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      • KCI등재

        鷄林士禍의 배경과 영향 고찰

        오상욱 동방한문학회 2017 東方漢文學 Vol.0 No.73

        As the construction of No-Ron Family Sadang[ancestral shrine] enshrining Uam was discussed nationwide after the death of Uam Song Si-Yeol(1607~1689), there was a construction of Seowon in the country including Ban-Gok Seowon at Geoje in 1704, Juk-Lim Seowon at Pohang in 1707 and In-San Seowon[memorial hall for Confucianism services to honor distinguished scholars and statesmen] at Gyeongju in 1719. As Uam lived in exile at Pohang Jang-Gi for 5 years via Gyeongju area in the process to move to Geoje at that time, he contacted Gok-San Han-Family in Gyeongju yulim and constructed Bong-Am-shrine hall enshrining Uam, led by Han Si-Yu, Han Heung-Yu, Han Hee-Yu and Han Jae-Yu. However, country gentlemen in Nam-In family were dissatisfied with Bong-Am-Young-Dang construction. As a result, they suffered a great pain between regional yulim due to the power competition with Nam-In and No-Ron family according to the party views of Gyeongju Bu-Yun and the position of ruling party. At that time, the death of beat death incident of Han Si-Yu was closely related to the demolishing incident of Bong-Am-Young-Dang. 『In-San-Sil-Gi』 of No-Ron family position and 「Sib-Ga-Gye」 of Nam-In family position are regarded as the important data to understand Gyelimsahwa at that time and have the meaning to explain the situation at that time from the inside viewpoints. Especially after Gyelimsahwa and demolishing of Bongam Yeongdang at Gyeongju via Gyeongju and Pohang, there have been Hyang_Jun[conflict between village yulim] at An-dong, Young-Deok and Ulsan as well, and the conflict in regional yulim continued, which caused the inhibition of regional culture development and depression of literature. From a third-party standpoint, however, it is perceived as the important data to understand the Hyang_Jun in 18th and 19thcentury just as one aspect of trend. 尤菴 宋時烈(1607~1689) 死後 우암을 모신 노론계 사당건립이 전국적으로 논의되면서 1704년(숙종30) 거제의 盤谷書院, 1707년(숙종33) 포항의 竹林書院, 1719년(숙종45) 경주 역시 仁山書院 등이 건립된다. 당시 우암은 포항 長鬐에서 5년간 謫居하다가 巨濟로 移配되는 과정에 경주부를 경유하게 되면서, 경주의 유림 곡산한씨 등과 접촉하였고, 韓是愈․韓興愈․韓希愈․韓再愈 등의 주도로 우암을 모신 鳳巖影堂을 건립한다. 하지만 鄕士의 남인계 등은 봉암영당의 건립을 못마땅하게 여겼고, 결국 봉암영당 훼철사건과 계림사화라는 경주부윤의 당론과 집권세력의 입장에 따라 남인과 노론의 힘겨루기로 지역 유림 간 큰 진통을 겪는다. 당시 한시유의 杖殺사건은 봉암영당 훼철사건과 관련이 깊고, 노론계 입장의 『仁山實記』와 남인계 입장의 「十家契」 등은 당시 계림사화를 이해하는 중요한 자료로 평가되며, 모두가 당시의 상황을 내면에서 설명한 점에서 의미를 가지며, 18․19세기 鄕戰을 이해하는 중요한 자료로 인식된다. 특히 거제와 포항을 거쳐 경주의 봉암영당 훼철과 鷄林士禍 이후 안동․영덕․울산 등지에서도 경주와 같은 鄕戰이 발생되어 지역 유림 간 갈등이 오랫동안 지속되었으며, 이는 지역발전의 저해와 학문의 침체 등을 야기하였지만, 제3자의 입장에서 바라보면 단지 時流의 한 단면으로 비춰질 뿐이다.

      • KCI등재

        鐺洲 朴琮의 「東京遊錄」 硏究

        오상욱 동양한문학회 2016 동양한문학연구 Vol.43 No.-

        By illuminating Dangju Park Jong's life of ascetic and the nature described in 「Dangju Collection」, I focused on the value and significance of 「Donggyeongyurok」. Dangju Park Jong(1735~1793)is a poor Confucian scholar from Seoul who put himself in studying literature for whole life, did not have a will for government post, built "Muguwa" and "Guanseonjae" at his home town Dangju, lived a life of ascetic and nature. Later, he was forced into exile during the Jeongyu Treason Incident, but he made it a chance of his life time to find his own identity among the nature and found his own way for studying . He was especially attracted to the beautiful landscape, so he travelled every coroner of the land, and his love of landscape became a motivation to create various travel literature such as 「Beakdusanyurok」, 「Donggyeongyurok」, 「Chengliangsanyurok」. The 「Donggyeongyurok」 he wrote in 1767 described the longest travel Park Jong expereinced, and has the most significance to himself. 「Donggyeongyurok」 describes a 91 days travelling which starts from September 25th in Nanchon to December 24th in Gangchenjeong, Nakgu which has significant value. Park Jong did not describe the travelling in order of date, but choose to describe by items, which he classified various itineraries and route, and he described the landscape and historic monuments very realistically. By travelling donggyeong, Park Jong did not only enjoyed the landscape, but also found the spirit of HamKyeongdo people, found his own roots, reassured his passion toward the academics. Also, his travelling literary pieces played their roles as a guide book to the next generation for travelling like himself, and internally, he strengthened his physical and minds, followed the trace of his seniors, felt and learned the genuine of travelling as part of his studying. 『鐺洲集』에 나타난 함경도 문인 鐺洲 朴琮(1735~1793)의 산림처사적 삶과 山水癖을 조명하면서, 遊記文學으로써 「東京遊錄」이 갖는 價値와 意義에 대해 살펴보았다. 鐺洲 朴琮은 鏡城 양반출신의 가난한 유학자로써 곧은 志操로 학문연구에 평생을 바쳤으며, 평소 벼슬엔 별로 뜻이 없었고, 故鄕 鏡城 鴻湖의 鐺洲에 ‘無求窩’와 ‘觀善齋’를 짓고, 山林處士를 자처하며 자연과 더불어 살다간 선비였다. 훗날 丁酉逆變으로 뜻하지 않은 오랜 유배를 당하였지만, 오히려 학문에 더욱 邁進하고, 자연을 벗 삼아 자신의 정체성을 찾는 새로운 기회로 삼았다. 그는 남다른 산수의 취미가 있어서 팔도로 유람을 다녔으며, 그의 산수벽은 「白頭山遊錄」·「東京遊錄」·「淸凉山遊錄」등 많은 遊記作品을 저술하는 원동력이 되었으며, 그 가운데 1767년에 지은 「東京遊錄」은 함경도인 박종이 겪은 유람 가운데 최장거리 여정이었고, 자신에게 있어서도 많은 의미를 갖는 유람이었다. 특히 9월 25일 함경도 蘭村을 출발해서 關東八景과 慶州를 거쳐 12월 24일 洛口의 江泉亭으로 돌아오는, 총 91일이 소요된 장거리 여행으로 주목할 만한 가치가 있으며, 긴 여정의 기록을 項目別 敍述을 선택하여 여러 일정과 경로를 중심으로 구분해서 서술하였으며, 산수의 풍광과 주변 유적 등을 사실적으로 묘사한 것이 특징이다. 또한 박종은 동경 유람을 통해서 산수를 즐기면서도 함경도인의 기상을 찾고, 나아가 자신의 뿌리를 찾고, 학문에 대한 끊임없는 열정을 재확인하는 기회로 삼았다. 즉 표면적으로는 문학적 遊記작품을 저술해, 훗날 자신처럼 유람할 후인들을 위해 안내지침서 같은 역할을 하였으며, 내면적으로는 유람을 통해서 심신을 기르고, 옛 선배들의 자취를 따르며, 학문의 연장선상으로 함께 느끼고 배우면서 산수 유람의 진정함을 얻고자 하였다.

      • KCI등재후보

        형광 크로마토그래피에 의한 콜레스테롤 측정법의 개발

        오상욱 한국식품위생안전성학회 2009 한국식품위생안전성학회지 Vol.24 No.2

        In this study, we have developed a fluorescence chromatographic assay for the quantification of total cholesterol in serum, which is a well-known risk predictor for cardiovascular diseases. The new assay system consists of a chromatographic strip in a cartridge, enzyme buffer containing cholesterol esterase, cholesterol oxidase, horseradish peroxidase, and color developer AEC, and a laser fluorescence scanner. The correlation coefficient (r) between cholesterol concentration and relative fluorescence units was 0.968 in the new assay, showing a reliable linearity through the tested range of cholesterol. Recovery test and comparability with a Hitachi 747 instrument showed 106.5-94% and r = 0.939 (p<0.001), respectively. The new assay system for cholesterol was developed as a pre-POCT platform conducted in clinics since it is fast (8 min) and uses a small volume of sample (5 μl), and it may be applied for on-site diagnostics to replace expensive automated biochemical analyzer.

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