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      • 한국産 꺽지(coreoperca herzi)의 종묘생산

        한경호(Kyeong Ho HAN),박준택(Joon Taek PARK),정규화(Gyu Hwa JUNG),조재권(Jae Kwon CHO),오성현(Sung Hyun O),홍지선(Chi Sun HONG) 전남대학교 수산과학연구소 1999 수산과학연구소논문집 Vol.8 No.-

        This study was conducted to develop the effective seeding production of Korean aucha perch, Coreoperca herzi. Time need for hatching and survival rate of fertilized eggs, growth and survival rate of the larvae and juveniles reared at different water temperatures(18.0±0.5℃, 21.0±0.5℃, 24.0±0.5℃) and rearing densities (300, 600, 900 ind./160ℓ) were investigated. And also, growth and survival rate of Korean aucha perch juveniles fed experimental diet(compound meal+Artemia nauplius+Daphnia sp.; Artemia nauplius+Daphnia sp.; compound meal) were determined. The required time for hatching and hatching rate of eggs after insemination in different water temperatures were 400~412 hours(98.5%) at 18.0±0.5℃, 288~296 hours(95.4%) at 21.0±0.5℃, 218~237 hours(87.4%) at 24.0±0.5℃, respectively. The fastest growth of fingerings reared at different water temperature were obtained at 24.0±0.5℃ followed by 21.0±0.5℃, 18.0±0.5℃ and the highest survival rates were 82.5%, 70.2% and 60.5%, respectively. The growth and survival rates of larvae for 100 days were 50.5±1.0㎜, 90.5% at 300 ind./160ℓ group, 43.5±1.0㎜, 75.5% at 600 ind./160ℓ group and 41.3±1.0㎜, 63.2% at 900 ind./160ℓ group, respectively. In the groups of Korean aucha perch, Coreoperca herzi fed the experimental diet, the highest growth and survival rate was shown in mixture of compound meal, Artemia nauplius and Daphnia sp. feeding trial group.

      • KCI등재
      • 한국産 황어의 종묘생산에 관한 연구 1. 産卵習性 및 初期生活史

        조재권,오성현,노병율,한경호,성기백,박준택 麗水大學校 産業基術硏究所 1999 産業基術硏究所 論文集 Vol.8 No.-

        강원도 양양군에 위치한 남대천과 전라남도 섬진강에 분포하고 있는 황어의 종료생산을 위한 기초자료로 産卵習性과 初期生活史에 관하여 관찰한 결과는 다음과 같다. 황어의 産卵期는 자연상태에서 3∼6月이고, 産卵은 흐르는 하천의 자갈 밑에 하였으며, 受精된 卵은 작은 자갈의 표면에 붙어있었다. 알의 크기는 2.70∼3.20㎜(평균 3.00㎜)로 油球는 없었다. 孵化는 평균 사육수온 10.60℃에서 受精 後 300시간부터 시작되었으며, 312시간만에 완료되었다. 孵化 直後의 仔魚는 전장 6.35∼6.87㎜(평균 10.67㎜)로 난황이 거의 흡수되어 後期仔魚期로 접어들며, 입과 항문이 열려있었다. 孵化 後 7∼9일째 後期仔魚는 전장 11.35∼12.30㎜(평균 11.65㎜)로 등지느러미가 생길 부분이 융기하기 시작하였다. 孵化 後 12∼13일째 개체는 전장 12.65∼13.15㎜(평균 12.80)로 이때부터 Daphnia sp.와 Brachionus plicatilis를 攝餌하였으며, 성장이 다소 빨라졌고, 脊索의 끝부분은 45°위로 굽어져 있었다. 孵化 後 43∼45일째의 개체는 전장이 19.55∼22.85㎜(평균 21.95㎜)로 모든 지느러미 줄기가 정수에 달하여 稚魚期로 이행하였다. 孵化 後 50∼52일째의 稚魚들은 전장이 21.54∼27.35㎜(평균 24.55㎜)로 몸의 형태, 체색 및 옆줄이 완전하게 형성되어 成魚에 닮아 있었다. The spawning behavior and early life history of sea rundace, Tribolodon hakonensis were studied. Spawning of T. hakonensis occurs enmasse on bottoms of stream with a spawning season of March to June. The eggs are attached to the under surface of the gravel. The eggs riped were demersal and adhesive, and their diameter were 2.70∼3.20㎜(mean 3.00㎜). Hatching was started at 300 hours after fertilization at mean water temperature 10.60℃. Newly-hatched larvae were 6.35∼6.87㎜ in total length(TL, Mean 6.65㎜), and mouth and anus were not yet opened. 4∼5 days old larvae transformed to postlarva stage and they were 10.25㎜∼11.15㎜ in TL (mean 10.67㎜). As yolk sac were nearly absorbed, mouth and anus were opened. In 7∼9 days after hatching, total length 11.35∼12.30㎜(mean 11.65㎜). The part of the fin-fold at dorsal fin became high. 12∼13 days old larvae were 12.65∼13.15㎜ in TL(mean 12.80㎜), and they fed Daphnia sp. and Brachionus plicatilis actively. In this time the growth rate slightly increased and tip of notocord was flesed on upward. Aggregate numbers of all fin rays were completed at over 19.55∼22.85㎜ in TL(43∼45 days after hatching), at which time the larvae reached the juvenile stage. 50∼52 days old larvae(21.54∼27.35㎜ in TL) were similar in body from, lateral line and color with adult.

      • 민어(Miichthys miiuy)의 卵發生過程 및 仔稚魚 발육단계에 따른 형태발달

        한경호,오성현,황동식,조영,서대철 한국어류학회 2002 韓國魚類學會誌 Vol.14 No.2

        본 연구는 2000년 8월 19일 전라남도 신안군 임자도 연안에서 2각망으로 어획된 민어 어미를 인위적인 방법으로 수정하여 부화 사육하면서 관찰한 卵發生 過程 및 仔稚魚 형태변화는 다음과 같다. 1. 민어의 受精卵은 구형의 분리 부성난으로 알의 크기는 0.96~1.08㎜(평균 1.01㎜, n=50)였고, 크고 작은 油球가 1~5개(0.06~0.34㎜) 존재하였다. 2. 사육수온 25.2~28.4℃에서 受精 후 17시간 10분에는 배체가 卵膜을 뚫고 머리부터 孵化하기 시작하였다. 3. 孵化 직후 仔魚의 전장은 2.36~2.63㎜(평균 2.48㎜, n=10)로 전장의 45.0~47.0%에 달하는 큰 卵黃(장경 1.11~1.20㎜, 단경 0.92~0.96㎜)을 가지고 있으며 筋節은 7~8+ 17~19=24~27개였다. 4. 孵化 후 3일째 仔魚는 전장 3.98~4.32㎜(평균 4.16㎜, n=10)로 입은 열려있었고, 이 시기에 섭이활동이 활발하게 관찰되면서 卵黃이 완전히 흡수되어 後期仔魚期로 이행되었다. 5. 孵化 후 10일째 後期仔魚는 전장이 5.88~6.74㎜(평균 6.30㎜, n=10)로 꼬리의 말단이 굽어지기 시작하는 시기로 黑色素胞가 기저후두골 뒷부분의 체측에서 점모양 및 나뭇가지모양 으로 출현하였다. 6. 孵化 후 31일째 개체의 전장은 9.62~12.76㎜(평균 11.12㎜, n=10)로 모든 지느러미가 정수에 달하였고, 체형이나 반문이 成魚와 닮아 種魚期로 이행하였다. Egg development and morphological change of larvae of the brown croaker, Miichthys miiuy, were investigated after obtaining samples by artificial insemination. The spawning season extends from the middle to the end of August in the seas off Lim-ja Island, Cheollanam-do. The fertilized eggs were transparent, spherical, separate and they floated. Egg diameter ranged 0.96~1.08㎜ with several oil globules of 0.06~0.34㎜. Hatching occurred 17 hours 10 minutes after fertilization in 25.2~28.4℃ water temperature. The newly-hatched larvae were 2.36~2.63㎜(mean:2.48㎜, n=10) in total length(TL), had a large yolk, and 7~8+17~19=24~27 myotomes. Melanophores were distributed on the eye lens. Three days after hatching the larvae had attained 3.98~4.32㎜ in TL(mean:4.16㎜, n=10), the yolk sac was completely absorbed, and they had transformed into the postlarva stage. The larva reached the juvenile stage with all fins formed and with a complete set of fin rays(D.Ⅹ-28~31;A.Ⅱ-7~8;P. 21~23;C. 19~21;V. 25~26) on the 31st day after hatching. The juveniles were 9.62~12.76㎜(mean:11.12㎜, n=10) in total length. At this point the juvenile was similar to the adult in body form and pigmentation pattern.

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