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      • KCI등재

        6세기 加羅의 對 羅·濟 관계

        유우창(Yoo, Woo-Chang) 한국고대사학회 2017 韓國古代史硏究 Vol.0 No.88

        본고는 6세기 가라의 대외관계를 검토한 것이다. 그 대상국은 주로 신라와 백제였다. 가라는 ‘고구려남정’ 이후 이른바 후기가야의 맹주가 되어 5세기 후반에는 전성기를 구가했다. 그러나 6세기가 되면서 백제의 침공이 계속되었다. 가라는 자구책으로 신라와 이른바 ‘가라-신라 혼인동맹’을 성립시켰다. ‘가라-신라 혼인동맹’은 소위 ‘변복’ 사건을 기화로 파탄에 이르렀다. 신라가 가라의 3성과 5성을 침공하여 함락시켰기 때문이었다. 530년대 사료에 보이지 않던 가라는 540년대가 되자 백제와 상호 ‘군사동맹’을 맺었다. 그 동맹에 의거 가라는 554년 백제와 함께 ‘관산성전투’에 참전하였다. 그러나 패전하였고, 이는 신라의 가라 침공 명분이 되었다. 신라는 가라를 소국시절의 국명이었던 ‘반파’로 멸칭하고 ‘가야’ 다음에 연칭하여 ‘가야반(파)’이라 언급하여 그 적대감을 최고조로 끌어올려 마침내 가라를 멸망시켰다. This article examines Gara(加羅)’s external relations, mainly with Silla and Baekje, in the 6th century. After the ‘Goguryeo’s Southward Conquest’, Gara was ascended to the leading power of the late Gaya and enjoyed its prime in the late 5th century. However, entering the 6th century, Baekje made continuous invasions. Gara thereupon established a so-called ‘Gara-Silla Marriage Alliance’ with Silla by way of self-defense plan. The breakdown of ‘Gara-Silla Marriage Alliance’ was triggered by so-called the case of ‘Changing Clothes’. This case made Silla invade and conquer three castles first and then five castles subject to Gara. In 530s Gara was not found in historical records, but it reappeared in 540s by entering into military alliance with Beakje. Based on the alliance, Gara sided with Baekje to join the ‘Battle of Gwansanseong Castle’ in 554. But the alliance was defeated by Silla, and this justified Silla’s invasion into Gara. Afterward, Silla contemptuously referred to Gara as ‘Gaya-Ban(pa)’ by combining ‘Gaya’ with Banpaguk’ which was Gara’s country name during the early small state Gaya era. In this way Silla swayed Gara to its full hostility and finally destroyed Gara.

      • KCI등재

        가라국 대외관계의 약간의 모색

        유우창(Yoo, Woo-Chang) 한국고대사학회 2021 韓國古代史硏究 Vol.- No.104

        본고에서는 이른바 ‘지역연맹(체)설’에 입각해서 ‘가라 지역연맹’의 맹주인 가라국의 대외관계를 종래와 약간 다르게 들여다보았다. 가라국의 대외관계 양상은 두 가지로 분리해 보아야 한다. 첫째는 전형적인 관계로 가라국과 다른 나라들, 예컨대 고구려·백제·신라 등의 한반도 삼국 그리고 남제 및 왜와의 대외관계를 들 수 있다. 둘째는 가야사의 특수성에서 기인하는바, 가라국과 다른 ‘지역연맹’과의 상호관계이다. 즉 같은 시기에 존재하고 있던 ‘가라 지역연맹’, ‘가락 소지역연맹’, ‘안라소지역연맹’ 등은 가야의 통합을 지향하고 경쟁했을 것인데, 그 목표가 이루어지기 전까지 이들 (소)지역연맹들 간의 상호관계는 ‘대외관계’로 봐야 할 것이다. 이와 같은 상호관계 속에서 본래 안라와 지역연맹을 이루고 있던 탁순이 6세기 전반에 새로 가라지역연맹에 참여하게 된다. 또 본래 고자국과 함께 ‘소국연합’을 이루고 있던 사물국도 6세기 전반에 가라지역연맹에 참여하였다. 역으로 이전까지 ‘가라지역연맹’의 소속이었던 상기문은 백제에게 점령됨으로써 본래의 지역연맹에서 이탈한 셈이 되었다. ‘지역연맹’의 구성원은 그들의 이해관계 혹은 상황에 따라 종래의 지역연맹에서 이탈하여 새로운 지역연맹에 참여하기도 하였던 것을 알 수 있다. 그러던 중 562년이 되면, 가야는 신라에게 완전히 멸망하게 되는데, 신라는 이와 같은 각각의 ‘지역연맹’들을 차례차례 멸망시켰던 것이다. 가라국의 대외관계는 부상하게 되는 5세기 전반부터 멸망하는 6세기 중반까지 상황에 따라 변화가 심했음을 특징으로 한다. 5세기 전반 고구려와의 우호관계는 가라국 발전의 기틀을 형성하게 되었다. 가라국은 5세기 2/4분기 이후 백두대간과 섬진강을 넘어 영역확장을 이루었고, 이를 기반으로 479년에는 남제에 사신을 파견하여 하지왕이 관작을 받는 등 전성기를 구가하게 되었다. 5세기 후반은 가라국이 고구려와 ‘나제동맹’ 중 하나를 선택해야 하는 시기였다. 비록 고구려의 도움으로 비약적 발전을 이룩했던 가라국이었으나, 고구려에 의한 백제, 신라의 각 개 격파는 이후 가라국에게까지 영향을 미칠 가능성이 컸다. 가라국은 ‘나제동맹’과 공존을 선택하였다. 6세기 전반부터 중반까지 가라국은 때로는 신라와 때로는 백제와 동맹을 맺는 등 그 외교적 행보가 오락가락하였다. 이와 같은 동맹의 난맥상은 결국 가라국을 고립시켜 멸망으로 치닫게 하였다. In this paper, based on the so-called ‘regional league theory’, I looked at the external relations of Gara-guk, the leader of the ‘Gara Regional League’, slightly differently than before. The aspects of Gara-guk’s foreign relations should be divided into two categories. The first is a typical relationship between Gara and other countries, such as Goguryeo, Baekje, and Silla, on the Korean Peninsula, and external relations with Chinese Namje(南齊) and Japan(倭). The second is the reciprocal relationship between Garaguk and other ‘regional league’ due to the specificity of Gaya history. In other words, the ‘Gara Regional League’, ‘Garak Small Region League’, and ‘Alla Small Region League’, which existed at the same time, must have competed for the unification of Gaya. The mutual relationship should be viewed as an ‘external relationship’. In this mutual relationship, Taksun, who had originally formed the regional league with Alla, newly joined the Gara regional league in the first half of the 6th century. In addition, Samulguk, which had originally formed the ‘small country league’ with Gojaguk, also participated in the Gara Region League in the first half of the 6th century. Conversely, Sanggimun, which had previously belonged to the ‘Gara Region League’, was occupied by Baekje, thus breaking away from the original regional association. It can be seen that the members of the ‘regional league’ broke away from the previous regional league and joined the new regional league according to their interests or circumstances. Then, in 562, Gaya was completely destroyed by Silla, and Silla destroyed each of these ‘regional leagues’ one after another. Gara-guk’s foreign relations are characterized by severe changes depending on the situation from the first half of the 5th century, when it stood out, to the middle of the 6th century, when it was destroyed. In the first half of the 5th century, friendly relations with Goguryeo formed the basis for the development of Gara. After the second quarter of the 5th century, Garaguk expanded beyond the Baekdudaegan and Seomjingang Rivers, and based on this, in 479, an envoy was dispatched to Namje, and King Haji was appointed to the throne. The second half of the 5th century was a time when Gara-guk had to choose between Goguryeo and the Naje alliance. Although Gara-guk achieved rapid development with the help of Goguryeo, the defeat of Baekje and Silla by Goguryeo was highly likely to extend to Gara-guk. Gara-guk chose to coexist with the Naje Alliance. From the first half of the 6th century to the middle of the 6th century, Gara-guk’s diplomatic activities fluctuated, sometimes forming alliances with Silla and sometimes with Baekje. Such a mess of the alliance eventually isolated Gara-guk and led to its destruction.

      • KCI등재

        5∼6세기 ‘나제동맹’의 전개와 가야의 대응

        유우창(Yoo Woo?Chang) 부산경남사학회 2009 역사와 경계 Vol.72 No.-

        This paper studied the mutual relation of between ‘Three Kingdom’ and the Gaya, throughout the ‘Silla-Baekje Alliance’. In ChapterⅡ, arranged the Gogureo's southward advance policy and the formation time of the Silla-Baekje Alliance. Namely, Silla-Baekje Alliance, not in the year 455 but 474, organized. In Chapter Ⅲ, studied about the Silla-Baekje Alliance extension. After all, in 481, The war occurrenced between Gogureo-Malgal Alliance and Silla-Baekje?Gaya Alliance. The latter took the victory that war. In Chapter Ⅳ, Silla-Baekje Alliance changed its character. Since the 6th century, Silla-Baekje Alliance attacked not only Gogureo but also Gaya. In other words, Silla-Baekje Alliance troops made a raid on Banpa, Taksoon and Alla composed the Gaya. Banpa was opposed to Silla-Baekje Alliance strongly. Taksoon was destroyed by Silla. Alla grew up its phase and organized relation with Gogureo confidentially.

      • KCI등재후보

        대외관계로 본 가라국의 발전 -5세기대를 중심으로-

        유우창 ( Yoo Woo Chang ) 부경역사연구소 2005 지역과 역사 Vol.- No.16

        This thesis examined the stream of Grar-gook(加羅國)’s foreign relationship in the 5th century. In Chapter 1, the object is to examine the political situations of three kingdoms in Korean Peninsula and its surrounding forces in the 4th century by three periods : 360s, 370s and 380-90s. In Chapter 2, the object is to assume the location of ‘Imna Gara(任那加羅)’ shown on the article 10 year of ‘the Epitaph on the Monument of the King Gwang-gae-to’( 廣開土王陵碑文) and to study Gara-gook’s countermeasures for Gogooryeo’s southward conquest by reexamining the facts of ‘Alla-in-su-byeong(安羅人戍兵)’. In Chapter 3, examining Gara-gook’s dispatched envoys to Namje of China(中國南齊) in 479, the possibility has been raised that Gogooryeo intervened in direct exchange between Gara-gook and China.

      • KCI등재

        ‘가야 고구려 동맹’의 형성과 추이

        유우창(Yoo, Woo Chang) 효원사학회 2013 역사와 세계 Vol.- No.44

        This paper is to pose a question about the conventional argument that political affairs on the Korean peninsula in the 4<SUP>th</SUP> and 5<SUP>th</SUP> centuries were consistently set in the confrontation between ‘Goguryeo Silla Alliance’ versus ‘Baekje Gaya Wa Alliance’ and to postulate Gaya seceded from ‘Baekje Gaya Wa Alliance’ and allied with Goguryeo after Goguryeo’s Southward Conquest. This paper also dissertates that Gaya took its own line on the basis of ‘multilateral diplomacy’ in alliances with other states including ‘Gaya Goguryeo Alliance’. In the first chapter, in order to verify the relations between Gaya and Ye(濊) in the 1<SUP>st</SUP> to 3<SUP>rd</SUP> centuries, I tried to relate records about Ye in books of Ye, Han(韓), Goguryeo(高句麗) and Okjeo(沃沮) in Records of Three Kingdoms( 三國志). Particularly, after the Jianan(建安) era when Daifang(帶方) Prefecture was established, Gaya’s commercial trade with Ye by means of iron trading presented a demonstration that it was actually a trade relation with Goguryeo. In this sense, the commercial trade between Gaya and Goguryeo by the 3<SUP>rd</SUP> century had been developed to the political relationship of alliance amidst the political turmoil on the Korean peninsula in the late 4<SUP>th</SUP> and early 5<SUP>th</SUP> centuries. In the second chapter, I tried to show the formation process of ‘Gaya Goguryeo Alliance.’ The premise is that Gaya abandoned its state name used in the Three Hans Era and began to use such a name as shown in the King Gwanggaeto’s Stele in the late 4<SUP>th</SUP> century at the latest. Through analyzing the article about ‘Goguryeo’s Southward Conquest’ in the Stele, I argue that ‘Gaya Goguryeo Alliance’ such as ‘Alla Goguryeo Alliance’ and ‘Gara Goguryeo Alliance’ was established right before and after 400. According to historical records and archeological materials, ‘Gaya Goguryeo Alliance’ seems to have been maintained until the 5<SUP>th</SUP> century round. In the third chaper, I tried to examine that the amicable relation between two states after the alliance broke up over the growing Goguryeo’s southward expansion policy and Gaya joined ‘Silla Baekje Alliance’. With the breakdown of the alliance with Goguryeo, however, Gaya took its own diplomatic stance and moved toward the ‘multilateral diplomacy’.

      • KCI등재

        가야사 속의 `연산동고분군`

        유우창 ( Yoo Woo-chang ) 부산광역시사편찬위원회 2017 항도부산 Vol.34 No.-

        The Yeonsan-dong tomb group has been unearthed and restored since 2000. The construction of the Yeonsan-dong tomb group complex was stopped until the first half of the 6th century. And then it was said that it was incorporated into Silla. The most important task at present in the history academy and archeology seems to be the question of when `Dongnoguk(瀆盧國)` was slain to Silla. Therefore, this paper also aims to trace the time to incorporate Dongnogook`s Silla territory in terms of literature. Dongnoguk began in the Three Hans period as a small country which constituted Byeonhan, or the Gaya, and was closely related to Garakguk until the fourth century. After `Goguryeo`s Southward Conquest`, Dongnoguk was influenced constantly by Goguryeo through Nakdong River, and Goguryeo relics excavated from Bokcheon-dong tomb group proved this. It seems that relations with Silla were also good, because the royal tombs are still built in Bokcheon-dong tomb group until the first half of the 5th century. However, it seems to have a certain political distance from Garakguk. Dongnoguk was not until 529 in the first half of the 6th century, when Isabu(異斯夫) was deprived of its territory, Dadara(多多羅), by Silla. However, it is likely that it was not destroyed immediately but was incorporated into Silla through a similar process at the same time as Garakguk. This combines the bins with the one Yeonsan-dong tomb group stops making in the first half of the 6th century. Yeonsan-dong tomb group is located in the modern city center, and is the only group of tombs in the Three Kingdoms period in Busan where mounds remain. The people who made Yeonsan-dong tomb group were the rulers of Dongnoguk, and Dongnoguk was the member who made the Gaya. This means that Yeonsan-dong tomb group is in the history of Gaya.

      • KCI등재후보

        6세기 전반 가라와 '나제동맹'의 대립 : 낙동강과 관련하여

        유우창(Yoo Woo-Chang) 효원사학회 2012 역사와 세계 Vol.- No.41

        In this paper, the functions of the Nakdong River are chronologically listed as follows: Garak State solidified its leadership of the 'Former-Gaya' at home by controlling the Nakdong River and intervening in trade with other inland political organizations of Gaya between 1st-3rd Century. Outwardly, Garak State strengthened its position by controlling Nakdong River in the long battles with the Silla Dynasty, which attempted to expand its power toward the Nakdong River. In this period, the river functioned as a line of communication, or waterway between several Gaya's political organizations. In the 4th Century, Gaya also claimed a new state name like other surrounding states. The 'Seven States of Gaya', shown in Chronicles of Japan (Nihonshoki), are estimated to have been located around the areas along the main stream and tributaries of the Nakdong River. At that time, the Nakdong River was believed to have been opened to Baekje ships, while being under the control of Garak State as before. In the 5th Century, Gara State began to emerge as a major power after 'Goguryeo's Southward Conquest'. Goryeong was the core area of Gara State as it stood on the western side of the Nakdong River. This gave Gara State a natural path of expansion to Hwang River and Nam River, tributaries of Nakdong River, all under the good terms with Silla and Goguryeo. At that time, Nakdong River was also opened to Goguryeo and served as a natural border with Silla. The river still functioned as a waterway linking Gara State and other surrounding states. Gara State ceded its territory in Gimun to Baekje between 513 and 516. Following this, Gara State began to suspect the true nature of the Silla-Baekje Alliance and began to build fortifications against a possible Silla invasion. Nakdong River then began to function as a defacto military demarcation line rather than a waterway, which demonstrated the tensions between two countries. However, given Gara Silla Marriage Alliance in 522, the river recovered to some degree its function as a waterway. After the marriage alliance was broken off, Gara State ceded its territory in Dasajin, or Daesa to Baekje, and three castles and five northern castles to Silla in March 529. Gaya's Takkitan, Garak, and Taksun states were annexed to Silla in 532 before and after. Afterwards, the Nakdong River functioned just as the final line of defense for Goryeong district, the core area of Gara State, and the lower reaches of the river were controlled by Silla. Thereafter, Gara fell into rapid decline.

      • KCI등재

        고구려 남정 이후 가락국과 신라 관계의 변화

        유우창(Yoo Woo-Chang) 한국고대사학회 2010 韓國古代史硏究 Vol.0 No.59

        본고는, 종래 「광개토왕릉비문」에 나오는 ‘임나가라’를 가락국에 비정한 설을 비판적으로 검토해본 결과, 역시 ‘임나가라’를 가락국보다는 가라국에 비정하는 것이 자연스럽겠다고 판단하였다. 그럼에도 불구하고, 가락국이 ‘고구려 남정’에서 결코 자유롭지는 못했던 것으로 상정하고 ‘가락국기’ 등 문헌사료를 이용하여 5세기 전반의 가락국과 신라 관계의 변화를 살펴보았는데, 그 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 「비문」의 ‘임나가라’가 비록 가락국은 아니라 하더라도 가락국이 ‘고구려 남정’의 영향을 어느 정도 받았을 것이며, 그 배후에는 고구려 군사력을 등에 업은 신라가 가락국 방면으로 팽창하고자 하는 의지의 발현이 있었음을 알 수 있게 되었다. 둘째, ‘고구려 남정’ 이후 좌지왕대 가락국은 출자가 신라로 상정되는 ‘傭女’와 그 추종자들에 의하여 일정 정도 내부 간섭을 받았을 가능성을 제기하였다. 즉 이와 같은 사실은 가락국에 파견했던 실성왕대 신라의 대외팽창의지의 소산으로 향후 가락국 잠식을 위한 하나의 단초가 되었을 것으로 생각하였다. 셋째, 이후 신라는 奇計를 펼쳐 가락국을 침공하려 하였지만, 성공하지는 못했던 것으로 보았다. 아마도 눌지왕 치세의 신라가 되어서야 가락국은 이른바 ‘나제화호’의 한 걸림돌로 인식되었을 가능성이 높고, 이에 신라는 가락국 방면으로 팽창하였을 것으로 추정하였다. This paper is making a critical review of the conventional theory that ‘Imnagara’ shown on King Gwanggaeto’s Stele refers to the state of Garak. Instead, I conclude that it would be more natural for the stele to refer to the state Gara, rather than the state Garak. Nevertheless, on my preposition that the state Garak had not completely been free from Goguryeo’s southward conquest, I tried to examine the relationship between the state Garak and the Silla Dynasty in ‘Garakgukgi’. The findings are as follows: First, even if ‘Imnagara’ on the stele doesn’t indicate the state Garak, we can find that Goguryeo’s southward conquest had an influence on the state Garak to some degree, and the Silla Dynasty backed by Goguryeo’s military power constantly attempted to expand at the state Garak. Second, I raised some possibility that the state Garak under the reign of King Jwaji had been interfered by Yongnyeo(hiredwoman) and its followers, who were dispatched by King Silseong of the Silla Dynasty. This could be considered the outcome of Silla’s expansion policy, there after leading to the downfall of Garak. Third, even if Silla invaded the state Garak using some tricks, the attempt usually did not come to anything. However, it was not until the period of Silla’s King Nulji that Silla began to recognize the state Garak as an obstacle a Silla-Baekje alliance. It is highly probable that Silla turned to expansion toward Garak under the reign of King Nulji.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        6세기 우륵의 망명과정

        유우창(Yoo, Woo-Chang) 부산경남사학회 2018 역사와 경계 Vol.108 No.-

        6세기 전반에 우륵이 뜻밖에도 신라로 망명하는 사태가 벌어졌다. 가라에서 왕의 최측근 음악인으로서 왕의 전폭적인 지원을 받고, 때로는 정치적 견해도 피력하며, 상당히 여유로운 삶을 살았을 우륵. 우륵은 왜 고독한 망명객의 신세를 선택했을까? 가라의 악사였던 우륵은 왕산악, 박연 등과 함께 우리나라 3대 樂聖으로 추앙받아 오고 있다. ‘악사’라는 지위에 걸맞게 우륵은 다양한 음악 활동을 한 것으로 보이지만, 이제까지 학계에서는 그를 가리켜 ‘정치인’이라 부르기도 한다. 왜냐하면 그가 결행한 신라로의 망명은 정치적 행동에 상당하며, 그 망명 동기 또한 매우 정치적이었기 때문이다. 본고에서는 ‘음악인 우륵’보다 ‘정치인 우륵’의 망명 동기와 망명 과정을 추적하였다. 6세기 벽두부터 맹렬하고도 끈질기게 영역을 잠식해오는 백제를 견제하기 위하여, 가라는 522년에 신라와 혼인동맹을 성립시켰다. ‘가라-신라 혼인동맹’이 맺어지는 과정에서 우륵은 ‘악사’라는 지위로 인하여 일정한 역할을 하였을 것으로 믿어진다. 신라에서 오는 사절을 접대하고 혹은 우륵 본인이 직접 신라에 혼인(준비)사로 갔을 경우도 충분히 상정된다. 우륵은 ‘친신라파’정치인이었던 것이다. 그러나 이른바 ‘변복’ 사건이 양국의 우호관계를 어긋나게 만들었다. 그 결과, 신라는 가라의 ‘도가 등 3성’과 ‘북경의 5성’을 함락시켰고, 가라는 종래의 ‘친신라 정책’을 철회하고 ‘친백제 정책’을 모색하게 되었다. ‘친신라파’로 낙인찍혀, 목숨까지 위태로웠던 우륵. 가라가 백제와 ‘상맹’을 맺고자 하는 모습을 보고, 그는 마침내 신라로 망명하고 말았다. 아마도 그 시기는 544년 3월∼548년 4월의 사이의 어느 때였을 것이며, 그 과정에는 거칠부의 도움이 있었을지도 모른다. In the first half of the 6th century, Woo-Reuk(于勒) was unexpectedly exiled to Shilla. As the king’s closest musician, Woo-Reuk may have been fully supported from the king, expressed his political views, and lived a fairly relaxed life. Why did Woo-Reuk choose a lone exile? Woo-Reuk, who was a musician of Gara(加羅), has been as one of Korea’s three Sacred Musicians along with Wang, San-Ak(王山岳) and Park, Yeon(朴堧). Obviously Woo-Reuk had performed various musical activities according to his status as a royal ‘musician’. Sometimes, however, the academic world highlights his ‘political’ figure. In this paper, I tried to examine the cause and process of Woo-Reuk’s exile to Shilla to illuminate the aspect of the ‘political’ Wook-Reuk rather than the ‘musician’. From the starting of the 6th century, Baekje had been fiercely and persistently invading Gara’s borders. In order to check Baekje’s invasion, Gara established a marriage alliance with Shilla in 522. It is believed that as a royal ‘musician’, Woo-Reuk played such a role in the process of ‘Gara-Shilla Marriage Alliance’ as hosting the envoys from Shilla or attending the marriage ceremony. On this occasion, he showed his political aspect of ‘Pro-Shilla.’ However, the so-called “Changing Clothes Clothed” incident had damaged the relationship in the alliance. This led Shilla to conquer three castles and five castles subject to Gara. In turn, Gara repealed its conventional ‘Pro-Shilla Policy’ and pursued the switch into ‘Pro-Baekje Policy’. Stigmatized as a ‘Pro-Shilla Politician’, Woo-Reuk was tried in the political crisis. When he saw Gara form an alliance with Baekje, he eventually fled to Shilla. Perhaps it happened between March 544 and April 548, and his exile seems to have been helped by Geochilbu(居柒夫).

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