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      • KCI등재

        19세기 중엽 동래부 관아(官衙)의 유지와 관리

        송혜영,Song, Hye-Young 한국건축역사학회 2022 건축역사연구 Vol.31 No.5

        This study investigated the maintenance and management of government office building in Dongnaebu, Gyeongsangdo in the mid-19th century. In the late Joseon Dynasty, Dongraebu was an important point of national defense and a place of trade and diplomacy with Japan, so it had many government facilities. There are very few government facilities remaining today, and no structure remains. Therefore, it is possible to grasp information about the government facilities through the old materials. Currently, there are public documents related to the local government offices such as Eupji, Eupsarye, and Junggi. Through comparison between public documents, we will examine the maintenance and management of Dongnaebu government facilities in the mid-19th century. As a result of the research, Dongnaebu government facilities were supervised by department and managed like articles. In addition, the name, size, and changes were all recorded in the management of the goods, and the authority of responsibility was clearly stated. This result is because the remaining material has the purpose of preparation as an accounting book. As a result, it was found that the government facilities in the late Joseon Dynasty were managed by a systematic department with clear authority.

      • KCI등재

        태안반도 인근해역 우점 요각류의 계절별 분포와 섭식

        송혜영,이두별,박철,Song, Hye-Young,Lee, Doo-Byoul,Park, Chul 한국해양학회 2010 바다 Vol.15 No.4

        태안반도 인근 해역의 우점 요각류 세 종의 계절별 분포를 알아보고 계절별 섭식률을 측정하여 이들이 식물플랑크톤 현존량에 미치는 섭식압을 파악하였다. 우점 요각류인 Acartia hongi, Calanus sinicus, Paracalanus parvus s. 1.는 전체 중형동물플랑크톤 개체수의 약 50%를 차지하였고 전체 요각류의 약 70%를 차지하였다. A. hongi는 겨울철, 봄철에 우점하였고, C. sinicus는 봄철에 가장 우점하였으며, P. parvus s. 1.는 여름철과 가을철에 우점하였다. 이들 세 요각류의 섭식률은 봄철에 가장 높았고, 섭식률이 높은 시기에 요각류 알(egg)과 유생(nauplius)의 생물량이 다른 계절에 비해 약 10배 이상 많았다. 또한, 섭식률이 높은 시기에 유생 단계의 생물량도 높게 나타나 이들의 섭식률은 재생산을 위해 증가한 것으로 여겨졌다. 이 우점 요각류 세 종이 식물플랑크톤 현존량에 미치는 섭식압은 약 5% (0.7~40.5% 범위) 정도였으며, 봄철에 가장 높았다. Seasonal fluctuations in abundances and ingestion rates of the three major copepods, Acartia hongi, Calanus sinicus and Paracalanus parvus s. l., around the Taean Peninsula were studied along with the estimation of the grazing impacts by them on phytoplankton standing stocks. These three copepods occupied about 50% of total mesozooplankton abundances and about 70% of total copepod abundances. A. hongi dominated in winter and spring while C. sinicus showed only one peak in spring. P parvus s. l. occurred dominantly in summer and fall. The ingestion rates of these three copepods were the highest in spring, when their abundances of eggs and nauplii were more than 10 times greater. Abundances of copepodites of these copepods were also very abundant at this time of high ingestion rates. These increased ingestion rates seemed to be related with reproduction. The grazing impacts by these three copepods were about 5% of the available chlorophyll a in the water column (with the range of 0.7 to 40.5%). The highest value was found in spring.

      • KCI등재

        일제강점기 지적공부(地籍公簿)의 작성과 의미

        송혜영,Song, Hye-Young 한국건축역사학회 2018 건축역사연구 Vol.27 No.2

        This study is to find out the process of changes concerning the cadastral records that consist of the cadastre, the cadastral map and various registers of land in Japanese Colonial Period. The cadastre and cadastral map were the most important part of them and became the basis of cadastral records. These two registers were first made out according to the Project of Colonial Land Survey in the year 1912. As the influx of foreign Weights and Measures was greatly influenced by the foreign concession since 1876, the traditional units of the Weights and Measures had abolished finally. The extortion of sovereignty led a rapid change to the Weights and Measures in 1910. Japan compelled us to change into Japanese System of Measurement. From that time on, Lot(筆地) and Pyeong(坪) were settled down on the registers of land.

      • KCI등재

        일제의 필지 분할에 의한 동래부 객사 공간의 해체 과정

        송혜영,서치상,Song, Hye-Young,Seo, Chi-Sang 한국건축역사학회 2013 건축역사연구 Vol.22 No.3

        The purpose of this study is to analyze the process of lots-subdivision within the block of Gaeksa at Dongnae-bu under the rule of Japanese Imperialism. Gaeksa of the old government office was the sanctuary that symbolized the sovereignty. Therefore it was naturally a main object of demolition and then the site was converted to other purpose. And Gaeksa was not only converted into the elementary school and the public market but the historic site also processed to break down for opening the road through Japanese Occupation of Korea. The main reasons of lots-subdivision were the transfer from state property to private ownership and the urban development project. Needless to say, the particular major reason was derived from the intention of Japanese Imperialism to destroy the traditional urban. As a result, Gaeksa can not be recognized the traces of today and contributes to the demolition of the remaining ancient building. Finally the deformed urban structure was left over from destroyed building.

      • KCI등재

        부산부청(釜山府廳)의 건축과정과 변용특성

        송혜영,Song, Hye-Young 한국건축역사학회 2020 건축역사연구 Vol.29 No.5

        The Municipal Building of Busan was the first western-style building of Korea in 1879. It was also the predecessor of Busan Metropolitan City Hall. On the other hand, the Municipal Building of Busan was a symbolic structure that shows the history of Busan. The Municipal Building of Busan has inherited the construction location and site, including the speciality of Choryangwaegwan, and is a good example of the process of inheriting the authority of the former space through the appropriation of the building. The Municipal Building of Busan was relocated to the edge of the coast in 1934 because a small and dilapidated building failed to function properly. The relocation of the Municipal Building of Busan in 1934 was the origin of changing the coastal space in downtown. As a result, landfill sites along the coast were in the limelight and developed into the downtown area of Busan after Korea's liberation.

      • KCI등재

        일제강점기 동래부 객사 일곽의 소멸 과정

        송혜영,서치상,Song, Hye-Young,Seo, Chi-Sang 한국건축역사학회 2015 건축역사연구 Vol.24 No.2

        The aim of this study is to investigate the conversion of Dongnaebu Gaeksa block to public market during Japan's Colonial Period. The block of Gaeksa was converted into the elementary school for the first time and afterwards occupied by the public market. Dongnae Traditional Market(五日場) had kept up since late 18th century. Dongnae public market was transferred to the site of Dongnaebu Gaeksa in 1937. Especially Dongnae public market(東萊公設市場) in the construction cost of establishment was supplied on loan. A number of traditional markets were reformed into the public markets in the 1930s. and the public market was installed more by the organization of colonial period. Dongnae public market was one of those markets, too. Eventually the establishment of public market meant that the block of Gaeksa had disappeared completely.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        바우하우스의 교육과정 -바실리 칸딘스키의 통합교육을 중심으로-

        송혜영 ( Song Hai Young ) 한국기초조형학회 2017 기초조형학연구 Vol.18 No.2

        독일의 바우하우스는 이론중심의 형태교육과 실기위주의 공방교육을 통합하는 혁신적인 교육과정을 운영했으며, 이는 바우하우스가 남긴 중요한 업적중의 하나로 평가된다. 추상화의 선구자인 바실리 칸딘스키는 공방교육(1922-1925)과 형태교육(1922-1933)을 맡았으며, 특히 예비과정의 이론수업에 몰두했다. 한 예로, 그가 이상적인 조합으로 간주한 `노란 삼각형`과 `빨간 사각형`, `푸른 원`은 지금도 바우하우스를 대표하는 디자인으로 유명하다. 그러나 바우하우스의 기록들을 면밀히 살펴보면, 칸딘스키의 이론수업에 대한 비판과 반발 역지 적지 않았다는 사실을 확인하게 된다. 바로 이점에 주목한 본 연구는 칸딘스키를 중심으로 바우하우스의 통합교육은 어떻게 이루어졌는지, 그 성과와 문제점을 고찰하고자 한다. 먼저 그가 맡았던 벽화작업장의 공방교육은 별다른 성과를 거두지 못했는데, 이와 관련해 본 논문은 바우하우스 창립자인 발터 그로피우스가 목표로 한 종합예술과 칸딘스키가 추구한 종합예술의 차이점을 비교하였다. 그 다음으로 그의 형태교육에 관해 살펴보면, 그는 실제훈련과 결합된 이론수업의 의미를 강조하며 선과 색채, 형태와 구성에 관한 기본원리를 가르쳤고, 이는 학생들의 분석적이고 논리적인 사고력을 키워주고, 창의력 향상에 도움을 준다는 점에서 긍정적으로 평가된다. 그러나 다른 한편에서 제기된 학생들의 불만과 원인을 파악하기 위해 본 논문은 추상화가인 동시에 이론가였던 칸딘스키의 의견에 주목하였다. 즉, 예술에서는 실제가 이론보다 앞선다는 점을 전제로 하여 그는 `내적 필연성의 원칙`에 의한 `직관`과 `종합`에 가장 큰 의미를 부여하고, 그 수단이 되는 `이성`과 `지식,` `분석`을 강조하였다. 하지만 조형의 원리를 불변의 법칙으로 제시한 그의 이론수업은 학생들의 자유로운 상상력과 표현을 구속함으로써 원칙이 수단에서 벗어나 목적이 되는 모순을 보여준다. The Bauhaus in Germany operated innovational curricula that integrate a form education centered on theories and a practical workshop course that emphasized technical craft skills, which is considered one of Bauhaus` crucial achievements. Wassily Kandinsky took charge of workshop course (1922-1925) and form education (1922-1933); in particular, as a form educator, he was absorbed in theory classes of preliminary courses. For instance, "yellow triangle", "red square", and "blue circle" he regarded as an ideal mixture is still famous as a design representing Bauhaus. Nonetheless, to closely examine the records of Bauhaus, criticism and opposition to his theoretical lesson are confirmed. This study, which notes the point, intends to examine how the integrated education was done by Bauhaus, its achievements, and problems at the same time. First, his workshop course did not get fruitful outcomes, in relation to which this paper compared difference between the idea of synthesis of arts Walter Gropius, the founder of Bauhaus, preached and the one Kandinsky pursued. Next, to look at his form education, he emphasized the meanings of theory classes combined with practical training, and taught lines, colors, forms, and composition, which is evaluated to be positive in that such approach nurtures students` analytic and logical thinking capabilities. Nonetheless, in order to examine complaints and their causes raised by students, this paper paid attention to opinions of Kandinsky, an abstract painter and at the same time, a theorist. In other words, on the premise that practicality precedes theory, he considered "intuition" and "synthesis" most important based on his "principle of inner necessity" and emphasized their means, such as "reason", "knowledge", and "analysis". However, his theory classes, where he presented the principles of form as unchanged laws, confined students` free imagination and expressions, revealing contradiction in which principles go beyond means to become aims.

      • KCI등재

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