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        카레 가루를 첨가한 식빵의 품질 특성

        우인애,남혜원,변진원 한국조리과학회 2003 한국식품조리과학회지 Vol.19 No.4

        This study was done to provide the basic information of bread made with curry powder. The amounts of curry powder used were 0 to 3% based on the wheat flour weight. The quality of bread was investigated by evaluation of the specific loaf volume, water absorption capacity, color, sensory quality and texture. The weight of bread decreased with the increase of curry power contents, but there were no significant differences among 0.5, 1 and 2% added curry powder bread. The volume and specific loaf volume also decreased with the increase of curry power contents, but those decreases were not significant between 1% one and 2% one. The water absorption capacities were not affected by the addition of curry powder. The lightness and redness decreased with an increase of curry powder content in the bread, while yellowness increased significantly(p<0.01). The result of the sensory evaluation showed that total acceptabilities of appearance, aroma,texture and taste in the bread with 0.5% and 1% curry powder were significantly higher than the control group and the other groups. Overall quality was negatively affected by the yellowness, odor, hot and bite taste of added curry powder. The factors affecting on the overall quality of the bread with added curry powder were in order of taste quality > curry powder odor> texture quality> aroma quality> springiness> wheat flour odor.

      • KCI등재

        수도권 일부지역 외식업체의 위생 관리 현황 및 실태조사

        우인애 ( In Ae Woo ),황윤경 ( Yoon Kyung Hwang ),이윤신 ( Yoon Shin Lee ) 한국식품영양학회 2008 韓國食品營養學會誌 Vol.21 No.3

        The purpose of this study was to investigate the food sanitation awareness and performance of foodservice industry employees. Based on a literature review, a questionnaire was developed to identify the food sanitation education, experience, knowledge, and food sanitation practices of the employees. A total of 376 Korean food industry employees participated, and there were 344 usable questionnaires. In the analysis of food sanitation knowledge, the statements "clip fingernails short and do not use nail polish", and "if feeling sick, even with a minor cold, speak to your supervisor immediately", had the highest and lowest percentages of correct answers, respectively. In assessing employee sanitary management practices, many correctly acknowledged "clip fingernails short and do not use nail polish" and "wash hands after using the toilet", which received high scores; however, "use hands to pick up ice" and "if feeling sick, even with a minor cold, speak to your supervisor immediately" had low scores. The sanitary knowledge and practice levels of the employees were not significantly different according to gender, age, work area, job title, or duration of duty. Among the surveyed industries, employees of special restaurants had the least sanitary knowledge(p<0.05) and practice scores(p<0.001). Employees who had worked for 1~3 years presented the least sanitary management practice level scores(p<0.05).). In addition, college students and participants without hygiene educational experience showed the least levels of sanitary knowledge(p<0.01). Scores for sanitary management practice were higher when hygiene education was regularly conducted more than once per month. Employees showed significantly higher knowledge and sanitary management practice levels when they were required to use a sanitary checklist(p<0.001), and employees who were trained in HACCP had significantly higher sanitary checklist scores (p<0.05). In foodservices that applied HACCP, the employees showed higher knowledge and sanitary management practice levels(p<0.001).

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        고학력 남자 직장인의 비만도에 따른 식생활 태도 조사

        변진원,우인애,남혜원 한국식품영양학회 1999 韓國食品營養學會誌 Vol.12 No.5

        본 조사에서는 고학력 남성직장인을 대상으로 외식형태 및 식습관을 조사하였는데 그 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 조사대상자는 20대가 112명(52.6%)으로 가장 많았고, 대부분이 대졸 출신(175명, 82.2%)이었으며, 62%(132명)가 아직 미혼이었다. 월 평균 수입은 100∼200만원사이가 129명(60.6%)으로 전체 응답자의 절반이상의 비율을 보였다. 조사대상자들의 평균 신장은 172.1㎝, 평균체중은 70.5㎏으로 한국인 성인의 표준치(RDA : 170㎝, 67㎏)에 비해 약간 높은 경향이었으며, 평균 BMI는 23.8, 체지방률은 21.3%로 나타났다. 외식의 빈도는 일주일에 3∼4회가 가장 많았는데 연령이 낮고 미혼일수록 빈도가 높게 나타났고 연령, 학력, 결혼 여부, 수입에 관계없이 저녁식사가 가장 많았으며, 외식시 선호음식으로는 한식이 가장 높게 나타났다. 비만 정도에 따른 식습관을 보면 비만 그룹이 정상 그룹에 비해 규칙적인 식사와 적당한 식사량, 영양적 균형을 고려한다고 대답하였고, 전체적인 식품의 섭위빈도가 높았으며 특히 동물성 단백질과 유지류의 섭취빈도가 높았다. 식습관의 전수분포는 비만도와 상관없이 전체적으로 나쁘게 조사되었는데 이는 고학력이 식습관에는 별 영향을 주지 않으므로 이를 통해 직장인의 올바른 영양관리를 위하여 직장내의 지속적인 영양교육체계가 수반되어야 하리라 생각된다. The study purpose was to investigate pattern of dining-out and effects of obesity on the dietary attitude of the 213 male employees with high educational background. The results are as follows : Subjects were 20's, bachelor and unmarried mostly. Mean height, weight, BMI and fat(%) were 172.1㎝, 70.5㎏, 23.8 and 21.3% respectively. The most frequency for dining-out was 3∼4 times/week. Younger, unmarried subjects had more dining-out. The most common meal for dining-out was dinner, there being no connection with age, education level, marrige and income. The most favorite food style among the subjects was Korean-style. Obese subjects answered that they took more consideration into nutritional balance, regularity and proper amount of diet. Also they showed more food-intake, especially animal protein and fats. All subjects had bad scores in dietary attitude, there being no connection with obesity. Despite of high education, they showed poor dietary attitude. Thus, it is necessary to develop the nutritional education program for proper nutritional status of employees.

      • KCI등재

        학교급식 보조 유무에 따른 아동의 사회인구학적 특성과 식생활 태도 비교

        남혜원,우인애,변진원 동아시아식생활학회 2000 동아시아식생활학회지 Vol.10 No.1

        This study was carried out to compare dietary attitudes between the children with school lunch fee provided by parents and by the government. The subjects of this study was consisted of 460 elementary school students in the 6th grade(407 lunch-affordable children, 53 lunch-unaffordable children). General characteristics was significantly different in two groups. In the free group family size(P<0.001), percentage of living with parents (P<0.001) and education level of parents(father: P<0.05, mother: (P<0.01)) was lower than in the charged group, but the dependence on mother's income(P<0.001) and financial support of government (P<0.001) was higher. There was no significant difference in anthropometric measurements by lunch fee. The preference to cooking method was significantly different (P<0.01), the charged group liked grill except frying and roasting but the free group liked seasoning and salting. When comparing eating habits, general eating behavior(P<0.05) was significantly lower in the free children and especially regularity of breakfast (P<0.05) and daily intake of raw vegetables (P<0.05), fruits(P<0.01). There was no significant difference in the total score of nutrition knowledge between the children of the two groups.

      • KCI등재

        고학력 남자 직장인의 비만도의 영양지식조사

        남혜원,변진원,우인애,백명숙 한국식품영양학회 1999 韓國食品營養學會誌 Vol.12 No.3

        중앙공무원 연수원에서 연수중인 남자 공무원 213명을 대상을 비만과 관련된 인자들을 분석하였다. 조사 대상자는 20대가 52.6%로 가장 많았고, 대부분(96%)이 대졸 출신 이상의 높은 학력 수준을 지니고 있었다. 건강과 관련된 요인들 중 운동 실태가 우수한 것으로 나타났고 흡연율도 상당히 낮았으나, 74.2%의 높은 음주율을 보였다. 한편 22.1%가 질병을 보유하고 있다고 응답하였는데, 그 중 위장질환(22명)이 가장 많았다. 조사 대상자들의 평균신장과 체중은 172.1㎝, 70.5㎏이며, BMI는 23.8, 체지방량 16.1㎏, 체지방율 21.3%, 제지방량 55.4㎏, 체수분함량 40.9㎏으로 나타났다. 비만도는 BMI 기준으로 정상(20∼25)이 64.6%로 가장 많았고, 과체중(25∼27)이 18.4%, 저체중(<20) 9.9%와 비만(>27) 7.1%의 분포를 보였으며, 체지방율은 정상(14∼23%)이 58.7%이었고, 비만(>23%) 34.7%, 저체중(<14%) 6.6%의 순으로 나타났다. BMI와 체지방율은 연령과 정의 상관관계(p<0.01)를, 결혼과는 부의 상관관계(p<0.01)를 나타냈으나 학력이나 수입 정도는 별 영향을 미치지 못하였다. 영양에 대한 지식정도에는 비만도에 따라 큰 차이가 없었으나, 비만과 관련된 식품에 대해 매우 민감한 반응을 보였다. 본 조사대상자들이 고학력임에도 불구하고 영양지식 점수가 양호하지 못하다는 점은 학교나 직장에서의 정규적인 영양교육의 필요성을 제시해준다. This study was carried out to examine obesity and nutrition knowledge in male employees who had high educational background. The subjects in this study were 213 persons, aged 20 to 50(52.6% among them were 20s). Ninety six percent of them graduated university. Most of them took exercise regularly and showed less smoking tends, but drank frequently. Twenty two point one percent of the subjects had diseases, specially gastrointestinal disease. Anthropometric results were height : 172.1㎝ ; weight : 70.5㎏ ; BMI : 23.8 ; fat mass : 16.1㎏ ; fat percentage : 21.3% ; LBM : 55.4㎏ ; and TBW : 40.9㎏. BMI and fat percent were used for screening obesity. According to BMI, the normal group(20∼25) was 64.6%, the overweight group(25∼27) was 18.4%, the underweight group(<20) was 9.9% and the obese group(>27) was 7.1%. Based on fat percentage, the normal group(14%∼23%) was 58.5%, the obese group(>23%) was 36.0% and the underweight group(<14%) was 6.5%. There was significant relationship between age or marriage and BMI or fat percentage. But the rest of socio-demographic and health-related factors didn't affect significantly. There was no difference in nutrition knowledge of subjects by obesity rate, however, obese group was more sensitive to the foods related to weight gain.

      • KCI등재

        볶은 콩가루 첨가를 달리한 만두피의 특성 연구

        변진원,남혜원,우인애 한국식품영양학회 2001 韓國食品營養學會誌 Vol.14 No.4

        본 실험은 현대인들의 건강을 고려한 기능성 만두의 제품개발을 위한 기초연구로, 볶은 콩가루를 첨가한 만두피를 제조하여 그 특성이 대조군과 어떤 차이를 보이는지 확인하고자 시행되었다. 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 호화개시온도는 볶은 콩가루 첨가 여부에 따라 차이가 거의 없었으며 최고점도온도는 대조군인 경우 91.0℃였으며 볶은 콩가루를 8%, 10% 첨가한 복합분인 경우 90.0℃로 다소 감소하였다. 2. 볶은 콩가루 첨가에 따라 수분흡수율, 반죽의 안정도, valorimeter값이 증가하였으며 반죽형성기간도 길게 나타났다. 3. 볶은 콩가루를 첨가한 만두피는 대조군에 비해서 중량의 증가나 부피의 증가, 수분흡수 등이 모두 유의적으로 높게 나타났다. 4. 색도의 경우 볶은 콩가루 첨가에 따라 유의적인 차이를 보며 첨가량이 많을수록 명도는 작아지고 적색도와 황색도는 증가하였다. 5. 관능검사 결과 볶은 콩가루 첨가시 대조군에 비해 외관상 표면은 거친 느낌을 주었으나 고소한 냄새와 고소한 맛. 단맛은 높게 나타났고, 전분 풋내는 낮게 평가되었다. 씹어서 느끼는 부드러운 정도나 쫄깃한 정도는 대조군과 유의적인 차이가 없었으며 볶은 콩가루를 8% 첨가한 경우 만두피의 전체적인 수용도가 가장 높은 것으로 나타났다. 이 실험 결과 콩가루 첨가 만두피의 관능적 기호도는 높게 평가되었다. 이를 바탕으로 하여 향후 조리된 만두의 저장성 실험을 보완하여 콩가루 첨가로 인한 노화 방지 기능을 확인할 수 있다면 단체급식에서의 만두 활용에 큰 도움이 되리라 생각된다. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of roasted soy flour on the characteristics of Mandu-pi. Various Mandu-pi samples were prepared with wheat flour along with the addition of different amount of roasted soy flour, and then instrumental characteristics and sensory evaluation were investigated. As a result of amylography study, there were no difference in the initial pasting and maximum viscosity temperatures between samples. And maximum viscosity decreased with the increase of flour addition. In farinography study, the addition of roasted soy flour did not affect the gelatinization temperature, while stability and developing time of dough increased by addition of soy flour level. Besides cooked weight, cooked volume and water absorption of Mandu-pi were also higher significantly than control. The more soy flour was added, the less lightness and more redness and yellowness were obtained. The result of sensory evaluation revealed that there were no differences between samples in beany aroma, smoothness, and chewness. However Mandu-pi added roasted soy flour showed higher scores in surface appreance, nutty aroma, nutty taste, sweet taste, and overall preferance than control.

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