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        선조에서 인조대의 정국과 이원익(李元翼)의 정치활동

        신병주 동국대학교 동국역사문화연구소 2012 동국사학 Vol.53 No.-

        Yi Weon-ik(1547∼1634) passed the national examination during King Seonjo’s reign, and not before long he was recognized for his exceptional capabilities. During the war with the Japanese in the 1590s, he was named as the Pyeong’an-do Provincial Circuit Inspection officer, and was put in charge of tending to the needs of the public while continuing to draft soldiers and providing supplies to the military. He also escorted King Seonjo when the king evacuated the capital, and later put all his efforts into the protection of the Pyeong’yang-seong fortress. He also continued to make repairs to defense facilities while training the soldiers as well, even after the Japanese forces retreated from the Korean peninsula. With the enthronement of King Gwang’hae-gun, Yi Weon-ik was named as Prime Minister(Yeong’eui-jeong), and with his new assignment he embarked upon promoting a bold reform plan for the entire government. As an implementation of this plan, a new act called Dae’dong-beob was launched. It was a new institution designed to alleviate the pain of the population and eliminate the ‘Bangnab’ problem of the time, through which people volunteered to submit particular items to the government and gain profit and interest from their victims. Later, Yi Weon-ik also filed a petition, arguing why it was wrong to strip Queen Inmok’s rank and position, and for speaking out his opinions, he himself along with many of his colleagues suffered massive and harsh punishments. Yet when King Injo was newly enthroned, he was reinstated as Prime Minister. He continued to care for the Joseon people, and also contributed to the subjugation of Yi Gwal’s insurrection, with the title of Supreme Circuit Inspection Officer(Chechal-sa). And when the Jurchen invasion from the North turned out to be imminent, he made suggestions regarding how to avert a war, or defend the country in case one happened. He was already in his mid-80s, but he was a senior and an elder of the country, and he continued to serve the government with his personal experiences that he accumulated during the war with the Japanese. Yi Weon-ik served in high profile seats since the days of King Seonjo, and continued to do so during King Gwang’hae-gun’s reign, and also during King Injo’s reign. He was in charge of resolving all kinds of problems that were all over the spectrum of the governing of the country. With all the party politics raging, he remained neutral, and diligently oversaw the operations of the government. He served as Prime Minister for total of 6 times, during his career which lasted for three kings’ reigns. 이원익(1547~1634)은 선조대 과거에 합격하여 관직에 나아간 후 관료로서 그 능력을 인정받기 시작했다. 임진왜란 때는 평안도 도순찰사로 임명된 후 평안도 지역의 민심수습과 병사모집 및 군수조달에 전력을 기울였고, 선조의 피난에도 적극적으로 보필하였으며, 평양성을 지키기 위하여 노력 하였다. 또한 일본의 재침을 대비하여 민심을 수습하고, 군 기강 확립, 산성의 개보수, 군사훈련 등의 현안에 매진하였다. 광해군 즉위와 함께 영의정에 임명된 이원익은 국정전반에 관하여 과감한 개혁책을 주장하였는데, 임진왜란 이후 민심을 수습하고 방납의 폐단을 시정하기 위하여 대동법을 실시하였다. 또한, 인목대비의 폐모론과 관련하여 부당함을 주장하는 상소를 올려 조정에 커다란 파장을 불러 일으켜, 결국 그와 그를 동조하던 인사들은 처벌을 받았다. 그러나 인조가 집권을 한 후 다시 영의정에 발탁되었으며, 이후에도 민생을 위한 정책을 펼치고, 도체찰사 자격으로 이괄의 난을 수습 하는 데에도 기여하였다. 인조대 북방 여진족의 침입이 가시화 되었을 때는 이미 80대 중반의 고령이었지만, 국가 원로로서 임진왜란의 참전 경험을 바탕으로 전쟁에 대한 대비책을 제시하였다. 이원익은 선조에서 광해군, 인조 삼대에 걸쳐 국가의 요직을 맡으면서, 정치ㆍ경제ㆍ사회ㆍ국방의 다양한 현안들을 합리적으로 해결하고 수습하는 역할을 하였다. 당쟁이 치열하게 전개되는 시점임에도 불구하고, 당파에 기울지 않고 국가의 현안 해결을 최우선으로 하는 그의 합리적인 처신은 3대에 걸쳐 6번이나 영의정을 맡는 ‘진기록’을 세우게 했다.

      • KCI등재

        北人의 영수 鄭仁弘의 사상과 현실 대응

        신병주 단국대학교 동양학연구원 2007 東洋學 Vol.42 No.-

        Studying about Jeong, Inhong(The Leader of Bukin Party) is important because his execution which happened during Injo Banjeong, 1623, holds a major historic significance enough to be considered a diverging point in Joseon dynasty’s development of political and ideologic history. Jeong, Inhong, a possessor of a strong disposition and direct propensity, pursued practical academic traditions while dealing with the reality, and stood up as a politician and philosopher of an era while Gwanghaegun was on the throne. Unlike the legitimate Neo-confucianists, Jeong, Inhong was concerned with actually practicing the Neo-confucianism, and also showed an intention to perform social reformation, putting the accommodation of the people to the priority task. As for politics, he was positive of monarchism, and did not approve of the factional politics. However, in the political reality of Joseon dynasty, where the factional politics were already settled as the general trend, his path could not be accepted without being considered to be self-righteous. His tenacity to the past affairs, such as his action to regain the impaired reputation of the people concerned with Gichukoksa, and demand for enshrinement of his master, Nammyeong, in the royal confucian shrine, also helped to form the oppositions. Nevertheless, it is not right to evaluate Jeong, Inhong’s academic traditions and countermeasure to the reality negatively, due to the sole fact that he was defeated in politics. His ideology spoke for the reformatory intellectuals of the late 16th century, and his righteousness toward the king and respect to his master show the typical features of a scholar. It is necessary to understand his ideology and action for his principles and conviction more objectively, not from the viewpoint of the restored force after the Injo banjeong.23 북인의 영수 정인홍에 대한 연구가 중요한 것은 그가 처형된 사건인 1623년의 인조반정이 조선시대 정치사, 사상사의 전개에서 하나의 분기점이 될 정도로 역사적 의미가 크기 때문이다. 강한 기질과 직선적인 성향, 실천적인 학풍을 추구하면서 현실에 대응해 나갔던 정인홍은 광해군이 왕위에 오르면서 한 시대의 정치가이자 사상가로 우뚝 서게 되었다. 정통 주자성리학자들과는 다르게 성리학의 실천의 문제에 관심을 가졌으며, 保民을 최우선의 과제로 삼으면서 사회 개혁의 의지도 보였다. 정치사상에 있어서는 군주권을 절대시하고, 붕당을 인정하지 않으려는 성향을 보였다. 그러나 이미 붕당정치의 흐름이 대세로 자리 잡은 조선의 정치 현실에서 그의 행보는 독선적으로 받아들여질 수밖에 없었다. 기축옥사 관련자의 명예 회복, 스승인 남명에 대한 文廟從祀 요구와 같은 과거사에 대한 집착도 반대파를 결집시켜 주는 빌미를 제공하였다. 그러나 정치적으로 패배했다는 점 때문에 정인홍의 사상과 현실대응을 부정적으로만 평가할 수는 없다. 정인홍의 사상은 16세기 후반 개혁적 성향의 지식인을 대변하는 것이었고, 왕에 대한 의리와 스승에 대한 존숭은 선비의 전형적인 모습을 보여주고 있기 때문이다. 원칙과 신념을 위해 살아간 정인홍의 사상과 행동을 인조반정이후 반정 세력의 관점에서만 바라볼 것이 아니라, 보다 객관적으로 이해하는 시각이 요청되고 있다.

      • KCI등재

        조선후기의 기록물 편찬과 관리

        신병주 한국기록학회 2008 기록학연구 Vol.0 No.17

        In this article, how the records were compiled, stored and managed during the latter half period of the Joseon dynasty is examined. In details, the compilation of <Seungjeongweon- Ilgi> and <Ilseongrok> and Euigwe, the establishment of ‘history chambers(史庫)’ and the Wae-Gyujanggak facility, and the creation of records such as ‘Shillok Hyeongji-an’, are all investigated. Examination of all these details revealed that in the latter half period of the Joseon dynasty, it was the royal family which actively led the task of meticulously compiling records and also storing & managing those established materials with great integrity and passion. The intention behind creating all these records containing everything the kings said and done over centuries must have been determination to enhance the openness and integrity of politics in general, while also emphasizing the importance of such values inside the government. In order to establish a tradition preserving records not only for a limited time period but also for eternity, ‘history chambers’ were founded in rocky mountain areas, and additional chambers(Wae-Sago) were created as well, in areas deemed strategically safe in military terms such as the Ganghwa-do island. Officials put in charge by the king himself of historical documenting reported to the history chambers on a regular basis and checked the status of the materials in custody, and the whole checking process was documented into a form called ‘Shillok Hyeongji-an’. And for long-term preservation of materials, officials sent by the king regularly took all the materials outside, and conducted a series of ‘desiccating procedures’, under strong sunlight(‘Poswae’). Thanks to the efforts of our ancestors who did their best to preserve all the records, and tried everything to manage them with great caution, we can examine and experience all these centuries-old materials, mostly intact. It is imperative that we inherit not only the magnificent culture of creating and preserving records, but also the spirit which compelled our ancestors to do so. 본 연구에서는 조선후기 기록물의 편찬과 관리의 측면을 『승정원일기』와 『일성록』, 儀軌의 편찬과, 사고 및 외규장각의 설치, 실록청의궤와 실록형지안의 작성을 중심 소재로 하여 연구를 진행하였다. 조선후기에는 고문서, 문집, 지리지 등 다양한 국가기록물을 편찬하였지만 본 연구에서는 주로 시기적으로 연속해서 간행된 거질의 편찬물을 중심으로 연구를 진행하였다. 연구의 결과 조선후기에 왕실이 중심이 되어 철저하게 기록물을 편찬, 보관, 관리했음을 다시금 확인할 수가 있었다. 국왕의 일거수일투족을 기록에 담은 것은 무엇보다 정치의 공개성과 투명성을 강조하기 위함이었을 것이다. 당대에 그치지 않고 영원히 기록물이 보존되는 전통을 확립하기 위하여 험준한 산간 지역에 사고를 설치하고, 강화도와 같은 국방상 안전하다고 판단한 지역에 외사고를 설치하기도 하였다. 왕명을 받은 사관이 정기적으로 사고에 가서 서책을 점검하는 작업을 게을리 하지 않았으며, 기록물 점검의 전 과정을 실록형지안으로 작성하기도 하였다. 기록물에 대한 영구적인 보존과 관리를 위해서는 왕명을 받은 사관이 포쇄 작업을 정기적으로 수행하도록 하였다. 이처럼 철저하게 기록물을 보존하고 관리한 결과 현재에도 거의 완전한 형태로 옛 문헌을 접할 수가 있다. 선조들이 남겨준 뛰어난 기록문화와 그 기록물을 철저히 보존한 정신을 계승하는 것이 현재에도 절실히 요청되고 있다.

      • KCI등재

        宣祖 후반에서 光海君代의 政局과 鄭仁弘의 역할

        申炳周 慶尙大學校 南冥學硏究所 2001 남명학연구 Vol.11 No.-

        The most influential figure, both in political and academical terms, in the period of the latter half of and the entire run of King SunJo's and GwangHaeGoon's respective regimes, was the Head of the Northern Faction at the time, RaeAhm Jung In-Hong. He was renowned as the most prominent figure of the Northern Faction during GwangHaeGoon's regime for his distinctive records of political actions and services, which included his taking initiatives back in the ImJin war crisis, his social background in the GyungSang WooDo area, his legitimate status in the academic society granted by his being one of Joe, Sik's disciples, and his unwavering loyalty for the King GwangHaeGoon. But his radical, straightforward attitude and political perspectives forced the opposing political parties to stand against him. He also promoted the cherishing project for his mentor Joe, Sik in a great hurry, which was also against the general consensus and wishes of the scholars. Hence, he became the primary target of the leaders of the revolution which had InJo as the new King, and was executed in the aftermath eventually. There were indeed some redeeming qualities in his life. He firmly maintained his principles of being loyal to the country, to the King, and to his mentor, although he had probably gone too far when he criticised TwaeGwae Lee, Hwang, or when he excessively insisted the executions of the convicted traitors to the country, in the process. Yet it is true that there have been too much of negative sentimentality and too many criticisms against him, which was in part actually engineered by the opposing Western Faction politicians at the time, who generally named him a rogue traitor. What was true, however, was htat he had also demonstrated certain personal principles and outright determination to stick to that principles throughout his entire life, which was also a typical trait for the Chosun SanRim scholars. More rational and reasonable evaluations of the character would be recommendable in the futrue. Efforts like that might also be instrumental in defining the political and academical position the Northern Wing personnels deserved to occupy in the history of the Chosun dynasty.

      • 라이프케어 실현을 위한 빅데이터 활용

        신병주,유성준 한국통신학회 2015 정보와 통신 Vol.32 No.11

        적극적인 건강증진과 예방활동을 통해 최적의 건강상태와 높은 수준의 삶의 질을 추구하기 위한 서비스를 제공하는 라이프케어를 실현하려는 보건 의료산업 분야에서도 타 분야와 마찬가지로 증가하는 의료비에 대한 절감 압박, 서비스의 수준에 대한 소비자의 관심 증대 등 당면한 문제 해결과 산업 경쟁력 강화 방안의 일환으로 빅데이터 활용 방안에 대한 논의가 활발히 이루어지고 있다. 이에 본고에서는 라이프케어 실현을 위한 효율적인 빅데이터 활용방안과 이를 위해 해결해야 할 과제와 전망을 제시하고자 한다.

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