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      • KCI등재후보
      • 모랫땅에서 강아지풀의 蒸發散量에 關한 考察

        吳斗泳 公州大學校 産業開發硏究所 1994 産業開發硏究 Vol.2 No.-

        Measurement of daily evapotranspiration from Setaria viridis LINNE in the sand area, 1993 often showed quite large values of about 8㎜/day during summer and maximum value was 11.7㎜/day under the high evaporative condition. The weak correlation was obtained between the measured values (ET) and the calculated ones (ETp) using the PENMAN method, because evapotraspiration was greatly influenced by the grass growth condition. Daily evapotranspiration was estimated with a relatively high accuracy by introducing the grass coefficient into the PENMAN method. The leaf area index could be replaced with the number of days often germination from a practical point of view.

      • KCI등재
      • 德山道立公園 利用者의 行態에 關한 硏究

        오두영 公州大學校 資源科學硏究所 1999 資源科學硏究論文集 Vol.7 No.-

        This research was made for the basic purpose to innestigate satisfactory extent of user regarding using recreational function in the park and thefacility of the source in the provincial park to estimate analyze major variable affecion on these and present index to be considered at the time of development and management plan of provincial park. Toksan provincial park located in the vicinity of Toksanmyon, Yesankun, Choongnam as aregion of investigative object was sleected in order to achieve this purpose of research. This investigation was made by composed questionnaire based upon selected contents form the interview result of park visitor centering around Toksan Mountain region and Gaya Mountain for the peak period 8 months between March and October in 1997. The total used numbers of statiscal analysis data mountted up to 233. General 20 questions and 26 questions (total 46 puestions ) regarding estimate and satisfactory degree after use of park were used as a major varible composed of questionnaire. Major valuables were social and econmical property of an individual (name, age, occupation and4 questions )and charccteristic of behavior and attitude (the number of vist, approchion way of use, the accompained form and questions ) as autonomous qariable and subordinate varibles such as satisfactory degree regarding the use of natural cenery, road, facility and whole things. Integrated valuation scale of 5 classes was utilized as an index of questionaire and coefficient of credibility degree on the questions was 0.92. Analysis of data was made by the application os statiscal way such as property of the user and behavior frequency and crossing analysis and multi-rarity analysis by the use of SPSS PC statiscal analysis installed pentium 586 computer. Statiscal level of caution necessary to the related valuable sampling was made to 1%. Appeared results through this research are as follows. 1. The property of user was showed up that the use of woman in sex and 20's in ages and highschool graduates in education and housewife and students in occupation was much highter. 2. the behavior and attitude of user was showed up that Choongnam in residence was 52.9% and the use of tour bus in the approcching way of usage was 45.1. The materiality of accompanied form was 44.2% in case group travelling and the spring in the main visiting season was 35.2% and the use of restaurant in meal solving way was 55.8% to the high using rate, but a half day user (less than 5 hours)in staying hours in the pakr was 48%, therefore it sured it must be one day tour form. 3. The case with the purpose of tour and the mountain climbing and the date with friend or lover as a characteristic of the purpose of visit by user was showed high and 20's accordind to the age appeared to be main user on the age group, but every age group showed relatively even distribution in case of the purpose of visit and tour and mountain climbing. The students and white collar worker on the purpose of the visit by each occupation and clerical worker and house wife on the viwing of the cultural assets and the observation of the nature and the students on the purpose of the date with friend or woman showed the high figure. The highschool graduates were major user as compared with the purpose of visit by each education but ot showed that college student in case of purpose of date with friend or lover was high figure. 4. As a major valuable affecting satisfactory degree after using of natural view, beauty of natrual view and season change of scenery showed up the higher satisfactory degree as compared with the other valuable. 5. It was understood that the width and pavement material on the walking road and the system of the ingormation board in the park were largely affected by the park user as a major factor deciding satisfactory degree of load use. 6. As a major factory desiding factory degree of facility using, estabilshing place of the convinient facility adn quanity and waste basket and the facility of dumping place were making absolute affection it showed.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        젬스키 소보르(Земский Собор)의 형성

        오두영 숭실사학회 2012 숭실사학 Vol.0 No.29

        이 논문은 16세기 전반기 바실리 III세 사후 진행된 궁정 권력 갈등의 역학관계를 중심으로 이반 4세의 정치개혁 과정의 일부로서 젬스키 소보르의 구성 動因을 살펴보고 있다. 15세기 말~16세기 전반기 러시아 사회에서는 근대로의 이행기적 경제 현상들이 발전함과 동시에 새로운 신분질서가 형성되기 시작하였고, 이반 3세 이래 全러시아를 단일의 통치 체제로 통합하는 정치적 중앙집권화의 경향을 나타내고 있었다. 이러한 정치적 중앙집권화의 초기 형태로 출현한 것이 신분제적 대의제 기구의 성격을 지닌 젬스키 소보르 였다. 젬스키 소보르가 16세기 모스크바 국가 정치사에서 어떤 역할과 성격을 지녔는가에 대해서는 19세기 후반 이래 많은 논의가 있어왔다. 그러한 논의들의 근거를 보다 명확하게 하기 위해서는 젬스키 소보르의 구성과 역할 그리고 짜르와의 역학관계와 더불어 무엇보다도 이반 4세가 젬스키 소보르를 구성하게 된 動因을 구체적으로 밝히는 것이 중요하다. 16세기 후반에 젬스키 소보르는 단지 세 번 소집되었고 매년 그 역할과 기능이 달랐으며, 그 동안의 연구 결과로 볼 때 그것을 서구적 의미에서의 대의제 기구로서 규정하는데 에는 무리가 있다. 따라서 보다 중요한 것은 이반 4세가 왜 젬스키 소보르를 구성하게 되었는가 였다. 이반 4세가 ‘젬스키 소보르’ 라는 새로운 국가통치기구 구성을 추진하게 된 배경은 우선 그 저변에 16세기 전반기 모스크바 국가의 사회 경제적 변화가 있었다. 15 말~16세기 전반기는 새로운 사회계층의 부상과 더불어 새로운 신분질서가 형성되고, 정치적으로 全러시아를 단일의 통치체제로 통합하는 중앙집권적 군주제를 지향하는 시기였다. 그러나 젬스키 소보르의 형성은 무엇보다도 16세기 30~40년대의 지배계층 내 첨예한 정치권력 갈등에 기인한 것이다. 15세기 말부터 이어져 온 대공의 중앙집권적 통치체제 강화 정책과 이에 대한 보야르 계층 및 공후세력 간 갈등이 초래한 새로운 통치 기구였다. 바실리 3세 이후 엘레나 섭정기를 거치면서 대공의 위상이 위협받는 상황이 지속되자, 이반 4세는 절대군주체제의 확립을 위한 국가통치체제의 개혁을 구상하였고, 그 결과 젬스키 소보르가 형성된 것이다. 이러한 이반4세의 중앙집권적 권력강화 의지와 그 정책을 명확히 드러냈던 것이 보야르 두마의 성원변화 모색이었다. 이반 4세가 대공의 중앙집권적 권력을 강화해 나가는데 가장 저항적인 구심체가 보야르 두마라고 판단한 이반 4세는 보야르 두마의 영향력을 약화시키지 않고는 자신의 실질적 권력을 강화하기 어려웠고, 따라서 엘레나 글린스카야 섭정기 이래 추진해 왔던 보야르 두마 성원의 변화를 모색하였다. It has long been argued if Ivan IV had intention to compose political representative system as a reign system. But he only aimed to strengthen his own absolute soveriegn power. Why did he organize Zemskii Sobor despite already composed ‘Chosen council’? In the first half XVI century Muscovy was changing social economical backing and therefor creating new social class different from traditional feudal lass. This phenomenon was coming up to the new social classes. Until Ivan IV ascend the throne in 1547, the most powerful aristocratic clans engaged in a chaotic and brutal struggle for power. One after another, they seized control of the government only to fall victim to the intrigues of their rivals. The principal contenders were the Glinskiis and Belskiis, Ivan’s relatives through his mother, and the Shuiskiis, princes from Suzdal who dominated the Boyar Duma at the time of Vasilii's death. Those boyar enjoyed greater prestige and additional benefits of rule. But during the chaos of feuds, disgraces and executions, the dominant court clans made no attempt to weaken the royal administration, for they had no interested in doing so. Boyars could not rule or aspire to rul because of weakening their political and economical power. Boyar shared real autority with the soverign. Innercircles of Boyar in effect dominated the Muscovite court. All disagreement shall be dispell and total agreement and harmony shall be maintained among Boyars and princes. So, if tsar were to establish his own absolute soveign power, he must have weaken Boyar Duma’ political power. So Ivan IV tried to change its component. His effort to change its component had long continued after Elena’s death. The tsar addressed a combined meeting of the Boyar Duma and a church council on 27 Febrary 1549 and demanded that the great nobles stop oppressing the lesser nobles and peasants as they had during his childhood. He forgave them transgressions they had committed during his minority. When the boyars promised to obey him. The meeting of 1549 was the first of many occasions on which the tsar publicly met with ecclesiastical and lay leaders to announce his government’s policies.

      • KCI등재

        17세기 전반기 러시아의 네덜란드 상인들 - 정부정책과 상거래 조건을 중심으로 -

        오두영 숭실사학회 2014 숭실사학 Vol.0 No.32

        16세기 후반 이래 러시아는 수공업 생산의 증가와 전국적인 단일 시장의 출현 등 다양한 측면에서 자 본주의적 관계가 발전하고 있었고, 이러한 발전과정에 있어서 토대적 추진력으로서 가장 중요한 동인 의 역할을 한 것이 상업자본의 형성이었다. 당시 이러한 상업자본의 형성을 주도할 상인 계층이 미숙 한 상태였던 러시아 시장에서 그러한 역할을 대신한 것은 서유럽 상인들이었다. 이른 바 ‘대항해 시대’에 보다 적극적인 상교역 활동을 확대하고 있었던 서유럽 국가들은 오랫동안 서 유럽과의 관계가 단절되어 왔던 러시아와의 상교역 교류를 모색하게 되었고, 러시아는 그들의 새로운 상교역 대상으로 부상했다. 16세기 후반 이래 러시아와의 상교역에 가장 먼저 진출한 것은 영국 상인 들이었으나, 이후 네덜란드, 함부르그, 뤼벡 등이 진출 하면서 이들 간의 경쟁 또한 치열해졌고, 17세기 들어 양적, 질적 모두에서 러시아와의 상교역을 주도한 것은 네덜란드 상인들이었다. 네덜란드 상인들 은 곧 영국 상인들을 제치고 가장 많은 상인과 교역량을 보이게 되었다. 네덜란드 상인들은 ‘혼돈의 시대’의 커다란 손실에도 불구하고 러시아에서이 상교역을 유지 확대하기 위해 정부에 탄원서를 제출하거나 황실과의 관계를 돈독히 하기 위한 노력을 각별히 기울였다. 또한 이들이 상교역 활동 영역을 넓혀가고 그 영향력이 강화되면서 러시아 상인들과의 갈등도 커져갔다. 이 러한 어려움 가운데 그들이 러시아 시장에서의 입지를 강화하려는 노력은 계속되었다. 이는 그들이 주도적으로 러시아와의 상교역 활동에 필요한 유리한 조건을 형성해 나가 서유럽 상인들 에 대한 러시아 정부 정책에 있어 우선권을 부여받았고, 러시아 상인 및 귀족들과의 신용대부거래와 다양한 품목에서의 판매독점권 장악에서도 잘 나타난다. 1640년대 이후 서유럽 상인들에 의해 불이익 을 받은 러시아 상인들의 청원에 의해 러시아 정부가 서유럽 상인들에게 부여했던 감세 등 특혜를 철 회함으로서 어려움에 직면했지만 여전히 네덜란드 상인들의 상교역 활동은 제철업 등 다양한 생산업 에 진출함으로서 다른 서유럽 제국들에 비해 17세기 중엽까지 건재하였다. 이는 러시아 시장에서의 네 덜란드 상인들의 비중이 컸음을 반증하는 것이기도 하다. 특히 서유럽 상인들 중 소수만이 부여 받았 던 상교역 ‘인가장’의 대부분을 네덜란드 상인들이 행사했음은 이를 잘 보여준다. 이와 같이 네덜란드 상인들이 러시아 시장에서 주도적 위상을 유지할 수 있었던 것은 러시아 정부의 필요성과 이해관계 판 단에 의한 것이었지만 황실과의 관계를 돈독히 하는 등 네덜란드 정부와 상인들의 지속적인 노력의 결 과였다. 당시 상교역 거래에 있어 관행 이었던 신용대부거래의 현황은 네덜란드 상인들이 러시아 시장 에 막대한 자본력을 투여하고 있었고, 러시아 시장에서의 상업자본형성에 큰 영향을 미쳤음을 보여준 다. In the first half of the 17th century Russia began to capitalist development, including the formation of national single market. But yet Russian merchants had no sufficient capital to initiate domestic markets. Instead, Western europe merchants had contributed to form this commercial capital. Especially, The Dutch merchants had played principle role in formation of the commercial capital of the early modern Russia. After the Time of Troubles The Dutch merchants seized the initiative in the trade with Russia on behalf of the English merchants. They received grant of privilege which could trade freely in the territory of Russia and had only a handful between western merchants. And received a franchise in the various items that they had wanted to gain. At the beginning of Michael’s reign the English merchants retained their most favoured nation satus, paying no duties at all, while the Dutch paid half. Gradually, however, the English merchants’s, who traded mostly with their own goods, lost ground to the Dutch, who acted more as middleman for items both Western and Eastern, and who managed to win from the English merchant the monopoly on pitch. Western merchants managed to insinuate their way deeply into other forbidden territory, succeeding to such an extent that even an English representative, John Merrick. A series of petitions from the ‘guests’ and other Russian merchants finally led after many refusals of half-hearted responses to a complete repeal of the privileges of all foreigners in 1646, just after the death of Michael. Trade might be necessary, but it brought with it many infectious and harmful alien influences, including threats to the basis of the Muscovite state. Tsar Michael’s government policy for the Western European merchants was favorable because of its economic needs. But Russian merchant’s resistance to keep their previous commercial rights had changed such condition. The Dutch merchants manage to administrate the considerable amounts of capital through credit transactions that at that time was trading practices. These demonstrate that The Dutch merchants had contributed to the formation of Russian commercial capital.

      • KCI등재

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