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      • KCI등재

        1980년대 중국 문화열의 재발견과 현장 ― 80년대 회고를 중심으로

        양태근 한국중국현대문학학회 2007 中國現代文學 Vol.0 No.43

        This paper basically focuses on the “Culture Fever” of the 1980s in the main land China. Recently in China “Culture Fever” related research and review began emerging. This new rapid upsurge trend, in this paper temporarily named it as a “Recalling Fever”. This paper's main focus is How better understanding of China's “Culture Fever” and the current “Recalling Fever”. Culture Fever was not only critical reflect and review on the “Cultural Revolution”, but also was a new era of opportunity for china's cultural innovation. However, after the June 4, 1989, Tiananmen Square incident, the political direction of cultural movement, come to an end, and the Communist authorities to the reform and opening up policy and rapid economic growth finally stifle the vitality of the “Culture Fever”. This unfinished task of the “Culture Fever”, requirements of cultural innovation, for now through “Recalling Fever” reflect reality, a kind of despair and introspection about the China's economic reforms and opening up with the economy accomplishment but without fair social environment, cultural creativity and political hope. Although this “Recalling Fever” is apparently good research point to understand “Culture Fever”. But from the perspective of sociology of knowledge, in this “Recalling Fever” we still can be found some competition between most important cultural knowledge groups. They have not only participated in the “Recalling Fever”, but also make the new frame the ongoing review of “Culture Fever”. Who has the power of the interpretation about the “Culture Fever” may another core issue on this “Recalling Fever”.

      • KCI등재

        사라지는 것과 사라지지 않는 것― ‘대만문학사’ 서술 속의 陳映眞

        양태근 한국중국현대문학학회 2018 中國現代文學 Vol.0 No.86

        On November 22, 2016, at 14:36, one of the most important writers and critics in the history of Taiwan literature, Chen, Yingzhen left the world in Beijing. Chen, Yingzhen left his life quietly behind the discussion of various topics related to his literature life. Chen, Yingzhen, a idealistic left intellectual, was an advocator for reunification with China in Taiwan. He played a important role in Taiwan literary history through a constant debate with many intellectuals who supported Taiwan independence and Taiwanese literature. In particular, Chen, Yingzhen have consistently maintained critical positions on Taiwanese literature for a lifetime, bringing constant theoretical excitement and tension to Taiwan independence and Taiwanese literature supporters. This paper attempts to trace Chen, Yingzhen on the history of Taiwanese literature in accordance with his footsteps. How his literary thoughts and political ideas are illuminated and described in the history of Taiwanese literature? The way to understand one person may be important to look back at the way the one has walked, but you can also draw the outline through the critics and their narratives. From this point of view, this paper attempts to find Chen, Yingzhen, which is faithfully described in Taiwanese literature. Chen, Yingzhen is a symbol and phenomenon of Chinese consciousness and leftist movement, rather than simply an individual of Taiwanese literature, and is a one of the most valuable concept that dissects the history of Taiwan literature. In the criticism of Chen, Yingzhen's lack of Taiwan consciousness, Taiwanese literature, we may be able to portray what he has been pursuing for a lifetime as a spectrum. The truth may be somewhere in or around this lifetime spectrum, but the last mission will be refined by more important follow-up studies in the future, and this paper is just going to find a foundation for it and be content to recall his literature life. However, the impression of the reader is that he has shared a part of his life with him, and the memories of those who remember him will have a clearer picture than anything else. What will fade and what will not? Perhaps more important than this will be the true works of Chen, Yingzhen's literary and his ideal. Even the mountain trail he walked on, the footsteps left in every part of Taiwan, and the people who were followed his footstep, would have been left with more regrets and sadness than anything else.

      • KCI등재

        ‘대만문학사’ 서사를 통해 본 대만의식과 중국의식 고찰

        양태근 한국중국현대문학학회 2016 中國現代文學 Vol.0 No.78

        ‘History of Taiwan Literature', will guarantee the independence of Taiwan Literature? This critical question will be dependent on the future of Taiwan's political, social and cultural development, especially linked lucrative and creative works of Taiwan-originated literature. Recently in Taiwan, relevant ‘Taiwanese literature' or ‘Taiwan Literature History' proposed new ideas and important works, can represent ‘Taiwan Literature' and its new way. It tells us that ‘Taiwan literature' is not the China’s frontier literature, but had have been the pride of Taiwan History. Regarded as the starting point of ‘Taiwan literary history', Yeh Shih-tao “An outline of Taiwan Literary History”, invited numerous relevant research and different narrative style writings of ‘History of Taiwan Literature', made their different perspective and analysis also have gradually improved. From the beginning the ‘Taiwan Literature History' has had some critical and controversial core issues, such as ‘Taiwanese Consciousness' and ‘Chinese Consciousness', around these core dispute and analysis can also tend to improve. Recently, Chen Fang-ming’s “A History of Modern Taiwanese Literature” attracted a lot of controversy. Through these literature history text based analysis, we can contact with major issues of ‘Taiwan literature history’, and from the ‘reconstruction of Taiwan consciousness' analysis, we can understand these core disputes, where it from, and how to breakthrough.

      • KCI등재

        ‘사회문화운동으로서의 중국문학사’ 고찰 - 후스(胡適) 문학사 서사를 중심으로

        양태근 한국중국현대문학학회 2016 中國現代文學 Vol.0 No.79

        Hu Shih and his several works of the History of Chinese Literature, focused on the vernacular in the chinese literature, and its influence to the new reformation of Chinese modern literature. Through this research and review of his works, we can understand how the writing of History of Chinese Literature became a text as a social and cultural movement, impacted on the cultural structure of the chinese traditionality. These social and cultural movements through Hu Shih's discursive struggle, literary text research and writing history of chinese vernacular literature, and reformation of chinese educational system, which was especially focused on the vernacular reformation of chinese language and literature textbooks of the elementary and middle school actually have had great impact on the chinese traditionality and its ontology at the 5.4 new culture movement period until now. On the History of chinese vernacular literature, Hu shih tried to find people's voices, feelings, and their real life. When Hu shih make these voices as a power to make social and cultural movement pave new way for the new era of china. I would consider Hu shih's writing History of Chinese literature as a social and cultural movement. If then, is he need to be responsible for next generation's writing History of Chinese literature as a voice of communist ideology? That's why we need to pay more attention about this subject.

      • KCI등재

        민주화와 본토화의 이중주 ― 대만의식과 대만 사회 운동의 성장 과정 ―

        양태근,구패훤 중국근현대사학회 2012 중국근현대사연구 Vol.55 No.-

        Taiwan society has complex social and political structures, since the Japanese colonial and the reign of the Kuomintang began to accumulate, like ethnic groups, provinces, Chinese consciousness, and Taiwan consciousness, colonial, post-colonial, post-imperial, and many other issues, has become controversial issues and some of them become very solid ideological issues. Understanding of Taiwanization(本土化: Bentuhua), simultaneously focus on the Taiwanization context of the historical, cultural, political interaction, more easy to grasp the main crux of the complex society of Taiwan. In this paper, three research priorities, first, to understand democratization and Taiwanization in Taiwan society is a complementary process. Second, after Taiwanese people have political power, the policy of Taiwanization can ask people should be accept Taiwanese consciousness? Third, because of this forced Taiwanization and its introspection, have the "Progressive Taiwanization" restart new social movements in Taiwan?Through this discussion, perhaps democratization needs the deepening of democratic consciousness of society, and social communities have to monitor political, social powers and self-introspection constantly. To let Taiwan consciousness and Taiwanization, to embark on the "Progressive Taiwanization", perhaps respecting for diversity is an effective way to make Taiwan's social and cultural movements walking to the true democratic accomplishment and Taiwanization.

      • KCI등재

        중국과 대만 양안관계의 역사 재해석과 전망 : 92공식(九二共識)을 중심으로

        양태근 효원사학회 2016 역사와 세계 Vol.- No.50

        대만과 중국 관계의 급속한 변화 속에서, 중국과 미국은 차이잉원 대통령과 그의 92공식 (九二共識, 1992 consensus) 관련 외교 정책의 입장에 대해 서로 다른 입장에서 우려를 가지고 있다. 만약 그렇다면 민주 진보당의 정책 기반, 특히 대만의 독립을 둘러싼 정책은 변화 할 가능성이 있을까? 이러한 일련의 문제에 대한 답변은 민주 진보당 정책 특히 중국이 강조하는 92공식을 둘러 싼 양안의 서로 다른 해석에 대한 연구를 통해서만 비로소 정확한 이해가 가능할 것이다. 특히, 대만 내부에서 92공식을 둘러싸고 다양한 정치 세력간의 논쟁과 역사 재해석과 관련한 자세한 이해는 이러한 문제의 본질에 좀 더 가까이 다가갈 수 있는 가장 정확한 연구 방법일 것이다. 현재 대만 내부에서도 국민당(KMT), 대만연합, 민주진보당(DPP)과 차이잉원 총통 등, 대만 정치 세력간의 92공식에 대한 다양한 역사 해석과 재해석의 스펙트럼을 발견할 수 있다. 이 논문에서, 소위 대만과 중국과의 양안관계는 92공식을 둘러 싼 다양한 정치 노선을 분석하고 이해하는 것에서 좀 더 명확한 이해가 가능하며 또한 대만 정치인들과는 다른 사회 각층의 의견도 확인해 보려고 하였다. 이러한 토론을 통해 우리는 향후 대만과 중국의 정치 및 경제 문제의 진전에 대한 심층적인 이해를 시도 할 수 있을 것이다. 대만은 2차 세계 대전 이후 이른바 통일과 새로운 민족국가 탄생 가능성 사이에서 좌고우면중이다. 특히 92공식과 관련하여 끊임없는 역사 재해석과 이를 둘러 싼 역사 서술충돌이 발생하고 있는 살아있는 역사의 현장이다. 92공식을 둘러 싼 중국과 대만 내부의 다양한 의견들의 역사적 고찰이야 말로 이런 동아시아의 역사 공간이 가지고 있는 다양성과 복잡성을 파악하고 또한 실제 우리가 연구해야 할 역사가 어떻게 재구성되고 있는지를 이해할 수 있는 현장일 것이다. In the rapidly changing relations between Taiwan and China, is it possible for China and the United States to change the DPP"s policy framework on Taiwan independence policy? And other issues have different concerns. The answers to this series of questions, such as through the two sides different interpretations of 1992 Consensus for historical inspection, that can grasp the overall historical context. In particular, a detailed understanding of the controversies and historical annotations between Taiwan"s various political forces around the 1992 consensus will be the most accurate approach to the core of the problem. Because of China and Taiwan"s political ideology is different, and intends to re-interpretation of historical facts, triggering different degrees of tension and interpretation of the conflict. 1992 Consensus The various pedigrees of Taiwan"s understanding and assertion not only explain the best analytical tools for cross-strait relations, but also explain why we should review this issue historically. In Taiwan, we can find various historical interpretations and reinterpretations of Taiwan"s political forces, including the Kuomintang, the Taiwan Solidarity Union, the DPP and Tsai Ying-wen. In this article, the so-called cross-strait relations between Taiwan and China, in analyzing and understanding the various political lines of consensus, more clearly show the complex nature of cross-strait relations. Through this discussion, we will be able to gain insight into the future political and economic progress of Taiwan and China. New understandings must be made through the reinterpretation of the 1992 consensus to create new possibilities. After the Second World War, Taiwan has been linked to the so-called split and unification, that is, the possibility of a new nation-state or not. This is the reason why we continue to pay attention to this issue. The historical pedigree of China and Taiwan"s consensus around 1992 consensus is not only an insight into the diversity and complexity of the East Asian historical space and field, but also the best way to understand our history in research and how to reconstruct and reinterpret it.

      • KCI등재

        葉石濤를 통해 본 강제된 문명으로서의 식민지 대만과 ‘대만문학’

        양태근 한국중국현대문학학회 2011 中國現代文學 Vol.0 No.56

        During the Sino-Japanese War (1937-45), the Japanese colonial government propagated the Imperial-Subject Movement(皇民化運動) to mold Taiwanese people’s unquestioning loyalty to Japan. Taiwanese writers were requested to eulogize the Japanese national spirit. During that period, Ye, Shi Tao(葉石濤, 1925-2008) was involved in a debate in support of Imperial-Subject Literature(皇民文學) and criticized some Taiwanese writers for not actively participating in Imperial-Subject Literature. (1943)After 1990, Ye, Shi tao declared “there is no imperial-subject literature. All are protest literature (1990)”; “seriously my country is Taiwan, but my spiritual home is Japan…… So I think Japan is the home of my heart because my heart is mostly affected by Japan. But it does not mean I like Japanese, my country is Taiwan, which is not changed.” (1999)If we are trying to understand the colonial Imperial-Subject Education(皇民化教育) in Taiwan, where the Taiwanese national consciousness has grown, and its interaction with Taiwan's current national consciousness literature, that is, “Taiwan Literature,” studying Ye will be a good choice for research. This is the study of the colonization of Taiwan, especially how the Japanese colonial government used the binary opposition of civilization and barbarism to persuade the Taiwanese like Ye to accept Japan as a new civilization and to assimilate into Japan. In my opinion, this is a process of “forced civilization.” For Ye, the Japanese and the KMT rule in Taiwan were the same colonial governments, and he was “forced to be Japanese,” and “forced to be Chinese”. Therefore, Ye may have thought Taiwan's future should be based on Taiwanese consciousness; at this point we can understand why he was eager to establish the “Taiwan literature”, and how “Taiwan Literature” plays a key role in his life.

      • KCI등재

        성남시 건축물 미술작품의 재료분류체계에 따른 시대별 재료변화 특성 분석

        양태근,김성실 한국기초조형학회 2014 기초조형학연구 Vol.15 No.1

        This is an exploratory study to examine the phenomenon of time-oriented material changes of building art works, focusing on Seongnam City of which a time-series analysis is meaningful, due to its development of a new town. For this, a classification system of building art works in Seongnam City was worked out first of all. And then based on it, data from a building art work DB were empirically analyzed. Finally, study findings were verified through a case study. Study findings are as follows: A classification system of building art works in Seongnam City was divided into such three kinds of materials as organic one, inorganic one and others in general. And these materials were sub-divided into 11 kinds of materials with a medium classification system and 51 kinds of materials with a detailed classification system. According to the above classification of materials, 179 building art works in Seongnam City, over the period of 15 years from 1998 to 2012, were empirically analyzed, focusing on its actual use of materials. Results showed that before 2005, only a kind of material, such as bronze or granite, was frequently used, whereas from 2005 to the present, the use rate of stainless steel increased remarkably and the mixture of materials was frequently used as well. In order to verify these changes of material use, the changing modality of art works of eight middle-grade artists, who had the experience of installing building art works in Seongnam City, was presented as cases. In order to find out the cause of changes, an open questionnaire survey was carried out simultaneously. The results of questionnaire survey presented following causes of material changes: (1) the suitability of expression of shapes; (2) durability; (3) the harmony with modern buildings; (4) in consideration of weight of parking lot installed on the upper part of a building; and (5) the 3D program-based conception of works. The phenomenon of using only a kind of material (stainless steel) has been naturally taken place with complex factors and had many advantages from the aspect of material characteristics. However, this phenomenon has made the whole image of city uniformed and artists lose their artistry, thus causing severe side effects. In order to settle down these problems, it seems to be necessary to work out such systematic supplementary measures as increasing the selection rate of fine art works via appointing experts as deliberating council members, guaranteeing the proportion of production cost of works in the installation cost of works, and establishing a monitoring system to carry out the installation of building art works transparently. 본 연구는 신도시가 형성되어 시계열분석에 의미가 있는 성남시를 바탕으로, 시대별 건축물미술작품의 재료변화 현상을 진단하기 위한 탐색적 연구이다. 우선, 성남시 건축물미술작품 분류체계를 정립하고, 이를 바탕으로 건축물미술작품 DB의 데이터를 실증 분석하였으며, 마지막으로 사례연구를 통하여 실증결과를 검증하였다. 연구 결과, 성남시 건축물미술작품의 분류체계는 크게 유기물, 무기물, 기타의 세 가지로 구분되었으며, 이에 따라 11가지 중분류 및 51가지 소분류로 구분되었다. 재료분류에 따라 1998년~2012년 동안(15년간) 성남시 건축물미술작품 총 179점을 대상으로 재료 사용현황을 실증 분석한 결과, 2005년을 기준으로 과거에는 브론즈와 화강석 등의 단일재료 사용이 많았고, 현재는 스테인리스 스틸의 사용비율이 눈에 띄게 증가하였으며, 혼합재료의 사용이 늘어난 현상을 확인하였다. 이러한 재료사용의 변화를 검증하기 위하여 성남시에 건축물미술작품 설치경험이 있는 중견작가 8명의 작품변화 양상을 사례로 제시하였으며, 변화요인 도출을 위하여 개방형 설문을 병행하였다. 설문 결과, 재료변화 요인은 첫째, 형태 표현의 적합성 둘째, 내구성 셋째, 현대건축물과의 조화 넷째, 주차장 상부설치로 인한 하중 고려 다섯째, 3D프로그램에 의존한 작품구상으로 나타났다. 재료사용 비율이 한 가지 재료(스테인리스 스틸)에 집중되는 현상은 복합적 요인에 의해 자연스럽게 흘러왔으며 재료의 특성에 집중해 보았을 때 많은 장점을 가지고 있다. 그러나 전체 도시 이미지를 획일화 시키며 작가 고유의 예술성을 잃게 한다는 심각한 부작용을 야기하고 있다. 이러한 문제점에 대한 해결방안으로 전문지식을 보유한 심의위원 구성을 통한 순수작품 선정 비율의 확대와 미술작품 설치 금액의 중 작품제작비 비율 보장 및 투명한 진행을 위한 감시시스템 마련 등의 제도적 보완이 필요한 것으로 나타났다.

      • KCI등재

        루소 정치 사상의 전파 과정을 통해 본 중국 전통 사상과 서구 정치 사상의 교류와 소통

        양태근 한국중국현대문학학회 2009 中國現代文學 Vol.0 No.48

        Rousseau’s political thought represents characteristics that are distinct from the British Liberalism. Distinct from the British Liberalism based on the philosophical tradition of Empiricism, Rousseau focuses on the “forced to be free” environment that enables each individual to be free and to pursue the ideal. Rousseau’s political thinking had a profound influence on the French Revolution. And when introduced into China, his thought played an important role in late Qing thinkers’ search for revolutionary ideas. If so, in what ways did Liang Qichao, the most significant figure in importing Rousseau’s thought into China, adopt Rousseau’s thought and introduce it to the Chinese people? This study examines the ways in which Rousseau’s political thought was introduced into China and what the relationships were between his thinking and traditional Chinese thought. Focusing on the relationship between Rousseau’s thought and traditional Chinese thought, I also examine how contemporary Chinese thinkers understood Rousseau and on what grounds they either adopted or criticized his thought. By doing this, we can understand the entire process of importation, acceptance and transformation of Western thought, as the process of selective acceptance and creative transformation. First, I pay special attention to Liang Qichao insofar as he played a significant role in the spread of Rousseau’s thought in China. In order to understand the background of Liang Qichao’s thinking, I explore what his understanding of late Qing thought was, in what ways he received Rousseau’s political thought, and what were the aspects of ideological exchange in his introduction of Rousseau into China. Next, I compare Rousseau’s ethics with traditional Chinese ethics in the Yangming philosophy that was adopted by Liang Qichao and played an important role in the spread of Rousseau’s thought in China. By comparing the similarities and differences between the Chinese and Western ethics, I examine what the influence of traditional Chinese thought was upon Chinese intellectuals’ reception and transformation of Western political thoughts. Hence, this study explores the interplay and communication between the tradition and the modern.

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