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      • KCI등재

        담사동(譚嗣同)의 『인학』에 나타난 변혁과 융합 -유교·대승불교·기독교-

        오단 ( Wu Duan ) 한국윤리교육학회 2011 윤리교육연구 Vol.0 No.26

        청조 말기의 사상가·정치가·변법개혁자인 담사동(譚嗣同)(1865-98)은 유교·대승불교·기독교와 에테르[이태(以太)]설을 비롯한 서양 물리학 등 여러 종교·과학·사상을 융합한 "인통(仁通)=평등(平等)"의 사상에 의해영적·평등·남녀·평등·군민 평등의 신문명인 대동사회를 실현하고자 했다. 그에 의하면 仁은 通이고, 사랑이고, 바로 평등이다. 또 이 "통(通)"에는 중외통(中外通)·상하통(上下通)·남녀내외통(男女內外通)·인아통(人我通)이라는 네 가지 뜻이 있는데 이것을 강구해서 먼 나라와 이웃나라, 큰 나라와 작은 나라가 하나임을 깨달아 나라와 나라 사이의 평등한 외교관계를 구축하는 것, 그리고 타자도 또한 나요, 나 또한 타자로 타자와 자기 사이가 두루 통하고 있는 것이 태평세(太平世)의 기본조건이라고 말했다. 또 담사동에 의하면 "생(生)은 말하자면 새로 옴[신래(新來)]이고, 멸(滅)은 말하자면 떠나감[逝去]이다. 새로이 옴과 떠나감은 평등하다. 따라서 과거와 미래는 평등하다"고 한다. 다시 말하면 과거의 역사와 미래의 실재와의 대화를 통해 과거가치가 현재화되고, 미래가치가 현재화되는 것이기 때문에 근본적인 가치판단은 모두 과거 가치와 미래가치가 결정한다고 하면서 "현대"의 가치관의 한계를 넘어서, "현대" 중심주의의 지배를 부정하며 현대세대의 사심(私心)을 비판해야 한다는 "망라충결(網羅衝決)"의 역사철학을 구축했다. 그는 공시성(共時性)의 근거를 "무(無)"에 두고 현대는 "무(無)"인 것으로써 바깥 세계와 접하고 "과거"와 "미래"와 이어진다고 파악했다. 그는 변통·변법이나 온갖 망라는 찢어버리는 것에 대해서는 "과거 수천 년의 역사의 손익을 잘 상고하고, 장래 수천 년의 이해를 연구해서 5대륙의 정치·종교의 장단점을 조정하면 변통에 응할 수 있다."고 말했다. 담사동의 "인통(仁通)" 사상은 중국의 정치개혁이나 근대국가 건설에 그치지 않고 동서사상의 융합에 의해 보편적인 인류 역사를 개척하고자 한 것으로 볼 수 있다. 淸朝末期の思想家·政治家;變法改革者の譚嗣同(1865-98)は、儒敎·大乘佛敎きりすと敎に、え一てる說をはじめとする物理學の知見など、諸宗敎·科學·思想を融合した「仁通=平等」の思想により、靈的平等·男女平等·君民平等の新文明、大同社會を實現しようとした。彼によれば仁は通 であり、愛であり、すなわち平等である。また「通」には中外通·上下通·男女內外通·人我通という四つの意味があって、この四つの「通」を講じて遠方の國と近隣の、大國と小國が一つであることを悟って國と國の平等な外交關係を築くこと、そしてまた他者も我であり、我も他者であって、他者と自己の間がすべて通じていることが太平の世の基本條件であるとした。また譚嗣同によれば「生はいわば新來であり、滅はいわば逝去である。新來と逝去とは平等である。したがって過去と未來とは平等である」という。つまり過去の歷史と未來の實在との對話を通して過去伽値が現在化され、未來伽値が現在化されるのだから、根本的な伽値判斷はすべて過去伽値と未來伽値が決めているとして「現在」の伽値觀の限界を超え、「現在」中心主義の支配を否定して、現世代の私心を批判すべきという「網羅衝決」の歷史哲學を構築した。彼は共時性の根據を「無」に置き、現在は「無」であることによって外の世界と接し「過去」と「未來」につながるととらえた。彼げ變通·變法や、すべての網羅を破ることについては「過去數千年の歷史の損益をよく考え、將來數千年の利害を硏究し、五大陸の政治宗敎の長所、短所を調整すれば、變通に應答できる」と述べた。譚嗣同の「仁通」思想は中國の政治變革や近代國家建設にとどまるものではなく、東西思想の融合によって普遍的な人類の力史哲學を開くものだったとみることができる。

      • KCI등재

        중국 현대 복식의 (탈)정치적 특성 -선전 포스터에 나타난 사례를 중심으로-

        오단 ( Dan Wu ),임은혁 ( Eun-hyuk Yim ) 한국의류학회 2015 한국의류학회지 Vol.39 No.4

        This study analyzes Chinese dresses featured in propaganda posters since the mid-20<sup>th</sup> century as well as explores the political characteristics of dress. This study used an in-depth interview method to investigate information from 10 Chinese familiar with public awareness and donning practices of the Chinese from 1949 to present. Interviews and analysis provided the following conclusions. First, Zhongshan-zhuang, Lie-ning-Zhuang and Bulaji were widely worn in the Reconstruction because of the revolutionary spirit; in addition, Huayishang also became simultaneously popular as a means to reflect the new aspects of socialism. Second, Jufu/Junbianfu were the most common dresses during the period of Cultural Revolution because the government used various mechanisms to control public opinion. Third, Western fashion began to enter the Chinese market and suit wearing by the Chinese became a symbol of the Reformation and Open-door policy. Traditional dress is no longer a symbol of Feudalism and is a part of Chinese culture that has been reaccepted in the Reformation and Open-door times. Finally, during these 60 years, Chinese dress has obvious political characteristics, but began to change. The changes of political characteristics were, de-politicization expressed by the introduction of Western ready-made, permissions for traditional dress and diversification/ individualization.

      • KCI등재

        한 · 중 · 일 유교문화 전통적 요소를 사용한 패키지디자인 연구

        오단(Wu, Dan),박종빈(Park, Jongbin) 한국일러스아트학회 2022 조형미디어학 Vol.25 No.4

        유교문화는 한국, 중국, 일본 등에 영향을 미치는 국제적인 특수 문화현상이 있는 동양문화이다. 유교 사상은 정치 · 사상 · 문화, 나아가 경제생활의 각 방면에서 지배적인 위치를 차지하고 있어 아시아 각 국가의 미치는 영향이 크다. 따라서 전통 장식 문양은 문화예술의 한 측면으로서 유교문화 사상의 영향을 많이 받는다. 전통적인 문양 요소로서 꽃, 나뭇잎, 구름 등 상징적인 요소에 정신적인 의미를 부여한다. 본 연구는 유교문화의 특징, 패키지디자인의 개념 및 중요성을 이론적 배경으로 삼고 있다. 제품의 종류와 사용되는 유교문화를 대표하는 문양을 조사하고, 전통문화와 유교문화에 대한 이해가 다른 배경의 한국, 중국, 일본의 패키지디자인의 공통성과 차별성을 분석하였다. 본 연구에서는 유교문화의 패키지디자인 활용을 더욱 잘 구현하기 위하여 제품 종류에 대하여 일정한 유교문화사상을 지닌 3가지 제품을 선정하였다. 연구에 사용된 유교문화의 문양 선택은 유교문화에서 사람과 자연이 조화롭게 통일되어야 한다는 이념에 따라 자연에서 가장 흔히 볼 수 있는 꽃, 잎, 구름 원소를 채택하였다. 이를 바탕으로 한국, 중국, 일본 3개국은 제품 종류와 사용하는 유교문화의 문양 종류가 같다는 전제 아래 국가별로 5가지 패키지디자인 사례(총 3가지 경우: 꽃문양을 사용한 주류 제품의 패키지디자인, 잎 문양을 사용한 차 류 제품의 패키지디자인, 구름 문양을 함유한 식품 제품 선물 상자의 패키지디자인)를 제시하고 패키지디자인에 사용된 디자인 요소(예를 들어 패키지디자인에 사용된 색상, 이미지, 도안의 표현 방법 등)를 비교 분석하였다. Confucian culture, an oriental culture, occupies a dominant position in Asian countries’ culture, politics and economy. It has a profound impact on the culture of Korea, China, Japan and the world. Therefore, traditional decorative patterns are greatly influenced by Confucianism in the aspects of culture and art. This study uses the characteristics of Confucian culture, the concept and importance of package design as theoretical backgrounds. The types of products and the patterns representing Confucian culture were investigated, while the commonality and the differentiation of package designs in Korea, China, and Japan were analyzed based on the understanding of traditional and Confucian culture in China, Japan and South Korea. In this study, in order to better implement the use of the package design of Confucian culture, three products that has ideological connotation of Confucian culture were selected. The symbolic patterns of Confucian culture selected in the study include flowers, leaves, and cloud elements. Under the premise that the product type and the pattern type of Confucian culture used are the same, I compared the similarities and differences in product packaging design between China, Japan and South Korea. (e.g., package design of liquor product using flower patterns, package design of tea product using leaves patterns, package design of food product using cloud patterns on its gift boxes) and compared design elements in the aspects of color, image, and expression method used in package design.

      • KCI등재


        伍丹(WU-DAN),朴?植(PARK, SANG-SIK) 동아대학교 법학연구소 2019 國際去來와 法 Vol.- No.26

        Trade secret is not only a weapon for entrepreneurs to get rich, but also a part of the national wisdom treasure house. As an important support for enterprises to establish their roots in the market and gain competitive advantages, it should become an important property right of the right holders protected by the state. With the increasing competition intensity of trade secret, China formally put it into effect in 1997 because of the urgent need to protect trade secret. Trade secrets are included in the scope of protection of our criminal law. However, since the stipulation, the crime of infringing on commercial secrets has encountered difficulties in both theory and judicial practice. The existence of elements of commercial secrets has also become a hot topic for scholars to discuss with each other, and various theories collide with each other. Based on this background, this paper, through empirical analysis and comparative analysis, analyses the disputes on the constitutive elements of the crime of infringing trade secrets, and puts forward some corresponding suggestions on criminal law protection. The full text is divided into three parts. The first part is an overview of the crime of violating commercial secrets. It mainly introduces the concept, characteristics, history, and current situation of the crime of violating commercial secrets, and puts forward reflections on this crime through discussing the influence of protecting commercial secrets. It lays the theoretical foundation for discussing the constituent elements of the crime of violating trade secret. The second part specifically discusses the problems that arise in practice in the constituent elements of the crime of infringement of commercial secrets. On the basis of the analysis of the four constituent elements of subjective, subject, object, and objective aspects, the author analyzes the controversy of the constituent elements of the crime in the application. The third part corresponds to the second part, and puts forward corresponding suggestions: First, the subjective aspect is identified as intentional; The subject is recognized as a general subject; The object clearly defines the difficult problem of identifying business secrets; Then, the author discusses the rationality of introducing economic espionage by comparing it with the criminal law protection system of the United States, and puts forward some suggestions on the identification mode of major losses.

      • KCI등재

        20세기 중반 이후 중국 일상 복식의 변화

        오단(Dan Wu),임은혁(Eun Hyuk Yim),김순영(Soon Young Kim) 한국복식학회 2014 服飾 Vol.64 No.1

        This study researched the changes in everyday wear in China since the mid-20th century. The study was conducted by interviewing 13 Chinese persons who were familiar with the public awareness and donning practices of the Chinese from 1949 to now, and the results were analyzed through categorical analysis and subject analysis. First of all, due to the influences of Zhongshan-zhuang, Liening-zhuang and Bulaji, political characteristics were represented the most during the reconstruction time, and during this time, Jieyueling also became famous. Second, during the period of the Cultural Revolution, the government used many mechanisms to control people`s thought, so Junfu/Junbianfu and sailor shirt were the most common clothing. Third, information from the West began to enter the Chinese market and it started to influence and change the Chinese thinking. Suit, bat wing sleeves, colorful skirt, flares and jeans became more and more popular in the reform and open times. Fourth, during the personality expression time, people not only copied fashion icons` styles, but also created new styles like sexy, cute, ethnic, K-pop, street, and DIY style, in order to show their personality. Finally, during these 60 years, the changes of Chinese everyday wear were characterized by de-politicization, ready-made, diversification and individualization.

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