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      • 어린이집에서 영아의 울음과 떼쓰기의 의미 탐색

        서경희(Kyeong-Hee Seo) 朝鮮大學校 師範大學 附設 敎科敎育硏究所 2011 敎科敎育硏究 Vol.32 No.3

        This study desired to help teachers to take care of infants through further and contextually understanding crying and tantrum of infants who expressed with frequency in their daily lives at children s center. Subjects were 2 years old 8 infants and the situation with crying and tantrum was investigated by spontaneous participant observation. We figured it out that crying and tantrum of infants were the sign for basic needs of infants. Subjects showed the sign to request for teachers help with venting displeasure from physical suffering and immatureness in crying and avoided the situation by crying when they were in uneasy or being likely to get a scolding. Infants tried to notice their condition of frustration to teachers with crying and tantrum because they couldn t control and stand their emotion from physiological needs that were primary needs to desire to sleep or eat. In sequence, we learned the fact that was the sign that noticed play situations of infants. Infants tried to notice their play situations to teachers by crying and tantrum as they stopped their desire for play and lost their initiative when their play range was invaded and interrupted in play of social interaction. Subjects tried to show their negative feelings to teachers by being stubborn through tantrum, being on the verge of tears, feeling powerlessness when emotional interchange was refused or they were neglected by peers.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI우수등재
      • KCI등재

        한국 사회혁신 생태계 주체별 혁신 단계에 관한 연구: 정부, 사회적 조직, 시장(기업)을 중심으로

        이보람(Lee, Boram),서경희(Seo, Kyeong Hee),김경민(Kim, Kyung Min) 한국도시행정학회 2021 도시 행정 학보 Vol.34 No.1

        한국의 사회혁신에 있어 정부, 사회적 조직 그리고 시장(기업)은 각자의 방식으로 생태계를 구축해왔다. 정부는 범 정부 차원의 구 정책과 사업을 진행하며 시민에게 지식을 확산시키고자 한다. 본 논문은 Mulgan(2007)과 Murray, Caulier-Grice, Mulgan(2010)에 근거해 한국의 정부, 사회적 조직, 시장 등 각 사회혁신 주체의 역할과 혁신 단계 그리고 생태계를 분석하였다. 심층 인터뷰 분석 결과, 시장(기업)과 사회적 조직은 정부 정책 및 지원사업과 별개의 자발적 사업을 펼치고 역량강화와 투자를 통한 사업 확대를 목표로 하며 선행연구에서 정리된 단계를 순차적으로 밟고 있다. 반면 정부는 지역에서 활동하는 사회적 조직에 재정과 공간 지원을 주로 하며, 혁신의 단계에 역순으로 또는 여러 단계를 동시에 진행하고 있다. 이는 각 주체의 태생적 조직목표와 성격 외에 타조직과의 수평적 교류여부 및 강도에 기인하는 것으로 보인다. 본 논문은 과정을 ① 사회혁신 가능성의 태동, ② 아이디어 실험 및 확인, ③ 프로젝트 성장 및 규모화로 정리하며 ④ 총체적 검증 및 평가 과정을 더해, 주체 간 적절한 협업을 통해 중장기적으로 지속가능하며 상호보완적인 대안을 찾아갈 것을 제안한다. In Korea, government, social organization and market(private sector) have been building an ecosystem for social innovation in their own ways. Prior studies on social innovation classify the three entities leading social innovation into government, social organization, and market(private sector), and describe different stages of innovating process. Based on Mulgan(2007) and Murray, Caulier-Grice, and Mulgan(2010), this research analyzes the roles of stakeholders and stages each stakeholder reaches. To do so, we analyze the cases of each actors and activities they carry out to see the relationship and networks they have with each other. We review two different levels of “government” in charge of social innovation: the Ministry of Interior and Safety from the central government level and Seoul Metropolitan Government from the local government level. A “social organization” refers a social enterprise, civic(community) group, and NGO, and in this research, the Hope Institutes and the Circle Foundation are selected as examples. Among the private companies, which are considered as “market,” SK Happiness Foundation from SK Group to promote social contribution and Root Impact are studied. According to the analysis of in-depth interviews, private companies and social organizations voluntarily support various projects independently from government policies and projects, largely through capacity building and financing. On the other hand, the government mainly provides financial and spatial support to social organizations, and is taking stages in reverse order. In other words, social organizations and market are taking steps to social innovation successively, while the government is moving from stage three to one. This research names each stage ① potential of the movement, ② idea experimentation and validation, ③ growth and expansion, and adds ④ holistic verification and evaluation process. We hope this research suggests long term direction to these three main stakeholders to facilitate and cooperate for sustainable development of Korea’s social innovation ecosystem.

      • KCI우수등재
      • KCI등재

        자폐스펙트럼 장애아동의 일화기억에서 자기기억과 타인기억 연구

        안춘희,안미경,서경희 대구대학교 특수교육재활과학연구소 2008 특수교육재활과학연구 Vol.47 No.1

        This study by event experienced was to ensure that the recall for self and other has differences between autism spectrum disorders and typical children. Two groups of 10 children participated in this study: a group with autism(experimental group) and a group of typically developing children matched with the experimental group for verbal ability. The specific study questions are as follows: First, Is there any differences between autistic children and typical children in the free recall for self? Second, Is there any differences between autistic children and typical children in the free recall for other? Third, Is there any differences between free and cued recall for autistic children in episodic memory? The result of this study as follows: First, There was a significant difference between the group with autism and the group matched for verbal ability for uncompanied self and companied self. Second, There was no differences between the group with autism and the group matched for verbal ability for companied other. This interpretation is strengthened by the findings that the children with autism recalled more information in the accompanied other recall test than in the unaccompanied self and accompanied self. Third, The compound score for all three level of cued recall was higher than free recall. In this test, a percentage score was calculated for comparing free and cued recall and the three levels of cues, due to the fact that if a child recalled all items under free recall then the cued recall score would be low giving a misleading interpretation of children's ability to remember event under cued recall. 본 연구는 자폐스펙트럼 장애아동을 대상으로 일화기억 양상을 밝히는 데 목적이 있다. 자기 인식에 어려움을 보이는 자폐스펙트럼 장애아동을 대상으로 일상에서 경험한 일에 대하여 자신에 관한 기억과 타인에 관한 기억이 일반아동과 비교하여 차이가 있는지 알아보고, 자폐스펙트럼 장애아동이 일화기억 과정에서 단서 없이 특정 정보를 회상할 수 있는 자유회상과 단서를 지원해주는 단서회상에 차이를 보이는지 알아보고자 하였다. 연구 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 자폐스펙트럼 장애아동은 혼자 경험한 활동과 함께 경험한 활동, 두 가지 활동에서 모두 일반 아동에 비해 자기기억에 현저한 어려움을 보였다. 둘째, 자폐스펙트럼 장애아동은 자기기억에 어려움을 보이는 것에 반해 타인기억에는 일반아동과 차이를 보이지 않았다. 셋째, 자폐스펙트럼 장애아동은 자유회상에 어려움이 있으나 간단한 단서를 통한 단서회상으로 일화기억이 가능하였다.

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