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        중국 내수진작 정책의 함의와 영향에 관한 연구

        심종범(Jong Beom Shim) 한국아시아학회 2010 아시아연구 Vol.13 No.1

        이 연구는 2009년 동안 글로벌 금융위기로 야기된 세계경기의 침체가 회복세를 보이는 가운데, 주로 중국 당국의 내수진작 정책의 유효성에 관해 설명하고 있다. 또한 중국 당국이 취한 확장적인 재정지출정책이 정치경제적으로 어떠한 함의를 지니고 있는지를 살펴보았다. 예를들어, 농촌 거주민을 위한 내구성소비재상품의 구매지원은 표면적으로 구매력 증가를 통한 시장의 활성화정책이다. 그러나 내면적으로 빈부격차의 해소를 위한 분배정책으로서 중국경제가 사회주의를 기반으로 한 시장시 스템을 시행 중임을 보여준 사례로 볼 수 있다. 한편 2009년 동안의 중국의 내수진작 정책은 경기침체를 방어하는데 실효를 거두었으며 세계경기의 회복에도 긍정적 영향을 미쳤다. 세계 유수의 금융기관들이 2010년의 중국경제를 낙관하고 있으며 중국 당국은 출구전략으로서 물가관리와 산업구조조정에 유의하고 있다. 또한 중국시장은 금융위기로 인한 세계경제의 패러다임 변화로 인해 글로벌 생산기지에서 글로벌 마켓으로의 빠른 변화를 꾀하고 있다. 중국과 정치, 경제적으로 깊은 교류관계에 있는 한국에게 금융위기 이후의 중국시장의 변화는 도전인 동시에 새로운 시장기회를 제공하고 있다. 향후 중국시장의 변화는 한국의 산업구조 조정에도 영향을 미칠 것으로 보인다. 2010년 이후, 중국의 내수시장이 성장기에 진입할 것으로 보이므로 한국기업들의 기민한 전략적 대응과 한국 당국의 보다 적극적인 정책적 지원이 필요하다. China announced recently a new economic plan to boost its economy with 4 trillion yuan to achieve the 8% economic growth rate in 2009 in the wake of last year`s global financial downturn. In order to make this plan a success, a few preconditions should be met. Firstly, the national finance should be plentiful in quantity. Secondly, the contents of finance should be secured. Thirdly, the efficacy of financial spendings should be guaranteed. Fourthly, the prices of commodities should be level off. Fifthly, its financial spendings should help increase the disposable income practically. Finally Chinese people`s trust in their government policies is a must. The Chinese Authorities` domestic demand promotion policy has some political and economic significance linking with the world`s economy. The significance denotes tangible and intangible effects. It is not only of great importance that Korea has to set up a short-term measure to respond to China`s special demand, but also it is necessary to approach and analyze from macro point of view the Chinese domestic demand growing on an on-going basis. Korea should conduct a mid-term and long-term approach in responding strategically to China`s growing consumer market. Specifically, Korea has to devise diverse strategies such as consumable products exports, local sales promotion, entry of services sectors, exports of raw-subsidiary materials for Chinese indigenous manufacturers specializing in domestic sales, while taking advantage of China`s expanded financial expenditures. Additionally, the Korean government should develop a variety of policies to support Korean enterprises based in China or Korea to capture as much of the Chinese domestic market as possible.

      • KCI등재

        아시아금융시장에서의 원화국제화의 필요성과 로드맵에 대한 고려

        심종범(Shim, jong-beom) 한국아시아학회 2018 아시아연구 Vol.21 No.3

        세계경제에서의 주도권 확보를 위한 포석으로 중국정부가 위안화국제화를 정부 주도로 추진하고 있다. 위안화국제화는 동아시아 지역 내 경제순환 구조에서 충격 발생시 달러부족으로 인한 무역축소와 같은 사건들의 재발방지와 동아시아 지역 내 경제를 중국경제의 영향아래에 두려는 전략에 기인한다. 최근 중국정부는 국제무역 거래에서 위안화 결재를 적극적으로 독려하며 위안화의 글로벌 유동성을 늘이고 있다. 이에 따라 국제금융질서의 환경 변화에서 아시아지역에서 주요 무역국인 한국의 원화에 대한 국제화의 필요성을 고찰해 보고자 한다. 그리고 원화를 국제화한다면 어떤 문제가 있으며 어떻게 추진되어야 하는지 살펴보고자 한다. 중국에 비해 상대적으로 규모는 작지만 선진국인 한국의 화폐가 국제적으로 통용되는 것에 대한 다각적인 검토가 필요한 시점이다. 원화국제화는 아시아지역 신흥국가의 경제성장과 더불어 아시아지역의 금융허브 경쟁에서 필요한 요소이다. 이러한 배경에서 원화국제화를 위한 준비와 로드맵에 대한 요소를 점검해 볼 필요가 있다. In order to take the lead in global economy, the Chinese government is pursuing the internationalization of the yuan as a government-led initiative. The internationalization of the RMB is underlying the strategy of placing the East Asian regional economy under the influence of China. The internationalization of the RMB can lessen the trade deficit caused by the shortage of U. S. Dollars attributable to the economic shock in the economic circulation loop in East Asia. Therefore, It is thought to be opportune to take into consideration the necessity of internationalizing the Korean currency, as Korea is also a major trading companion of Asia in the rapidly changing international financial market environment. Futhermore, in case the Korean government is seeking to internationalize the won currency, what problem will arise, and how it should be pursued is very important. Korea as a developed country, it is necessary to review various aspects of the internationalization of the Korean currency. Won internationalization is a necessary factor in Asian financial hub competition also, under the emerging, steadily growing Asian economy. Under these changes in the environment of the international financial market, I would like to research their the elements of preparation its preparatory work and a road map for the internationalization of the won currency.

      • KCI등재

        중국의 내수증가에 따른 물류산업의 발전에 관한 연구

        심종범(Jong Beom Shim) 한국아시아학회 2012 아시아연구 Vol.15 No.2

        본 연구는 중국 정부가 주도하는 내수시장 확대정책을 위해 물류산업의 동반성장 필요성을 강조한다. 물류량의 증가는 도로, 철도 등의 증설과 운송정보의 전산네트워크화를 촉진하고 있다. 물류 인프라의 증설과 물류의 전산정보화가 더딜 경우 증가하는 물류비용은 상품가격의 상승을 야기한다. 물류비용의 절감을 앞당기기 위해서는 산업 전체의 물류에 대한 효율적인 운영방안이 수립되고 그에 따른 도로, 철로, 항공, 항만, 파이프라인 등의 인프라의 충분한 건설이 전제되어야 한다. 나아가 중국 당국은 물류비용절감을 물가조절요인으로 삼아 통화정책과 함께 고려하여야 한다. This paper focuses on the necessity of China`s logistics industry development geared up by the effects of her domestic market promotion policies. The domestic market growth entails the increase of logistics volume and triggers the construction of more roads, railways and relevant infrastructure. And an increasing rate of logistics cost affects the rise of commodity prices in the physical market. Furthermore, this research analyzes why logistics costs are gaining a higher proportion in the commodity cost elements. Resultantly she needs to build more distribution channels as well as to keep pace with her fast growing logistics industries. This research is targeted to tackle logistics problems thus proposing means to improve China`s distribution flow. It involves logistics expert training, build of related infrastructure and distribution depots, development of relevant software, and the like.

      • KCI등재

        중국의 주택정책과 최근의 정책효과에 관한 연구

        심종범(Shim, Jong Beom) 한국부동산학회 2011 不動産學報 Vol.47 No.-

        1. CONTENTS (1) RESEARCH OBJECTIVES The purpose of this study is to analyze policy effects and understand the housing industry regulatory policy by the Chinese authority. As the housing prices has soared, Chinese authorities interfered starting a policy in earnest at last year for reducing the social disharmony between the classes, thus Chinese Authority presented a public statement of housing purchasing limit with strict regulations. (2) RESEARCH METHOD This study was mainly performed through the research of recent Chinese realestate policies and housing market responses, the statistical date for this analysis were collected from China National Bureau of Statistics and the other Chinese authorities. (3) RESEARCH RESULTS Recent Chinese housing polices on the housing market mainly progressed focused on demand restriction. Even if these policies are effective on the market, It is to have accumulated an effective demand of housing market in the long term. 2. RESULTS It needs to maintain the current regulatory policy for the Chinese housing price stability for a while. However It is difficult to hold down the housing price only with demand limitation in the long term and therefore Chinese authority should include supply-side polices such as ease the construction regulation.

      • KCI등재

        중국 부동산시장에서의 주택가격 상승요인에 관한 연구

        심종범(Shim, Jong Beom) 한국부동산학회 2011 不動産學報 Vol.45 No.-

        1. CONTENTS (1) RESEARCH OBJECTIVES China enforced currency expansion policy for depending economic downturn by her lack of export in global economic recession in 2009-2010. But Chinese financial over liquidity was flowing into real estate market and have caused sharp rising of house price in the first half of 2010. The purpose of this study is to analyse the price rising causes of housing market in China mainland. (2) RESEARCH METHOD This study was focused on research analysis. The statistical data for this analysis were collected from China National Bureau of Statistics and the other Chinese government authorities. This research mainly focus on drawing tendency analysis using drift curve of data expressive. (3) RESEARCH FINDINGS In the results of this survey, the most primary cause of hosing price rising in China mainland results from the mixed increasing effects by it’s the growth of land values, steady housing demands in big major cities, speculative investment in real estate market etc. 2. RESULTS These days Chinese Authority announced a bank loan policy with property tax and raising the bank interest. A Chinese high housing price is mainly due to continuous price upturn of land lease tender, house for installment and used housing market, etc. This research specially focused on how the price of land using right have effect to Chinese housing price and found as a result that it have influenced to housing price likewise henceforth also. But also others are considerable factors except the price of land using right as well.

      • KCI등재

        인터루킨-2의 제제설계를 위한 체내 동태학적 연구

        서민석(Min Seok Seo),창구(Chang Koo Shim),종범(Jong Bum Kwon),나도선(Do Sun Na),이선복(Sun Bok Lee),함경수(Kyung Soo Hahm),한문희(Moon Hi Han) 대한약학회 1990 약학회지 Vol.34 No.4

        Pharmacokinetic characteristics of recombinant human interleukin-2 (rH IL-2) were studied in the rat. First, different doses of rH IL-2 ranging from 6,400 to 1,600,000U/kg were injected intravenously and the effect of dose size on the pharmacokinetics was examined. There was no dose dependency in the pharmacokinetics of rH IL-2 in the dose range of 6,400-40,000U/kg. But at the dose of 1,600,000U/kg, there was a severe hemolysis throughout the experiment and the pharmacokinetic parameters such as Vdss and CLt were significantly increased compared to those obtained from lower doses. It also showed that this drug is hardly distributed to the peripheral tissues and hardly eliminated from the body, since the volume of distribution (Vdss) and total body clearance (CLt) were 45-75ml/kg and 1-2ml/min/kg, respectively. The Vdss is close to the actual plasma volume and the CLt is less than glomerular filtration rate (GFR). Therefore it seemed that rH IL-2 is distributed only in the plasma pool and hardly filtered in the kidney due to its very large molecular weight. Second, rH IL-2 was administered to the rat via several routes such as hepatic portal vein (PV), intraperitoneal (IP), peroral (PO) and intranasal (IN) routes. The bioavailabilities (BA) of PV, IP, PO and IN routes were 96.8, 4.9, 0 and 0.1%, respectively. The addition of some nasal absorption enhancers such as taurocholate, taurodeoxycholate, glycocholate and glycodeoxycholate did not increase the BA of intranasaly administered rH IL-2. The result is contrast to the effect of these bile salts on the nasal absorption of alpha-inteferon. Considering it together with the pharmacokinetic parameters, very large molecular weight of rH IL-2 seemed again to be the cause to very poor membrane permeability.

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