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        간문화능력이 갈등관리방식에 미치는 영향: 다문화가정의 ‘개인 간 갈등’을 중심으로

        원순옥,김영경 사단법인 한국민족연구원 2019 민족연구 Vol.0 No.74

        The purpose of this study is to investigate how intercultural competence affects conflict management style. To achieve this goal, the interrelation between each factors(cognitive, affective, and practical domain) of intercultural competence and conflict management style preferred in their interpersonal conflict was statistically verified. The results of the analysis are summarized as follows; The intercultural competence of the cognitive, affective, practical domain has positive(+) correlation with integration and compromise conflict management style but negative(-) correlation with control conflict management style. These findings show the inclination that intercultural competence is a positive mediator for the choice of conflict management approaches that are pro-social and cooperative, including integration and compromise conflict management style but intercultural competence could have negative effects on the choice of exclusive conflict management style such as control method. Based on these conclusions, considering the acquisition of the intercultural competence is to be a valid way to help adopt a healthy conflict management style, this researcher propose to embed the elements of intercultural capacity in the contents and operation of multicultural education. 본 연구는 간문화능력이 갈등관리방식에 어떠한 영향을 미치는가를 밝히는 데목적을 두고 고찰하였다. 연구의 목적을 위하여 다문화가정의 구성원이 보유한인지적, 정의적, 실천 차원의 간문화능력 요소와 그들의 ‘개인 간 갈등’에서 선호되는갈등관리방식 간 관련성을 통계적으로 검증하였다. 연구 결과, 인지적 차원, 정의적차원, 실천 차원의 간문화능력 모두 통합과 타협 갈등관리방식과는 정(+)의 상관성을 보이고 통제 형태의 갈등관리방식과는 부(-)의 상관성을 나타내었다. 이러한연구 결과는 간문화능력이 통합과 타협 등 친사회적이고 협력적 성향의 갈등관리방식 채택에는 긍정적인 매개로 작동하는 반면 배타적 성향의 통제 갈등관리방식의사용에는 부정적인 관련성을 가지는 경향을 잘 보여주고 있다. 따라서 본 연구자는간문화능력의 습득이 건전한 갈등관리방식을 수용하도록 돕는 유효한 방안이라간주하여 다문화교육 내용과 운영에서 간문화능력의 요소를 내장할 것을 제안한다.

      • KCI등재

        <특집> 한국사회 이주민의 생활세계 : 결혼이주여성의 한국어 교육 경험에 대한 질적 연구

        원순옥 ( Sun Ok Won ),이화숙 ( Hwa Sook Yi ) 한국민족연구원 2015 민족연구 Vol.0 No.62

        This thesis is the probing study on the Korean language education experience of marriage migrant women and the meaning of that education experience. For the purpose of this study, we conducted interviews with 4 migrant women who have been married for more than 10 years. The Korean language education experiences of participants took place in their home countries and Korea. The Korean educational experience in their home countries can be understood as accumulation of personal capital, of which ends are to practice life planning of ‘marriage-migration-economic activity’. Korean educational experience in Korea contributes to materialize the concept of ‘economic activity’ which has been vaguely understood in early days by participants. They develop the ability to transform the capital of their native language and culture into Korean through Korean education. The narratives of participants bring to light that the Korean educational experience has a meaning of private practice for their own life planning and competency development. Furthermore, we can find that the limitation of Korean language education policies which have the ends to contribute social integration and early adaptation of migrants. The meaning that migrant women grant to the Korean educational experience is beyond communication and adaptation in daily life. Migrant women are hoping to experience Korean education that would be life planning and life competency development for the economic and social activity in Korea.

      • KCI등재

        <특집>한국어 교육의 오늘 : 한글 자모 교육의 표준화 방안

        원순옥 ( Sun Ok Won ),강주영 ( Ju Yeong Kang ) 한국민족연구원 2014 민족연구 Vol.0 No.59

        This paper compares and analyzes Korean alphabet education performed variously now to grope ways to integrate Korean alphabet educations. For this, Korean alphabet systems regulated in ‘The rules of Korean orthography’ and ‘The standard pronunciation of Korean’ are examined, and ways to present Korean alphabet that appear in the textbooks used in Korean education for the foreigners and the textbooks used in the official language education at elementary schools are compared. As a result of comparison between these regulations and the textbooks, it seems desirous to implement systematic and effective Korean alphabet education through standardization such as contents, orders and methods provided in Korean alphabet education. The following matters shall be considered to standardize the Korean alphabet education. First, criteria over the number of consonants-vowels and the order of suggestions shall be established. Second, it shall be established whether to suggest the names of consonants-vowels and in which way and which stage they shall be suggested. Third, it shall be established whether the pronunciation would be marked and how the marking would be like. The Korean alphabet whoever use it, regardless of Koreans or foreigners is same. Therefore, the contents, orders, and methodologies suggested while they study Korean must be the same. Of course, the teaching ways depending on learners` variables can be different. However, basically, the directions of education which become a premise should be standardized. It will be helpful to make learners and instructors find suitable teaching methods and reduce confusion. To these ends, in the body, the plans to standardize Korean Alphabet Education are suggested as follows. The number of alphabet should be suggested with 40 letters. The order to suggest alphabet should follow the principles of making words in Hunmin Jeongeum to help recognize and remember the letters. The Korean names are better to be marked while educating Alphabet. The phonetic values of Alphabet should be suggested by IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet). If necessary, mother tongues of learners can be used.

      • KCI등재

        『삼역총해』의 어휘 연구

        원순옥(Won Sun-ok) 우리말글학회 2011 우리말 글 Vol.51 No.-

        Samyeok chonghae is the base book of Manmun Samgukjee which was published in 1650 during the Cheong dynasty. Samyeok chonghae is the textbook of Manchu and the existing edition is reprinted one in 1774. A lot of Korean words in Samyeok chonghae are not registered in the old words dictionary and most of them are misinterpreted. The aim of this study is to examine and find out the exact meanings of the Korean words in Samyeok chonghae. In this study selected rare words in Samyeok chonghae are analyzed and contrasted with those of the existing old words dictionary. As a result of this work, eleven words which are not registered in the old words dictionary and misinterpreted eleven words are selected. It is intended that the words of Manchu Sentence and those of Chinese writing are contrasted one by one and the exact meanings of these words are interpreted for the definite understanding of them. Most Chinese writing words which are not registered in the dictionary are notated phonetically into Korean, which reflects the language universal of the times. It is concluded that Korean character notation for Chinese character words be should registered in the Korean old words dictionary.

      • KCI등재

        ‘북한에서 온 집단’에 대한 ‘명칭’ 분석 : ‘행위’와 ‘정체성’ 의미를 중심으로

        이화숙, 원순옥 대구대학교 다문화사회정책연구소 2016 현대사회와 다문화 Vol.6 No.2

        이 글은 ‘북한에서 온 집단’을 가리키는 ‘명칭’을 행위와 정체성의 의미를 중심으로 분석한 것이다. 1,126편의 학술 논문 제목에 121종의 ‘명칭’이 쓰였는데, 연구자가 자의적으로 ‘명칭’을 생성하는 경향이 있다. ‘명칭’은 2000년 이후 다양한 형태가 만들어졌는데, 성별과 연령, 행위, 정체성 등을 내포하는 어휘가 추가되어 복합 구성을 보인다. ‘명칭’ 가운데 통칭(統稱)으로 쓰이는 예는 25종이며, 여성과 청소년 집단에 대한 ‘명칭’은 각 14종으로 과도하게 혼용되고 있다. ‘명칭’을 구성하는 어휘 중에는 행위와 정체성을 나타내는 것이 가장 많다. 의미를 구성하는 요소는 시기별로 사용 양상이 다른데, 행위를 나타내는 어휘는 ‘이주’, 정체성을 나타내는 어휘는 ‘주민’이 가장 많이 쓰이고 있다. 이 글에서는 의미의 객관성과 현재성을 고려하여 ‘북한이주주민’이라는 명칭을 제안하였다.

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