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      • KCI등재

        목초액을 이용한 야외 철강작업장의 악취저감

        최성득,김지훈,장윤석,박재범,이수현,윤황영 한국냄새환경학회 2006 실내환경 및 냄새 학회지 Vol.5 No.1

        In this study, the odor compounds emitted from the field workplaces at the Pohang steel complex were measured using analytical instruments and the olfactory method. In addition, the reduction of odor emissions by pyroligneous liquid was evaluated. The odor samples were obtained from slag pots and dry pits, which refrigerate hot slag, and the target compounds were hydrogen sulfide (H₂S) and ammonia (NH₃). The levels of odor emissions varied with meteorological and operating conditions, but emissions from dry pits were always much higher than those from slag pots. As the concentration of pyroligneous liquid increased, the concentrations of H₂S and the ratios of dilution decreased. Together with this result and the guideline of odor emissions, the increase of pyroligneous liquid (more than 2.5 times) in cooling water was suggested to reduce odor emissions. Actually, the reduced levels of H₂S at the slag pot and the dry pit were observed (70 and 94%, respectively) after the increased amount of pyroligneous liquid. However, in order to determine the optimal amount of pyroligneous liquid for the economical and efficient removal of odor emissions, the system of cooling water has to be improved and more samples are required for a comprehensive analysis.

      • KCI등재
      • 목초액을 이용한 야외 철강작업장의 악취저감

        장윤석,최성득,김지훈,박재범,이수현,윤황영 한국냄새환경학회 2006 실내환경 및 냄새 학회지 Vol.5 No.1

        In this study, the odor compounds emitted from the field workplaces at the Pohang steel complex were measured using analytical instruments and the olfactory method. In addition, the reduction of odor emissions by pyroligneous liquid was evaluated. The odor samples were obtained from slag pots and dry pits, which refrigerate hot slag, and the target compounds were hydrogen sulfide (H2S) and ammonia (NH3). The levels of odor emissions varied with meteorological and operating conditions, but emissions from dry pits were always much higher than those from slag pots. As the concentration of pyroligneous liquid increased, the concentrations of H2S and the ratios of dilution decreased. Together with this result and the guideline of odor emissions, the increase of pyroligneous liquid (more than 2.5 times) in cooling water was suggested to reduce odor emissions. Actually, the reduced levels of H2S at the slag pot and the dry pit were observed (70 and 94%, respectively) after the increased amount of pyroligneous liquid. However, in order to determine the optimal amount of pyroligneous liquid for the economical and efficient removal of odor emissions, the system of cooling water has to be improved and more samples are required for a comprehensive analysis. 본 연구에서는 공기희석관능법과 기기분석법을 이용하여 포항철강공단의 야외 작업장에서 배출되는 악취를 측정하고, 목초액 농도의 변화에 따른 악취배출 저감효과를 확인하였다. 연구대상 시설은 고온의 슬래그를 냉각하는 slag pot와 dry pit였으며, 주요 악취물질인 황화수소(H2S)와 암모니아(NH3)를 분석하였다. 악취배출은 기상 및 작업조건에 따라서 많은 차이가 있었으며, slag pot보다는 dry pit에서 고농도의 황화수소가 배출되었다. 목초액 농도가 증가함에 따라 황화수소와 공기희석배수는 감소하므로 목초액의 악취저감 효과를 정량적으로 확인할 수 있었다. 이 결과와 악취배출 규제농도를 함께 고려하여, 목초액 투입량을 2.5배 이상 증가시킬것을 제안하였다. 실제로 목초액 투입량을 증가시킨 이후에 악취배출 저감효과(slag pot: 74%, dry pit: 94%)를 확인할 수 있었다. 보다 경제적이고 악취저감에 효율적인 목초액 투입량을 산정하기 위해서는, 냉각수 순환시스템을 개선하고 일정한 기상 및 작업조건 하에서 보다 많은 시료채취를 통한 종합적인 추가 연구가 요구된다.

      • 기상자료를 고려한 철강공단의 악취영향평가

        장윤석,최성득,김지훈,박재범,이수현,윤황영 한국냄새환경학회 2005 실내환경 및 냄새 학회지 Vol.4 No.2

        포항시의 기상자료, 기기분석, 대기확산모델링 결과를 토대로 철강공단에서 배출된 악취물질이 인근 주거지역에 미치는 영향을 평가하였다. 포항시의 연평균 풍향 자료에 따르면, 연중 남서풍이 불며 포항시내에 직접적인 영향을 줄 수 있는 동풍의 빈도는 전체의 3% 미만이므로 악취발생 가능성은 상당히 낮다. 해륙풍이 부는 날에는 이른 오전이나 늦은 오후 1시간 정도 포항시내 방향으로 바람이 불게 되고, 풍속은 1 m/s 정도로 작아져 악취유발 가능성이 있는 것으로 밝혀졌다. 연간 대기확산모델링에 의하면, 철강공단에서 배출되는 악취물질 대부분은 동해상(영일만)으로 확산되고 있으며 포항시내 방면으로는 거의 확산되지 않았다. 그러나 시료채취일의 1시간 평균 모델링 결과, 포항시내로의 악취확산을 예상할 수 있었다. 한편, 형산강변에서는 관능법에 의해 악취를 감지할 수 있었으나, 22개 악취물질에 대한 기기분석에 의해서는 대부분 최소감지값 이하로 검출되었다. 포항철강공단의 지리적 입지조건과 기상조건으로 인해 주거지역에 심각한 악취를 유발할 가능성은 매우 작지만, 철강공단 특유의 악취유발 물질에 대한 추가 연구가 필요하다. The influence of odor emitted from the steel complex on the residential area was evaluated using meteorological data, instrumental analysis, and atmospheric dispersion modeling. According to the annual pattern of wind in Pohang, Southwestern winds were prevailing over the year. Eastern winds, which could directly affect the residential area, consisted less than 3% of total winds. However, the exchange of sea and land breezes, which occurred early in the morning and late in the afternoon, let winds blow toward the residential area with low speed (< 1 m/s). This might increase the occurrence of odor. The result of atmospheric dispersion modeling for one year showed that odor released from the steel complex did not move into the residential area but was spread to the East Sea. In contrast, one hour modeling for sampling day suggested the dispersion of odor to the residential area. Meanwhile, odor was detected by the direct olfactory method, but the levels of 22 major odor compounds analyzed by instruments were undetectable by the olfactory method. Although, the possibility of severe odor in the residential area is very low due to the location of the steel complex and meteorological conditions, the identification of compounds resulting in specific odor should be investigated.

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