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      • KCI등재후보

        6세기 초 신라 갈문왕의 지위변화

        양자량 덕성여자대학교 인문과학연구소 2018 인문과학연구 Vol.26 No.-

        In this research paper, the literature historical material and geomsuckmun(金石文)are examined to look the change of galmunwang’s status in the early 6th centurycaused by the royal authority of both King Jijeung and King Beopheung. Throughthe geomsuckmun in the early 6th century, the galmunwang had political influencethat played an important role in determining main issues of government at a councilof novel. Finally, as the royal authority weakened in the late King SoJi, JidoroGalmunwang came to the throne in the abnormal way with support of strong powers. However, since galmunwang did not have the right of succession, his justificationmight be weak. It will have to be understood in such a situation not to call theMaripgan(麻立干) on the nangsuribi in 503. In this way, to overcome own weakjustification and royal authority, King Jijeung carried out reformations of the strengthenand stability of royal authority after his enthronement. A 530’s was a period completed a centralized system in the King Beopheungera, dissolving Yukbu(六部) system. On the one hand, King Beopheung tried to weakengalmunwang's authority to prevent the King Jijeung’s precedent that took the throneas galmunwang. As the galmunwang’s status was weakened, it was the Sangdaedeung(上大等) to substitute for its role. King Beopheung established the sangdaedeung ashis political partner instead of galmunwang. And then, the galmunwang degeneratedas a honorary position, which is just given to royal families, and this position wasalso regarded as a nominal position that no longer has political influences. In short,before King Jijeung, the royal authority under the yukbu system was weak, so the kingregarded galmunwang as his partner who was based on the blood-relationship. On theother hand, after King Jijeung, the king engaged not galmunwang but the bureaucratizedsangdaedeung through reformations for strengthen royal authority by himself. 본 논문에서는 문헌사료와 금석문을 통해 6세기 초 신라의 지증왕․법흥왕대 왕권과 그에 따른 갈문왕의 지위 변화에 대해 살펴보았다. 6세기 초 금석문을 통해 갈문왕은 귀족회의에서 주요 국정 현안을 결정하는 중요한 역할을 하는 등 정치적 영향력을 가지고 있었다. 마침내 소지왕 말기 왕권이 약화되자 지도로 갈문왕은 강대한 세력의 지지에 힘입어 비정상적인 방법으로 즉위한다. 그러나 갈문왕은 왕위계승권이 없었기 때문에 그 명분은 취약했을 것이다. 자신의 약한 명분과 약해진 왕권을살리기 위해 지증왕은 즉위 이후 왕권의 안정과 강화를 위한 개혁을 실시하게 된다. 530년대는 6부체제가 해체되고, 법흥왕대 집권화된 지배체제가 완성되어 가는 시기였다. 이는 왕권이 성장되었음을 보여준다. 한편 법흥왕은 갈문왕으로서 왕위에오른 지증왕의 전례를 견제하고자 갈문왕의 지위를 약화시키고자 하였다. 갈문왕의지위가 격하됨에 따라 그 역할을 대신 한 것이 바로 법흥왕 18년(531) 설치된 상대등이다. 법흥왕은 자신의 정치적 파트너로 갈문왕이 아닌 상대등을 설치하여 갈문왕은 더 이상 정치적으로 영향력을 가질 수 없는 유명무실한 위치, 왕족에게 주는 명예직화로 전락하게 되었다. 이를 정리하면 지증왕 이전에는 6부체제의 아래에서 왕권이 약했기 때문에 혈연관계에 있던 갈문왕을 동반자로 여겼다면, 지증왕 이후 스스로 왕권을 강력하게하기 위한 개혁을 통해 혈연관계로 있던 갈문왕이 아닌 관료화된 상대등을 동반자로서 두었던 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        6세기 신라 大等 성격에 대한 검토 -진흥왕대 비문 분석을 중심으로-

        양자량 동국대학교 WISE(와이즈)캠퍼스 신라문화연구소 2019 新羅文化 Vol.53 No.-

        Daedeung(大等) has been commonly considered as a general title of a subject group, an upper grade group or a high official ranking. However, according to Juk Sung Monument, changnyeong Monument, Mawunlyung Monument that are found Daedeung, it is difficult to extract any feature and criteria about Daedeung because there are various numbers, official lights, and roles of Daedeung. It is only by clarifying the criteria on which Daedeung has been organized that it can properly define the nature of Daedeung. An analysis of the three Epigraphics shows that Daedeung is not a fixed group, but a temporary group composed differently by the king according to matters. Basically, Cheng's role seems to be to oversee the matter so that it can be resolved well between the king and other officials. The lower limit of the official ranking is not apparent and the spectrum is broad, which means that there was a class directly responsible for practice within the Daedeung. The date of its emergence can be seen prior to the establishment of Sangdaedeung(上大等), as it has been divided into Modaedeung(某大等), and is presumed to be the reign of the Beopheung Dynasty. In the process of dissolving the Bu-system(部體制) and moving on to managing state affairs centered on the king, It may be seen as a group that has undergone a series of reforms. As the process of centralization of the Jinheung Dynasty was accelerated, matters that had to be dealt with gradually became complicated and tasks that needed expertise occurred, Temporarily constructed Daedeung was separated and stuck in a government position called Modaedeung. Since then, it is likely that Daedeung has gradually disappeared. In other words, it is a political force of the 6th century based on the king's close interests at a time of transition when the king's political power is strengthened.

      • KCI등재

        포항중성리신라비에서 보이는 신라 부체제 검토

        양자량(Yang Jaryang) 백산학회 2021 白山學報 Vol.- No.119

        중성리비는 의결집단과 집행집단으로 구성되어 있고, 왕이 분쟁해결에 직접 참여하지 않고있는 점, 분쟁해결방식 체계가 다소 복잡하다는 점, 실제 집행은 현지인에게 독자적으로 맡긴점 등 통해 냉수리비와의 차이가 존재한다. 따라서 중성리비는 냉수리비와 시간적 격차가있었을 것이라 판단되며 441년에 건립된 것으로 보았다. 냉수리비 단계에서는 왕이 직접공론에 참여하여 분쟁에 관여하고 있다. 또한 분쟁해결방식은 왕이 직접 참여한 교집단에서공론을 하고 바로 그 결과를 전달하여 보다 행정적으로 간결해졌지만, 왕이 참여했다는 점에서그 판결의 권위는 높아졌다고 할 수 있다. 즉, 부체제 내에서도 국정운영의 변화양상을 확인할수 있는데, 그 변화 시점은 5세기 중반 이후일 것으로 보인다. 중성리비가 세워진 눌지마립간대는 고구려와의 관계가 소강상태 혹은 우호관계에 있었기때문에 흥해 지역에 대한 신라의 영향력은 꽤 안정적이었을 것이다. 한편 5세기 전반에는 지방관을 파견하는 직접 지배보다는 그 지역 유력자를 통한 간접지배로 지방을 관리했는데, 이 간접지배 방식은 6부에 의해 행해졌다. 즉, 6부 체제 동안에는 부별로 정복지역을 나눠서관리했을 것이고, 중성리비에 나오는 牟旦伐喙는 간거벌 이하 4개의 촌을 관리하면서 그 지역의 노동력을 소유하였다고 볼 수 있다. 牟旦伐喙는 개인이 소유하고 있는 宮이 자신들의 노동력을 무단으로 탈취한 것을 단독으로 해결하지 않고, 중앙에 있는 부들 간의 공론으로 해결한것을 보면 당시 6부 체제는 공론의 원칙 아래 중앙과 지방을 관리했음을 알 수 있다. The Jungseongribi(中城里碑) is different from the Nangsuribi(冷水里碑) due to the composition of the decision-making group(議決集團) and the enforcement group(執行集團) and the fact that the king does not directly participate in resolving the dispute, the dispute resolution system is somewhat complicated, and the actual enforcement is left to locals. Therefore, it is believed that the Jungseongribi was built in 441 because there was a time gap between the Nangsuribi. During the stage of the Nangsuribi, the king participated in the public debate and was involved in the dispute. In addition, the dispute resolution method became more administratively concise by collective discussion(共論) and delivering the results directly from the Gyo group(敎集團)in which the king participated, but the authority of the judgement was increased in that the king participated. In other words, changes in state administration can be seen even within the Bu-system(部體制), which is expected to occur after the mid-5th century. The influence of Silla on the Heunghae area must have been quite stable because the relationship with Goguryeo was in a lull or friendly relationship with Maripgan-Nulji(訥祗麻立 干), when the Jungseongribi was built. In the first half of the 5th century, local governance was managed through indirect control through influential people in the region rather than direct control of local government officials, which was carried out by the six-bu(6部). The six-part system at that time managed central and provincial governments under the principle of collective discussion, rather than solving the unauthorized seizure of their labor by individuals such as palaces(宮).

      • KCI등재

        <일반논문> 6세기 초 신라 갈문왕의 지위변화

        양자량 ( Yang Ja Ryang ) 덕성여자대학교 인문과학연구소 2018 인문과학연구 Vol.26 No.-

        본 논문에서는 문헌사료와 금석문을 통해 6세기 초 신라의 지증왕·법흥왕대 왕권과 그에 따른 갈문왕의 지위 변화에 대해 살펴보았다. 6세기 초 금석문을 통해 갈문왕은 귀족회의에서 주요 국정 현안을 결정하는 중요한 역할을 하는 등 정치적 영향력을 가지고 있었다. 마침내 소지왕 말기 왕권이 약화되자 지도로 갈문왕은 강대한 세력의 지지에 힘입어 비정상적인 방법으로 즉위한다. 그러나 갈문왕은 왕위계승권이 없었기 때문에 그 명분은 취약했을 것이다. 자신의 약한 명분과 약해진 왕권을 살리기 위해 지증왕은 즉위 이후 왕권의 안정과 강화를 위한 개혁을 실시하게 된다. 530년대는 6부체제가 해체되고, 법흥왕대 집권화된 지배체제가 완성되어 가는 시기였다. 이는 왕권이 성장되었음을 보여준다. 한편 법흥왕은 갈문왕으로서 왕위에 오른 지증왕의 전례를 견제하고자 갈문왕의 지위를 약화시키고자 하였다. 갈문왕의 지위가 격하됨에 따라 그 역할을 대신 한 것이 바로 법흥왕 18년(531) 설치된 상대 등이다. 법흥왕은 자신의 정치적 파트너로 갈문왕이 아닌 상대등을 설치하여 갈문왕은 더 이상 정치적으로 영향력을 가질 수 없는 유명무실한 위치, 왕족에게 주는 명예직화로 전락하게 되었다. 이를 정리하면 지증왕 이전에는 6부체제의 아래에서 왕권이 약했기 때문에 혈연관계에 있던 갈문왕을 동반자로 여겼다면, 지증왕 이후 스스로 왕권을 강력하게하기 위한 개혁을 통해 혈연관계로 있던 갈문왕이 아닌 관료화된 상대등을 동반자로서 두었던 것이다. In this research paper, the literature historical material and geomsuckmun(金石文) are examined to look the change of galmunwang’s status in the early 6th century caused by the royal authority of both King Jijeung and King Beopheung. Through the geomsuckmun in the early 6th century, the galmunwang had political influence that played an important role in determining main issues of government at a council of novel. Finally, as the royal authority weakened in the late King SoJi, Jidoro Galmunwang came to the throne in the abnormal way with support of strong powers. However, since galmunwang did not have the right of succession, his justification might be weak. It will have to be understood in such a situation not to call the Maripgan(麻立干) on the nangsuribi in 503. In this way, to overcome own weak justification and royal authority, King Jijeung carried out reformations of the strengthen and stability of royal authority after his enthronement. A 530’s was a period completed a centralized system in the King Beopheung era, dissolving Yukbu(六部) system. On the one hand, King Beopheung tried to weaken galmunwang's authority to prevent the King Jijeung’s precedent that took the throne as galmunwang. As the galmunwang’s status was weakened, it was the Sangdaedeung (上大等) to substitute for its role. King Beopheung established the sangdaedeung as his political partner instead of galmunwang. And then, the galmunwang degenerated as a honorary position, which is just given to royal families, and this position was also regarded as a nominal position that no longer has political influences. In short, before King Jijeung, the royal authority under the yukbu system was weak, so the king regarded galmunwang as his partner who was based on the blood-relationship. On the other hand, after King Jijeung, the king engaged not galmunwang but the bureaucratized sangdaedeung through reformations for strengthen royal authority by himself.

      • KCI등재

        신라 상대(上代) 박씨 왕족 계보와 왕위계승

        양자량(Yang Ja-ryang) 한국역사연구회 2017 역사와 현실 Vol.- No.105

        Reconstructed in this article is the lineage of the Park House royal figures, to be analyzed for their relationships (and in some cases multiple relationships) with several kings, in order to determine how the successor to the throne was usually decided. For this task, a lineage table based upon data extracted from Samguk Sagi, and another lineage based upon information suggested by Samguk Yusa were both created, but neither one was dismissed. Information from both texts were simultaneously examined and cross-referenced to be verified. Discrepancies between both records may provide us with cause for further examination, but hopefully, will ultimately lead to a more comprehensive lineage table based upon information embedded in both texts. The most crucial figure to note in the task of recreating lineage of the Park house royal figures is no other than Ilji Galmun-wang. In various texts, he is either recorded as the father-in-law(妃父) of Yuri Isageum, or the father-in-law of Ilseong Isageum, or even the father of Ilseong. By comparing relevant data suggested in both Samguk Sagi and Samguk Yusa, we can safely theorize that Ilji Galmun-wang was actually the older brother of Yuri and father of Ilseong, which makes Ilseong and Pasa Isageum not brothers but cousins. In this period, the oldest son was not automatically granted the status of a successor to the throne, and such successor had to be equipped with competence and experience. But the Ilseong line and Pasa line, which originated from different founding fathers, fought with each other over the throne, and Pasa -who was younger than Ilseong- became the next king. Later the thrones were succeeded by the oldest and legitimate sons. Conflicting records should all be included in the examination process in order for the lineage to be newly reconstructed. The result would be a new understanding of the throne-succession process of the Park house royal figures, which was previously believed to have been rather uneventful but turned out to be actually quite turbulent due to internal conflicts. We can also see certain changes in principles unfolding, concerning the throne succession process itself.

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