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      • 變動換率制度에 있어서 國際通貨

        Hee Young Song(宋熹永) 건국대학교 경제경영연구소 1996 商經硏究 Vol.21 No.1

        This paper analyzes the floating exchange rate system and its evaluation which is adapted in industrialized countries since 1973. Especially this paper examines the changes of exchangerate decision theory in two separate periods of 1980’s and before. Finally, this paper analyzes interventions in foreign exchange market and the international monetary orders. Based on the findings of researches, we show that the supply of an international currency is determined by the magnitude of trade deficit of the currency-issuing country and the willingness of holding international reserves in the part of other countries. On the other hand, its demand depends on many factors such as, the scale of international economic transactions, the settlement periods and efficiency, returns of the currency, the movements of international reserve balances, and the frequency of exchange-rate movements. Finally, this study suggests that the internationalization of Korean won would invite a relatively large demand of international currency, unstabilizing speculations from other countries, and unstable movements of exchangerate through the increasing risk of domestic fluctuations due to the foreignexchange market interventions.

      • 變動換率制度에 있어서 國際通貨

        Hee Young Song(宋熹永) 건국대학교 경제경영연구소 1996 상경연구 Vol.21 No.1

        This paper analyzes the floating exchange rate system and its evaluation which is adapted in industrialized countries since 1973. Especially this paper examines the changes of exchangerate decision theory in two separate periods of 1980’s and before. Finally, this paper analyzes interventions in foreign exchange market and the international monetary orders. Based on the findings of researches, we show that the supply of an international currency is determined by the magnitude of trade deficit of the currency-issuing country and the willingness of holding international reserves in the part of other countries. On the other hand, its demand depends on many factors such as, the scale of international economic transactions, the settlement periods and efficiency, returns of the currency, the movements of international reserve balances, and the frequency of exchange-rate movements. Finally, this study suggests that the internationalization of Korean won would invite a relatively large demand of international currency, unstabilizing speculations from other countries, and unstable movements of exchangerate through the increasing risk of domestic fluctuations due to the foreignexchange market interventions.

      • 1980年代의 韓ㆍ日 兩國의 貿易成長과 貿易政責의 變化

        Hee Young Song(宋喜永) 건국대학교 경제경영연구소 1994 상경연구 Vol.19 No.1

        The first chapter mentioned the purpose and the necessity of the study. One of the targets of Korean economic policy is to increase exports and sustain a high rate of economic growth. In order to pursue the ends efficiently, it is vital to build an effective trade policy. Since the 1980s, however, the Korean government could not present an effective export-promoting policy faced with the pressures from industrialized countries and International organizations including GATT. Moreover, the scope of trade policy became limited due to the emergence of other NICs. What is the detailed pattern of Japanese trade policy when she was in such an environment that the Korean economy is undergoing currently after the periods of rapid economic growth of the 1970s. What are the characteristic and the differences? These questions attract our attention in developing the trade policy of the 1990s. In this article, we analyzed the changes in the trade policy of Korean in the 1980s compared with those of the 1960s and the 1970s. These are closely related to the direction of economic development by which Korean economy tries to enter an industrialized economy expanding international trade. We focus on the building process of the trade policies of Japan, which has been heavily dependent upon international trade in the process of economic development and is dominating the world market presently. The chapter Ⅱ explains the trade stucture of Korea and Japan respectively. In Korea, the trade growth and the changes in import-export structure were very important in formulation the trade policy of the 1980s. With the expansion of trade volume and the consecutive trade surpluses from 1986 to 1989, there was an increasing need to construct a more advanced trade system and an opportunity to develop a more advanced trade institution. The trade growth and the changes in import-export structure of Japan have a close relation to the building of her trade policies. As an example, when the trade surplus of Japan became problematic in the middle of 1980s, the trade structure of Japan could be captured as in the phrase “increasing export easy and increasing import never easy.” Under the structure Japan was likely to invoke the resistance from other industrialized trading partners and this would be an obstacle for Japan to move into a new dimension in trade and internationalization of economy. Accordingly, Japan had to change the trade policy inevitably. Under these circumstances Japan switched from the structure of “increasing export easy and increasing import never easy.” In the regard the trade growth and the changes in trade structure are deeply concerned with the changes in the trade policies in both countries. The chapter Ⅲ examines mainly the trade policy and its change in Korea during the 1980s. Here the export-promotion policy, import policy, characteristics and changes of trade policy adopted are discussed. It is noted that the export-promotion policies set up in the 1960s and 1970s were pursued until the middle of the 1980s, and there appeared policy changes since 1986. Concerning import policy, the real shift from non-tariff policy to tariff policy was made in the first and the second free-import plan since 1986. The purpose of the study in this chapter is to find under what circumstances, Korea changed its trade policy especially according to the changes in trade volume, internal and external trade environment, and into what form Korea changed its trade policy. The chapter Ⅳ deals with the trade policy of Japan in the 1980s concentration on the items such as the changes of export policy, import policy, tariff-reduction program, tariff system and its level, and the import-tariff stipulations. The main focus is about what lay in the background of trade policy changes of Japan in the 1980s, and what measures were taken to handle trade surpluses and the pressure for market-opening from other industrialized trade partners.

      • 戰後日本의 貿易政策: 日本經濟의 復與期와 高度成長期를 中心으로

        Hee Young Song(宋喜永) 건국대학교 경제경영연구소 1988 상경연구 Vol.13 No.1

        Each trade policy has its own economic effects as explained in section Ⅱ. The detailed economic effects of each trade policy were summarized in Table 1 and 2 of section Ⅱ. The growth of trade in Japan after world war Ⅱis will characterized by the difference between the export growth rate and the import growth rate. The export growth rate was much higher than the import growth rate. Both export growth were strongly influenced by various trade policies. Especially, the trade policies designed to stimulate export but to restrict import played very important roles in the growth of Japaness trade. Income elasticity of demand for exportables and importables affects the trade pattern and trade policies of each country. In Japan, the difference between income elasticities of demand for exportables and importables was very high. This difference also played important roles in the growth of Japanese trade. In this study, the process of trade growth in Japan was divided into two stages. One stage in period of recovery, and other stage is the period of growth. The period of recovery is characterized by the active and intensive export-drive policies. During this period, export was heavily subsidized while import was restricted. In the period of high growth that is the post-1960 period, many direct trade restriction policies were replaced by tariff policies. But most of tariff rates were still high. Furthermore, tariff policies were complimented by non-tariff policies. The Japanese trade ploicies were explained in section Ⅲand Ⅳ in a great detail. As explained in section Ⅱ, many policies applied in the period of recovery were in lack of consistency, and used financial policy instruments. By contrast, many policies applied in the period of high growth pursued free trade because Japan became a member of GATT. However, as pointed out in section Ⅳin some details, these policies were nothing but the flexible operation of non-tariff policies employed in order to respond to changes in external economic environments.

      • 戰後復興期 日本의 經濟發展: 資本蓄積과 産業政策을 中心으로

        Hee Young Song(宋熹永) 건국대학교 경제경영연구소 1986 상경연구 Vol.11 No.1

        The high level of development of the Japanese economy is now a well-known fact, especially in relation to the postwar reconstruction period. In this paper, we intend first to ascertain this development in a few category, and then to explore the various factors which are responsible for its high level, although we are not certain we shall cover all such factors. Therefore, in this paper, we attempt to analyze the following category: 1. The Growth condition of in the postwar reconstruction period; 1) the land reform, dissolution of a financial clique and reform of labor union. 2) economic plan. 2. Capital accumulation and Economic Growth. 3. Process of Industrial policy Let us explain briefly in above mentioned category. 1. 1) In the postwar rehabilitation process, land reform in agriculture reduced the share of the land-owner’s rent, and greater power of labor unions increased labor’s relative share of the national income, both playing an important role in widening the domestic market. 2) And in Japan, we have had several economic plan in postwar period, but it is very striking that in each case the plans’ targets were extremely underestimated, as compared with actual outcome. This seems to depend upon the fact that once a plan was announced, firms always behave assuming that the plan’s target is a minimum line below which the firms could not but be defeated in the cutthroat competition with other firms. Therefore, firms try to expand their investment beyond the target prescribed by plan in other to extend their market share. 2. In the Development of Japanese Economy, we see a process of rapid economic growth through explosive investment behavior and downward price adjustment. It seems to be important to recognize the role of such a disequilibrating mechanism in causing the exceptionally high rate of growth, for without this unstable mechanism we could not have attained such a rapid development. 3. One of the secrets of Japan’s high rate of postwar growth lie in process the industrial policy.

      • 國際貿易慣習의 生成과 發達에 관한 硏究

        Hee Young Song(宋熹永) 건국대학교 경제경영연구소 1983 상경연구 Vol.8 No.1

        International trade ni macroscopic aspect is international business activities between countries within the category of international economics but in microscopic aspect, it can interpret the fruit of contract of sales through private economic sectors. The object of trading, in a broad sense, although it contains goods of corporeal or incorporeal nature, such as goods, technique, capital and labour, in a restricted sense, its object is corporeal movables. Therefore, transactions of trade will be seen as a contract of international goods sales with trading parters in foreign countries. Moreover, international trade transactions are private contracts between trading parters, such as trading companies, and individuals in foreign countries. Consequently, each sales contract will be defined a pattern of contracts. Though today most international trading is distant trade and not over-the-counter sales, we have no uniform law yet. In these circumstance, naturally, international sales contracts depend upon international custom and usage. This study is to analyze the creation and advancement of trade custom. And the scope and method of research of this study are mainly to review, analyze the various factors within international trade regulations, as well as custom practices and precedents which have an effect on international trade sales contracts. International trade custom has two fundamental functions. The first is supplementary function of international sales contracts, the second is cretera for interpretation of contracts, therefore international trade custom is essential to international trade transaction. However, we have no uniform law of trade. International transaction be carry out at individual contract. The contract are an essential part of the international trade system of free enterprise, and hence the law provides contract with special protections. Without such protections, international trade would find very difficult to promote its volume. Therefore international trade custom and it’s rules is essential to trade transaction. For the above mentioned purpose, this study is composed of; Chapter Ⅱ, Creation Advancement of trade custom. Chapter Ⅲ, Function of trade custom and characteristic of international trade transaction Chapter Ⅳ, Direction and codification of international trade rules.

      • KCI등재

        역사문화공간을 활용한 공연 콘텐츠 기획 사례 연구 : 고궁, 고성, 성곽을 중심으로

        송희영(Song, Hee Young) 글로벌문화콘텐츠학회 2009 글로벌문화콘텐츠 Vol.0 No.3

        고궁이나 고택, 성곽, 사찰, 공원 등 역사문화유적지를 공연 공간으로 활용하는 시도가 최근 활발히 이루어지고 있다. 역사문화공간이 극장 무대를 대신하는 대안공간으로 등장하게 된 배경은 지역의 문회유산공간을 공연 관람활동이 가능한 문화관광명소로 전환시킴으로써 발생 예상되는 도시브랜드 창출 효괴를 추구하는 도시경영 전략이 반영된 결과라고 보여 진다. 이것은 역사문화유적지가 그 자체로서도 방문객을 모으는 기능을 하고 있지만 도시의 역사성을 살린 공연콘텐츠가 도시를 대표하는 문화상품으로 발전될 경우, 그 도시는 보다 많은 방문객 유치에 유리한 매력적인 조건을 갖추어 경제적 부가가치는 물론 지역주민의 생활에 큰 활력소를 제공한다는 도시마케팅 (City marketing) 이론의 배경 하에 세계적으로 추진되고 있는 현상중 하나이다. 실제로, 도시의 역사가 깊고 자연경관이 아름다운 중국 4대 도시를 모렐로 실경 산수 뮤지컬 콘텐츠 개발에 성공한 중국의 저명한 영화감독이자 연출자인 장이머우 감독의 <인상 프로젝트>는 대표적인 도시마케팅의 한 사례로 손꼽히고 있다. 본 연구는 이와 같이 도시 브랜드 이미지 강화를 목적으로 현재 우리나라의 역사문화공간에서 이루어지고 있는 공연기획 현황과 문제점을 서울의 고궁 문화재 공간을 중심으로 살펴보고, 변방의 오래된 무명도시를 독특한 문화콘텐츠 생산지로 탈바꿈시켜 지역경제 발전과 함께 세계적인 관광명소로 도시의 명성을 높여준 중국 윈난성 리장 고성의 설산 실경 뮤지컬 <인상 리장>사례를 조사하여 성공 요인과 파급효과를 점검해 보았다. 마지막으로, 세계문화유산으로 지정된 경기도 수원 화성과 역사적 관련이 깊은 조선 22대 임금 정조대왕의 어머니 혜경궁 홍씨의 진찬연을 원형 콘텐츠로 제작된 두 국악공연을 소개한 다음 수원화성의 장소성과 연계한 공연상품으로서의 활용을 제안해보았다. 즉, 고서에 기록된 “혜경궁 홍씨 봉수당 진찬연”을 토대로 조선시대 왕실음악회를 현대적 극장무대에 재현한 국립국악원의 <왕조의 꿈태평성대> 공연과, <왕조의 꿈 태평성대>공연을 모티브로 하여 현대인이 즐길 수 있는 다양하고 가변적인 프로그램 형식으로 재구성한 숙명가야금연주단의 <봄의 궁전>의 공연 요소를 분석하여 우리나라의 역시문화공간에서 시도해봄직한 새로운 공연콘텐츠 개발의 가능성 탐색을 시도하였다. 역사문화유산 공간은 현대인들에게 새로운 예술 창조에 필요한 상상력과 영감을 제공하는 중요한 의미를 갖는다. 도시마케팅 효과라는 성과에 급급하여 기존의 공연물들을 문화유산공간으로 옮겨오는 단순한 공간이동의 차원에서 그칠 것이 아니라 역사문화공간에 잠재된 역사적 의미와 스토리텔링을 적극적으로 연구, 발굴하여 공연기획의 참신성과 장소적 자산이 공존하는 문화콘텐츠로 발전시키는 노력이 지속적으로 이루어져야 할 것이다. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the issue of creating and producing performing arts contents based on historical assets as a City marketing strategy. In fact, the historic sites such as old places, residences, fortress and even old gardens and temples have currently been received wide attention by the cultural industry as important tourists attractions where performing arts and other similar activities are being presented in order to enhance the city s brand value. Concerning the interrelationship between producing performing arts contents which makes use of the cultural heritage sites and the effect of City marketing, at first, I reviewed the actual cases and circumstances that had been executed in Korea focused on the old places in Joseon Dynasty in Seoul and tried to find some problems to be improved. The major problems that I was concerned about were firstly, most of the performances at the out-door stage in the old places were just a repeat of the same programs that had been done in the past so it was hard to appeal new interests and attractions. Moreover, every venue presented almost same repertoires as others without its original contents, and no long-term plan for programming existed was another big problem that I found. Secondly, I introduced the case of Impression Projects in China which widely considered as a successful example of this kind. The Impression Projects is a series of out-door musical productions happening in the four old cities in China such as Lijang, Hangzhou, Guilin(Y angsuo) and Hainan under the direction of Zhang Yimou, a world widely known chinese movie director. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that each performance presents the myth, legend, and old stories based on the cities own history that make use of the natural stage setting located at the cultural heritage sites. As the result of this, each city turned to world-widely known tourists attractions which receives a million of visitors a year from and provides a vital environment to the community as well as a great deal of financial outcomes. Finally, I studied two Korean traditional music concerts cases called The Royal Court Banquet Music-music of Peace, Dream of the Dynasty premiered by the National Center for Korean Traditional Performance Arts, in 2001 and Place of Spring presented by Sookmyung Gayageum Orchestra in 2009. In deed, these two performances have a common that were inspired by the Joseon Dynasty Court Banquet, more specifically named The Royal Banquet in celebration of the 60th anniversary of Queen Hyegyeongung Hong , which King Jeongjo, the 22nd King of Joseon Dynasty, had hosted for his mother Queen Hyegyeongung Hong at the Suwon Hwaseong Fortess in 1795. Then, based on the historical record, I attempted the way to transform the royal court banquet happened in the 18th century to modem style of entertainment shows on the out-door stage of Suwon Hwaseong Fortess that was on the list of UNESCO s World Cultural Heritage in 1997. The historic cultural heritage sites are often considered as an important alternatives for enhancing the city s brand image and implementing strategy of city marketing and now in fact a lot of performances are staged. It is true that cultural heritage is very important role in terms of inspiring and offering new imaginative idea in creating new arts to modem society, however, I would like suggest that in making use of the historical legacy and value, the more efforts should be done toward to discover and reveal potential historical contents so they would be able to interconnect with creating new performing arts productions which could be actually enjoyed by modem audiences before rushing into uncompleted city marketing plan.

      • KCI등재

        역사야외극에 나타난 기념제적 특성과 신화성

        송희영(Song, Hee-young) 인문콘텐츠학회 2017 인문콘텐츠 Vol.0 No.44

        본 연구는 기념제적 특성을 보여주는 지역사 기반 역사야외극에 함유된 제의성 분석을 중심으로 극적 매체를 통한 신화적 시공간의 재현 가능성을 고찰하고자 기술되었다. 빅터 터너(Victor W. Turner)는 관중을 앞에 두고 무대 위에서 일정한 시간과 공간을 점유하는 형태로 메시지를 전달하는 극적 매체(Theatrical media), 즉 연극 양식에 함유된 리미널리티(Liminality) 특성에 주목하여, ‘집단적 반성의 틀’로서 기능하는 고대사회에서의 제의와 가장 부합하는 예술형식을 갖추고 있다고 주장하였다. 본고는 이를 바탕으로, 프랑스 대혁명 시기에 발생한 반혁명의 역사를 극적 소재로 다루고 있는 방데 퓌뒤푸(Puy du Fou, Vendée)의 역사야외극 시네세니(Cinéscénie)를 집중 탐색한다. 시네세니는 지역공동체의 공동기억이 체현된 장소성에 기반을 둔 스토리텔링 기법과 역사적 현장을 공연무대(공간)로 설정하고 있는 역사야외극의 형식을 취하고 있다. 역사야외극은 실시간으로 전개되는 역사공간 무대에서 우러나오는 장소의 아우라와의 접촉을 가능케 함으로써 연희자와 관객들로 하여금 현실을 벗어나 과거 특정한 시공간으로 옮겨가는 전이(리미널리티)체험 기회를 부여한다. 기념제적 관점에서 바라본 시네세니의 특징은 첫째, 대혁명의 혼란기에 지역사회 전체가 겪은 비극적 체험을 공연콘텐츠로 구현한 문화적 기억매체로서 세대를 거쳐 전승되고 있다. 둘째, 방데전쟁(La guerre de Vendée) 과정에서 정부군의 폭정과 살상으로 희생된 망자들을 위한 집단적 추모제 성격의 문화행사로서 매년 정례적으로 반복되고 있다. 셋째, 18세기 프랑스 대혁명기의 부당한 정치탄압의 역사에 초점이 맞추어져 있으나, 중세 시대부터 20세기 초엽에 이르기까지 수세기에 걸쳐 반복돼온 방데 민중들의 고단한 삶의 노정을 보편적 진리로 이끌어내는 영원회귀의 서사구조를 전개하고 있다. 결론적으로 방데의 반혁명 역사야외극 시네세니는 공동체의 과거사를 기억하고 기념하는 표상으로서 세대를 거쳐 전승되는 지역 고유의 문화적 산물인 동시에, 현존하는 자신들의 근원과 문화적 유래에 대한 실존적 성찰을 도모하는 신화적 사유의 자세를 보여주고 있다. The purpose of this study is to examine the possibility of reenacting mythical time and space in contemporary society, focusing on the rituals found in performing arts. The rituals in the ancient primitive tribal society gives a sense of community unity and self-identity by mediating the past and present encounters, and at the same time, it served as a social frame work enabling mythical experience which brings enlightenment useful for solving the immediate communal crisis and correcting the confusion. This study examines the characteristics and development process of ritual ceremony in particular from the viewpoint of the "liminality theory" that appears in theatrical performance that Victor W. Turner claimed. Turner recognized that the theatrical performance, which occupies a certain amount of time and space and conveys a message in front of the crowd, is the most likely art form for picturing ritual in that it has the most suitable characteristics to express "social reflection" through "temporal and spatial transformation". Accordingly, with the aim of exploring the modern implementation of ritual, this study analyzed the "Cinéscénie" of the Puy du Fou, Vendée, one of the representative examples of France"s open-air epic dramas, which called as spectacles historiques in French, from the viewpoint of a ceremony of commemoration for the forgotten past. The commemoration characteristics of the Cinéscénie can be divided into three parts. First, it shows the characteristic of an epic drama as media of Cultural Memory that embodies the traumatic memory of war and death in the community, created in the motif of the Vendée war(La guerre de Vendée), recognized as a pronoun of counterrevolution in the French Revolutionary History. Secondly, it shows the mythical reason that reflects the origin of their existence by maintaining the narrative structure that traces the life of sailors adhering to the tradition of agrarian society which overcomes difficulties by adapting to the order of nature and life from the Middle Ages through the 20th century even though it uses the Vendée War as an immediate dramatic creation material. Lastly, Vendée local society, under the leadership of a community organization called "L"association du Puy du Fou", repeats the commemoration in the form of local festivals routinely. It suggests that the collective memory of Vendée residents about their forgotten history is a cultural product of the community that is transmitted from generation to generation. Therefore, for the Vendée people, the commemoration called Cinéscénie functions as a kind of "cultural boundary" that distinguishes between the group that commemorates it and the other that does not. In addition, the Cinéscénie as a theatrical media that is celebrated by the Vendée community has become a means of giving members a sense of identity and tie them together strongly. In this context, at the same time, it functions as a channel of bilateral communication that shares the positive will to overcome the ideological conflicts during the chaotic period of French Revolution. In conclusion, the Cinéscénie, an open-air epic theater and a medium of cultural memory, brings the past lives of the ancestors to the present Vendée people in community by repeatedly commemorating it as a ritual ceremony. This enables the Vendée local people to reconfirm their cultural identity as a member of the community and reflect it on their current lives.

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