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        배롱나무와 피라칸사 겨울 휴면지의 내한성 평가

        신창섭,Shin, Chang-Seob 한국조경학회 2011 韓國造景學會誌 Vol.39 No.6

        배롱나무와 피라칸사의 내한성과 지역별 최저기온을 분석하여 동해에 대한 위험을 검증하고자 하였다. 저온 처리한 시료의 내한성은 전기전도도의 측정과 형성층의 갈변도 관찰로 평가하였다. 배롱나무는 $-17.1^{\circ}C$ 이하에서, 피라칸사는 $-18.9^{\circ}C$ 이하에서 동해 피해가 클 것으로 분석되었다. 지난 45년간 최저기온이 $-17.1^{\circ}C$ 이하로 하강된 횟수는 대전 총 7회 중 1975년도 이후에는 1회, 청주 총 55회, 수원 총 72회로 기록되고 있다. $-18.9^{\circ}C$ 이하로 기온이 하강된 횟수는 청주 45회, 수원 32회로 나타났으나, 1991년 이후에는 하강되지 않았다. 또한 위도가 높아질수록 최저기온 상승계수는 크게 나타났다. 따라서 중부지역에 식재된 배롱나무와 피라칸사는 동절기 간헐적으로 나타날 수 있는 기온 강하에 의한 부분적인 동해 피해가 예상되기 때문에 위험할 수 있으며, 최저기온의 상승 추세에 따라 동해 피해 위험은 점진적으로 감소될 것이다. This study was conducted to check danger of the cold injury by reviewing the lowest temperature by regions and the cold tolerance of Lagerstroemia indica and Pyracantha angustifolia. The cold tolerance of the samples treated at low temperature was evaluated by measuring electrical conductivity and observing browning of the cambium. It was proved that the lethal temperature of L. indica is below $-17.1^{\circ}C$, and that of P. angustifolia is below $-18.9^{\circ}C$. The frequency of the lowest temperature went down below $-17.1^{\circ}C$, was 7 times in Daejeon, 55 times in Cheongju and 72 times in Suwon for the last 45 years. In Daejeon, it has happened only once since 1975. The temperature dropped below $-18.9^{\circ}C$ 45 times in Cheongju and 32 times in Suwon during the same period, but it has not happened at all since 1991. It appears that the rising coefficient of the lowest temperature increases, as the latitude gets higher. As a result, L. indica and P. angustifolia which were planted in the central region of Korea, are considered in danger from freezing injury because the temperature can get very low intermittently in winter. But, the risk of freezing has reduced gradually as the lowest temperature raises each year.

      • KCI등재후보

        다용도 수종의 생태환경 분석에 의한 조림적지 도출

        신창섭(Shin, Chang-Seob) 한국자원식물학회 2006 한국자원식물학회지 Vol.19 No.4

        This study was carried out to investigate the suitable place for growth by analyzing the ecological environment of multi-use tree species to be spontaneous in Chungbuk Province, and derive the suitable place for forestation. At the test of the independence of multi-use tree species, as the significant correlation of the other tree species except Quercus acutissima - Zanthoxylum schinifolium was different by the survey location, it is concluded that the share relation of the ecological niche among tree species is largely influenced not only by the affinity of tree species but the growth environment. As the result of the correlation analysis between environment factors and tree clusters, it was analyzed that tree clusters were much influenced by the topography and the altitude among the variable environment factors; the topography, altitude, the direction of hillside, the slope and the number of tree species appearing. It was investigated that the cluster of Acer mono - Betula costata was distributed to the valley from low hillside to have high altitude, and the clusters of Kalopanax pictus - Ulmus davidiana var. japonica and Fraxinus rhynchophylla - Rhus trichocarpa were sporadically distributed to broad location because their geographical adaptation powers are high. 수종간 독립성 검정결과 상수리-산초나무 외에는 지역별로 유의한 종간 상관이 서로 다르게 나타남으로써 수종간 생태적 지위의 공유관계는 수종간의 친화력뿐만 아니라 생육환경에 의한 영향도 큰 것으로 해석된다. 환경요인을 독립변수로 한 군집분석결과 물푸레나무는 화살나무, 노간주나무, 떡갈나무, 산초나무, 개옻나무 등과 같은 집단(물푸레나무-개옻나무 그룹)으로 분류되었으며, 음나무는 느릅나무, 당단풍, 병꽃나무, 물갬나무 등(음나무-느릅나무 그룹)과, 고로쇠나무는 두릅나무, 거제수나무, 서어나무 등과 같은 집단(고로쇠나무-거제수나무 그룹)으로 분류되었다. 환경요인과 군집간의 상관분석결과 지형, 해발고, 사면방향, 경사, 출현종수 등의 환경요인 중 지형과 해발고에 따른 영향을 많이 받는 것으로 분석되었다. 고로쇠나무-거제수나무 그룹은 해발고가 높은 계곡부~사면하부에 주로 분포하는 것으로 나타났으며, 음나무-느릅나무 그룹과 물푸레나무-개옻나무 그룹 수종들은 지형적인 적응력이 높아 넓은 면적에 산발적으로 분포하는 것으로 분석되었다.

      • KCI등재

        국제물품매매계약에 관한 국제연합협약 하에서 손해의 범위에 관한 연구 - 변호사비용의 포함 여부를 중심으로 -

        신창섭 ( Chang-sop Shin ),남기윤 ( Ki-yun Nam ) 고려대학교 법학연구원 2021 고려법학 Vol.- No.103

        CISG는 국제물품매매를 규율하는 가장 영향력 있는 국제규범이며, 2021년 현재 94개국이 가입한 사실이 이를 증명하고 있다. CISG는 국제물품매매를 통일적으로 규율함으로써 국제무역질서의 항상성을 유지케 하고자 성안되었으며, 이는 CISG 제7조 제1항의 명문규정의 내용에 또렷이 반영되어 있다. 그러나 “CISG 제74조 상 손해배상의 범위에 변호사비용이 포섭되는지 여부”에 대한 쟁점은, 각국 법원의 판례가 상충하고 있는 상황으로, “CISG 제7조 제1항 상 국경을 초월한 선례구속 원칙의 창설여부”에 대한 쟁점까지 촉발시키고 있다. 그리고 이러한 사회현상이 전(全)지구적으로 심화될수록, “CISG의 통일적 해석”과 “국제무역질서의 항상성 유지”라고 하는, CISG 제7조 제1항의 입법취지가 와해될 염려가 있다. 그럼에도 불구하고, 학설은 CISG 제74조 쟁점은 포함설·불포함설로, CISG 제7조 제1항 쟁점은 긍정설·부정설로 대립하는 한편, 각국 법원 또한 내부편향성으로부터 독립하지 못한 채 우발적·비체계적으로 판례를 집적시키고 있다. 심지어 이러한 법률쟁점은 대한민국 학계와 실무에서 공히 논의된 바 없고, 국내법적으로도 소송 전·소송상 변호사비용 부담·계약위반으로 인한 손해배상 범위·판례의 법원성과 선례구속·외국판결에의 존중과 관련한 고유의 법리가 형성되어 있어, 향후 관련 섭외사건이 발생하는 경우 적지 않은 혼란이 예상된다. 이에 본 논문은, “CISG의 통일적 해석”과 “국제무역질서의 항상성 유지” 즉, CISG 제7조 제1항의 입법취지를 되새김으로써, 관련쟁점에 대한 올바른 해석론을 도출하고자 했다. 그리고 이는 이하의 두 가지 고찰을 통해 이뤄졌다. 첫 번째로, 관련쟁점에 대한 법제사적 고찰을 선행했다. 이는, CISG 법제초안(travaux prepartoires)을 참조하여 이뤄진 것인데, 입법자의 의사를 초월한 자의적 해석·적용은 고도의 내부편향에 다름 아니라는 문제의식에 기초한 것이다. 실제로 CISG 법제초안에서는 (소송 전·소송상)변호사비용과 같은 절차법적 손해와 국경을 초월한 선례구속의 창설에 대한 일체의 언급을 삼가고 있다. 이는 포함설·긍정설의 주장을 약화시키는 논거가 된다. 두 번째로, 관련쟁점에 대한 규범조화적 고찰을 선행했다. 이는, CISG와 국내법의 첨예한 대립을 노정한 국가는 CISG의 서명·비준·발효를 저어할 것이며, 체약국조차도 탈퇴의 기로에 설 것이라는 문제의식에 기초한 것이다. 분쟁해결비용을 절차법적으로 인식하는 각국의 민사절차법과 각종 ADR 규범을 완전히 도외시하거나, 판례의 법원성과 선례구속의 원칙을 인정하는 불문법계 전통만을 존중한다면, 체약국에 갈등과 혼란을 불러일으키게 될 것이다. 이 또한 포함설·긍정설의 주장을 약화시키는 논거가 된다. 상기의 고찰이후 본 논문은, CISG 제74조 쟁점과 CISG 제7조 제1항 쟁점에 대해 각 불포함설·부정설로 일관하는 것이, CISG 제7조 제1항의 입법취지에 합치한 해석론이라 주장하고 있다. 마지막으로 본 논문은, CISG 제7조 제1항의 입법취지를 적극 활용했던 본 논문의 새로운 시도가, CISG의 합리적 해석방법의 하나로 자리매김 할 것을 기대하면서, 논의를 매듭짓고 있다. CISG is the most influential international institution that regulates the international sale of goods, and currently in 2021, this is proved by the fact that 94 countries have signed, ratified and effectuated. CISG was drafted to maintain the sustainability of international trade rules by regulating the international sale of goods in uniform, and this is clearly reflected in the details of substantive enactment in CISG Article 7 (1). However, with regard to the issue on “inclusion of lawyer’s fees in the scope of compensation for loss on CISG Article 74”, precedents of courts in each country are in contradiction, and it even triggers the issue of “Establishment of Stare decisis transcending national borders on CISG Article 7 (1)”. In addition, as this social phenomenon is being intensified globally, there are concerns of the purpose of legislation in CISG Article 7 (1), the “unificative interpretation of CISG” and “maintaining sustainability in international trade rules” being disrupted. Meanwhile, theoretically, the CISG Article 74 issue is to include or not include, and the CISG Article 7 (1) issue is opposed with positive and negative, but the courts of each country are accumulating precedents incidentally and unsystematically without being independent from internal biases. Moreover, this legal issue was in fact never discussed by the academic world and practice in Korea, and the domestic laws also have unique legal principles formed related to the taking responsible of the lawyer’s fees before and during the lawsuit, scope of compensation for losses from breach of contract, binding authority of precedent and stare decisis, and respect to the foreign judgment, so the considerable amount of confusion is expected in the case of relevant conflicts of laws in the future. Therefore, in this study, the “unificative interpretation of CISG” and “maintaining sustainability in international trade rules”, in other words, the purpose of legislation on CISG Article 7 (1) were mediated to derive the appropriate theory of interpretation on the relevant issue. In addition, this was enabled through the two considerations shown below. First, considerations were made in advance in terms of legal history on the relevant issue. This was enabled by referencing the CISG travaux prepartoires, and the arbitrary interpretation and application transcending the intention of the legislator is based on the critical mind nothing but intense internal biases. In fact, the CISG travaux prepartoires are avoiding any comment on the establishment of stare decisis transcending procedural legal loss and border such as lawyer’s fees (before and during lawsuit). This is a basis for an argument that weakens the claims on the theory of inclusion and being positive. Secondly, prior considerations were made on the institutional harmony on the relevant issue. This is based on the critical mind that the country disclosed with a sharp opposition between CISG and domestic law shall fear signature, ratification and effectuation by CISG, and that even the contracting countries stand in the crossroads of withdrawal. If the civil case procedural law of each country recognizing the dispute settlement costs in terms of procedural law and various ADR institutions are completely ignored, or if only the tradition of customary law acknowledging the binding authority of precedent and stare decisis is respected, it will bring conflict and confusion on the contracting countries. This is also a basis for an argument that weakens the claims on the theory of inclusion and positivity. From the considerations shown above, this study insists that being consistent to the theory of non-inclusion and negativity on CISG Article 74 Issue and CISG Article 7 (1) Issue is a theory of interpretation that agrees with the purpose of legislation on CISG Article 7 (1). Lastly, the discussions on this study are concluded by an expectation that the new attempt in this study of actively utilizing the purpose of legislation on CISG Article 7 (1) will be stabilized as a rational interpretation method of CISG.

      • KCI등재

        분말 소화약제가 흡착된 제올라이트의 소화 특성

        신창섭 ( Chang Sub Shin ),박호준 ( Ho Jun Park ) 한국안전학회(구 한국산업안전학회) 2012 한국안전학회지 Vol.27 No.6

        The use of dry chemical powder has been increased as it can be stored for a long period and sustain in stable condition compared to gas of liquid phase extinguishing agents. A new type of dry chemical powder using Zeolite was produced in the research. Chemical powder was adsorbed into Zeolite 13X, a porous material appearing negative catalytic effect, to create extinguishing powder botaining core shell structure and measured physical pro-perties and run a small scale fire extinguishment. SEM, XRD, TA analysis was also executed, and extinguishing characteristics were measured by fire extinguishing experiment on oil pool fire. The experiment showed that the average particle size of Zeolite 13X was equivalent, indicating about 3±1 μm and thermal analysis result illustrated that Zeolite 13X showed exothermic reaction peaks at 900℃ due to solid-state transformation. Extinguishing charac-teristics on oil fire of NaHCO(3)/Zeolite 13X and NH(4)H(2)PO(4)/Zeolite were improved, influenced by adsorbed extingui-shing powders on Zeolite 13X and Zeolite 13X that contains high phase transition temperature.

      • KCI등재

        산림치유 활동이 여성의 갱년기증상 완화 및 정신건강 회복에 미치는 효과

        신창섭(Chang Seob Shin),연평식(Pyoung Sik Yeon),조미나(Mi Na Jo),김주연(Ju Youn Kim) 인간식물환경학회 2015 인간식물환경학회지 Vol.18 No.4

        This study aimed to discover the effect of forest healing on mental health and relief of menopausal symptom according to the self-awareness degree of menopausal symptom. The research involved women over the age of 45 as subjects and they were provided with a forest therapy program which conducted weekly(2 hours) total of 10 times from September to November in 2014. Both the pre and the post test have identically included subjective symptom chart, Symptom Check List-90-Revised (SCL-90-R) and melatonin test, while paired t-test was also conducted using SPSS 18.0 in order to identify the correlation between menopausal symptom and mental health and to find the difference in relief of menopausal symptom and mental health recovery of slight and moderate illness group between the pre and the post test. The results are as follows: 1) As women’s menopausal symptoms and mental health were analyzed to have a significant correlation, mental health can be recovered if the menopausal symptoms were alleviated. 2) The 10 week of forest therapy activity was proved to be effective for menopause regardless of the degree of the symptom, as both groups’ symptom degree was significantly lower in the post test. Also, a comparison analysis indicates that moderate symptoms have declined more sharply compared to the slight symptoms. 3) The 10 week of forest therapy activity for menopausal women was proved to be effective of mental health of menopausal women as the mental health scores have dropped lower regardless of the degree of menopausal symptom. 4) The 10 week of forest therapy activity has shown no statistically significant difference in melatonin concentration of the two groups with different degree of menopausal symptoms. But since the concentration level has shown rising tendency in both group, it is considered to have positive effect on mental health and relief of menopausal symptom and As the results stated above, the 10 week of ‘Self-care: keeping healthy mind & body’ program was effective for relief of menopausal symptom and mental health recovery of middle aged women. Therefore, a wide spread of healing program using forest is strongly desired for the sake of physical and mental health of middle aged women.

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