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        日照權侵害에 관한 私法的 救濟

        徐海溶 한국환경법학회 2004 環境法 硏究 Vol.26 No.1

        Human beings can not but take an inborn interest in the environment as the demand for a comfortable life in order to have a normal daily life. A certain level of sunshine and view is required that has recently been emphasized in the urban life as this representative right to living environment. But with the phenomenon of high industrialization and urbanization the gravitation of the population towards cities and the phenomenon of high-rise and dense buildings have continued to cause the sunshine interruption problem to the human comfortable daily life. Especially, in case the great population is densely living in the narrow national land like Korea, the problem of the infringement of the right to enjoy sunshine can not but appear remarkable with the construction of high-rise buildings arising from efficient land use. The the legal problem of properly coordinating the clash from the claims of preserving the efficient use of national land as well as preserving the right to enjoy sunshine in accordance with the qualitative improvement of the living environment has thus far become problematic. In spite of the corresponding public-law restrictions, judicial relief for the infringement of the right to enjoy sunshine has in reality thus far poor. Accordingly, this study attempted to examine the problem of whether the infringement of the right to enjoy sunshine from the efficient use and adjustment of land can be acknowledged as the judicial relief and through what legal construction the damage of property and personality from its infringement can be relieved in such a case.

      • 獨逸에 있어서의 成年後見制度 : 改正法의 槪要와 特質 Der Auszug und das Charakteristikum des Verbesserungsrechts

        서해용 건국대학교 1995 대학원 학술논문집 Vol.41 No.-

        In Inhalts dieser Manuskriptes, Der bei 1990 reformieret und zu 1992 der Kraft bleiben das System vom Mundegkeitsvormundschsft beobachtet in dem Deutschland. Bei dem reformierte System vom Mundegkeitsvormundschaft um allgemein Merkmal sehende die ju¨ngst Zeit in gleichem Schritt in den Sozialsachlagesvera¨nderungs und dem hohe Alters in Sozial nach folge. Des hohes Alters behinderte personen Zunahmen in dem gesellschagtliche Bewuβt sein und Aberkennung in der Gescha¨ftsfa¨higkeits und System in dem Mundigkeitvor mundschaft zu dem Ofeiler Der die Steifheit aufgaben. Auf diese Sachlage die neue Bestimmungrecht nach die System vom behinderte Personsschutzs in dem Zivilrechts vereinheitlichen werden. Das Dazwischen in der Recht einzellen Rinzelfall sich trete, in Falle der Not auf dem Schra¨nken. Auch, Die Grenzen druch den Notwendig einerseits der Grund individualle Betreuung des Betreuter die Fa¨higkeit hochachten. Besonders, in bezug auf den eigner Ko~rpersbetreuung nach dem Bormundschaftsgericht die versta¨rkte Verwaltungen die Richtung aufstellten. Diese Inhalt zusammengenommen, die Abschaffungen der Gescha¨ftesfa¨higkeitsaberkenzung des Urteils und das neue Betreuungsysteme ein fu¨hrungende den Charaktere des Individum in die h chstgrenzen Richung hochachten. Das Recht zu den reformierte Point die Bedeutung sein.

      • 再婚禁止期間의 合憲性

        徐海溶 건국대학교 1997 학술논문집 : 건국대 대학원 Vol.45 No.1

        Das alle Volkes nach die menschenliche Wu¨de und den werte besetzen, das besitzen das Rechte nach die Glu¨cklichkeit forschen. Auch, das alle Volkes gleichheiten yorher das Gesetzes, jeder nicht den Geschlechte und die Religion oder ihn die sozialstellung bebinen den unterschied erleiden. Obgleich immer noch der Mann und die Frau von veischdeden die gesetzlichbehandlung ihn den Fa¨11e ist. Zwischen dem Mann und der Frau von verschieden sollst die gesetzlichebehandlung allerlei sein. Der gegenstand des Studiums die Dissertation des Muster sollst die betreffend Frau in liegen die Verfassungs ma¨ßigkeitder Widerverheiratungsverbotfrist der Anordung sein. In Details sollen unten gegeben werden. In der allgemeinen Chronik zu dieser Zeit war ihn entwickelend der Warterfristbestu-mmung, die letzte Zeit indes Japan nehmen einer Diskussion auf der Wtrterfrist der Theorie und so weiter die Tendenz die Wirhung urteilen die U¨berpru¨fung vermeiden die vatervermuing die Verdoppelung haben im allgemeunen so ein Bestimmung nicht fu¨r angemessen sollst ab gin Gesetz schaffen.

      • KCI등재
      • 抵當權의 效力의 範圍 : 民法 第358條를 中心으로

        徐海溶 건국대학교 1998 학술논문집 : 건국대 대학원 Vol.46 No.1

        Wie oben gesagt, Der Schlu?? des Ausland mit der Gesetzgebungsgewohnheit der U¨berpru¨fungs und der Augemessenheitsware sein, Der reichende Bereich die Hypothekendwirkung ist die Angemessienheitsware und der Zubeho¨r reichen. In Ru¨cksicht einer Sache, in diese Manuskript der reichende Bereich die Hypothekendwirkung ist entsprechende in dem Genitive gegeben sein. Die reichende Bereich der Hypothekendswirkung ist gleich in der reichende Bereing dem Genitivswirkung beurteiln. Aber in der Aufgabe der Hypotheksverwirklungs in diese soweit von der Erweiterung bis die Beschra¨nkung reichlichen sein. In dieser Beziehung das Pfandrecht und des teleolgical Besitzer in Einklang das komplizierte Interesse bringen, in der heutig Hypothek fu¨r den verwirklichen Zweck das Leben nur wenn die Lo¨sungen ist. Besonders, nach der Vera¨nderung der Wirtschaftsflage auch der Aufgabe der Hypotheksverwirklungs allma¨hlich erweitem werden. zusammen soweit auch der Zivilrechtsanalysis habe die Vera¨nderungs werden sein. Nach arch die Aufgabe der Hypotheksverwirklungs die Situationed und wirtschafted Vera¨nderungs in Verbindung mit dem haben werden.

      • 遺留分算定에 관한 考察

        徐海溶 건국대학교 1998 학술논문집 : 건국대 대학원 Vol.48 No.1

        Under the private property system, an individual's right to dispose of property freely is guaranted such a freedom of property disposalapplies not only to disposal in life, bur also to one after the death, showing etself as the principle of the predecessor's freedom of will. But it is feared that the abuse of predecessor's right to dispose of property is apt to land the family of the deceased in poverty. The lefal portion of an heir is a system aiming to protect surviving families from predecessor's arbitrary disposal of property. It is a system that secures a heritage in the fixed ratio of one's legal portion for a successor by restriction predecessor's freedom of property disposal by will. Our country did not have the legal portion of an heir before 1977, and established thd system through partial amendment of the Civil law in 1977 . but there are only 7 provisions on a legal portion of an heir which are difficult to handle the complex matter of the legal portion of an heir. Also the partial amendment of the Civil law in 1990 caused new problems with regard to the calculation of the legal portion of an heir, about which no hot debate has been developed. This dissertatoin tried to explore the proper method of calculation the legal portion of an heir by looking into problems with regard to the calculation of the legal portion of an heir. I have efforts on reasonable interpretation with reference to loopholes of legislation in calculation the legal portion of an heir. Though our Civil law has fewer provisions on the legal portion of an heir compared with other legislative examples, we must not follow the interprtation of other countries' civil law, thereby avoding interpretation confliting with our Civil law and trying to present corret interpretation.

      • KCI등재

        環境侵害에 있어서의 私法的 救濟 : 소음·진동피해를 중심으로

        서해용 한국환경법학회 2004 環境法 硏究 Vol.26 No.2

        The surrounding environment, the key element for man to lead a human life, can be divided into the natural environment and the artificially formed living environment. The natural environment is referred to as every ecosystem of nature including all the living organisms underground, on the surface(including the sea) and above ground and the non-biological things surrounding them, whereas the living environment means the artificial environment related to people's daily life such as air, water, noise, vibration, odor, sunlight, waste product and the like. Because these environments are the indispensable element for man to lead a healthy and safe life, every people should be equally treated in using those environments. But in relation to the problem of invasion on the environment, the human inborn right in the process of industrialization and urbanization, the technologies for environmental protection have been developed and the legal measures have been reinforced and expanded for environmental invasion. Judicial relief, the general after-the-fact relief measure for this environmental invasion, has been first developed. Public-law regulations on precaution at the dimension of active and efficient regulation has tended to be reinforced. This study attempted to examine the problem of compensation for damages through conciliation and arbitration with a focus on the cases of judicial relief for such representative environmental invasion as damage from noise and vibration arising from the process of redevelopment and rebuilding for the improvement of residential life found in the process of urbanization for resolving the gravitation of the population toward cities.

      • KCI등재

        공유자 우선매수권 행사방법의 문제점과 개선방안

        서 해 용 가천대학교 법학연구소 2016 가천법학 Vol.9 No.1

        공유란 물건이 지분에 의하여 수인의 소유로 구성되어 있고 1개의 소 유권이 분량적으로 나누어져서 수인에게 속하는 것을 말한다. 공유자는 각각의 지분을 소유하며 공유자는 그 지분을 다른 공유자의 의사와 관계 없이 처분할 수 있다. 지분에 대한 처분은 일반 법률행위에 의한 경우와 강제집행을 통해서 이루어진다. 강제집행을 통한 경매나 공매에 있어서는 다른 공유자의 우선매수권이 인정되는데 공유자가 우선매수권을 행사하는 방법으로는, 매각기일 전에 미리 집행관 또는 집행 법원에 매수신청 보증금을 제공하고 사전우선매 수권을 행사하겠다고 신고하는 방법, 해당 매각기일에 일반 입찰자와 같 이 입찰표를 작성하고 서면으로 우선매수 신고하는 방법, 집행관의 최고 가 호창 후 종결 전에 즉시 매수의사로 우선매수 신고하는 방법 등 3가 지 방법에 의하고 있다. 그러나 공유자가 이러한 우선매수권제도를 악용 또는 남용하여 경매의 취지인 공개경쟁입찰에 따른 최고매수가격의 형성을 저해하고 있다. 사 전우선매수 신고를 통한 입찰자의 참가를 기피시켜 유찰을 통한 저가 매 수를 유도하고, 매각기일까지 우선매수권을 행사할 수 있다는 점을 악용 하여 집행관의 최고가매수인 호창과 종결 전에 우선매수신고를 하는 부 작용이 나타나고 있다. 또한 사전우선매수 신고시 매수보증금을 의무화 하고 있지 않기 때문에 지속적인 유찰을 유도하여 채권자나 이해관계인 의 이익을 해하는 결과를 초래하고 있다. 이에 따른 개선방안으로 공유자가 사전매수신고한 경우 보증금을 납부 하지 않거나 철회한 경우 우선매수권을 행사한 것으로 간주하고 있다. 또한 사전 우선매수권을 행사하면 매각기일에 입찰자의 최고매수가격이 없을지라도 유찰시키지 않고 최저매각가격을 초고매수가격으로 매수하도 록 하고 있다. 그러나 이러한 개선방안에도 불구하고 사전 우선매수신고를 한 경우 보증금을 의무화하지 않는 점과, 공유자가 매각기일에 집행관의 최고가 매수인 호창과 종결 전에 우선매수하는 부작용이 나타나고 있기 때문에 일반 입찰자와의 경쟁에서 우월적인 지위를 이용하여 우선매수권을 남용 또는 악용하고 있는 현실이다. 따라서 우리나라만 있는 공유자의 우선매 수권을 폐지하는 것이 타당하겠지만, 현 제도를 유지하고 있는 이상에서는공유자에게 우선매수권만 주고 그 이상의 특전은 인정해서는 안되기 때 문에 위의 우선매수권을 행사하는 3가지 방법 중 매각기일에 매수가격을 모르는 상태에서 일반 입찰자와 동등한 자격으로 입찰마감시까지 입찰표 를 작성하고 서면으로 우선매수신고하는 방법이 가장 합리적이고 형평에 맞는 제도라고 볼 수 있다. 이러한 이유로 민사집행법 제140조 (공유자의 우선매수권) 제1항인 공유자는 매각기일까지 제113조에 따른 보증을 제공하고 최고매수신고 가격과 같은 가격으로 채무자의 지분을 우선매수하겠다는 신고를 할 수 있다 는 조항 중 매각기일까지 를 폐지하고, 민사집행규칙 제76조 (공 유자의 우선매수권 행사절차 등) 조항 중 제1항인 법 제140조제1항의 규정에 따른 우선매수의 신고는 집행관이 매각기일을 종결한다는 고지를 하기 전까지 할 수 있다 를 폐지하는 것이 타당하다고 본다. Co-ownership refers to when objects are owned by several persons in accordance with stake and a single ownership belongs to several persons after divided by quantity. Co-owners will possess the stake of their own and be able to sell it independently with no relevance to other co-owners' will. Sale of stake is executed by general juristic act and by compulsory execution. In auction, the compulsory execution, other co-owners' preferential right to purchase is permitted. There are 3 ways of co-owners' executing the preferential right to purchase ; to report to the executor or to the executing court that the co-owner would execute the preferential right to purchase in advance of the date of sale by providing the deposit money to apply for purchase, to report the written preferential purchase on the date of purchase by filling in the tender offer just as general bidders do and to report the preferential purchase with the intention of purchase right after the executor's naming the highest price. In conclusion, it may be appropriate€to abrogate the co-owner's preferential right to purchase to coincide with€the highest price in accordance with the open competitive bid that is the intention ofauction. Current system, however, does not grant more privilege to co-owners than just the preferential right. The most balanced way, out of the 3 ways of executing the preferential right to purchase, might be to report the written preferential purchase on the date of purchase by filling in the tender offer just as general bidders do. It may be appropriate€to abrogate the phrase "until the date of sale" out of the Civil Execution Act, Paragraph 1 of Article 140(Co-owner's preferential right to purchase), "The co-owner can provide the warranty in accordance with the Article 113 until the date of sale and report that he/she would purchase in advance the stake of debtor at the same price as the highest reported price of purchase". It may be also appropriate€to abrogate the Paragraph 1 of Article 76(Procedure of executing the co-owner's preferential right to purchase etc.), the Civil Execution Regulation, "It may be possible to report the preferential purchase in accordance with the regulation of Paragraph 1 of Article 140 of the Act until before the executor notifies the conclusion of the date of sale".

      • KCI우수등재

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