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        아동과 청소년의 사회불안과 우울 증상간의 시간적 관계

        양윤란,오경자,양재원 한국임상심리학회 2008 Korean Journal of Clinical Psychology Vol.27 No.1

        The objective of this study was to examine the temporal relationship between the symptoms of social anxiety and depression in children and adolescents, and to investigate the effect of age on the temporal relationship. Children(364 4th-5th graders) and adolescents(373 10th-11th graders) were given self-report measures of social anxiety and depression. The same measures were repeated 6 months later. The results of the structural equation modeling indicated that the path coefficient from T1 social anxiety to T2 social anxiety and the path coefficient from T1 depression to T2 depression were significant in both children and adolescents. The path coefficients from T1 social anxiety to T2 depression and from T1 depression to T2 social anxiety were significant in the children's model. T1 social anxiety was not associated with T2 depression, but T1 depression was significantly associated with T2 social anxiety in the adolescent model. However, in the adolescent model with modified scales, the path coefficient from T1 depression to T2 social anxiety was not significant.

      • KCI등재

        사회공포증 증상과 사회기술의 관계에 대한 실험 연구: 아동, 어머니, 평정자간 비교

        양윤란 한국임상심리학회 2008 Korean Journal of Clinical Psychology Vol.27 No.4

        본 연구에서는 아동기 사회공포증이 사회기술의 결함과 관련이 있는지 알아보고자 아동의 사회공포증 증상과 평정자와 어머니가 평정한 객관적인 사회기술 그리고 아동과 어머니가 평정한 주관적인 사회기술 측정치간의 관계를 조사하였다. 사회공포증 또는 사회공포증과 함께 기타 불안장애를 공존병리로 가진 7-12세 아동 18명이 낯선 성인과의 대화에 참여하였고 어머니들은 모니터로 자녀의 수행을 관찰하였다. 아동과 부모는 실험 전과 후에 아동의 사회기술을 각자 평정하였고, 2명의 평정자들은 아동의 수행이 녹화된 비디오를 독립적으로 평정하였다. 연구 결과, 아동들의 사회공포증 증상이 심각할수록 평정자와 어머니가 평정한 아동의 객관적인 사회기술 수준이 낮게 평가되었다. 어머니들은 아동이 낯선 성인과의 대화에서 실제보다 불안 행동을 더 많이 보일 것이라고 기대하였으나 아동의 수행을 관찰한 뒤에는 불안 행동에 대한 판단이 보다 객관적으로 변화하였다. 본 연구의 의의와 제한점에 대해 논의하였다. The present study investigated the relationship between objective and subjective ratings of social skills and symptoms of social phobia in children. The sample consisted of 18 children with social phobia or social phobia and other anxiety disorders (7-12 years old) and their mothers. The children participated in a conversation with an unfamiliar adult, and the children's mothers observed their performance. Children and their mothers independently rated their social skills before and after the conversation. Two observers also independently rated the children's social skills. There was a moderate correlation between social phobia symptoms and objective social skills in children. The mothers tended to think that their children exhibited more nervous behaviors than they actually did. There was no significant difference between the mothers' ratings and observers' ratings on nervous behavior in children after the mothers observed their children's performance. The methodological limitations and clinical implications of the present study were discussed.

      • KCI등재

        또래관계기술 척도의 개발: 초등학교 4학년 - 중학교 3학년 학생용

        양윤란,오경자 한국임상심리학회 2005 Korean Journal of Clinical Psychology Vol.24 No.4

        본 연구에서는 초등학교 4학년-중학교 3학년 학생들의 또래관계기술을 측정하는 척도를 개발하고 신뢰도와 타당도를 알아보고자 하였다. 기존의 사회기술 척도 문항 중에서 또래관계기술만을 측정하는 46개의 예비 문항을 선정하였다. 연구대상은 초등학교 4-6학년 342명, 중학교 1-3학년 301명이었다. 요인분석 결과, 또래관계기술 척도는 19문항으로, 주도성과 협동/공감 두 요인 구조로 이루어져 있었다. 하위 척도의 내적 일치도 계수는 .74-.81이었고, 관련 척도와의 상관 분석 결과, 타당도가 지지되었다. 본 연구의 의의와 제한점에 대해서 논의하였다.

      • KCI등재

        또래 상호작용에 대한 자기제시 기대 척도의 개발

        양윤란,오경자 한국임상심리학회 2005 Korean Journal of Clinical Psychology Vol.24 No.3

        This study was performed to develop a Self-Presentational Expectancy Scale for Peer Interaction(SPES-PI) with 4th through 9th grades and to confirm its reliability and validity. SPES-PI was comprised of expectancy of self-presentational ability and expectancy of self- presentational outcome. The data of preliminary 20 items assessing expectancy of self-presentational ability and preliminary 15 items assessing expectancy of self-presentational outcome were collected from previous researches. Participants were 397 students in 4th through 6th grades and 402 students in 7th through 9th grades. The results of factor analysis indicated that SPES-PI was composed of 3 factors: Expectancy of self-presentational outcome, Expectancy of self-presentational ability-opposite sex situations, Expectancy of self-presentational ability-same sex/group situations. The internal consistency of SPES-PI was found to be reliable and convergent validity was established through correlational analysis with related scales. Implications and limitations of this study were discussed.

      • KCI등재

        또래관계기술이 사회불안에 영향을 미치는 기제: 자기통찰에 의해 중재된 자기제시기대의 매개 효과

        양윤란,오경자 한국임상심리학회 2007 Korean Journal of Clinical Psychology Vol.26 No.1

        The present study investigated (1) the mediational effects of self-presentational expectancy in the relationship between peer relational skills and social anxiety and (2) whether degree of self-insight moderates this relationship. Peer relational skills data were obtained through self and peer reports, and the data of self-presentational expectancy, self-insight, and social anxiety were obtained through self-reports in 272 4th-5th graders and 279 8th-9th graders. Self-insight was measured by administering the private self-consciousness subscale of the self-consciousness scale, and participants whose scores fell in the upper 50th percentile formed the high self-insight group and the lower 50th percentile formed the low self-insight group. The results of the structural equations modelling were as follows: (1) the mediational effect of self-presentational expectancy on the relationship between peer relational skills and social anxiety was found both children and adolescents. (2) self-presentational expectancy mediated the relationship between peer relational skills and social anxiety in the high self-insight group but not in the low self-insight group. More specifically, high self-insight children and adolescents with initiative, cooperative, and empathic peer relational skills increases their expectancy for positive response from peers in peer interactions and such a positive self-presentational expectancy appears to lower social anxiety.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        청소년기 사회불안의 발생과 유지의 심리적 기제 Ⅱ: 6개월 추적조사

        오경자,양윤란 한국임상심리학회 2003 Korean Journal of Clinical Psychology Vol.22 No.3

        In an attempt to assess the stability of social anxiety in childhood and adolescence and identify variables contributing to the stability, a total of 1255 children and adolescents(364 4th-5th graders, 518 7th-8th graders, and 373 10th-11th graders) were given self-report measures of social interaction and performance anxiety, retrospective account of behavioral inhibition, traumatic experience, family environment, dysfunctional cognition, depression and interference. The same measures of social interaction and performance anxiety were repeated 6 months later. The correlation between the 1st and 2nd social anxiety scores in the 3 age groups ranged from .54-.74. and approximately half of the high anxiety group (with anxiety score 1SD above the mean) showed a drop in their anxiety scores below the criterion at the 6 month follow-up. Multiple regression analyses revealed the level of social interaction and performance anxiety at the 1st assessment, behavioral inhibition and traumatic experience to be significant contributing factors to the social interaction and performance anxiety at the 2nd assessment. In addition, internalizing behavior problems emerged as a significant contributing factor in the group of 10-11th graders. Those with high level of anxiety at both assessments had higher initial anxiety level, behavioral inhibition, and traumatic experience scores compared to those with transient anxiety. The persistent anxiety group also had higher depression and negative cognition measures.

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