near to DOKDO, we also have to equip an adequate legal regime for pollution damage from offshore activities and plants as soon as possible. This paper explores the international and domestic laws applicable to liability and compensation on pollution damage from offshore plant, insists the necessity of enactment of a liability law concerning this issue, and proposes the legislative scheme for liability and the compensation practices resulting from major offshore accidents.

      • 유류오염 손해배상 관련 국제법과 국내법의 비교 및 그 상호관계

        윤효영(Yun Hyo Young) 한림대학교 법학연구소 2008 한림법학 FORUM Vol.19 No.-

        ‘1969 International Convention on Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Damage’and ‘1971 International Convention on the Establishment of International Fund for Compensation for Oil Pollution Damage’are all the conventions for coping with oil pollution resulting from oil spilled from oil tanker. Under the Korean Constitution, an international convention which has been ratified in accordance with the Constitution has the same legal effect as the korean national laws. Korea has ratified the above International Conventions and the respective 1992 Protocol thereof. Although the above Conventions are fundamentally effective in Korea without a separate act to enforce them, Korea has enacted Oil Pollution Damage Compensation Guarantee Act( ‘Act’) to transplant the above Conventions into domestic law. In consequence there are crucial problems legislatively or legally in solving a oil pollution case. Firstly the Act has different provisions from the Conventions especially in reference to a subject of liability, a range of ships insured a compulsory insurance. Secondly the Korean Civil Law or compensation guidelines of International Oil Pollution Compensation Fund can be applied to the legal issues about which there is no provisions in the Conventions or the Act. But they can overlap or collide with each other. In this article I try to propose the legal standards for determining which law should be applied to an oil pollution case occurring in Korean territory.

      • KCI등재

        유조선에 의한 유류오염손해에 대한 국제배상제도

        윤효영(Yun Hyo Young) 강원대학교 비교법학연구소 2009 환경법과 정책 Vol.3 No.-

        유조선에 의한 유류오염피해의 배상을 위한 국제협약으로는 ‘969년 유류오염손해에 대한 민사책임에 관한 국제협약’1969 International Convention on Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Damage)과 ‘971년 유류 오염손해에 대한 국제보상기금의 설치에 관한 국제협약'(1971 International Convention on the Establishment of International Fund for Compensation for Oil Pollution Damage), 그리고 이들에 대한 1992 개정의정서가 발효되었다. 동 협약 체제는 성립 후 우리나라를 비롯한 대부분의 해운국이 가입하였고 비교적 성공적으로 운영되어 왔다. 그러나 1999년 에리카호 사고, 2000년 프레스티지호 사고와 같은 대규모 유류오염 사고의 발생으로 협약 체제의 타당성에 대한 비판이 제기되었다. 이에 대한 해결책으로서 2000년 개정의정서와 2003년 추가기금협약이 채택 되었고 그 결과 CLCㆍFC 체제에서의 총 배상한도액이 크게 증가하였다. 그러나 선박소유자의 무과실책임, 책임의 단일화, 선주의 책임제한, 강제보험과 같은 CLCㆍFC 체제의 기본 원칙은 여전히 유지되고 있다. 한편 세계 최대의 기름 수입국인 미국은 CLCㆍFC 체제에 가입하지 않고 독자적인 국내법인 유류오염법(OPA)을 제정하였다. OPA는 관련 당사자의 책임을 강화하고 그 적용 대상을 확대하였으며 자연자원 손해에 대한 배상을 광범위하게 인정하고 있는 점에서 협약 체제보다 피해자 보호 및 해양환경보호에 철저하다는 평가를 받고 있다. 본 논문에서는 CLCㆍFC 체제와 OPA를 비교함으로써 향후 유류오염에 대한 국제배상제도의 개정 방향을 제시한다. Since the ‘Torry Canyon’ accident 1967, international conventions have been established under the auspices of IMO(International Maritime Organism), in order to prevent ships from polluting the marine environment and to compensate oil pollution damage. Especially with regard to oil pollution by tankers, 1969 International Convention on Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Damage(1969 CLC) and 1971 International Convention on Establishment of an International Fund for Compensation for Oil Pollution Damage(1971 FC) and the respective 1992 Protocols thereof(1992 CLC ? FC) came into effect. The above regime of CLC ? FC has regulated oil pollution damage from thenceforth successfully. But the major oil pollution accidents such as ‘Erika 1999’ and ‘Prestige 2000’ have raised questions about the CLC ? FC regime. To answer the questions, the two Protocols (‘2000 Protocol’ and ‘2003 Supplementary Fund’) have been adapted for increasing liability limits and establishing the Fund for supplementing shortages. Despite all the changes through the years, some principles of the CLC ? FC regime have remained essentially unchanged since its establishment. These are strict liability, channeling of liability, limitation of liability and compulsory insurance and Some of them have been criticized especially by the countries in EU. On the other hand United States of America did not ratify the above CLC ? FC regime, but enacted their own legislation, namely ‘Oil Pollution Act’(OPA). It is considered more upgraded legislation than the international regime in light of virtually imposing an unlimited liability on responsible party, recognizing the compensation for the non use value of natural resources. In this article I compare CLC ? FC regime with OPA and try to propose an approach for revising the international compensation regime.

      • KCI등재

        비대면 시대 원격의료의 정착을 위한 법제도 개선 방안

        윤효영 ( Yun Hyo Young ) 단국대학교 법학연구소 2021 법학논총 Vol.45 No.1

        In Korea, since Article 34 on telehealth between doctors and medical personnel was newly established due to the revision of the Medical Act in 2002, sharp opinions between the government, the Korean Medical Association, and some civic groups have been made on the expansion of telehealth between doctors and patients. There was a difference not only in policy goals, ideologies, and conflicts arising from interests, but also in the definition of the concept of telehealth and the types of telehealth allowed under Article 34 of the Medical Law. The latter problem is linked to the interpretation of the phrase “direct examination” prescribed in Article 17 of the Medical Act, and the views of the Constitutional Court and the Supreme Court are inconsistent. In such a complicated situation, the government tried to expand telehealth by submitting an amendment to Article 34 of the Medical Law, but was frustrated by strong opposition from the Korean Medical Association and some civic groups. However, the importance and necessity of telehealth in the medical field has emerged as the corona virus that appeared at the end of 2019 and the prolonged pandemic phenomenon caused a change in a new lifestyle in which non-face-to-face is common. In addition to the US, Japan, and China, telemedicine means remote diagnosis and prescriptions between doctors and patients, which was previously prohibited, although temporary, have become possible in Korea. Given the prospect that the social change triggered by Corona 19 will continue to some extent in the future, it is necessary to review the legal system to establish telemedicine in Korea in the future. In this necessity, this paper first summarizes the discussions related to telemedicine accumulated so far based on the results of previous studies. Next, under the basic premise that the legal system related to telemedicine after Corona 19 should be designed in a way that focuses on the protection of the general public’s right to health, this paper reviews the main contents to be included in the amendment to Article 34 of the Medical Law and the guidelines to be applied to the medical field. Considering the enhancement of the status of telehealth in the post-corona era, the basic contents of the government’s medical law amendment are generally agreed. In addition, in the course of debate between the government and the Korean Medical Association, the basic principles such as face-to-face treatment for the first visit, non-face-to-face treatment centered on primary medical institutions, and patients with chronic or mental illness and patients with difficult access to medical treatment, were agreed to some extent. However, some of the contents of the amendment need to be adjusted because interpretation is unclear or immediate acceptance by the medical community is difficult. In this thesis, re-establishment of the meaning of remoteness, between telemedicine and other types of telehealth and step-by-step implementation of the both, and establishment of specific guidelines to be applied to the medical field are suggested as major improvement measures.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        유류오염 손해배상에 관한 법적 고찰 - 인적 피해와 비재산적 손해를 중심으로 -

        윤효영 ( Yun Hyo Young ) 단국대학교 법학연구소 2019 법학논총 Vol.43 No.2

        Compensation for pollution damage caused by Hebei Spirit, which was the worst oil pollution accident that occurred in Korea, has been mostly completed. According to the booklet published by the court of competent jurisdiction where the limitation of shipowner’s liability proceedings has been commenced, claims for property damage were mostly, and claims for personal injury or non-pecuniary loss were rare. One resident claimed damages for personal injury, but were dismissed on the grounds that there was no proof of causality. In addition, solatium was requested because of difficulty in proving property damage, but the court dismissed it. As shown above, in oil pollution cases there seems to be little claim for compensation for personal injury or non-pecuniary loss, and even if there are, the court seems to take a negative stance on its compensation. On the other hand, after the Hebei Spirit accident, many studies were conducted on the negative effects of this accident on respiratory function and psychological condition of the affected area residents and on estimating the environmental damage of natural environment destruction. While seeing such a phenomenon, I became interested in whether personal injury and non-pecuniary loss such as emotional distress could be compensated in oil pollution damage case. Our supreme court is in a position that korean law is applied to determine the requirements for liability for damages and the scope of compensation in oil pollution cases. In a broad sense, oil pollution is also included in the environmental pollution incidents, and various theories have been advocated that modify the existing tort law to redress victims of environmental pollution. Therefore such concern about compensability of personal injury and non-pecuniary loss in oil pollution results in the examination of the revision theory of general principles of tort law. In this paper, first of all I analyzed the revision theories that have been discussed focusing on personal injury and non-pecuniary loss. This includes the use of epidemiological studies to prove causality, recognition of various types of non pecuniary loss other than mental distress, recognition of preventive·sanctionary function or a complementary function of solatium. Second, assuming that revision theories will be applied to oil pollution damage cases such as the Hebei Spirit accident in the future, I examined its applicability and limits. Lastly, I suggested several solution that could combine this with a fair and appropriate compensation for personal injury and non pecuniary loss in the case of oil pollution accident.

      • KCI등재

        미국 유류오염법(OPA)의 입법적 변화와 그 시사점

        윤효영 ( Hyo Young Yun ) 단국대학교 법학연구소 2012 법학논총 Vol.36 No.1

        1969 CLC (1969 International Convention on Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Damage) and 1971 FC (1971 International Convention on Establishment of an International Fund for Compensation for Oil Pollution Damage) were established to regulate oil pollution damage by a tanker. Thereafter two Protocols (``2000 Protocol`` and ``2003 Protocol``) have been adapted for increasing compensation limits and establishing the Fund for supplementing shortages. Whereas most of marine nations including our nation are members of the above CLC and FC regimes, the aftermath of the Exxon Valdez disaster has propelled the United States of America to develop its own comprehensive oil pollution regime by way of ``Oil Pollution Act`` (OPA). It is considered more upgraded legislation than the international regime in many aspects. OPA appears to have functioned well for the first two decades following its passage. However the Deepwater Horizon oil spill incident in April 2010 highlighted several shortcomings of the existing liability scheme established by the Act, As its aftermath, a number of proposals, focused on limitation of liability caps on OPA, has been introduced in the United States Parliament. Even if those proposals have failed to be enacted, they are likely to suggest the future changes to legal regimes of Korea and the CLC·FC for oil pollution compensation.

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