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        고학력 전문직 기혼 여성의 일: 그 분투와 의미에 대한 협력적 자문화기술지

        양혜원 ( Yang¸ Haewon ),박소정 ( Park¸ Sojung ),박윤조 ( Park¸ Yunjo ) 한국교육인류학회 2020 교육인류학연구 Vol.23 No.4

        본 협력적 자문화기술지는 고학력 전문직 기혼 여성의 일의 의미에 관한 연구이다. 2000년대로 들어서며 여성의 일과 돌봄의 사회화 그리고 일-가정 양립 논의가 확대되면서 여러 정책이 시행되었다. 그러나 그 실효성이 낮아 일부 연구에서는 여전히 견고한 성별분업 이데올로기의 문제를 지적하고 있다. 이처럼 교착 상태에 빠진 듯한 여성과 일을 둘러싼 현실을 보며 대학의 교원이자 동시에 미술치료사, 미술사가, 번역가/저자라는 전문직을 가진 세 명의 연구자는 일하는 기혼 여성이 안고 있는 문제를 다른 각도에서 접근하기 위해 협력적 자문화기술지를 시행하였다. 그 결과, 세 명의 연구자는 네 가지 공통된 경험을 하였는데, 모두가 학부 전공과는 다른 전공으로 박사 학위를 받으면서 전문성을 쌓았고, 자신의 직업 안에서 성별 분리 혹은 성별 직무 분리를 경험하였으며, 일-가정 양립에서 상당한 고충을 겪었고, 그런데도 저항과 분리보다는 상생과 통합을 지향한 것을 확인할 수 있었다. 이 연구는 한국 사회에서 고학력 전문직 여성들이 제 일을 찾아가는 과정과 자기 일에 부여하는 의미가 어떻게 갈등을 넘어 통합을 지향하게 하는지를 보여주었다는 데에 그 의의가 있다. This study is a collaborative autoethnography on the meaning of work for professional married women with PhD degrees. Studies on women and work abound, and since the 2000s, discussions on socialization of care and work-family compatibility took the center stage leading to various policies. However, its efficiency has been questioned leading to some studies pointing to the tenacity of the ideology of gender division of labor. Thus, three researchers of this study worked on this collaborative autoethnography in order to take a different approach to the study of women and work. The three researchers of this study all work in academia but have professional backgrounds as art therapist, art historian, and translator/author. The findings show that all three changed their major in their career building, have experienced gender segregation or gender division of labor in their profession, have struggled with work-family compatibility, and finally, despite such experiences all three embraced an attitude of integration rather than resistance. The significance of this study is that it shows how the journey toward meaningful work can work toward conflict resolution and integration.

      • KCI등재

        자녀보호의 관점에서 본 양육권 문제

        양혜원(Yang, Haewon) 한국가족법학회 2011 가족법연구 Vol.25 No.3

        In a parent and child relationship the physical custody of a child is main part of the parental responsibility and the most important and intimate matter concerning the welfare of the child. The physical custody of a child is included in the parental responsibility/right and held by both parents when the parents are married and the family is intact, but in case of the parents’ divorce or when the family break apart or when someone who is not actually the parent takes care of the child the child custody problem becomes complicated. In these circumstances the content and the limits of the custody of the child and the parental responsibility/right is separated. The right of the custody is separated from the parental responsibility and the custodian of the child and the arrangements about the care and support of the child must be determined. English and American law have considered child’s welfare by case law since 19th century and have established laws and solutions for child custody and child protection problem based on the child’s welfare from 1920’s. Through many cases, law reforms and studies for decades, English and American law have established several principles and statutes based on the ‘child’s best interest principle’ about the child custody problems that can occur in diverse situations. So in this paper the law, cases and system of English and American law are studied to find implications for the Korean law and family court concerning child custody. These legal systems recognize parental responsibility as parents’ duties which last as long as the child reaches majority irrelevant of the parents’ divorce or family breakdown. As they find it that the joint parental responsibility of the parents is principle, they emphasize the importance of child custody when the parents separate or the child live with someone besides the parents. The matter of child custody should all be arranged under the ‘the best interest of the child’ principle, and they make it sure that the family court make an order for the arrangements and change of the child custody. The statutes and the family courts of these countries also determine the primary/actual physical custodian of the child and the rights and duties exclusive to the custodian explicitly so that dispute between parents or the custodian can be avoided or at least be minimized. They also recognize and guard the custody of non-parents or in loco parentis who have formed stable family with the child, for ‘the best interest of the child’. By these rules English and American legal systems protect the child and respect ‘the best interest of the child’ in the case of divorce, child born out of wedlock, step-parent’s custody, death of custodian, child under court’s guard or foster care, annulment of adoption etc.

      • KCI등재

        지역사회복지관 한부모 자조집단 지원 실천 방안 모색을 위한 사회복지사 참여실행연구

        양혜원 ( Yang Haewon ),김희수 ( Kim Heesoo ),최정숙 ( Choi Jung Sook ),김선화 ( Kim Sun Hwa ),김은경 ( Kim Eun Kyung ) 한국가족사회복지학회 2018 한국가족복지학 Vol.61 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to find specific practice methods of single parents self-help groups in community welfare centers. A participatory action research was conducted to achieve the purpose. Six social workers and three researchers participated in the study who shared the problem of lack of specific practice methods even though a self-help group was useful for self-reliance and empowerment of low-income single-parents. Various activities such as reading articles, analysis of each self-help group, case studies, and learning facilitation methods were conducted during 10 meetings. At the same time, peer supervision proceeded at each meeting. The progress of each group was shared, the application of practice methods and plans were discussed, and applying discussed methods to group practice and reviewing the process and outcomes of the practice were repeated in the peer supervison. As a result, the following positive changes appeared: First, the goals and vision of each group became clearer. Second, initiative of the members was promoted. Third, intimacy, mutual cooperation, the attatchment to the group were strengthened. A qualitative analysis was also conducted on the content discussed. As a result, 17 practice methods were derived in four themes such as initiative/ empowerment, cohesion, leadership, and destandardization. Practice issues concerning single parents self-help groups in community welfare centers were discussed based on the results.

      • KCI등재

        지역사회복지관 한부모 자조집단 실천에대한 사회복지사의 성찰 연구 -참여실행연구 자료를 중심으로-

        양혜원 ( Yang Haewon ),최정숙 ( Choi Jung Sook ),김희수 ( Kim Heesoo ) 한국가족사회복지학회 2018 한국가족복지학 Vol.62 No.-

        The purpose of this study was to explore the social workers’ reflections developed during the participatory action research seeking practice methods in the community welfare center single parent self-help groups. Nine social workers and researchers sharing difficulties in the community welfare center single parent self-help group practice were involved in the participatory action research. We performed a circulatory research repeating ‘plan-action-reflection-replan’ cycles through ten sessions of research meetings including peer supervision in parallel with 4 self-help group practices. Multiple practice methods were derived as the result among which change in the social workers’ perception was the key. We focused on the result that the social workers’ perception was changed by reflections from participatory action research and the contents of the reflections were qualitatively analyzed using materials acquired during the study. As a result the following 5 themes were derived; ‘recognition and worry on the lack of appropriate practice for the self-help group’, ‘specification of the social workers’ role based on the changed perspective on the member-social worker relation’, ‘confirmation of the possibility of the concerned person initiated practice’, ‘detailed understanding of the single parent self-help group in the community welfare center’, and ‘renewed recognition of the development of the single parent self-help group in the community welfare center’. Based on these results, empowerment and reflection/reflective practice for single parent self-help group in the community welfare center were discussed.

      • KCI등재

        여성 인권으로서 평화권과 종교의 자유 -이슬람과 여성에 대한 논의를 중심으로-

        양혜원(Haewon YANG) 한국종교학회 2021 宗敎硏究 Vol.81 No.3

        With the continuing representation of Islam as anti-women, the long standing vexed relation between women’s rights and religious freedom continues. Yet the need to reconcile them is stronger than ever, especially with regard to peace building. In this study, I explore how religious freedom and the right to peace can both be claimed as women’s rights. There has been scant scholarship that discuss both religious freedom and the right to peace as women’s rights. However, due to a growing number of women who claim the compatibility of women’s rights and religious freedom, a space has opened up for the much needed discussion. After reviewing the previous studies on women’s rights and peace, and women’s rights and religious freedom, I argue that in order to claim both the right to peace and religious freedom as women’s rights we need to acknowledge religion as religion and also admit that religions are, in fact, different. I explain how this can lead to a better tolerance or acceptance of the other. As Korean society becomes increasingly multicultural, it would be of crucial importance to seek ways in which we could live together while admitting our differences. This study will provide a significant step toward that direction.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        저소득 이혼 한부모 자조집단에 관한 질적 사례연구-월계종합사회복지관 ``징검다리`` 사례를 중심으로-

        양혜원 ( Yang Haewon ),김희수 ( Kim Heesoo ),최정숙 ( Choi Jung Sook ) 한국가족사회복지학회 2016 한국가족복지학 Vol.53 No.-

        This is a case study with the objectives of performing an in-depth investigation of the development process, outcome, and the factors related to the development process of Jinggomdari-the self-help group for divorced single parents at Wolgye social welfare center. Document review, in-depth interviews of the member/practitioner/middle manager, and participatory observations were performed and qualitatively analyzed. The results showed that the development process of Jinggomdari consisted of 4 phases including initiation, formation of basis, growth, and expansion/independence. Two categories including ``nurturing abilities and growth as an individual or within families or communities`` and ``beyond Jinggomdari, into society``, 6 subcategories, and 31 concepts were derived as the outcome. In terms of the factors related to the development process and outcome, 6 categories including ``members participating with sympathy despite various issues``, ``outstanding and stabilized leadership``, ``commitment of the practitioners showing utmost efforts despite shortcomings``, ``effective functions as the hub supporting the low-income divorced single parents families based on the institution``s firm determination``, ``mixed group showing cautious but synergistic effects``, ``dilemma of managing the low-income divorced single parents self-help group and lack of manual for management``, 20 subcategories, and 61 concepts were derived. Management issues concerning low-income divorced single parents` self-help group was discussed based on these results.

      • KCI등재

        부모의 방임과 중학생의 휴대전화 의존 관계에 미치는 자아존중감과 사회적 위축의 매개효과

        장신재(Chang, Cinjae),양혜원(Yang, Haewon) 경성대학교 사회과학연구소 2015 社會科學硏究 Vol.31 No.2

        본 연구의 목적은 중학생의 휴대전화 의존에 영향을 미치는 주요 요인들을 확인하고자 하는 것이다. 중학생의 휴대전화 의존과 관련된 변수로 부모의 방임, 청소년의 자아존중감과 사회적 위축을 선정하였으며, 이 중에서 자아존중감, 사회적 위축이 부모의 방임과 중학생의 휴대전화 의존의 관계에서 매개효과를 갖는지 검증하고자 하였다. 본 연구는 한국아동·청소년패널조사(KCYPS)의 자료를 사용하여 구조모형을 검증하였으며, 그 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 부모의 방임, 자아존중감, 사회적 위축과 중학생의 휴대전화 의존 간 인과관계에서 사회적 위축을 제외한 다른 변수들은 휴대전화 의존에 직접적인 영향력을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 방임과 자아존중감과의 관계, 방임과 사회적 위축과의 관계가 유의미하게 나타났다. 셋째, 방임과 휴대전화 의존과의 관계에서 자아존중감의 매개효과가 확인되었다. 사회적 위축의 매개효과는 검증되지 않았다. 이와 같은 결과를 바탕으로 청소년복지 관련 정책적·실천적 함의를 제안하였다. The purpose of this study was to examine a model in which the relation between parental neglect and adolescents" mobile phone dependency was expected to be mediated by self-esteem and social withdrawal. A data were obtained from the Korean Child-Youth Panel Survey(KCYPS) and Structural Equation Modeling was used to analyze. The major findings were as follows: First, parental neglect and self-esteem were found to have effects on adolescents" mobile phone dependency. Second, parental neglect was found to have effects on self-esteem. Parental neglect was also found to have effects on social withdrawal. Finally, self-esteem was found to have mediating effects in the relation of parental neglect and adolescents" mobile phone dependency. However social withdrawal was not found to have mediating effects in the relation of them. Based on the results, suggestions to decreasing adolescents" mobile phone dependency were made.

      • KCI등재

        한부모 자조집단 네트워크 사업성과에 관한 질적 사례연구 -A복지재단 지원 공동체 네트워크 사업 ‘이제는 혼자가 아닙니다’에 관한 실무자 인식을 중심으로-

        김희수 ( Kim Heesoo ),최정숙 ( Choi Jung Sook ),양혜원 ( Yang Haewon ) 한국가족사회복지학회 2022 한국가족복지학 Vol.69 No.2

        This is a qualitative case study on the outcomes of the single parents self-help groups network service sponsored by the OO Welfare Foundation which was carried out between July 2018 and June 2021. The purpose of the study was to explore the outcomes and the outcome factors of the service and to seek the methods for future progress. Three years’ service progress materials, institutional output report materials, overall evaluation meeting materials, and the recordings by the 8 social workers participating in the focus group interviews were qualitatively analyzed. The outcomes of the service from the analysis revealed; 4 themes from the member/self-help group level: ‘Obtain new and expanded emotional bond and confidence’, ‘Reflect on the self-help group and gain solidity’, ‘Enrichment and diversification of the self-help group’ and ‘Progress worthy of the self-help group’; 2 themes from the social worker level: ‘Gain new awareness on the single parent self-help group and operational skills’, ‘Organization of the thoughts on the characteristics of the welfare center based single parent self-help groups’; and 1 theme from the common level: ‘Gain strength and achieve progress in union’. The outcomes factors were; 3 themes from the member/self-help group level: ‘Stimulation of the self-help groups by unified activities’, ‘Meaningful communications and search on management of the self-help group’, ‘Experience the impact reaching beyond the local community and formation of the relational network’; 5 themes from the social worker /institutional level: ‘Formation of tight relations and emotional support between the sympathetic coworkers’, ‘Sharing and implementation of other institutional experience’, ‘Strengthening the interest and the awareness of the head of the organization’, ‘Formation of effective supervision/education and human resources’, ‘Participation of the researchers’; 1 theme from the common level; ‘Synergistic effects and collective power of the network system’. Eleven methods for future progress from 4 areas including sustained progress of the network, unified activities, social worker level network, and boost of social activities were presented. Based on these results, discussions and proposals on the single parents self-help groups network service is presented.

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