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        양내윤 한국일본어학회 2018 日本語學硏究 Vol.0 No.56

        This study defines an interlanguage as a dynamic entity that builds an independent system to reach a target language, and aims to identify the characteristics of noda in the Japanese interlanguage. This study describes Japanese language learners' use of noda by formulating the hypothesis that Japanese language learners use noda in their keigo, or honorific speech, to speak fluently while alleviating the burden of forming polite language, and tests this hypothesis. The results are summarized as follows. (1) The characteristics of the usage of noda in the Japanese interlanguage are more prominent in the colloquial (oral) style than the literary style and in the polite (and formal) form than the normal (plain) form. (2) The characteristics of noda, such as its early and frequent use, co-occurrence with final particles, and affinity with verbal predicates, which were found in polite conversations, were not observed in writings in the polite form or conversations in the normal form. (3) Learners appear to use noda as a means to exercise a fluent command of Japanese, aiming to simplify and automate sentence-ending expressions. Through such considerations, this study was able to verify the hypothesis that Japanese learners use noda to attenuate the burden of using the polite and formal form in polite conversations (and oral language) while speaking fluently. Therefore, learners appear to use noda as a means to enhance their communication capability by streamlining the complex procedures of sentence-ending expressions and then pursue natural use of the Japanese language while demonstrating their fluency. 本稿は、中間言語を絶えず目標言語に近づいていくなかで独自の体系を構築しながら発展していく、動的な存在であるという視点に基づき、日本語中間言語におけるノダの特性を明らかにすることを目的に考察を行ったものである。研究方法としては、学習者のノダの使用についての実態記述に基づいて、「学習者は丁寧体の話しことばにおいて、丁寧体を作る負担を軽減しながら、流暢に話すためにノダを用いる」という仮説を立てた上で、この仮説を検証していく「仮説検証型研究」を目指した。その結果は次のようにまとめられる。 (1)学習者は書きことばより話しことばにおいて、さらに話しことばでも普通体より丁寧体においてノダの使用率が際立って高い。 (2)ノダの早期習得や多用、ノダと終助詞との関わりやすさ、ノダと動詞述語文との親和性など丁寧体の話しことばで認められたノダ使用上の特徴が、丁寧体の書きことばや普通体の話しことばでは認められなかった。 (3)学習者は日本語を流暢に話すための手段としてノダを用いており、日本語文末表現を生成する複雑な手続きの簡素化および自動化を図る。 このような考察を通じて「学習者は丁寧体の話しことば([+oral])において、丁寧体([+formal])を作る負担を軽減しながら、流暢に([+fluent])話すためにノダを用いる」という本稿における仮説を検証できた。つまり、学習者は日本語文末表現の複雑な手続きを簡略化し、コミュニケーション能力を高める手段としてノダ(ンデス)を使用しており、それにより日本語の流暢さを出しながら日本語らしさを追求するものと考えられる。

      • KCI등재

        日本語学習者の書きことばにおけるノダ -話しことばとの比較を通じて-

        양내윤,이길용 한국일어교육학회 2018 일본어교육연구 Vol.0 No.43

        In this study, we analyzed the actual use of noda in the Writings with the polite form system of learners of the native languages of Korean, English, and Chinese using 'Sakubun-taiyaku DB (writings of Japanese language learners and its native translation)' as a writing material for Japanese learners. Furthermore, we examined the characteristics of noda in the learner's language by confirming that the analysis result of 'KY Corpus', as conversations with the polite system, corresponds to the writing database 'Sakubun-taiyaku DB.' The results are summarized as follows. (1) Japanese language learners use noda in writings less frequently than Japanese learners. (2) Japanese language learners use noda much more in conversations than writings. (3) The characteristics of the use of noda, such as ① early and frequent use of noda and co-occurrence of noda and final particles, ② the affinity between noda and verbal predicates, and ③ early and frequent use of noda by Japanese language learners with a native languages of Korean, which were found in polite conversations, are not found in the writings with the polite form system. In this way, noda in the learner's language has been found to be used in conversations much more than in writings. Therefore, learners appear to use the n-desu form as a means to enhance their communication capability by streamlining the complex procedures of sentence-ending expressions and then pursue the natural use of the Japanese language while demonstrating their fluency. 本稿は、学習者の丁寧体の書きことば資料として「作文対訳DB」を用いて韓国語ㆍ英語ㆍ中国語母語話者 の書きことばにおけるノダの使用実態について分析を行ったものである。具体的には丁寧体の話しこと ば資料の「KYコーパス」を分析した結果が、「作文対訳DB」にも通用するのかを確かめることを目的とした。 その結果をまとめると次のようになる。 (1)学習者は日本語母語話者に比べ、書きことばにおいてノダの使用が極めて少ない。 (2)学習者は書きことばより話しことばにおいてノダを有意に多用する。 (3)話しことば資料の分析で明らかになった、①韓国語ㆍ英語ㆍ中国語の母語話者ともに習得プロセスの 早い段階からノダを用いる、②終助詞は名詞述語文と、ノダは動詞述語文と親和性が認められる、③ 韓国語母語話者は英語や中国語母語話者よりノダを多用するなどのノダ使用上の特徴が書きことば 資料では認められない。 このように、学習者言語におけるノダは書きことばより話しことばにおいて多用されていることが明 らかになった。これは文末の適切な表現形式を生成する時間的ㆍ精神的余裕があまりない話しことばに おいて、咄嗟に文末を終わらせるための簡略化のストラテジーとしてノダ(ンデス)を用いているものと考 えられる。

      • KCI등재

        韓国人学習者の普通体の話しことばにおけるノダ —丁寧体の話しことばとの比較を中心に—

        양내윤,이길용 중앙대학교 일본연구소 2019 日本 硏究 Vol.0 No.51

        In the current study, we focus on the actual use of noda in casual conversations with the plain form of Korean-speaking learners. Further, this study compares and analyzes the use of noda pronounced in casual conversations by Korean-speaking learners, using formal conversations of Korean-speaking learners and casual conversations of Japanese native speakers. The results are summarized as follows: (1) Korean-speaking learners use noda more frequently in formal conversations than in casual conversations. Korean-speaking learners use noda less frequently than do Japanese native speakers in casual conversations. (2) Korean-speaking learners use noda much more often than other modality expressions both in casual and formal conversations. However, this tendency is more pronounced in formal conversations. (3) The affinity between noda and verbal predicates is found in polite conversations but not in casual conversations. Hence, noda in Korean-speaking learners has been found to be used in formal conversations much more frequently than in casual conversations. Additionally, the characteristics of the use of noda in polite conversations are not found in casual conversations. With regard to the recognition of the frequent use of noda in formal conversations, learners may tend to avoid using the morphologically complex -masu type in difficult verbal predicates in the polite form system and instead use the simplified form of mechanically suffixing n-desu onto the plain form.

      • KCI등재


        양내윤,이길용 한국일본어학회 2017 日本語學硏究 Vol.0 No.53

        In this study, we focused on the actual use of sentence final particles by Korean, English, and Chinese speaking learners of Japanese, especially with the concurrent use of noda form, through the KY corpus. We were able to identify characteristics of the native languages as well as their common features. Our findings are summarized as follows. (1) As learners improve their Japanese language skills, they tend to more frequently use sentence final particles with noda form. This tendency is more pronounced for Korean speaking learners than for English or Chinese speaking learners. (2) In the intermediate stage, which is the acquisition of sentence final particles, Korean speaking learners have relatively high usage rates of yo. It has been reported that Korean speaking learners unconsciously choose yo, confusing it with the Korean sentence-ending suffix –yo, and it is considered that Korean language characteristics have been transferred. (3) When Korean speaking learners become advanced, the use of ndesu·ne increases, which seems to avoid the strong transfer effects when using yo or ndesu·yo. (4) In the use of sentence final particles, especially with the concurrent use of noda form, differences among learners can be recognized, and students with little or no use of them are extremely apparent. As Japanese language skills improve, language learners seem to consider the meaning and function of using noda form and sentence final particles together, as well as their meaning when they are used alone. 본 연구에서는 정중체 회화문 자료인 KY코퍼스를 사용하여 한국어ㆍ영어ㆍ중국어모어화자의 종조사 사용 실태에 대해, noda 형식과의 관계에 주목하여 분석하였다. 그 결과 모어의 차이를 초월한 공통점과 함께 모어화자별 특징도 확인할 수 있었다. 그 내용을 정리하면 다음과 같다. (1)학습자들은 일본어실력이 향상됨에 따라 종조사가 noda와 공기(共起)되어 사용되는 경우가 많아진다. 이러한 경향은 한국어모어화자에게서 더욱 뚜렷하게 나타나는데, 이는 한국어모어화자가 다른 모어화자에 비해 noda형식을 많이 사용하는 것을 의미한다. (2)종조사 습득의 초기단계인 중급(Intermediate)에서 한국어모어화자는 상대적으로 yo의 사용률이 높은 것으로 나타났다. 한국어모어화자가 한국어의 생략정중체 어미인 /yo/와 혼동하여 무의식적으로 yo를 선택하는 사례가 보고되고 있어, 한국어가 전이된 것으로 보여진다. (3)한국어모어화자는 상급(Advanced)이 되면 ndesu·ne의 사용이 많아진다. ndesu·ne를 사용하면 yo나 ndesu·yo를 사용하는 경우의 강한 전달효과가 완화되기 때문으로 생각된다. (4)종조사 사용, 특히 noda 형식과 공기되어 사용되는 경우에서 학습자별 개인차가 인정되는데, 사용수가 극단적으로 적거나 혹은 전혀 사용하지 않는 학습자도 눈에 띈다. 학습자들은 일본어 실력이 향상됨에 따라, noda 형식 및 종조사를 단독 사용할 때의 의미뿐 아니라, noda 형식과 종조사를 함께 사용할 때의 의미·기능도 고려하고 있는 것으로 보인다.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        경막외강에 투여한 Lidocaine HCI 이 Vecuronium 의 신경근 차단 작용에 미치는 영향

        양내윤,서재현 대한마취과학회 1993 Korean Journal of Anesthesiology Vol.26 No.6

        Most local anesthetics intravenously administered inhibit neuromuscular transmission or enhance the neuromuscular block of both nondepolarizing and depolarizing musde relaxants. Local anesthetics used to treat cardiac arrhythmias intraoperatively or postoperatively may, therefore, greatly augment a residual neuromuscular block. To obtain adequate balanced anesthesia and postoperative analgesia, general anesthesia with epidural anesthesia is frequently selected. In the present study we investigated the effects of lidocaine HC1 administered into epidural space on the neuromuscular blocking action of vecuronium. Eighty adult gynecological patients of ASA class I or II were studied. Patients were divided into four groups as follows ; Group I (n=20); vecuronium 0.1 mg/kg iv administered only Group II(n=20); vecuronium 0.1 mg/kg iv and lidocaine 6 mg/kg administered into epidural space Group III(n=20); vecuronium 0.1 mg/kg iv and lidocaine 8 mg/kg administered into epidural space Group IV(n=20); vecuronium 0.1 mg/kg iv and lidocaine 10 mg/kg administered into epidural space Patients of experimental groups II, III and IV were anesthetized by epidural block with 2 % lidocaine followed by general anesthesia 15 minutes later. Before induction with fentanyl(3 ug/kg), droperidol(0.04 mg/kg), thiopental sodium (5 mg/kg) and vecuronium(0.1 mg/kg) iv, neuromuscular monitoring was set by using ABM(Anesthesia and Brain activity Monitor, Datex Co, Finland) which stimulating ulnar nerve at the wrist with supramaximal stimuli at a frequency of 2 Hz and 20 seconds interval. The electromyographic response of hypothenar muscles was recorded. Following stabilization of the control twitch height, vecuronium(0.1 mg/kg) was intravenously injected, and tracheal intubation was performed when the first twitch height of the train of four twitch response(T1) was 5 % of the controL Anesthesia was maintained with O2 (2 L/min) and N2O (4 L/min). The time of onset of action (time from vecuronium iv to 0 % of T1), time of maximal twitch depression (time from loss of T1 to reappearance of T1), Recovery index (time from recovery of 25 % of T1 to 75 % of T1) and T4 ratios (ratio of the height of the fourth twitch to T1) at 25 %, 50 % and 75% of T1 were measured and compared among the groups. The results were as follows ; 1. The time of onset of action was 3.99±0.92 minutes in the control group and 2.94±0.89 minutes in the lidocaine 10 mg/kg administered group(P$lt;0.05). 2. The time of maximal twitch depression was 19.055.46 minutes in the control group and 24.02±6.94, 25.33±5.84, 27.07±5.26 minutes in the lidocaine 6 mg/kg, 8 mg/kg, 10 mg/kg administered groups(P$lt;0.05). 3. Recovery index was 14.76±5.40 minutes in the control group and 20.39±4.56, 22.36±7.98 minutes in the lidocaine 8 mg/kg, 10 mg/kg administered groups(P$lt;0.05). 4. The lidocaine administered into epidural space has little effect on the recovery of T4 compared with that of T1(P$gt;0.05). These results suggest that the effect of lidocaine HC1 administered into epidural space on the neuromblocking action of vecuronium showed prolonged depression and recovery time, and reduced time of the onset of action with dose larger than lidocaine 8 mg/kg.

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