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      • KCI등재

        내용-언어 통합 교수학습 (CLIL) 모델 기반 영미문학 교육

        어도선(Do Seon Eur) 한국영미문학교육학회 2009 영미문학교육 Vol.13 No.2

        This article introduces an account of literacy research on the use of English literature in L1/EFL contexts and offers new agendas for EFL literature teaching and learning in Korea, which aims to stimulate further research and pedagogical innovation in the field of English literature teaching in Korea. That English literature can and should be placed in the center of English language teaching was a result of the recent studies in culture-bound language learning, authentic texts and contexts, sociocultural perspectives in language learning, reader-response theory in ELT, affect in language learning, sociocultural view of literacy and literariness, discourse theory, interactional uses of language, communicative approach, learning styles and memory, pragmatics, etc. This article, then , attempts an integration of literary (critical) approaches and linguistic studies, literature and language, and content understanding and language skills, working on an application of CLIL/SIOP to the teaching and learnig of English literature in EFL contexts. EFL Literature teachers, this article argues, should see the need for research on EFL literature teaching in Korea if they search for its own social and academic stance and identity with special reference to "Crisis in the Humanities' in Korea society. With a practical agenda in EFL literature teaching in Korea, this article aims to contribute to the continuous efforts to integrate what Halls calls "literature, language, educators and students."

      • KCI등재후보

        Conflicting Subjectifying Structures and Metaphors : A Lacanian Reading of Wordsworth's "Resolution and Independence"

        Do-seon Eur(어도선) 한국라깡과 현대정신분석학회 2009 현대정신분석 Vol.11 No.1

        Relying on Bakhtinian and Facaultian concepts of discourse, New Historicists in the Romantic field have made determined efforts to explicate the politics of William Wordsworth's poems. Regarding his poems as "historical products," they have sought to read Romantic texts in the light of socio-political contexts and discover what Bakhtin calls "ideological reverberations" in the texts. It is because, as suggested by the subjects of Wordsworth's poems, Wordsworth's poems, particularly his poems of "encounter" between nature and suffering people, are deeply related to a large scope of social, cultural, economic and political realities of his age. Certainly, New Historicism has been most relevant to expounding the ways in which Wordsworth's poems transcribe, reflect, challenge, crystallize, resolve, reproduce or react to so-called "Romantic Ideology." This is, as McGann explains, a system of "illusions," "false consciousness," or "contradictions" that serves to distort, disguise, and mask reality and even ideologies. Hence, contextually re- or de-constructing their "historicity" presumably ingrained in the aesthetic complexity of Wordsworth's poems, New Historicists have tried to explore the effects of the Romantic ideology on Wordsworth's ways of "representing" the Romantic contexts, especially "the poetics of displacement" among them--that poetics found most in the examples of the alliance of Romantic nature and politics. However, New Historicists' inquiries of political contexts in Wordsworth's poems have theoretical pitfalls. Their critical questions of "ideological ties" between Wordsworth's poems and "Romantic Ideology" have left a gap, what is left out of explanation in New Historicists when they overlook the ways in which such ideological ties produce different subjects by repositioning their desire and identity. This gap can be filled in only with "the critique of the subject" based on Lacanian questions of what effects the unconscious has on the supposed transition or circulation of ideology from the socio-political realm to the subjective one, as well as what sorts of "desires" are involved in the causes of the poetics of displacement and historical imagination. 이 논문은 정신분석학적인 관점에서 워즈워드의 시를 분석하고 낭만주의 이데올로기의 의미를 되짚어보는 것을 목적으로 한다. 낭만주의는 주체화의 문제와 관련해서 이해할 때 전모를 드러낼 수 있다. 신역사주의자들이 드러내는 다양한 문제의식들을 라깡의 정신분석학에 맞추어 재해석하는 것이 이 논문이 의도하는 바이다. 낭만주의 연구를 주체의 문제에 초점을 맞추어 세분화한 이 논문의 결론은 낭만주의적 은유에 내재한 주체의 불안과 갈등을 통해 낭만주의 연구의 정신분석 학적 지평을 모색하는 것이다.

      • KCI등재후보

        영어교육 위기 상황에서의 융합 영어영문학의 역할

        어도선(Do-seon Eur) 융합영어영문학회 2024 융합영어영문학(구.English Reading and Teaching) Vol.9 No.1

        This study aims to offer how English language education based on English literary works (including children's literature) can respond more actively to the current crisis in which 'Korean-style' English language education is heading towards collapse. This study also aims to help English language instructors and scholars themselves understand the pedagogical, ethical, and political aspects of their teaching and research so that learning should be at the heart of all transformative actions against the crisis in the way that English language education can help EFL learners acquire a strong sense of agency, practice critical thinking, and respond to and initiate changes against the crisis. This study 1) critically reflects on the communicative approach that has long dominated our English language teaching and learning; 2) examines the hybridity and non-convergence of the various foreign language teaching and learning principles and methodologies introduced so far and attempts to develop new convergent English language teaching principles, directions, and methodologies with a humanistic approach as the centerpiece; and finally, 3) explores the necessity, importance, and methodology of shifting to content-competence- based English language teaching. It is hoped that these efforts can be integrated to overcome the gap between English language teaching practices and the world outside the classroom, thus helping overcome the current crisis in English language education from within and outside.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        융합시대의 영문학의 역활 : 독서치료를 통한 영어 학습부진아 교육과 치유

        어도선(Do Seon Eur) 한국영미문학교육학회 2012 영미문학교육 Vol.16 No.2

        Because of social, cultural, economic, academic, and family stress factors, increasing number of EFL learners in Korea are at greater risk of being EFL underachievers and struggling learns. The goal of this study is to explore how Lacanian psychoanalysis can be applied to the process of bibliotherapy, developmental and clinical, thus offering a convergence of ego psychology and Lacanian psychoanalysis to promote a more efficient therapeutic interventions for EFL underachievers and struggling learners. Showing how ego psychology and Lacanian psychoanalysis can share much to offer to each other in explicating the cognitive and psychological mechanisms involved in the interactions between readers (patiences) and texts, this study proposes how Lacan’s theories of the Imaginary, the Symbolic, desire, signifiers, images, defense mechanism, ego-ideal, ideal ego, the Other, jouissance, objet a, and fantasy can offer valuable insights into ways in which bibliotherapy is assumed by ego psychology to work. Articulating Lacanian perspectives in line with those of ego psychology, this study attempts to explain how texts affect readers in a therapeutic way, converging those two fields and offering a psychoanalytic understanding of cognitive and psychological mechanisms of bibliotherapy. Thus, proposing this as a basis for educating EFL teachers in the proper implementation of bibliotherapy in the EFL classroom and carrying out a more educational interventions for EFL underachievers and struggling leaners, this study also suggests that the roles of English literature for use in bibliotherapy with EFL underachievers and struggling learners go beyond the field of education into other areas in the era of convergence.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        영미시 교육과 영미시 활용 - 정의적, 인문학적, 영어교육적 관점을 통합한 영미시 교육 방법론

        어도선(Do Seon Eur) 한국영미문학교육학회 2007 영미문학교육 Vol.11 No.1

          This paper aims at offering a range of practical ideas for incorporating the study of English poetry as a literary text and its use as a language resource into English poetry courses in Korea. Given that Humanistic Approach contributes in a significant way to enhancing EFL learners" learning in language and humanities, this paper attempts to integrate the affective sides of language learning into both English language learning and the pleasure of reading English poems. Explaining theories regarding benefits of using English poems, this paper shows how English poetry activities, when well organized and used, can promote both language and self in ways in which learners are encouraged to approach language learning with self-esteem and motivation highly elevated enough to work with their critical and creative powers freely. In presenting a wide variety of motivating activities ranged from the pre-reading and while-reading to the post-reading section that focus on both linguistic and humanistic approaches, this paper suggests a major paradigmatic shift in the field of English poetry studies in Korea. The shift, this paper argues, will usher in a mutually beneficial relationship between the study of English poetry as an end in itself and the use of English poetry as a rich language resource, which can be the most practical and at-hand way to cope with crisis in Humanities in Korea.

      • KCI등재후보

        영미극 교육과 의사소통 접근법: 영문학 교육의 새로운 패러다임 모색

        어도선(Do Seon Eur) 한국영미문학교육학회 2004 영미문학교육 Vol.8 No.1

        Given that the demand for a 'practical' curriculum rather than an academic one increases in reactions against so-called the 'crisis' of English studies in Korea, this paper aims to propose the need for incorporating Communicative Approaches into English literature classrooms, Exploring various benefits of using English literary works, dramas in particular, as useful materials for promoting both language and voice in ways that will enrich students' understanding of English literature, this paper suggests a major paradigmatic shift in the field of English studies in Korea. Offering a wide range of drama techniques which are focused on both communicative and humanities activities, this paper provides theories on how and why Communicative Approaches to English drama classrooms can encourage both language learning through combining humanities with applied linguistics. This shift will usher in a radical movement away from traditional approaches to 'experiential' approaches to English literature, because it emphasizes process, social skills, cooperative learning, dynamic curriculum, meaning-based activities, and not least humanities.

      • KCI등재

        한국계 미국청소년문학에 나타난 정체성과 라깡의 히스테리의 담론: Marie G. Lee를 중심으로

        어도선(Do Seon Eur) 한국영미문학교육학회 2005 영미문학교육 Vol.9 No.1

        In recent years in Korea, research regarding Korean-American literature has been visibly increased in the areas of both English and Korean Literature. However, it has been limited to so-called 'adult' literature although multiculturalism gives rise to small but successful publications in the category of Korean-American literature for young adults, which, like Korean-American 'adult' literature, deals with the pains of diaspora, generation gaps, racial/gender prejudices, cultural rootlessness, and conflictual identities. This article aims at delving into the complex layer of Korean-American adolescent characters who are torn between confusing and disturbing identities that are formed and controlled by the name of the Korean Other and the American Other. Using Lacan's theory of "Discourse of the Hysteria," this article offers a psychoanalytic reading of complicated identities as seen in Marie G. Lee's characters. It explains how a complex, on-going negotiations and conflicts are made to seek a true identity between two opposing Others, between the Others and the objet a, and between the subjects and the ideals valued by the Others. This reading proves that these identities are too polymorphous to be classified in terms of hibridity, liminality, or interstice.

      • KCI등재

        영어 학습 부진아와 분석가의 담론(Discourse of the Analyst) : 교육과 치유 페다고지(Therapeutic Pedagogy)

        어도선(Do-Seon Eur) 한국라깡과현대정신분석학회 2011 현대정신분석 Vol.13 No.2

        이 논문은 영어 학습 부진, 저항, 장애와 관련하여 나타나는 여러 가지 심리행동 상의 증상을 라깡의 관점에서 증후로 읽고 분석하며 그러한 증후가 드러내는 두 대타자 사이의 갈등을 완화시킬 수 있도록 라깡 정신분석 페다 고지에 근거하여 교육과 분석 그리고 교수법과 치유가 융합이 될 수 있는 교육적 개입에 대한 이론적 도구를 탐색하는 것을 목적으로 하고 있다. 라깡의 네 담론을 통해 위에서 제시한 여러 가지 심리행동 상의 증상을 분석하고 정신분석가의 담론을 하나의 치유적 개입을 위한 이론적 도구로 제시하고 있다. 영어 형식에 있어서 기본 적인 교육 원리인 학습자와 지배자(영어 교사, 시험제도, 사회의 인식) 간의 전이 관계를 거부하는, 즉 학습과 관련하여 상징계의 규율과 질서가 규정한 규율을 거부하고 넘어서는 objet a로 인해 학습자와 지배자 간의 전이 관계가 불안정하고 그 관계가 비생산적이거나 거부가 되고있기 때문에, "고통 중인" 학습자의 학습 과정에 개입하여 고통을 치료(treatment)해야 하는 경우에는 분석가의 담론에 근거한 "분석"의 구조를 갖는 개입이 필요하기 때문이다. 본 논문은 치유를 위한 교육 행위는 분석의 차원에서 이루어 져야 하며, 이를 위해 "치료가 교수법으로 변형되고 교수법이 치료가 되는" 정신분석학적 페다고지의 필요성을 주장하고 있다. 정신분석학적 페다고지를 통해 학습자의 억압된 욕망이 그가 대타자와 갖는 전이 관계에 끼어들어 그 관계를 악화되게 하는 다양한 역학 관계를 찾아냄으로서 학습 저항과 학습 장애 또는 학습 부진에 내재한 심리적 갈등을 치유할 수 있는 교수 방법과 원리를 발견할 수 있을 것이기 때문이다. 라깡의 담론 이론을 통해 어떻게 기표(signifiers), 심상(images), 환상/욕망(fantasies; objet a)으로 구성되는 세 영역(상상계, 상징계, 실재계)이 주체에 끼어들고 또한 주체의 정체성을 변화시키기까지 하는가를 설명하고 있다. This study aims at exploring how Lacanian psychoanalysis can be applied to education as an effective instructional intervention for EFL underachievers. Showing how Lacanian psychoanalysis can offer useful and valuable insights into ways in which psychological conflicts, especially those as caused by impossibilities between the Other and the objet a, are root causes of EFL learning difficulties, resistance, and blocks, this study proposes Lacan's psychoanalytic pedagogy based on his theory of the Discourse of the Analyst as an effective therapeutic instructional strategy for struggling EFL learners. Articulating a therapeutic approach to EFL suffering learners based on Lacan's theory of four Discourses, this study reveals how psychological factors such as jouissance, signifiers, desire, defense mechanism, ego-ideal, the Symbolic Other, the Real Other, and fantasy are interconnected to affect their learning. Introducing some instructions based on Lacanian perspectives, this study offers Lacan's Discourse of the Analyst as an effective psychoanalytic treatment EFL practitioners can rely on to help struggling EFL learners reduce their psychological conflicts and improve their English skills.

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