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      • KCI등재

        安東 全州柳氏 水谷宗宅 寄託古書의 書誌學的인 연구

        安美璟(An Mi-gyung) 한국학중앙연구원 2003 장서각 Vol.- No.10

        This study selected 442 out of the old books deposited in Sugokjongtaek(水谷宗宅) by Mr. Yoo originating from Andong and -Jeonju, Korea, analyzed them by their subjects and by their kinds of editions, and explored the overall characteristics in the collection of books. 1) The analysis by their subjects showed the most frequency in Jipbu(集部) and next frequency in the order of Sabu(史部), Gyungbu(經部) and Jabu(子部). Byulgipryu(別集類) accounts for most of Jipbu(集部). This will be probably due to possessing a great number of books related to the birth in the area of Yeongnam(嶺南) or the line of Namin(南人). Byulgipryu(別集類) accounts for a very high percentage of 62.6% in Jipbu(集部) among the whole collection of books in Sugokjongtaek(水谷宗宅) of Mr. Yoo originating from Jeonju. The possession of these books was mainly due to donation and the authors of personal collection of works were mainly from Yeongnam(嶺南) or related to this area. Thus, the collection of books in Sugokjongtaek(水谷宗宅) of Mr. Yoo originating from -Jeonju is considered as related to geographical closedness and ties among schools. 2) The analysis by their kinds of editions showed the most frequency in books printed from woodblocks and next frequency in the order of lithographic books, wooden printed books and metallic printed books. 202 books printed from woodblocks account for 45.7% in the whole collection of books and were typically published in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. The reprints for printed books among the books printed from woodblocks caught my eyes, which were Jeongyujabeongakbon(丁酉子飜刻本). Ulhaejabeongakbon(乙亥字飜刻本)and Mushinjabeongakbon(戊申字飜刻本). What were rather rapidly printed among the books printed from woodblocks can be Chunchuhosijeon and Munseon in the seventeenth century.

      • KCI등재후보

        藏書閣 所藏 『璿源系譜記略』의 書誌的인 연구

        안미경(Ahn Mi-gyung) 한국학중앙연구원 2007 장서각 Vol.0 No.17

        이 논문은 장서각에 소장되어 있는 『선원계보기략』에 대한 異本을 조사한 것이다. 장서각에 소장된 『선원계보기략』은 동일한 서명을 가진 서로 다른 판본들이 뒤섞어 한 질로 묶여져 있는 경우가 많다. 이것은 이 책들이 오랜 기간 동안 여러 소장처를 전전하면서 이동하는 과정에서 서로 다른 판본이 뒤섞인 채 목록이 작성되었기 때문에 초래된 것이다. 『선원계보기략』의 이본조사 결과 중 특징적인 것을 요약하면 다음과 같다. 2권 1책본은 숙종 5년 初刊本과 숙종 7년의 重校 補刊本이 조사되었는데, 편집체재가 다르기 때문에 그 식별이 매우 쉬운 편이다. 6권 4책본은 영조 1년(1725)본부터 권 책수에 변화가 생기는데 기존 5권 4책에서 1권이 늘어나 6권 4책으로 간인되었다. 이러한 이유는 列聖系序圖에서 '현종·숙종·경종' 다음에 행을 바꾸어 '主上殿下萬萬歲'로 늘렸기 때문이다. 18권 8책본은 기존 7책본에서 8책본으로 전환하면서 편찬 체재상 변화를 보인다. 본문의 한 면을 5단에서 6단으로 늘려 맨 위의 단에는 왕을 기재하였다. 21권 8책본부터는 편집체재가 크게 변화한다. 1783년(정조 7)부터 정조가 친히 서문을 지어 권수에 붙이고 범례는 10항으로 고정시키는 대신 총서에서 변동되는 모든 사항을 기재하도록 하였다. 26권 8책인 광무 2년본을 보면 대한 제국의 稱帝 建元에 따라 追崇한 諸帝의 칭호도 달라지고, 특히 卷首題가 태조대왕, 태조고황제, 목조대왕 등으로 나타나기 때문에 異本을 식별하는 데 용이하다. 27권 8책본은 이왕직이 1933년(소화 7) 4월부터 수정하기 시작하여 1933년(소화 8) 3월 31일에 완료한 것으로『선원계보기략』의 마지막 판본이다. This thesis investigated into the variants of the book Seonwon-gyebo-giryak (璿源系譜紀略) in Jangseogak. In many cases, for the book, different block books with an identical signature were mixed up and bound into one set. It resulted from a list made with different block books mixed up in the process where these books had moved passing for a long time from place where they were possessed to place where they were possessed. What are characteristic among the findings of an investigation into the variants of the book are summarized as follows. For a two-volume book, the first book in the fifth year of Sukjong and the corrected complementary book in the seventh year of Sukjong which I investigated into are very easy to discern because of different editing systems. For four six-volume books, they were changed in the number of volumes and books from the book in the first year of Youngjo(1725). They stemmed from the existing four five-volume books which increased by a volume. It was because in the painting Yulsunggyesudo the phrase 'Hyunjong, Sukjong and Gyungjong' was increased by the phrase 'Jusangjunhamanmanse', which means Hurrah for the King!, in the next line. Eight eighteen-volume books had their editing system changed in the conversion from the existing seven books to eight. One page of the body with five columns increased by one column, among which a top column had kings recorded. Editing systems greatly changed from eight twenty-one-volume books. From 1783(the seventh year of Jungjo), Jungjo wrote a preface in person and attached it to the beginning of a book, and ordered subjects to write all things that were changed in a collection of books instead of limiting introductory remarks to ten. For the books in the second year of Gwangmu, eight twenty-six-volume books, as a would-be emperor named an era in the Korean Empire, the titles of all kings who did not accede to the throne changed and, in particular, the titles in the beginnings of the books ranged from Taejo the Great through Taejo High Emperor to Mokjo the Great, which makes it easy to distinguish between variants. The eight twenty-seven-volume books which Iwangjik(the government office in charge of Joseon royal household) began to correct from April 1933(the seventh year of Sohwa) and finished correcting on March 31 1933(the eighth year of Sohwa) were the final block books of the book Seonwon-gyebo-giryak.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        자폐스펙트럼 장애아동의 일화기억에서 자기기억과 타인기억 연구

        안춘희,안미경,서경희 대구대학교 특수교육재활과학연구소 2008 특수교육재활과학연구 Vol.47 No.1

        This study by event experienced was to ensure that the recall for self and other has differences between autism spectrum disorders and typical children. Two groups of 10 children participated in this study: a group with autism(experimental group) and a group of typically developing children matched with the experimental group for verbal ability. The specific study questions are as follows: First, Is there any differences between autistic children and typical children in the free recall for self? Second, Is there any differences between autistic children and typical children in the free recall for other? Third, Is there any differences between free and cued recall for autistic children in episodic memory? The result of this study as follows: First, There was a significant difference between the group with autism and the group matched for verbal ability for uncompanied self and companied self. Second, There was no differences between the group with autism and the group matched for verbal ability for companied other. This interpretation is strengthened by the findings that the children with autism recalled more information in the accompanied other recall test than in the unaccompanied self and accompanied self. Third, The compound score for all three level of cued recall was higher than free recall. In this test, a percentage score was calculated for comparing free and cued recall and the three levels of cues, due to the fact that if a child recalled all items under free recall then the cued recall score would be low giving a misleading interpretation of children's ability to remember event under cued recall. 본 연구는 자폐스펙트럼 장애아동을 대상으로 일화기억 양상을 밝히는 데 목적이 있다. 자기 인식에 어려움을 보이는 자폐스펙트럼 장애아동을 대상으로 일상에서 경험한 일에 대하여 자신에 관한 기억과 타인에 관한 기억이 일반아동과 비교하여 차이가 있는지 알아보고, 자폐스펙트럼 장애아동이 일화기억 과정에서 단서 없이 특정 정보를 회상할 수 있는 자유회상과 단서를 지원해주는 단서회상에 차이를 보이는지 알아보고자 하였다. 연구 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 자폐스펙트럼 장애아동은 혼자 경험한 활동과 함께 경험한 활동, 두 가지 활동에서 모두 일반 아동에 비해 자기기억에 현저한 어려움을 보였다. 둘째, 자폐스펙트럼 장애아동은 자기기억에 어려움을 보이는 것에 반해 타인기억에는 일반아동과 차이를 보이지 않았다. 셋째, 자폐스펙트럼 장애아동은 자유회상에 어려움이 있으나 간단한 단서를 통한 단서회상으로 일화기억이 가능하였다.

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