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      • KCI등재

        CSR활동의 내부 마케팅 효과 연구 -기업명성과 임직원들의 직무만족을 중심으로-

        윤각 ( Kak Yoon ),류지영 ( Ji Young Ryu ) 한국PR학회 2011 PR연구 Vol.15 No.3

        Recently, companies are keenly interested in sustainable growth, and as a tool to enhance sustainable growth they are paying attention to corporate social responsibility activities and organizational citizenship behavior. Previous studies on CSR effect focused on external stakeholders such as consumers, reporters, and not-for-the profit organizations. The purpose of this study is to examine the internal marketing effect of CSR activities on employees. Specifically, this study examined the causal relationships among employees` perceptions and attitude of CSR, Corporate Reputation, Job Satisfaction, Organizational Identification, and Organizational Citizenship Behavior. As expected, CSR perceptions affected CSR attitude, and CSR attitude affected Corporate Reputation. Also, Corporate Reputation affected Job satisfaction and Organizational Identification. In addition, Job Satisfaction positively affected Organizational Identification, and Organizational Identification affected Organizational Citizen Behavior. Interestingly, however, Corporate Reputation and Job satisfaction had only indirect effect on Organizational Citizen Behavior through Organizational Identification. Theoretical and practical implications of the results are offered.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        동영상 콘텐츠에 대한 몰입과 광고길이가 프리롤 광고 효과에 미치는 영향

        윤각(Yoon, Kak),조재수(Cho, Jae-Soo),이준희(Lee, Jun-Hee) 한국광고PR실학회 2018 광고PR실학연구 Vol.11 No.3

        본 연구는 최근 광고업계에서 높은 관심을 받고 있는 동영상 프리롤(pre-roll) 광고의 효과와 침입성 인식의 조절효과를 밝히는 실증적 연구이다. 기존의 연구들은 대부분 동영상(TV) 시청 후 노출된 광고 효과에 관한 연구인 반면, 본 연구는 유튜브, 네이버TV캐스트 등이 채택하고 있는 프리롤 광고의 효과를 검증하고자 했다. 구체적으로 본 연구는 모바일 동영상 콘텐츠를 시청할 때 느끼는 몰입수준(고/저)과 광고길이(15초/30초)가 프리롤광고의 효과(광고 기억과 광고 태도)에 미치는 영향을 살펴보았으며, 특히 동영상 콘텐츠에 대한 몰입이 광고태도에 미치는 영향력을 침입성 인식이 조절할지를 분석해 보았다. 본 연구의 결과는 동영상 콘텐츠에 대한 몰입이 높은 조건이 선행하는 프리롤 광고에 대한 기억 및 태도에 부정적 영향을 미치는 것으로 드러났다. 즉, 소비자들이 프리롤 광고에 노출된 이후에 시청하는 동영상 콘텐츠에 대한 몰입이 높다고 인식하면 프리롤 광고에 대한 기억과 태도는 낮은 것으로 드러났다. 다음으로 30초 광고 시청 조건에서 15초 광고보다 광고에 대한 기억은 높게 나타났으나 광고에 대한 태도에서는 유의미한 차이가 발견되지 않았다. 마지막으로 동영상 콘텐츠에 대한 몰입이 광고 태도에 미치는 영향력을 침입성 인식을 조절하는 것으로 밝혀졌다. This research is the empirical study that the effects of pre-roll ads, recently being interested in the field of advertising, are revealed. The previous researches were about the advertisements that were expose after programs, however, this study examined the effects of pre-roll advertisements that had been adopted from YouTube and Naver TV Cast. Specifically, this study verified effects of pre-roll advertising which are composed of degree of engagement of the video mobile contents and the length of advertising, and moderating effect of intrusion, The results showed that the higher engagement of video contents, the lower effects of pre-roll advertising. Also, the group exposed in the 30s’ pre-roll advertising was higher in the recall than the group exposed in 15s’ one. But, there was not found in the effect on attitude toward advertising. Lastly, this study revealed the moderating effect of engagement of video contents on attitude toward advertising.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        국내 주요신문에 투영된 PR/홍보 의 이미지 변화에 관한 연구 : 1990년과 2000년을 중심으로

        윤각 ( Kak Yoon ),서상희 ( Sang Hee Seo ),천혜정 ( Hae Jung Chun ),김하연 ( Ha Yeon Kim ) 한국PR학회 2002 PR연구 Vol.6 No.2

        This study examined how the portrayal of PR has changed over the last tens years or so in the major newspapers in Korea. We analyzed whether there was a shift in how PR was reported in the newspapers between 1990 and 2000. We also examined whether the portrayal of PR was different depending on whether the PR was for the government sector or for the private sector. For this purpose, we content analyzed the tone of the articles that contained the keyword PR that appeared in three major newspapers(Chosun, Joongang, and Donga) into either negative, neutral, or positive. The results showed that the number of articles containing the word PR significantly increased from 152 in 1990 to 355 in 2000. As expected, the tone of the articles became significantly more positive in 2000. In 1990, only 14.47% had a positive tone about PR while 29.86% of the articles in 2000 were positive. In addition, recent articles tend to treat more corporate-related PR news than government PR. In 1990, 78.95% of the articles were about government PR. In contrast, 60.27% of the 2000 articles were about private companies. Practical implications of the results are offered.

      • KCI등재

        인터널 마케팅 요인들이 임직원들의 직무만족도에 미치는 영향

        강성주 ( Sung Ju Kang ),윤각 ( Kak Yoon ),조재수 ( Jae Soo Cho ) 한국PR학회 2010 PR연구 Vol.14 No.2

        Recently, with global economic downturn, corporations are keenly interested in achieving sustainable growth. As product/service differentiation is becoming more and more difficult, companies are trying to secure competitive advantage through people. This study is based on the discussion that internal marketing is an effective approach toward sustainable growth for companies. Specifically, we conducted an empirical study that examined through what mechanism internal marketing is affecting employees` job satisfaction As expected, the results showed that internal marketing affected job satisfaction directly and inderectly through “acceptance of change.” In addition, internal marketing turned out to be an effective tool to reduce job-related conflict. Contrary to our hypotheses, however, job-related conflict didn`t affect job satisfaction. Finally, the implications of the results and future research direction are offered.

      • KCI등재

        소비자의 안전 인식, 사전 제품안전관리 불만이 사후 제품안전관리강화 요구에 미치는 영향

        허경옥(Huh, Kyungok),윤각(Yoon, Gak) 표준인증안전학회 2020 표준인증안전학회지 Vol.10 No.4

        본 연구는 제품인증마크에 대한 인식, 안전정보 불만, 제품안전 불신이 사전 제품안전관리불만, 사후안전관리강화에 미치는 영향력을 공변량구조분석을 사용하여 검증하였다. 본 연구의 주요 분석결과는 다음처럼 요약할 수있다. 첫째, 제품안전정보에 대한 소비자불만, 제품안전에 대한 소비자불신이 사전 제품안전관리불만에 정적 영향을미치는 것으로 나타났다. 이 결과는 제품안전정보에 불만이 많고, 제품안전에 대한 소비자불신이 높은 소비자일수록 제품사전안전관리에 대한 불만 수준이 높음을 알 수 있다. 둘째, 매개변수인 사전 제품안전관리 불만은 소비자의 사후안전관리강화 요구에 정적 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 사전안전관리에 대한 불만이 높은 소비자일수록 사후안전관리강화 요구가 높다고 할 수 있다. 본 연구결과를 토대로 몇 가지 제안하였는데, 첫째, 소비자들의 전에 대한 인식, 소비자들의 안전관리정책에대한 수요를 반영하는 안전관리정책으로 전환되어야 한다. 둘째, 사후 제품안전관리 강화를 적극 도입할 필요가있다. 셋째, 사후안전관리의 수단인 집단소송법, 징벌적 손해배상제도 등의 도입을 적극 검토하고 불법행위에 대한 사업자의 손해배상책임을 엄격히 부과시켜 사업자의 불법행위 및 제품안전사고를 예방해야 한다. 넷째, 제품안전사고에 대한 집단피해구제 인정, 제품결함 등의 입증책임 등에서 소비자 관점이 반영되어야 한다. 다섯째, 소비제품의 사전 안전관리를 철저히 하기 위해 전문적 관리체계 구축, 위해성에 대한 과학적 분석 및 위해정보체계 구축이 시급하다. 끝으로 소비자의 안전의식 고취로 제품으로 인한 대형 안전사고 예방이 중요하다. This study verified the effects of recognition of product certification marks, complaints about safety information, and distrust of product safety on pre-product safety management complaints and reinforcement of post safety management using covariate structure analysis. The main analysis results of this study are as follows. First, it was found that consumer complaints about product safety information and consumer distrust about product safety had a positive effect on prior product safety management complaints. This result shows that the more dissatisfied with product safety information and the higher consumer distrust of product safety, the higher the level of dissatisfaction with product safety management. Second, it was found that the pre-product safety management complaint, a parameter, had a positive effect on the consumer s demand for reinforcement of post safety management. It can be said that the more dissatisfied with the pre-safety management, the higher the demand for reinforcement of post-safety management. Based on the results of this study, several proposals were made. First, it should be converted into a safety management policy that reflects the consumer s perception of the war and the consumer s demand for safety management policy. Second, it is necessary to actively introduce reinforcement of post product safety management. Third, it is necessary to actively review the introduction of the collective action law and punitive damage compensation system, which are means of post-safety management, and strictly impose liability for damages of the business operator for illegal activities to prevent illegal acts and product safety accidents. Fourth, consumer s perspective should be reflected in the recognition of collective damage relief for product safety accidents and the responsibility to prove product defects. Fifth, it is urgent to establish a professional management system, a scientific analysis of risk, and a risk information system to thoroughly manage the safety in advance of consumer products. Finally, it is important to prevent large-scale safety accidents caused by products by raising consumer safety awareness.

      • KCI등재

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