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연구보문 : 자연과학 ; 옥수수 생육초기 수분 stress 처리에 따른 교잡종들의 생육특성 비교
조영손 ( Young Son Cho ),이병진 ( Byeong Jin Lee ),손다니엘 ( Daniel Son ),( Rashid Ismael Hag Ibrahim ),손범영 ( Beom Young Son ) 한국국제농업개발학회 2012 韓國國際農業開發學會誌 Vol.24 No.3
A pot experiment was conducted in a phytotron to evaluate and select wet-resistant silage corn from 111 corn hybrids (CHs) under simulated heavy rain falls (80 mm for the 1st day and 50 mm from the 2nd till 11th day at 21±3oC) started at the 3rd leaf stage or 28 days after seeding. Growth related characteristics including dry weight of shoot, root, and leaf blade as well as leaf area, plant weight balance, and culm diameter were evaluated. Corn hybrid (CH) no.62 showed the tallest plant height and no.96 was the shortest. CH no.96 expressed the highest weight balance and no. 88 was the lowest. CH no. 59 gave the highest dry weight of shoot and no. 25 was the lightest. CH no.91 measured the thickest culm diameter at the basal 10 cm but no.24 was the thinnest. Dry weight of the basal 10 cm from culm was heaviest in no. 42 and lightest in no.25. Dry weight of root was highest in no.113 and lowest in no. 16. Dry weight of leaf area was heaviest in no.85 but lightest in no. 25. Analysis of coefficient of correlation positively connected culm diameter, plant height, and root weight to leaf area as well as culm diameter and plant height to root weight, while plant height and weight balance were negatively correlated. Weight balance to culm diameter or leaf area and culm diameter to root weight was not related.
조영손 ( Young Son Cho ),이병진 ( Byeong Jin Lee ),손다니엘 ( Daniel Son ),윤영환 ( Young Hwan Yoon ),양원하 ( Won Ha Yang ),서종호 ( Jong Ho Seo ),김충국 ( Chung Kook Kim ),손범영 ( Beom Young Son ) 한국국제농업개발학회 2011 韓國國際農業開發學會誌 Vol.23 No.4
Under field conditions, 22 corn hybrids(CHs) were tested for several characteristics related to lodging resistance and excessive water stress, such as pushing resistance on 1.0 and 1.5 m hights of the corns and breaking point. The 22 corn CHs were selected because they showed strongest pushing resistance and breaking resistance of culm as well as the highest thickness of basal culm, leaf greenness, leaf area, and plant height based on two pre-pot experiments performed in phytotron. To make excess water condition, water irrigation was done at 1) 20-d after seeding, 2) 5th leaf stage, 3) tasseling stage, and 4) silking stage with 100 mm/day for 5 days. Lodging-related characteristics were measured: culm diameter, root dry weight, weight balance of above-ground plant, breaking resistance, and breaking height in field experiment. Among all the characteristics tested, we explained in the two critical points for lodging resistance: 1) breaking resistance and breaking point, 2) culm diameter with breaking resistance and breaking point, and they were further evaluated for the relationships with the 1.0 and 1.5m height of above-ground plant. In the corn hybrids, there was a positive correlation between breaking resistant and weight balance of corn at the silking stage water treatment at 1.0 and 1.5-m height. And breaking resistant and culm diameter had a positive relationship at the 20-d water treatment at both measuring height. In conclusion, selection for lodging resistant hybrids or germplasms to excess soilwater should be made at the 5th leaf stage water treatment, and basal culm thickness should be considered to evaluate the resistance of the corn hybrid plants to lodging.
토양개량제시용에 따른 화산회토양 감자 연작지 더뎅이병 억제 효과
좌재호,문두경,고상욱,손다니엘,Joa, Jae-Ho,Moon, Doo-Kyung,Koh, Sang-Wook,Son, Daniel 한국유기농업학회 2014 한국유기농업학회지 Vol.22 No.4
This study was conducted to select proper soil amendments in order to reduce the occurrence of potato scab and maintaining soil health by applications of dolomitic lime, sulfur, potassium sulfate, shell meal fertilizer, silicate fertilizer, lime nitrogen and ammonium sulfate fertilizer in different pH levels of volcanic ash soil with continuous cultivation of potato. In potassium sulfate-applied plot with a low soil pH, the incidence rate and disease severity of scab were lowest at 84.4% and 28.4%, respectively. Those were lowest among the treatments. Value of potato scab control was 12.3% and marketable yield of potato was highest at 93.2%. In lime nitrogen-applied plot (60 kg/10a), the incidence rate was low at 38.3%, and control value was 23.8% and marketable yield of potato was high at 66.3%. In relatively higher pH soils, the incidence rate of scab was lowest at 38.3% in the lime nitrogen-applied plot (60 kg/10a). Value of potato scab control was 23.8%, which was four times higher than that in sulfur-applied plot. Marketable yield of potato was highest at 66.3% in the lime nitrogen-applied plot. In the lime nitrogen plot infected with potato scab pathogen such as S. acidiscabies and S. scabiei were remarkably lower than other soil amendments at 2.5, 5, and 10 g/L concentrations of lime nitrogen using Glucose Yeast Malt (GYM) medium. In conclusion, this study suggests that potassium sulfate application in low pH soil (less than pH 5) and lime nitrogen application in relatively higher pH soil (more than pH 6) before potato seeding might be helpful to reduce the occurrence of potato scab.