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      • 페튜니아 일대 잡종에서 발아, 개화 및 종자 등숙소요일수 관련형질의 상호관계 및 조합능력

        송천영,박상철,박노복,Song, C.Y,Park, S.C.,Park, N.B. 국립한국농수산대학교 교육개발센터 2001 현장농업연구지 = Journal of practical agricultural resear Vol.3 No.1

        The correlation among days to germination, days to flower, days to seed ripening and number of seeds per a pod and their combining were studied in 15 F<sub>1</sub>s from the partial six-parent diallel cross in Petunia hybrida. The days to flowering, days to germination and seed number per a pod showed high positive correlation together, however germination percentage and number of seed showed negative correlation with days to ability(SCA) were highly significant for all the characters. The estimates of variance components of SCA were greater than those of GCA for all the characters, showing preponderance of non-additive gene actions for these characters. The line of A and C showed relatively high GCA effect for days to germination and days to flower and the lines of C and G for germination, days to seed ripening and number of seeds per a pod. The crosses of D×G and E×F exhibited high SCA effect for decreasing days to flower and days to germination, and increasing germination percentage and number of seeds per a pod. The broad sense heritability was generally high compared to narrow sense one in the 5 characters. The higher heritability values of both broad and narrow sense were shown in the days to ripening and number of seeds per a pod.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재
      • 몇 가지 도자기 분 식물의 계절별 식재시기가 생육에 미치는 영향

        송천영,문자영,김리나,Song, C.Y.,Moon, J.Y.,Kim, L.N. 국립한국농수산대학교 교육개발센터 2018 현장농업연구지 = Journal of practical agricultural resear Vol.20 No.1

        도자기 분 식물 식재시기가 식물의 생장에 미치는 영향을 알아보기 위하여 청미니호랑가시나무(Ilex cornuta Lindl.), 무늬호랑가시나무(Ilex aquifolium 'Silver Queen'), 무늬산호수(Ardisia pusilla 'Variegata') 및 철쭉(Rhododendron indicum(Satsuki azalea))을 2017년 4월 1일부터 12월 1일까지 6차례(4월 1일, 6월 1일, 7월1일, 8월 1일, 10월 1일, 12월 1일) 식재하여 12주간 생존율 및 생육을 조사하였다. 식재 시기에 따른 생존율에서 청미니 호랑가시나무는 4월, 10월, 12월 식재 시 100%이였으나 6월 식재는 90%, 7월 식재는 50%, 8월 식재는 60%를 보였다. 무늬호랑가시나무 및 철쭉의 생존율도 7월과 8월이 낮은 경향이고 그 외시기는 100%로 조사되었다. 하지만 무늬산호수는 모든 식재 시기에서 100%의 생존율을 보였다. 식재시기별 청미니 호랑가시나무의 초장 생장율은 6월, 7월 및 8월 식재에서 20.0%, 15.5% 및 16.5%이었으나 4월, 10월 및 12월 식재는 13.2%, 12.3% 및 10.7%로 낮았다. 엽수 및 초폭의 증가율도 6월부터 8월 한여름의 식재는 높게 나타났으나 4월, 10월 12월은 낮았다. 무늬호랑가시, 무늬산호수 및 철쭉의 식재시기에 따른 식물생장도 한여름에는 촉진되고 봄과 가을에는 정상적인 생장을 보였다. 따라서 도자기 분화를 계절별로 식재 했을 때, 7월과 8월 한여름의 식재는 식물 생장은 촉진되지만 생존율이 낮아지는 문제가 있으므로 한여름의 식재는 피하는 것이 바람직하다고 결론을 내릴 수 있다.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        비모란 접목선인장과 다육식물을 합식한 분화의 실내위치 및 LED 조명에 따른 식물의 생장 변화

        송천영,송은경 한국화훼산업육성협회 2012 화훼연구 Vol.20 No.2

        비모란 선인장 2개와 다육식물인 월토이, 미니염좌, 청솔 중 1개를 혼합 식재한 상품을 소비자가 이용할 장소를 감안하여 온실, 창가 및 실내에 LED 적+청색 혼합광을 조사한 것과 안 한 것을 구분하여 위치시킨 후 6개월 동안 고사율 및 생육조사를 하였다. 창가의 식물 고사율은 처리 후 4개월만에 비모란(적)은 13.3%, 비모란(황)은 16.7%, 월토이는 39.3%, 미니 염좌는 5.7%, 청솔은 50.0%이었다. 이보다 광량이 적 은 실내의 식물 고사율은 2개월만에 비모란(적)은 13.3%, 비모란(황)은 6.7%, 월토이는 40.0%, 미니 염 좌는 10.0%, 청솔은 43.3%로서 창가의 4개월과 유사 하였다. 하지만 광도가 현저히 낮은 실내와 창가 조건 에서도 LED 적+청색 혼합광에서는 비모란 및 다육식 물은 고사된 것이 거의 없었다. 한편 LED 적+청색 혼합광에서 다육식물의 초장 및 엽수의 생장은 재배온 실의 것이 실내 것보다 양호한 경향을 보였고, 청솔은 모든 위치에서 다른 식물보다 초장이 길게 자라서 4개 월 후에는 비모란과 미관적으로 어울리지 않았다. 따라 서 접목선인장과 다육식물을 합식한 것을 실내에 들여 놓을 경우, 고사율을 감소시키기 위해서는 광이 가장 잘 비치는 곳에 놓거나 가능하다면 LED 적+청색 혼 합광 밑에 두는 것이 관상기간을 연장시킬 수 있다. This experiment was conducted to investigate the effect of indoor position and blue plus red LED treatment on survivals and growth of two grafted cacti and a succulent planted in a pot. The three plants in a pot, two plants of grafted Gymnocalycium mihanovichii var. friedrichii Werd. and one succulent plant among Kalanchoe tomentosa, Crassula portulacea, or Sedum corynephyllum were positioned near to window, inside indoor or greenhouse during six months, and monitored their plant growth and mortality. The plant mortality positioned indoor in two months, very low light intensity around 17 μmol·m-2·s-1 in a clear day, was 13.3% in a grafted Gymnocalycium mihanovichii var. friedrichii Werd.(red), 40.0% in Kalanchoe tomentosa, 10.0% in Crassula portulacea, 43.3% in a Sedum corynephyllum. However, in four months the plant mortality positioned near to window was also monitored similar data to the indoor in two months. In the LED treatment, plant height and number of leaves of all succulent plants positioned in the greenhouse tended to be higher than those of near to window or inside indoor, but did not influence in the grafted cactus. However the plant height of Sedum corynephyllum was over-grown and unharmonious with grafted cactus in all position. Most all the plants in the green house or blue plus red LED treatment in all position were survivals, and the plant growth was normal or some increased plant height and number of leaves. Thus, proper indoor position of a pot planted grafted cactus and succulent was near to window, showing the most strong light intensity or under blue plus red LED light in indoor.

      • KCI등재
      • 페튜니아 일대 잡종에서 생육관련 형질의 상호관계 및 조합능력

        송천영,홍규현,강윤규,Song, C.Y.,Hong, K.H.,Kang, Y.K. 국립한국농수산대학교 교육개발센터 2001 현장농업연구지 = Journal of practical agricultural resear Vol.3 No.1

        The inter-relationship and combining abilities of characters for leaf length, leaf width, branch number, leaf number, leaf area, fresh weight and dry weight were studied in the F<sub>1</sub> combination of 15 crosses from the partial six-parent diallel cross in Petunia hybrida. The leaf area, fresh weight and dry weight showed high positive correlation together with the other growth characters such as leaf length, leaf width, branch number, leaf number. The mean squares of general combining ability(GCA) and specific combining ability(SCA) were highly significant for all the growth characters. The estimates of variance components of SCA were greater than those of GCA for all the characters, showing preponderance of non-additive gene actions for these characters. GCA effect was high in the lines of D and G for leaf length and fresh weight, and in the lines of C and D for branch number, leaf number, leaf area and fresh weight. The crosses of D×E, D×G, and E×G exhibited high SCA effect for all the growth characters such as leaf length, leaf width, branch number, leaf number, leaf area, fresh weight, and dry weight. The broad sense heritability was generally high compared to narrow sense one in the 7 characters. The highest heritability of the broad and narrow sense was shown in the leaf width and dry weight.

      • 팬지의 일대 잡종에서 생육관련 형질의 상관관계 및 조합능력

        송천영,홍규현,강윤규,이관호,김종칠,Song, C.Y.,Hong, K.H.,Kang, Y.K.,Lee, K.H.,Kim, J.C. 국립한국농수산대학교 교육개발센터 2002 현장농업연구지 = Journal of practical agricultural resear Vol.4 No.1

        This study was conducted to determine correlations and combining abilities of leaf lengths, leaf widths, petiole lengths, number of branches, number of leaves, leaf areas, fresh weights, dry weights and number of flowers in F<sub>1</sub> crosses made with the partial seven-parent diallel cross in Viola tricolor. Leaf lengths and leaf widths showed highly positive correlation with petiole length and negative correlation with number of branches, number of leaves and number of flowers. There was positive correlation between the number of leaves and flowers as well as between leaf area and fresh weight. Mean squares of general combining ability(GCA) and specific combining ability(SCA) were highly significant for all the parameters. Variance component values of SCA were greater than those of GCA for all the parameters except leaf length, implying preponderance of non-additive gene actions for these characters. The lines C and G for leaf lengths and widths, the lines A and F for number of leaves, the lines A, B and G for leaf areas, and the lines B and F for number of flowers showed relatively high GCA effects. The crosses of A×B and B×D exhibited high SCA effects on increasing leaf lengths, leaf widths, number of leaves, fresh weights and number of flowers. And also the crosses of B×E and D×G exhibited high SCA effects on decreasing leaf lengths, leaf areas and fresh weights as well as increasing number of flowers. The broad sense heritabilities of most characters were high compared with the narrow sense one. Those of leaf length, leaf width, petiole length and number of leaves were high in both the broad and narrow sense heritabilities.

      • 목본식물의 분 담수 재배에서 맥반석 및 하이드로 볼의 비율이 식물의 생장에 미치는 영향

        송천영,문자영,Song, C.Y.,Moon, J.Y. 국립한국농수산대학교 교육개발센터 2019 현장농업연구지 = Journal of practical agricultural resear Vol.21 No.1

        This study aimed to select the media for water flooding culture of Pinus thunbergii Parl., Juniperus chinensis L. var. sargentii Henry, Osmanthus fragrans Lour., and Chaenomeles japonica Lindl. ex Spach planting into quartz Porphyry and Hydroball. The survival rate of Pinus thunbergii Parl. and Chaenomeles japonica Lindl. ex Spach in hydroball 80%+quartz porphyry 20% was 100%, also the ratio of Juniperus chinensis L. var. sargentii Henry and Osmanthus fragrans Lour. in hydroball 20%+quartz porphyry 80% was 100% and 80%. However survival rate of full water and decomposed granite was less than 80% in Pinus thunbergii Parl., Juniperus chinensis L. var. sargentii Henry, and Chaenomeles japonica Lindl. ex Spach and thee rate of Osmanthus fragrans Lour was less than 50%. The increasing rate of fresh weight for Pinus thunbergii Parl. and Chaenomeles japonica Lindl. ex Spach in hydroball 80%+quartz porphyry 20% was 58.6% and 15.8% which was higher than others, and the fresh weight was increased as increasing the content of hydrobol. However the fresh weight of Juniperus chinensis L. var. sargentii Henry and Osmanthus fragrans Lour. in hydroball 20%+quartz porphyry 80% was 71.4% and 59.7% which was higher than others, and the fresh weight was increased as increasing the content of quartz porphyry. The increasing rate of fresh weight of decomposed granite as control was the lowest by 32.7%, 48.0%, 33.3% and 7.0%, respectively in Pinus thunbergii Parl., Juniperus chinensis L. var. sargentii Henry, Osmanthus fragrans Lour., and Chaenomeles japonica Lindl. ex Spach. Therefore the survival rate and fresh weight was lower at water and decomposed granite. However the survival rate and increasing fresh weight of Pinus thunbergii Parl. and Chaenomeles japonica Lindl. ex Spach was higher as increasing the rate of hydrobol. And the survival rate and fresh weight of Juniperus chinensis L. var. sargentii Henry and Osmanthus fragrans Lour was higher as increasing the rate of quartz porphyry.

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