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        정년 60세 시대의 현실과 대응에 관한 연구

        안종태 ( Jong Tae Ahn ) 한국생산성학회 2013 生産性論集 Vol.27 No.4

        The bill to obligate the mandatory retirement at the age of 60 passed the National Assembly in late April, 2013 and awaits implementation in 2016. In transition to the low-birth and aging society, the discussions on aging human resources have witnessed a turning point with the revised bill. With less than 2 or 3 years to prepare for and settle down the new retirement age system, we also have to maintain and upgrade the competitiveness and productivity of enterprises. Thus, we have to mobilize the wisdom and efforts for a win-win game between management and labor. This study sheds light first on the in-and-out realities faced by the aging society and then on how much our society (government, enterprises, trade unions, etc.) has prepared up till now for the foreseen new retirement age and what path we will have to take in the coming years. In particular, In seeking a paradigm shift for the aging human resources in our enterprises, this study tries to present a general direction upon the two poles of labor management and human resource management system.

      • KCI등재

        호주 노사관계제도의 변화

        안종태(Jong Tae Ahn) 한국경영사학회 2003 經營史學 Vol.32 No.-

        Although Australia had been not only British colony but also British federal country, the Australian industrial relations has been developed as the compulsory arbitration, which was totally different from the British voluntarism. The Australian compulsory arbitration had been established by a grand compromise between union and management under the circumstance of both the geographical characteristics of “far from England, the world centered nation” and the economic structure. This is why the Australian compulsory arbitration is called “tyranny of distance.” Until the 1950s, the Australian economy had accomplished the full-employment and low inflation and had maintained high GNP level through exports of gold and wool and tariff policy protecting the domestic manufacture. However, Australian economy has shown the structural defect because of the participation of England into EU in the 1960s, the worldwide stagflation and globalization since the 1970s and appearance of Asian New Industrialized Countries. The long-term economic recession transformed Australian economy into the open economy system since the 1980s, brought about the deregulation policy for improving international competitiveness and enabled the reforming industrial relations to be a major issue. The regime change since the 1980s changed the industrial relations system along with the destruction of the compulsory arbitration through a continuous amendment of labor law. In particular, Australian industrial relations showed very complicated changing process and introduced a new system for every amendment. This is because the industrial relations of Australian changed gradually unlike New Zealand which accomplished the Big-bang type reform. This paper attempts to investigate the development of trade union and employer association, the characteristics of the compulsory arbitration and the characteristics of collective bargaining and conflict in terms of a historicaI study of the characteristics of the Australian industrial relations under the compulsory arbitration. And this paper investigates the procedures of such the system changes reforming the Australian industrial relations since the 1980s as the social accord, enterprise bargaining under managed decentralism and coordinated flexibility, and workplace relations reform.

      • KCI등재

        사용자 관점에서의 노조 경영참가와 조직성과의 관계에 있어서 인사관리부문 역할의 조절효과

        강은미 ( Eun Mee Kang ),안종태 ( Jong Tae Ahn ) 한국생산성학회 2014 生産性論集 Vol.28 No.4

        This study empirically examines the moderating effect of HR department`s role between labor union`s involvement on organizational outcomes by classifying union`s participation forms into three categories such as Strategical Decisions, HR Practices, and Respecting Union`s opinion on these issues, especially from employer`s perspective. Because there were little concerns about the moderating effect of HR department`s role on the relationship between participation programs and organizational performance, and also showed little consistency in the results. To examine the hypotheses of this study, we use the 428 data of “Workplace Panel Survey(WPS)” conducted by Korea Labour Institute in 2009 for the samples of independent variables of union`s involvement on organizational outcomes, and 2011 WPS data for the dependent variables of financial performance as well as labor costs, for clarifying causality. The result shows that union`s participation positively influences on financial performance while negatively influences on labor costs. Strategic decisions influence financial performance while HR role`s moderating effects on the relationship between labor union`s involvement on organizational outcomes are supported partially. As we didn`t separate HR role into two parts such as change leading and strategic role, HR role`s moderating effects on the relationship between labor costs show inconsistent. This is due to using archival data of WPS. Further researches can follow up this issue by categorizing HR according to more specific roles.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        중국기업의 임금제도 전환과 실태에 관한 연구

        소매(Xiao Mei),안종태(Jong-tae Ahn) 한국경영사학회 2016 經營史學 Vol.79 No.-

        중화인민공화국(중국)은 1949년 건국 후 임금제도에 대한 구상은 사회주의 정책의 일환으로 미미하게 전개되어 완만한 속도로 유지하면서 발전하였다. 그러나 1978년 이후 정부의 통제 및 간섭이 점차 약화되면서 기업에서 다양한 임금체계의 변화가 가속화되어 왔다. 특히 WTO 가입이후 중국 경제는 더욱 개방적인 경쟁 환경에 놓이게 되고, 이에 따라 기업 경쟁력을 제고시키기 위한 차원에서 직무성과급제의 시행과 기업의 경영·관리직에 대한 연봉제 실시 등 성과주의 경향이 점차 확산되기 시작하였다. 그러나 성과주의는 지속적인 분배 불공평에 따른 노사 간의 갈등과 임금소득격차 확대 등의 문제들을 일으키게 되고, 중국 정부는 이에 필요한 규제 정책과 방안을 모색하고, 중국기업은 기업 특성에 적합한 새로운 임금제도를 구축하려고 하고 있다. 또한 중국시장에 진출하는 한국기업이 증가하고 있다. 한국의 진출기업들은 중국 경영관리체계와 현지 기업의 노동시장과 노사관계에 관한 연구를 바탕으로 중국 내에서 효과적인 경영 관리방식을 모색하고 있다. 그러나 중국 기업의 임금체계 또는 임금제도에 관한 연구는 있으나, 최근의 임금제도 진행과정이나 구체적인 실태와 그 내용을 체계적으로 반영하지 못하고 있다. 본 연구는 우선 기존 선행문헌과 자료 분석을 바탕으로 중국기업의 임금제도가 발전해 온 역사적 발전과정 및 특성에 기반을 두어 3시기로 구분하여 고찰하였다. 그리고 중국의 다양한 기업유형(소유제의 특성)에 따라 각 유형별에서 기업 임금제도의 선두주자로 나타나고 있는 한단철강그룹(邯鄲 鋼鐵集團)、하이얼그룹 (海爾集團)、온라인쇼핑-알리바바그룹(阿里巴巴 集團), 화웨이 그룹(華爲 集團) 4개의 기업을 대상으로 그 실태를 분석하였다. 그리고 자본주의적 성과주의를 기초로 하는 다양한 임금제도를 구축하고 있는 중국 기업의 문제점을 도출하였다. 기업 성장잠재력과 지속가능한 성장단계로 도약하기 위하여 성과주의 임금제도를 탐색하려는 중국의 기업뿐만 아니라, 중국에 진출하려는 한국기업에게도 필요한 시사점을 제시될 수 있을 것이다. This research compares contents and management effects of each stage`s enterprise wage system based on historical changes and characteristics of Chinese enterprise wage system after the establishment of People`s Republic of China in 1949. Based on this, it aims to examine the current wage system, research major effects and problems, and suggest development plans. This research has differentiated the periods based on the transition of china`s economic development policy and related wage reformations. In the process, it has differentiated 3 processes and discussed the wage policies of Chinese enterprise. In the first stage, level wage policy was formally established under national economy recovery period (1949~1952), first national wage policy reformation, and principal of equality. In the second stage, planned economy system period (1953~1978) and second reformation started as well as the wage system based on seniority merit system. The last was the Chinese economic reform period (after 1978). The establishment of market economy system brought many changes in the business environment and the period of new wage system set for market economy started. The changes and development of economic development policies was the standard of classifying the 3 periods. In the first period (1984-1988), intervention and restrictions of the government was eased and interlocked wage system, which was based on ``distribution according to labor,`` was introduced. In the second period (1989-2004) various wage system was explored based on the type of industry and type of company of the business environment. In the third period (2004-current), Chinese economy was in a more open competition environment and performance based tendency such as performance based wage system and annual salary to reconsider business competitiveness was spread accordingly. As seen, this research investigated the change of wage system through considering wage policies of Chinese companies according to each period and identified the characteristics of wage system in each period. Also, there are various company types in China such as state-owned enterprise, collective enterprise, private enterprise, and foreign invested enterprise. This research investigated theories and status of various enterprise types of China. Based on this investigation, the research tries to explain various recently introduced wage systems with the focus of current wage system and development speculation through four cases of enterprises with leading wage policies in China: Handan Iron & Steel, Haier Group, Online Shopping Alibaba, and HuaWei Company. By examining the question of What is the effect of current wage system of Chinese enterprises? it provides the necessary implications to enterprises that aim to do business in China. Also, through this research, the research shows that when the issues are cured it reveals high growth potential and leads sustainable development to the mature stage to the enterprises that is currently examining the merit based wage system.

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