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유전자 지문을 이용한 한국 재래계의 경제형질 관련 유전표식에 관한 연구
여정수,최창본,김재우,이은준,우준원 영남대학교 자원문제연구소 1998 資源問題硏究 Vol.17 No.-
The results of DNA fingerprintings used Mo-1/Haelll and M13/Haelll in Korean Native Chicken, divided two groups between high and low of body weight, e麗 weight, and e麗 Production were as follows: · Variable polymorphism of DNA fragments and several DNA markers between high and low performances(body weight, egg weight, and egg Production) were identified. · High performance group showed higher estimation of 35 than low performance group · Possibility of DNA fingerprinting used Mo-1/Haelll and M13/Haelll in order to genetic improvement in Korean Native Chicken was observed.