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      • 국가, 시장, 시민사회의 변화와 민군관계 : 공군 서울공항 사례

        엄정식 ( Jungsik Um ) 공군사관학교 2016 군사과학논집 Vol.67 No.2

        본 연구는 공군 서울공항의 고도제한과 기지이전 문제를 변화하는 민군관계 맥락에서 설명하는데 목적이 있다. 오늘날 한국에서 국가(군), 시장, 시민사회 사이에 갈등이 왜 발생하고 이러한 갈등을 각 주체가 어떻게 대응하고 있는지 살펴본다. 서울공항 사례는 좁은 의미에서는 공군과 지역사회 간 갈등이지만, 넓게 보면 국가, 시장, 시민사회의 관계에서 분석할 수 있다. 이러한 관계는 1980년대 민주화, 1990년대 냉전의 종식, 2000년대 남북관계 긴장완화와 맞물려 변화해온 한국 사회와 국가안보 환경을 반영한다. 서울공항 사례의 분석 결과는 국가(군), 시장, 시민사회가 상호 역할과 입장을 인정하고 정보를 공유한다는 점에서 긍정적인 측면을 보여준다. 그러나 부정적인 측면에서는 국가안보에 대한 공통의 이해를 무시하고 다른 주체를 공격하기 위한 대안 개발에 몰두하는 주체별 이익을 우선하기도 했다. 이러한 문제를 해결하기 위해서 국가(군)는 시장 주체나 시민사회 주체와 소극적으로 협의하려는 입장을 취해서는 안 되며, 시장 주체나 시민사회 주체는 국가(중앙정부)에 정치적 압력을 행사하려는 입장을 취해서는 안 된다. 아울러 국가(군)은 한국 민군관계의 변화 중 하나인 지방화 추세를 이해하고 적응하려는 노력이 요구된다. This article aimed the explanation of changes in civil-military relations in the case of the Seoul airport. More exactly, this article dealt with why conflicts among a state, the market, and civil society occurred, and how changes of a state, the market, civil society affected on civil-military relations in the case of Seoul airport. The case of Seoul airport in the narrow perspectives was related with conflicts between the Air Force and the Community, but it was related with the fundamental changes of a state, the market, and civil society in the wider perspectives. Moreover, its changes have affected our society and national security environments, such as the rapid democratization since 1980s, the dissolution of the Cold War structure since 1990s, the ease of tensions between South and North Korea since 2000s., in Korea. In this course, it was a positive side that a state(military), the market, civil society recognized mutual roles and positions, shared information. However, there was a negative side which alternatives for attacking other positions had made, group actions had taken priority, should be need to revise. In order to accomplish a revision, military should not avoid the contact with the market actors and civil society and should not only depend on the central administration. It is proper time that military makes an active effort to respond to localization trends in Korea.

      • 이스라엘 무인항공기 활용전략과 정치군사적 함의

        엄정식 ( Jungsik Um ) 공군사관학교 2016 군사과학논집 Vol.67 No.1

        본 연구는 이스라엘의 무인항공기 활용전략을 분석하여 한국에 정치군사적 함의를 제시하는 데목적이 있다. 첫째, 한국 정부는 점진적으로 무인항공기를 다양한 전장에서 활용했던 이스라엘과 달리, 모든 영역작전에서 무인항공기를 활용하려는 요구가 급증하면서 합동성 차원에서 전장 통합운용을 가이드할 군사교리가 제대로 개발되지 않았다. 둘째, 무인항공기의 대형화나 장거리 운용을 기술개발의 목표로 삼기보다는 미래 예상되는 전장상황과 주변국 안보환경에 부합하는 전력소요가 중요하다. This study analysed the Israel’s UAV operational strategy and recommended political and military implications for South Korea. First, Korea government differ from Israel in that Israel has used UAV progressively at various battle fields but Korea government has not yet developed military doctrine to guide an integrated battle operation in terms of Jointness despite increasing demand on UAV operations. Second, in case of Korea, it is an important to military preparations for security environments and battle situations rather than technologic aims of large UAV and long range operations.

      • 국가, 시장, 시민사회의 변화와 민군관계 : 공군 서울공항 사례

        엄정식 ( Jungsik Um ) 공군사관학교 2016 空士論文集 Vol.67 No.2

        This article aimed the explanation of changes in civil-military relations in the case of the Seoul airport. More exactly, this article dealt with why conflicts among a state, the market, and civil society occurred, and how changes of a state, the market, civil society affected on civil-military relations in the case of Seoul airport. The case of Seoul airport in the narrow perspectives was related with conflicts between the Air Force and the Community, but it was related with the fundamental changes of a state, the market, and civil society in the wider perspectives. Moreover, its changes have affected our society and national security environments, such as the rapid democratization since 1980s, the dissolution of the Cold War structure since 1990s, the ease of tensions between South and North Korea since 2000s., in Korea. In this course, it was a positive side that a state(military), the market, civil society recognized mutual roles and positions, shared information. However, there was a negative side which alternatives for attacking other positions had made, group actions had taken priority, should be need to revise. In order to accomplish a revision, military should not avoid the contact with the market actors and civil society and should not only depend on the central administration. It is proper time that military makes an active effort to respond to localization trends in Korea.

      • 이스라엘 무인항공기 활용전략과 정치군사적 함의

        엄정식 ( Jungsik Um ) 공군사관학교 2016 空士論文集 Vol.67 No.1

        This study analysed the Israel’s UAV operational strategy and recommended political and military implications for South Korea. First, Korea government differ from Israel in that Israel has used UAV progressively at various battle fields but Korea government has not yet developed military doctrine to guide an integrated battle operation in terms of Jointness despite increasing demand on UAV operations. Second, in case of Korea, it is an important to military preparations for security environments and battle situations rather than technologic aims of large UAV and long range operations.

      • KCI우수등재
      • KCI등재후보

        2030년대 안보환경의 전망과 한국 공군의 항공·우주력 발전방향

        엄정식 ( Um Jungsik ),전기석 ( Jeon Ki Seok ),이상수 ( Lee Sangsoo ) 미래군사학회 2017 한국군사학논총 Vol.6 No.2

        The purpose of this paper is to present the direction of the Republic of Korea Air Force's air and space power construction in the context of the security environment in 2030. First, this research looks at changes in the political, social and military circumstances of the world in the future. In this regard, the analysis of the environment of the Korean Peninsula has been conducted. Second, this suggests several policies for future of the Republic of Korea Air Force based on earlier analysis. This paper pays attention to the gradual rise in the number of non-state actors in the world and multipolarization of international regime from now on. In particular, the possibility of global disputes is likely to increase due to the presence of emerging powers such as China and India, and the dwindling influence of the United States. The situation which Republic of Korea and North Korea face will be regarded as the main security issues in the region with the possibility of global disputes as mentioned earlier. The social environment is expected to influence the expansion of the individual's authority in politics and the influence of population statistics. With the development of middle class growth, education, technology and health care, aging populations, globalization, and urbanization are expected to intensify. The military environment will intensify the shift in strategy and resource competition on the Asian and Korean peninsula and diversify the ways of the war. Also, the military technology to support it will be beyond imagination and the possibility of international conflicts. Furthermore, damage will beyond our imagination as military technology develop. Based on theses changing environment, this study suggests several policies for the Republic of Korea Air Force’ air and space power construction in 2030. ① Building independent operational capability for Wartime operational control transfer. ② Establishment of independent missile defense system including Kill Chain, KAMD, KMPR. ③ Acquisition next-generation fighter such as F-35A. ④ Enforcement of Airborne Early Warning and Control and Acquisition Aerial Tanker. ⑤ Increasing C4ISR capabilities especially in the area of air and space power. ⑥ Enforcement of unmanned aerial vehicle system, UAV. ⑦ Enhancement of cyber warfare and electronic warefare capabilities. ⑧ Enhancement of global power projection such as long-range transport planes for PKO etc. ⑨ Reorganization of Air Force structure and personnel structure suitable for future operations.

      • KCI등재

        1970년대 미중 데탕트와 남북공동성명

        엄정식(Jungsik Um) 신아시아연구소(구 신아세아질서연구회) 2022 신아세아 Vol.29 No.2

        내년이면 7.4 남북공동성명이 발표된 지 50년이 되어가지만, 남북대화 원형으로서 7.4 남북공동성명 연구는 한반도 분단구조와 성격을 이해하는데 여전히 중요한 의미를 갖는다. 이 글은 1970년대 동북아 데탕트 국면에서 남북한 사이에 7.4 남북공동성명이 도출된 정치외교사적 과정을 국제체제와 남북관계 변화, 한미관계와 국내체제의 대응을 중심으로 살펴본다. 7.4 남북공동성명의 씨앗은 동북아 데탕트에 이은 한반도 미니데탕트에 대한 강대국의 기대였다. 하지만 이것만으로 남북대화가 가능했던 것은 아니다. 급변하는 대외환경 속에서 남한과 북한의 당국자들의 정세인식과 판단도 중요했다. 박정희 정부는 미국의 대한반도 정책에 호응하면서도 현상유지 의지가 강했으며, 통일에 대한 단계적 접근을 우선했다. 반면 북한은 동북아 데탕트를 사회주의 국가들과 자국에게 유리한 국제정세로 판단했으며 현상타파 의지가 강했다. 게다가 미중관계 개선의 과정에서 한국이 미국과 갈등을 보인 것과 달리 북한은 중국과 매우 긴밀하게 협력했다. 결과적으로 7.4 남북공동성명은 북한의 현상타파 의지와 남한의 현상유지 의지가 남북대화라는 틀에서 경쟁한 결과였다. 이런 점에서 7.4 남북공동성명의 역사적 과정은 오늘날 남북관계에도 다음과 같은 함의를 갖는다. 첫째, 국제체제의 변화가 추동한 남북관계의 한계로서, 미국의 외교정책이 갖는 능력과 의지의 불일치 문제이다. 둘째, 대외환경 변화가 추동하기 이전에 남북한이 주도하는 통일정책이나 협상전략이 마련되지 않았다는 문제이다. 셋째, 남북관계와 국제관계 뿐 아니라 국내정치와도 서로 분리될 수 없다는 문제이다. Next year will mark 50 years since the 7.4 Inter-Korean Joint Communique was issued. The Joint Communique remains the prototype for Inter-Korean dialogue and retains important meaning in understanding the structure and nature of the Korean Peninsula. This study focuses on the political and diplomatic processes that produced the 7.4 Inter-Korean joint statement, focusing on the international system, changes in inter-Korean relations, South Korea-US relations, and the domestic system. The seeds of the 7.4 Inter-Korean Joint Communique were in the expectations of the great powers for the Korean Peninsula following detente in Northeast Asia. This alone did not enable inter-Korean dialogue. The perceptions and judgments of South and North Korean officials were also important in the rapidly changing international environment. While responding to US policy on the Korean Peninsula, the Park Chung-hee administration had a strong will to maintain the status quo and prioritized a phased approach to reunification. North Korea judged detente in Northeast Asia as favorable to socialist countries and itself, and was determined to change the status quo. In addition, unlike South Korea which clashed with the US amidst improving US-China relations, North Korea cooperated closely with China. Thus, the 7.4 Inter-Korean Joint Communique was the product of tensions created by North Korea's willingness to change the status quo and South Korea's preference to maintain the status quo subsumed within the framework of inter-Korean dialogue. The historical process of the 7.4 Inter-Korean Joint Communique has the following implications for contemporary inter-Korean relations. First, in an evolving international system, limits on inter-Korean relations reflect the discrepancy between the capabilities and will of US foreign policy. Second, no unification policy or negotiation strategy led by the two Koreas was prepared before the change in the international environment was triggered. Third, this issue cannot be separated from domestic politics as well as inter-Korean and international relations.

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