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      • 소림역근경(少林易筋經)의 의료기공학적(醫療氣功學的) 접근(接近);관우$\ll$소림역근경(少林易筋經)$\gg$ 의료기공학적접근(醫療氣功學的接近)

        사희수,송은미,전학수,이준근,Sa, Hui-Su,Song, Eun-Mi,Jeon, Hak-Su,Lee, Jun-Geun 대한한의정보학회 2007 大韓韓醫情報學會誌 Vol.13 No.1

        기공시유구역사전통적문화(氣功是悠久歷史傳統的文化), 해탈생로병사고통적수련법(解脫生老病死苦痛的修練法), 거병건신(祛病健身), 심신단련(心身鍛鍊), 수명장수적양생법(壽命長壽的養生法). "기공"("氣功") 취시행기공부(就是行氣功夫), 이수련수행(以修練修行), 예방정신화육체질병(豫防精神和肉體疾病), 건강신체(健康身體), 연년익수(延年益壽), 기공적수련방법(氣功的修練方法), 유수형태(有數形態), 육체화정신적건강(肉體和精神的健康), 시의료기공(是醫療氣功), 의료기공시검토점(醫療氣功是檢討點), 통과고대의서적정리(通過古代醫書的定理). 의료기공시다개형태변화(醫療氣功是多個形態變化), 불교전파화일기(佛敎傳播和一起), 불가기공취재일개문파불가수련활동중형성(佛家氣功就在一個門派佛家修練活動中形成). 불가기공시(佛家氣功是), 수행자소추구적(修行者所追究的), 유지건강육체적기공법(維持健康肉體的氣功法). 의료기공적모습화구도적모습(醫療氣功的模襲和求道的模襲), 시혼합형태(是混合形態). 현재(現在) 불가기공지원류(佛家氣功之原流) 가이설시소림역근경(可以說是少林易筋經). 저본논고취시이의료기공적관점래접근소림역근경(這本論考就是以醫療氣功的觀點來接近少林易筋經).

      • 하단전(下丹田)의 경혈(經穴)에 관(關)한 고찰(考察);관우하단전경혈적고찰

        사희수,금경수,이명찬,Sa, Hui-Su,Geum, Gyeong-Su,Lee, Myeong-Chan 대한한의정보학회 2007 大韓韓醫情報學會誌 Vol.13 No.1

        종고대도현재하단전재건신양생방면점착흔중요위치. 의가(醫家), 도가(道家), 불가등위료보지건강타문주료흔다노력화각식적연구. 하단전시태아재모친복중생활적지방(下丹田是胎兒在母親腹中生活的地方), 시정자재부친체내생장적중요부위시생명성장적지방(是精子在父親體內生長的重要部位是生命成長的地方), 위료보유지건강적영혼화육체취요단련단전보지단전기중최보편적방법취시단전호흡화수기(爲了保維持健康的靈魂和肉體就要鍛鍊丹田保持丹田其中最普遍的方法就是丹田呼吸和手技)(침구(鍼灸), 약(藥), 안마(按摩)), 본고취시통과수기유지건강적단전소주적고찰(本告就是通過手技維持健康的丹田所做的考察). 한의학설(韓醫學說);(종동양사상주기초(從東洋思想做基礎))치인체질병유음양설(治人體疾病有陰陽說), 오행설등동양문화적근원음양설시포괄인간자연계적세계만물(五行說等東洋文化的根源陰陽說是包括人間自然界的世界萬物), 음화양적상대성(陰和陽的相對性), 상보성(相補性), 상련성등(相連性等) 원리주적관찰(原理做的觀察), 오행설시목(五行說是木), 화(火), 토(土), 금(金), 수자연계적삼라만상오류군적상생(水自然界的森羅萬象五類群的相生), 상극(相剋), 상화사득만물질서조율(相和使得萬物秩序調律), 인체시삼라만상(人體是森羅萬象), 우주중적소우주(宇宙中的小宇宙), 산화계곡(山和溪谷), 천화강해(川和江海), 동식물(動植物), 생활도구(生活道具), 건축물(建築物), 천체화무의등조성료인체구조자연화생명적조화중한의학시용침술화약재치료료인적질병(天體和巫醫等組成了人體構造自然和生命的造化中韓醫學是用鍼術和藥材治療了人的疾病). 저양조화유지료신체건강, 여과파배료저종조화상호보충적관계취회출현이상, 취회질인병기질병(就會疾引病起疾病), 소이위료유지신체적조화취요호호적이해신체적구성(所以爲了維持身體的調和就要好好的理解身體的構成), 관리호신체적각부분(管理好身體的各部分). 저시논문규명적취시신체내양생최중요적지방시단전, 하단전적구조이해지후취회명백유지신체조화적경혈적관계(下丹田的構造理解之後就會明白維持身體調和的經穴的關係).

      • 태권도(跆拳道)에 대한 기공학적(氣功學的) 접근(接近)

        이명찬,사희수,Lee, Myeong-Chan,Sa, Hie-Su 대한한의정보학회 2008 大韓韓醫情報學會誌 Vol.14 No.1

        The Taekwondo is the martial arts where possibility thousand Ul of history and the ancestor is put in with specific martial arts of our nation. Also it practiced with the self defense martial arts which rules over the body and a mind and it came, the country from crisis of imminent danger won a victory with the good state affair alcoholic beverage and it was come. The ancestors condition anger the Taekwondo where the soul is put in were born again with martial arts of the world and they became and the world-wide conference was adopted with the Olympic formal item which becomes the historian of of course sports and became the martial arts in the world-wide center. In like this features martial arts even from each country condition anger and the sports raises the phase of the country is racing with of course martial arts. Specially from China it makes the right shoe which is a Chinese martial arts with condition item and sports anger the features of the martial arts origination to do and there is a possibility of seeing the features which in the succession nose sleeping martial arts perforation defends it concentrates. The martial arts perforation character is letting in religion and philosophy thought of the Orient. Confucianism and Buddhism, it puts in the teaching of friendship thoughts and heaven and earth positive and negative principles, five lines and eight divination signs. Features of like this perforation our ancestors the positive and negative principles where the philosophy of the Orient is put in, there is a possibility of searching from life and the Taekwondo which it does with at five events together. With history of the ancestor it breathes together and all Taekwondo operation every one by one it puts in the thought of our ancestors as well. The some branch it tried to listen to the representative example which the feather holds hereupon in basic operation, the Taoist garment, the belt and width tax of Taekwondo. The flesh which is healthy in the spirit which is healthy holds the feather. Taekwondo Oh! as the true feelings one martial art which accomplishes the artificial flower of the dynamic thing and the static thing at end with the perforation essentially it is deep it will be able to confirm repeatedly fire tube characteristic.

      • KCI등재

        太極拳24式이 健康에 미치는 影響에 대한 小考

        이명찬(Lee Myoung-chan),사희수(Sa Hee-soo),금경수(Keum Kyeong-soo) 대한한의학원전학회 2009 대한한의학원전학회지 Vol.22 No.2

        Taegeuk is the source and union of the two primary aspects of the cosmos, Eum(陰, Yin) and Yang(陽). The Neo-Confucian philosophers of Chinese Song(宋) dynasty associated Taegeuk with the supreme rational principle of the universe. Taegeuk is a powerful blend of self-discipline, self-defense and healing. It is an art which has grown over the millennia to include hundreds of forms and variations, and can easily take a lifetime to master. Taegeukgwon based on the Taoist philosophies of Eum(陰, Yin) and Yang(陽) is an ancient Eastern form of exercises, characterized by slow reversing movements. There is strong research evidence validating Taegeuk as a safe form of exercise having potential for health promotion and rehabilitation. Today, Taegeukgwon has spread worldwide. The Internal Training of Taegeuk is one of the exercises for regiment. As exercise, Taegeukgwon is designed to provide relaxation in the process of body-conditioning exercise and is drawn from the principles of Taegeuk, notably including the harmonizing of the Eum-yang(陰陽, Yin-yang), respectively the passive and the active principles. It employs flowing, rhythmic, deliberate movements, with carefully individually prescribed stances and positions. In practice, two masters teach the system exactly alike. As a mode of attack and defense, Taegeukgwon resembles Kungfu and is properly considered a martial art. It may be used with or without weapons. Freehand exercise to promote health was practiced in Korea. This training proved to have effect on hypertension, enervation, impotence, premature ejaculation, seminal emission, chronic gastrointestinal diseases, and arteriosclerosis. There have been many schools of Taegeukgwon. Depending on school and master, the number of prescribed exercise forms varies from 24 to 108 or more. The objective of this paper is to reconsider Taegeukgwon and its effect on the body and mind-conditioning in Hwangjenaegyeong(黃帝內經)

      • KCI등재

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