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심폐소생술 금지 동의 후 사망한 환자의 현황과 연명의료 실태 조사: 단일 의료기관 경험
윤상은,남은미,이순남,Yoon, Sang Eun,Nam, Eun Mi,Lee, Soon Nam 한국호스피스완화의료학회 2018 한국호스피스.완화의료학회지 Vol.21 No.2
목적: 임종기 환자의 연명의료 결정은 환자와 가족, 의료진에게 당면과제이나 실제 의료현장에서 합의된 연명의료 제한의 정의와 시기는 결정하기 어려운 실정이다. 이에 본 연구는 단일 의료기관에서 심폐소생술 금지 동의 후 사망한 환자를 조사하여 임종기환자의 연명의료의 실태를 확인하여 보고자 한다. 방법: 2016년 1월부터 2016년 12월까지 한 대학병원에서 '회복불능 예상 환자 제한 치료 동의서(DNR 동의서)'에 동의 후 사망한 환자의 의무기록을 후향적으로 분석하였다. 결과: 전체 대상환자의 DNR 동의 후 사망까지 기간은 중앙값 2일(1일 미만~51일)이었다. 전체 사망의 45.3%(170명)은 암환자였으며, 54.6%(205명)은 비 암환자로 주요 사망원인은 뇌혈관계(19.2%), 호흡기계(14.7%)가 많았고, 순환기계(6.7%), 감염(6.4%), 신장질환(5.1%), 간질환(2.7%) 등이었다. 암환자군과 비 암환자군을 비교했을 때 DNR 동의 후 사망까지 기간의 중앙값은 암환자에서 3일(range 1일 미만~51), 비 암환자에서 2일(range 1일 미만~50)로 통계적 차이는 없었다(P=0.629). 대상 환자 중 205명은 DNR 동의 전기계호흡 등 특수 연명의료를 시행받았으며 특수 연명의료 유보군(170명)과 비교하였을 때, 특수 연명의료 시행군의 76.1%가 비 암성질환이었으며, 특수 연명의료 유보군의 71.1%가 암질환이었다(P<0.05). 결론: DNR 동의 후 사망한 환자 대부분이 임종에 임박하여 연명의료를 결정하였으며 DNR 동의 후 사망한 환자의 절반 이상이 비 암환자였으나 연명의료를 받던 중에 중단 또는 유보로 결정되는 경우가 더 많았다. 바람직한 연명의료 결정을 위해 의료진은 말기 환자 및 가족과 좀 더 빠른 시점에서 이에 대한 논의가 필요하겠다. Purpose: End-of-life (EoL) decisions are challenging and multifaceted for patients and physicians. This study was aimed to explore how EoL care is practiced for patients with a do-not-resuscitate (DNR) order. Methods: We retrospectively analyzed medical records of patients who died after agreeing to a DNR order in 2016 at a university hospital. Characteristics including cause of death, intensity of EoL care, and other factors were reviewed and statistically analyzed. Results: Of total 375 patients, 170 patients (45.3%) died with malignancies, and 205 patients (54.6%) with other causes involving the central nervous system (19.2%), pulmonary (14.7%), cardiologic (6.7%) and infectious (6.4%) conditions. Both the cancer and non-cancer patient groups showed a short duration from DNR to death (median 3 days vs 2 days, P=0.629). An intensive care group comprising patients who received one or more intensive treatments such as ventilator (n=205) showed a higher number of non-cancer patients and a shorter duration from DNR to death than a group that withheld treatment before DNR (P<0.05). Conclusion: EoL decisions were made very late by both cancer and non-cancer patients. About half of the patients did not have cancer, and two-thirds of them decided DNR during intensive treatment. To make a good EoL decision, a shared decision making with patients should be done at an earlier stage.
직장암 수술 후 성인에서 발생한 혈전성 혈소판 감소성 자반증
김대동(Dae Dong Kim),신의섭(Ui Sup Shin),윤상남(Sang Nam Yoon),유창식(Chang Sik Yu),김진천(Jin Cheon Kim) 대한외과학회 2008 Annals of Surgical Treatment and Research(ASRT) Vol.74 No.6
Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP) in the acute postoperative setting is a syndrome that presents with various symptoms such as microangiopathic hemolytic anemia, thrombocytopenia, fever, renal failure, and change of the patient’s mental status. Though most of the previous reports of postoperative TTP have been in conjunction with cardiac or vascular surgery, it has also been reported following orthopedic and abdominal surgeries. We present here a case of a 78 year-old female who was diagnosed with rectal cancer and who developed TTP the 2nd day following her cancer surgery. Because the presentation can be confused with other early postoperative complications, TTP should be considered in the differential diagnosis of the patient who develops unexplained anemia and thrombocytopenia following an abdominal surgery. Awareness of this syndrome is essential because starting plasmapheresis early can be life-saving.
변대근 ( Dae Keun Pyun ),김경조 ( Kyung Jo Kim ),예병덕 ( Byong Duk Ye ),변정식 ( Jeong Sik Byeon ),명승재 ( Seung Jae Myung ),양석균 ( Suk Kyun Yang ),김진호 ( Jin Ho Kim ),윤상남 ( Sang Nam Yoon ) 대한소화기학회 2009 대한소화기학회지 Vol.54 No.3
Several forms of colonic complications are rarely observed during the clinical course of acute pancreatitis, and potentially fatal in some cases. Colonic lesions associated with acute pancreatitis can be divided into several groups from a pathogenic point of view. Possible pathogenesis includes 1) spread of pancreatic enzymes through the retroperitoneum to mesocolon, causing pericolitis, 2) external inflammatory compression by mesocolic mass secondary to necrosis of fatty tissue, and 3) hypotension due to shock, and thrombosis of mesenteric arteries. These might lead to colonic infarction, fistula formation, perforation, and obstruction during follow-up. We report two cases of colonic obstruction following acute pancreatitis with possible different mechanisms and review Korean cases. One patient developed colonic obstruction due to severe necrotizing pancreatitis, possibly as a result of pericolitis, and the other developed stenosis as a result of ischemic colitis induced by acute pancreatitis. (Korean J Gastroenterol 2009;54:180-185)
박재준 ( Jae Jun Park ),양석균 ( Suk-kyun Yang ),예병덕 ( Byong Duk Ye ),김정욱 ( Jong Wook Kim ),박동일 ( Dong Il Park ),윤혁 ( Hyuk Yoon ),임종필 ( Jong Pil Im ),이강문 ( Kang Moon Lee ),윤상남 ( Sang Nam Yoon ),이희영 ( Heeyou 대한소화기학회 2017 대한소화기학회지 Vol.69 No.1
Crohn`s disease (CD) is a chronic, progressive, and disabling inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) with an uncertain etiopathogenesis. CD can involve any site of the gastrointestinal tract from the mouth to the anus, and is associated with serious complications, such as bowel strictures, perforations, and fistula formation. The incidence and prevalence rates of CD in Korea are still lower compared with those in Western countries, but they have been rapidly increasing during the recent decades. Although there are no definitive curative modalities for CD, various medical and surgical therapies have been applied for the treatment of this disease. Concerning CD management, there have been substantial discrepancies among clinicians according to their personal experience and preference. To suggest recommendable approaches to the diverse problems of CD and to minimize the variations in treatment among physicians, guidelines for the management of CD were first published in 2012 by the IBD Study Group of the Korean Association for the Study of the Intestinal Diseases. These are the revised guidelines based on updated evidence, accumulated since 2012. These guidelines were developed by using mainly adaptation methods, and encompass induction and maintenance treatment of CD, treatment based on disease location, treatment of CD complications, including stricture and fistula, surgical treatment, and prevention of postoperative recurrence. These are the second Korean guidelines for the management of CD and will be continuously revised as new evidence is collected. (Korean J Gastroenterol 2017;69:29-54)