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      • KCI등재

        농촌관광 활성화를 위한 정책방향에 관한 연구

        석태문 동북아관광학회 2006 동북아관광연구 Vol.2 No.1

        The purposes of this paper are to prospect the future of green-tourism in Gyeongbuk since 2002. For rural area and farmers the advent of green-tourism brought great change and opportunities, transforming the area from a traditional rural society to one focusing on environmental agriculture and tourism. First of all, citizens are not likely to bear the large burden of sacrificing their time for more income much longer. Instead, they like to enjoy their life at the expense of wage. So, the five day work system will certainly be a good chance to develop green-tourism. The entrance of green-tourism is a really good opportunity for the rural society. The demand of domestic tourism will completely change our traditional tourism pattern in Korea from non-lasting to lasting tourism, from person to family, from seeing to experiencing, and from culture type tourism to an agricultural pattern. Citizens especially will change their lifestyle to a green lifestyle, so the demand of tourism which is closely linked with agriculture and environment will increase in the near future. There are many tasks and limits to solve green-tourism. We easily can notice the absence of distinction, commercialization, strategic public information and marketing strategy. The government also needs to carry out a lot of tasks such as establishment of laws, institutional structure, and continuous development of educational programs for the farmers.

      • KCI등재

        경북 능금산업의 발달과정

        석태문,이호철 한국농촌사회학회 2001 農村社會 Vol.11 No.1

        우리 나라 능금의 재배 역사는 신라시대까지 거슬러 올라가지만 능금이 과실류에서 주요 위치를 차지한 것은 19세기에 들어서였다. 이 시대에 비로소 주산지를 형성한 능금은 개화기에 서양능금(洋林槍)이 도입되면서 시장지향적 산업으로 발전하였다. 그러나 서양능금의 도입과 함께 토종능금의 발전된 싹이 잘려졌고, 1905년 이후 본격적인 능금원의 개원과 함께 한국의 능금산업은 수출산업의 한 축으로 편재되었다. 이에 따라 이 연구는 경북지역에 서양능금이 도입된 기원, 상업적 능금원의 시점, 그리고 경북 능금산업의 발전과정을 기술사적 관점에서 체계화하고자 한다. 서양능금의 경북지역 기원은 1898∼1899년 미국인 선교사 애덤스 목사가 자신의 저택에 정원수로 심은 것이 기원이었다. 그리고 1900∼1901년 현재의 동산병원 조그만 야산인 `동산`에 애덤스 목사와 죤슨 의사가 미국으로부터 대규모로 묘목을 수입, 개설한 능금원이 대구지역 최초의 상업적 과수원이었다. 능금산업의 발달과정은 재배 품종, 관개 기술, 전정 기술, 농기구(농기계), 시비 및 병해충 방제기술 등 다섯 분야로 구분해서 고찰하였다. 재배 품종은 초기 국광과 홍옥 두 품종으로 출발하여 1920∼40년대에는 다품종 시대를, 1970년대 이후부터 점차 후지 단품종 시대로 고착되어갔다. 관개 기술은 표토관개에서 스프링쿨러식, 점적신 관개로 발전해 왔다. 전정 기술은 초기에는 나무의 키가 4∼5m나 되는 5단전정법(수확기간 7년)에서 1960년대 이후 농촌노동력의 부족, 조기 수확의 필요성 때문에 나무의 키가 낮아졌다. 가지수도 15개에서 7개 정도로, 결실 연령도 5년에서 2년 정도로 감소되었다. 농기구(농기계)는 낫, 호미, 쟁기 등에서 소형 분무기, 가뭄극복을 위한 관수시설, 전정가위, 전정톱(거두), 전정용 낫, 대형 분무기, 반자동 분무기, 동력 분무기, 관리기 등으로 발전하였다. 시비 기술은 윤비법 이후, 1920년대 들어 춘비에서 추비로 이행, 집약화 되었고, 전면시비체계인 전원비옥법은 1960년대 들어 춘비에서 추비로 이행, 집약화 되었고, 전면시비체계인 전원비옥법은 1960년대 이후부터 완전히 정착되었다. 1980년대 후반부터는 토양악화를 방지하기 위해 퇴비 사용이 증대되었다. 병해충 방제기술은 능금원이 개설된 초기부터 지금까지 가장 중요한 기술체계였다. 면충 방지를 위한 최초의 자율적 생산자단체의 조직, 최초의 약제 살포력 편찬 등은 경북지역을 능금산업의 선진지역이 되게 한 동인이었다. In Korea, the history of the apple cultivation dated back the Silla Dynasty. However, the apple had been developed as one of major fruit from the 19th century in late Chosun Dynasty. In this period, the apple cultivation came to have 5 major apple producing districts. In the period of opening to western in late Chosun Dynasty, the apple cultivation was developed as market oriented industry by the introduction of the western style apple. Unfortunately, the development of native apple in Korea had been stoped with the introduction of the western style apple. As the regular apple orchard was opened since 1905, Korea`s apple industry was organized as the Export leading industry under Japanese occupation. The purpose of this thesis is to systemize the origin of the introduction of the western apple, commercial apple orchard and the development process of apple industry in Kyongsangbuk-Do from the point of view of technical production. Between 1898 and 1899, Pastor James Adams who was american missionary to Korea planted apples in his garden in the Namsan-Dong. That was the origin of the western apple cultivation in the Province of Kyongsangbuk-Do. The commercial apple orchard was established between 1900 and 1901 during which Pastor James Adams and Doctor W. O. Johnson grew apples on the hill of current Dongsan Hospital by importing apple seedling trees. The development progress of apple industry in the thesis was studied according to 5 themes : apple variety, irrigation, pruning, farming tools, and fertilization and disease-insect pesticide. In apple variety, the early apple industry was begun with Ralls Ganet and Jonathan. From 1920 to 1940`s, apple variety was very diversified, and from 1970`s. Fuji was the major apple product. Irrigation technologies has developed by surface soil irrigation to sprinkler irrigation, and to trickle irrigation. Pruning technology has developed toward the shortening of apple tree`s height from 5 stage pruning technology to 2 or 3 stage. Apple`s fruiting year has reduced approximately from 5 years to 2 years. Farming tools in apple orchard developed as follows : from sickle, weeding hoe, plow in the early apple industry to small and big sprayer, irrigation facility to overcome drought, pruning scissors, pruning saw, pruning sickle, semi-auto sprayer, and power sprayer. In early apple orchard, rotation manure was the basic Fertilizing technology. Then in 1920`s, fertilizing methods was changed from spring fertilizing to fall fertilizing(that is, intensified fertilizing). And broadcast application of fertilizer(全園肥沃法) in apple orchard was settled since 1960`s. One of the most important technology in the apple orchard is disease-insect pesticide technology. The reasons of development of the progressive apple industry in Kyongsangbuk-Do unlike others are as follow : first, the very first autonomous producer`s organization was established in the Province of Kyongsangbuk-Do to prevent wooly apple aphid. Second, the sprinkle history of medicinal compound was ever compiled.

      • 18세기 施肥法의 硏究

        石泰文,朴鎬澈 慶北大學校出版部 1987 慶北大農學誌 Vol.5 No.-

        The objective of this study is to examine the structure and transition of fertilization system in the 18 th century. Especially, on the basis of this analysis, We can find the development of agricultural productivity in Chosun Dynasty. The improvement of fertilization method in the 18 century is found from all items - i, e-the time and object for fertilization, change of the concept in individual fertilizers. The transportation and the double - cropping of rice and barley in a paddy field had accomplished the improvement of fertilization method. Then, the development of agricultural productivity in a guarantee of higher fertilization method contributed directly to realize the consciousness of peasant's landownership.

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