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        우리나라 여성노인의 성공적 노화를 위한 여가정책(2): 활성화 방안

        원형중 ( Hyung Joong Won ),김숙자 ( Sook Ja Kim ) 한국스포츠정책과학원(구 한국스포츠개발원) 2006 체육과학연구 Vol.17 No.4

        현재 우리나라 노인들은 노후생활에 대한 대비도 부족했었으며 청장년기의 여가경험도 풍부하지 못한 세대이다. 또한 유교적인 전통사회에 익숙하며 가족 공동체 내에서 심리적·물질적 부양문제 해결을 실천했던 세대이다. 그러나 현재의 노인세대가 겪고 있는 가족문화나 사회문화·여가문화는 과거 선조들의 겪었던 내용과는 완전히 다른 것이며 급변하는 사회변동에 맞추어 노화에 따른 적응이 그 어느 때보다도 시급한 시점이다. 그렇기 때문에 현대사회의 고령화 문제 해결을 위한 정책개발에 있어서는 노인부양의 사회적 책임, 사회구성원으로서의 노인에 대한 재조명, 노후생활에서 여가활동의 중요성 등이 주요 과제로 다루어져야 한다. 특히 여성노인과 관련된 전반에 관한 충분한 이해 없이는 고안된 정책은 실현가능성이 떨어지고 사회보장 부담만 증가시키며 나아가 노인여가의 전반적 문제로 인한 가족 전체의 삶의 질 저하에까지 확대될 수 있다. 이러한 관점에서 원형중(2005)은 여성노인 복지구현이라는 궁극적 목표를 통해 나누어진 총체적 건강만족, 가정생활만족, 여가생활만족, 노인문제의 여성문제화, 경제적 안정 등의 일반목표를 제시하였으며, 개인적 차원과 국가·사회적 차원의 부분목표를 제시하였다. 이중 국가·사회적 차원의 정책적인 지원으로 중요하게 다루어질 부분으로 ①여가연구의 활성화, ②관련법규의 정리 및 조정기능강화, ③여가시설·자원공급 시스템 구축, ④노인 여가시설·환경의 개발과 개선, ⑤여가시설·환경의 효율적 관리의 5가지 세부목표를 제시, 최종적으로 ``우리나라 여성노인의 성공적 노화를 위한 여가정책 모형``을 제시하였다. 기존 여성노인의 여가정책이 다양한 분야에서 접근이 되었었지만 그 구심점을 찾지 못하고 있는 실정에서 원형중(2005)의 모형은 여성노인의 정서요인과 여가만족 및 생활만족의 관계 정립에 대한 양적연구와 성공적 노화를 위한 여성노인의 요구분석을 위한 질적 연구를 통해 도출된 자료를 기반으로 정립된 모형으로서 보다 실질적인 활성화 방안 제시는 모형의 활용도 및 여성노인을 위한 사회기여에 있어 반드시 필요한 학문적 노작이어야 한다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 원형중의 모형(2005)을 근간으로 ``여성노인의 성공적 노화를 위한 여가정책``을 달성하기 위한 구체적이고 실질적인 여가정책 방안을 제시하였다. 본 연구는 문헌조사를 통하여 실시되었으며, 여성노인의 여가정책이 노인복지와 통합적인 여가정책에 그 기반을 두어야 한다는 기본 전제 하에 일반적 노인복지와 여가정책을 동시에 탐색하여 그 해답을 구명코자 하였다. 구체적으로 노인복지정책과 여가정책의 대상영역을 파악하기 위해 관련 기본법과 현황자료를 토대로 하였다. 또한 우리나라의 여성노인의 여가정책의 대안을 마련하는데 참고하기 위해 연구된 선진국의 사례는 주로 인터넷을 이용하여 수집하였으며 각각의 내용을 정책 대안별로 분석하는데 사용하였다. Contemporary Korean elderly appeared not to prepare properly for their aging life and did not have a plentiful leisure participation experiences due to Korean War and Japanese annexation when they were at youth and mid-life stage. In addition to this fact, they had been regarded as bread winners who were under obligations to support their family`s psychological and material lives under the traditional Confucius norms. However, unfortunately, their life at hand is quite different what they had envisioned and need to cope with ever changing life surroundingsin their elderly life stages. Therefore, it is necessary to consider social supporting system of the elderly economic life, pay special attention on social life system of the elderly and leisure life patterns of the elderly. In particular, policies those overlooked the general problems incurring with elderly women may add up the burden of social support system and end up with deterioration of overall family lives along with elderly lives in general. Won(2005) has provided a theoretical model requesting plans for both personal and governmental plans to meet the needs of Korean elderly women and has suggested general goals including family life satisfaction, leisure life satisfaction, women`s issue in elderly problems, and financial stabilization. In addition, he insisted 5 elements of strategic plans for optimal elderly life satisfaction procedures and they are revitalization of leisure research, straightening out of the related acts and strengthening of adjustment of the acts, system construction for leisure facilities and resources, development and improvement for leisure facilities and resources of the elderly, and efficient management of leisure facilities and resources. Considering the fact that there is no scholastic agreement in terms of elderly research in spite of various approaches from different areas of specialization, Won`s model should become the center of scholastic interest in that the research model had been achieved through both epidemical (in-depth interview) and empirical methodologies and appeared to suggest the applicable model that could be used at hand. Therefore, in this research, the researchers have provided more concrete strategic plans for leisure policy for optimal aging of the Korean female elderly. Primary methodology of this research was review of the literature. The researchers` focus of literature review aims to find out the solution that bonds the elderly welfare and comprehensive leisure policy in contemporary Korean society. In particular, the researchers` research work mainly based on arranging and developing leisure related policies. In addition, the researcher used foreign countries those have exemplary leisure policy for the elderly through internet usage and suggested strategic plans based on these endeavors.

      • KCI등재

        도시근로자의 일일생활속에 나타난 여가경험율과 생활만족도의 관계

        원형중(Hyung Joong Won) 한국여가레크리에이션학회 1994 한국여가레크리에이션학회지 Vol.11 No.-

        The purpose of this study were to monitor the contemporary Korean workers` daily leisure experiences and contexts and relate them to their subjective life satisfaction. This was achieved by employing the experience sampling method and correlating subjective and objective leisure measures obtained from the ESM with the subject`s perceived life satisfaction as determined by Diener`s Satisfaction with Life Scale. The subjects were 60 male and 18 female Korean workers residing in Seoul metropolitan area and they represented a typical strata of contemporary labor niche. Korean workers spend approximately 57% of their waking hours on productive activity that is associated with lower feelings of affect and activation and momentary satisfaction. Significant weekdays and weekend differences on measures of five internal feelings were found. Internal feelings were significantly higher than average states when the subjects were involved in leisure activities during the weekday. The expected positive relationship between subjective leisure and recollective life satisfaction was found. Profile analysis also proved that the Neulinger`s leisure as subjective state of free mind can apply for the statistical analysis as an objective entity. Additional discussions concerning the practical implications of the findings of this study are presented, as well as recommendations for the attainment of a sound Korean future leisure society.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        청소년의 중독성 물질남용, 여가참여, 여가권태, 여가만족의 인과모형 설정을 위한 연구

        원형중(Hyung Joong Won) 한국여가레크리에이션학회 1999 한국여가레크리에이션학회지 Vol.12 No.-

        It had been proved theoretically in this study that active participation of the school adolescents in leisure activity could eliminate leisure boredom and improve leisure satisfaction. The subjects of this study were 114 high school students attending in Seoul metropolitan area. Subjects were selected by the stratified random sampling in order to meet the characteristics of subject samples. Research instruments were devised by the researcher himself, pretested, and proved that contain content validity and reliability. They were 10 items revised Iso-Ahola and Wessinger`s Leisure Boredom scale, Ragheb and Beard`s LSS(Leisure Satisfaction Scale). The major findings of this study were that the most significant factors affecting the degree of leisure satisfaction of the Korean school adolescents leisure boredom and active sport participation in decending order. It was also found that the degree of substance abuse could be ameliorated by active sport particifaction. Withing its limitations, this study provided a testable model depicting the causal relationships among leisure participation, leisure boredom, and leisure satisfaction of the contemporary Korean school adolescents. This study was supported by the Ewha Woman`s University Professor Research Fund in 1994.

      • KCI등재

        정년 퇴직전의 교육에 관한 연구

        원형중(Hyung Joong Won) 한국여가레크리에이션학회 1986 한국여가레크리에이션학회지 Vol.3 No.-

        The social problem called the elderly problem has been a favorite topic for controversy. Under circumstances peculiar to Korea, the age limit of retirement was set at 55, except for certain professional people. Retirement representing the role transition from a work to a leisure brings enormous changes to not only retiree but also his/her family. As Korean society has been industrialized and modernized, the average longevity of Korean people has been raised. However, the social welfare aspects for the elderly are in a poor state and needs to be improved. Therefore, the purpose of this study focused upon reviewing the current concept of pre-retirement education and leisure education for the elderly. The pre-retirement education is examined with respect to the following issues: program scope and content, delivery process, age and mix of participants, length of program and size of group, content of program, and a role of leisure education specialist. Besides, a suggestive leisure education model for the elderly is introduced with respect to aforementioned issues.

      • KCI등재

        중고등학생의 일상생활실태와 여가활용에 관한 조사연구

        원형중(Hyung Joong Won) 한국여가레크리에이션학회 1990 한국여가레크리에이션학회지 Vol.7 No.-

        The purposes of this study were to monitor Korean school adolescents` daily life experiences and contexts and investigate their leisure usage. This was achieved by employing the Experience Sampling Method(ESM). The subjects were 40 male and 40 female Korean middle and high school student volunteers, aged 13 to 17. Based upon the usage of ESM, it was concluded that the ESM in Korean setting is useful in monitoring school adolescents` daily life. School adolescents spend approximately half of their waking hours on productive activity that is associated with lower feelings of affect and activation and momentary satisfaction. The most frequent places in which the subjects are encountering were school, home, and publics places in order. It was found that school adolescents spent their time with, in order, classmates, by themselves, family members, and friends. Due to the significant weekdays and weekend differences on measures of five internal feelings, the analyses regarding internal variables were divided into two units of analysis. Internal feelings were significantly higher than average states when the subjects were involved in leisure activities during weekdays. The degree of cognitive efficiency was worse than normal states when the adolescents were involved in school activities during weekdays. It was also found that the usage of ESM was not influenced by gender or grade. Additional discussions concerning the practical implications of these findings are presented.

      • KCI등재

        여가활동 기능척도 (국문판) 의 번역 개발을 위한 연구

        원형중(Hyung Joong Won) 한국여가레크리에이션학회 1989 한국여가레크리에이션학회지 Vol.6 No.-

        There has been a growing concern and need far the development of leisure related assessment instrument from the perspective of crass-cultural leisure research. This study mainly deals with the translation of Witt and Ellis Leisure Diagnostic Battery(LDB) into Korean. The purpose of this study was to develop Korean version of the LDB and to verify its validity and reliability. The method employed was a mail survey and the subjects were 150 Korean students enrolled at the University of Oregon during the Winter Term in 1988. The split-plot-factorial-design was employed in order to test the effects of order of testing and period of testing and the interaction of these two factors. The first group received English version LDB and the second group received Korean version LDB at the pre-testing period. The order was reversed at the post-testing period. The return rates were 55.6% and 45% for the pre and post testing period respectively. In order to test the equivalent meaning of two different versions-original and targeted version-a series of statistical analysis including F-test, factor analysis, reliability, and correlation were conducted. The result of F-test indicated that na significant effects existed on the aforementioned designs three perspectives. The results of factor analysis showed that the only one factor structure existed in both Korean and English version of the LDB. The results of reliability check obtained from four different settings in this study were satisfactory. The test-retest correlation with two different languages indicated that the subjects rated the scale equally in spite of the language and time difference. Based upon the statistical analyses obtained, it was concluded that the translated LDB is useful in measuring the individuals degree of leisure functioning. Additional discussions concerning the standardization and modification of the translated Korean version LDB are presented as well as recommendation for future study.

      • KCI등재

        한국여가의 미래방향

        원형중(Hyung Joong Won) 한국여가레크리에이션학회 1988 한국여가레크리에이션학회지 Vol.5 No.-

        In this paper, the changing nature of work and leisure in Korea has been reviewed. This is a dynamic period of time, marked by continual change an opportunities for innovation, creativity, and new developments. It is exciting time in the history of Korea, for it is a time when the social and cultural fabric of the country is evolving. It is a time in which Koreans can look to a bright future, while maintaining their heritage. Leisure, if managed in such way as to benefit society as a whole, can be an essential element that will enhance the lives of Koreans. Koreans can benefit from living in a period of greater leisure, as it can provide opportunities for physical, social, mental and spiritual growth, Leisure can provide a balance to the hard work, required of contemporary individuals living in an industrial society.

      • KCI등재

        주부의 라켓볼 여가경험 탐색

        원형중(Won, Hyoung-Joong),이영미(Lee, Young-Mi),신규리(Shin, Kyu-Lee) 한국체육과학회 2012 한국체육과학회지 Vol.21 No.5

        The goal of the current study is in enhancing housewives" life quality by providing them with leisure experiences for everyday-life activities and building a basis for a quality life through leisure activities. For this purpose, four housewife racquetball players are sampled on purpose from a fitness center in Seoul to conduct in-depth interviews based on the phenomenon approach. From the interviews, we could find that by playing racquetball, they could have fun, cope with mental stress, overcome menopausal disorder through emotional stability, and have an opportunity of interpersonal relationships. This finding also implies that the next step research is to find a desirable way to enable housewives to realize the importance of leisure activities and encourage their participations effectively. Furthermore, it is required to collect basic data to be used to popularize racquetball plays as a desirable leisure sports program for general people as well as housewives.

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