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        자동산화 Methyl Linoleate 가 Mouse 혈청의 효소활성에 미치는 영향 ( 급성 독성 )

        백태홍,정낙승 ( Tai Hong Paik,Nak Seung Chung ) 한국유화학회 1984 한국응용과학기술학회지 Vol.1 No.1

        In order to investigate the acute toxicity of autoxidized methyl linoleate(AOML) on the activity of serum enzymes in the mouse, we administered once 0.45ml of AOML to ICR strain mouse by using stomach tube. The following results were obtained: The total lactic dehydrogenase(LDH) activities in the serum of AOML group were generally increased than those of mormal group. According to electrophoresis, the activities of LDH, were increased while those of LDH, were decreased. The activities of glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase(GOT), glutamic-pyruvic transaminase(GPT) and α-amylase in the serum of AOML group were increased more than those of mormal group. The activities of alkaline phosphatase in the serum of AOML group were increased but those of isozyme were not confirmend in the normal and AOML group. In the serum protein of AOML group, albumin was increased, on the other hand r-globulin was decreased. At the peripheral blood slide smear, lymphocytes were significantly decreased but neutrophils were increased and the morphological change of erythrocytes was observed. From these results we conclude that the AOML fed to mouse influences on the activity of various serum enzymes and blood cells in the mouse.

      • KCI등재후보
      • 질환자에서의 혈청 과산화 지질

        백태홍,천현자,전세열,김제국,Paik, Tai-Hong,Chun, Hyun-Ja,Chun, Sae-Yeol,Kim, Je-Guk 생화학분자생물학회 1983 한국생화학회지 Vol.16 No.3

        In order to understand the relationship between lipid peroxide in blood serum and various diseases supposed to be related to abnormal lipid metabolism, lipid peroxides in human patient serums were measured by fluorometry. The results obtained were folllowing: In normal human, the serum lipid peroxides showed a slight increase by age, but not much difference by sex. Lipid peroxides in blood serum of various patients with hypertention, diabetes, hepatitis, arteriosclerosis, stomach cancer were higher than those of the normal human. From these results obtained, the autors concluded that lipid peroxides in blood serum appeared to be correlated to various diseases supposed to be realted to lipid peroxidation.

      • KCI등재후보
      • 過酸化脂質의 小腸에서의 毒性發現에 관한 硏究

        白台鴻 漢陽大學校 環境科學硏究所 1980 環境科學論文集 Vol.1 No.-

        MLHPO를 mouse에 經口投與하여 急性毒性試驗을 行하여 小腸組織을 病理組織學的으로 檢討하여 다음과 같은 結果를 얻었다. 1) 生存 mouse에서는 粘膜上皮細胞의 空胞形成과 粘膜固有層에 顆粒化가 일어나 있었으나 壞死나 脂肪의 沈着은 없었다. 2) 死亡直前의 mouse에서는 粘膜上皮細胞의 空胞形成과 粘膜의 脂肪沈着이 顯著하였다. 3) 死亡 mouse에서는 絨毛先端部에서 壞死가 일어났으며 毒性이 심한 경우는 壞死는 急激히 일어나 絨毛의 融解壞死가 세게 나타나고 특히 粘膜下組織에 達하는 遺瘍이 認定되었다. 脂肪의 沈着도 粘膜下組織까지 더욱 顯著히 나타났다. 4) 小腸의 障害의 程度는 ??量 投與群보다 ??量 投與群에서 더욱 顯著하게 나타나 毒性의 세기와 平行하고 있었다. 5) 死亡直前, 直後의 mouse의 粘膜上皮細胞固有層, 粘膜下組織 및 림프管에 脂肪의 沈着이 顯著하였고, 이것의 程度는 小腸의 組織障害의 程度와 一致하였다. 6) MLHPO에 依한 毒性發生機構를 病理組織學的으로 檢討한 結果, 小腸組織은 MLHPO의 毒性에 依하여 最初로 障害를 받는 部位이며, 急性毒性發現의 重要部位임이 認定되었다. In order to clarify the mechanism of acute taxicity induced by methyllinoleate hydroperoxides(MLHPO), histopathological studies have been carried out using mouse as an experimental animal. The mice administered orally with 50% or 100% lethal dosages of MLHPO were continuously inspect for 24 hours. The died and survived mice were anatomized and their small intestines were separated immediately removed and observed the gross symptoms by histopathological examination. The marked effect of MLHPO was necrosis and fatty accumulation. The degree of impairments in the small intestine correlated to the toxicity of MLHPO. The toxic effect on mortality and symptoms was paralleled to the amount of MLHPO administered orally to mice. In the small intestine of the survival mice, Vacuolic degeneration of epithelial cells was observed, but necrosis was not detectable. However, a strong necrosis was observed and also fatty deposition increased in the small intestine of died mice. So author noticed the existence of a barrier for the occurrence of acute toxicity. From the results obtained, the author concluded that one of the reasons for the toxicity of MLHPO is attributable to the severe injury in the small intestine of mice.

      • Alcohol Dehydrogenase의 활성에 미치는 인삼 Saponin의 영향

        백태홍 漢陽大學校 環境科學硏究所 1984 環境科學論文集 Vol.5 No.-

        인삼 total saponin류를 protopanaxadiol과 protopanaxatriol을 aglycon으로 하는 diol계 saponin과 triol계 saponin으로 분획하여 각 분획물과 total saponin이 간장 alcohol dehydrogenase(ADH, EC활성에 미치는 영향을 in vitro에서 관찰하고 다음의 결과를 얼었다. (1) 인삼 total saponin이나 diol계 saponin이 적당량(??) 존재할 때 ADH는 활성화되어 ethanol의 산화 속도가 control에 비하여 약 11% 촉진되었으나, triol계 saponin은 ADH의 활성에 별다른 영향을 미치지 않는 것으로 관찰되었다. (2) 인삼 total saponin과 diol계 saponin, triol계 saponin 존재하에서 ADH의 ethanol에 대한 km 값을 측정한 결과 ??%때 가장 낮은 km값을 나타내었으나, diol계 saponin존재할 때의 km값은 triol계 saponin이 존재할 때보다 낮은 값을 나타내었다. 위와 같은 실험 결과로 미루어 보아 인삼 saponin은 중 diol계 saponin이 주로 ADH 활성에 영향을 미치는 것으로 생각되며, 인삼 saponin은 ADH의 ethanol에 대한 친화도를 증가하는 것으로 예측된다. The effects of total ginseng saponins, protopanaxadiol and protopanaxatriol containing saponin fractions of korean ginseng root (Panax ginseng C.A. Meyer) on the oxidation of ethanol by liver alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH,EC l.l.l.l)in vitro has observed and the following results were obtained. (1) In the presence of moderate amounts (??) of total ginseng saponins or protopanaxadiol containing saponins, the oxidation of ethanol by the activation of ADH was found stimulated about 11% compared with control. But no noticeable effect of the protopanaxatriol containing saponins on ADH activity was observed. (2) The km values of ADH to ethanol in the presence of the total saponins and protopanaxadiol containing saponins and protopanaxatriol containing saponins were found the lowest km in ??% and km value of ADH to ethanol in the presence of diol saponins was lower than that of triol saponins. From the above results, it was realized that the protopanaxadiol containing saponins of the total saponins might effect on the ADH activity by lowering km of ADH ethanol.


        Linoleic Acid 의 광산화와 항산화제의 방어작용

        백태홍,이용국,이준홍 ( Tai Hong Park,Young Kuk Lee,Jun Heung Yi ) 생화학분자생물학회 1992 BMB Reports Vol.25 No.6

        The photooxidation of linoleic acid (LA) in the presence of methylene blue as a photosesitizer and inhibitory behavior of various antioxidants in vitro were investigated. Under air supply, LA that irradiated with visible light or red light was photooxidized only by addition of methylene blue. In the presence of methylene blue, the degree of photooxidation of LA with visible light was about twice as much as that with red leght. The photooxidation of LA in ethanol solution to which BHA (butylated hydroxyanisole), BHT (butylated hydroxyto-luene) and dl-a-Toc (dl-α-tocopherol) was added to be 0.1% in final concentration, BHA was inhibited proportionally to the concentration of BHA, but in addition to dl-α-Toc (dl-α-tocopherol) was inhibited when it`s concentration was higher than 0.1%. When methylene blue was added to ethanol solution, BHA itself was little oxidized, but dl-α-Toc was at the concentration between 10^(-3)%∼10^(-1)% and BHT was highly oxidized according to the increase of concentration. In the case of antioxidants was added to chloroform-ethanol solution containing LA to be 10^(-4)% in final concentration, the photooxidation of LA was significantly inhibited by both β-carotene and dl-α-Toc but β-carotene was effective more than dl-α-Toc. Also BHA and BHT were not effective.

      • 과산화지질의 mouse 간장 및 폐장에서의 독성발현에 관한 연구

        白台鴻 漢陽大學校環境科學硏究所 1981 環境科學論文集 Vol.2 No.-

        과산화지질의 독성발생기구를 구명하기 위하여 MLHOP를 mouse에 경구투여 하여 급성독성에 의한 간장 및 페장의 병리조직학적 변화를 검토하여 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 1) 사망한 mouse 의 간장 상해로는 간세포의 이상과 괴사, 글리코겐의 소실, 지방변성에 의한 지방의 침착 그리고 혈관계에서는 문맥의 확장과 충울혈등이 현저하였다. 특히 지방 침착의 정도는 간장의 조직장해의 정도와 평행하였다. 생존한 mouse 에서는 큰 장해를 받고 있지 않았다. 2) 사망한 mouse 의 폐장 장해로는 충울혈과 출혈등 혈관계 장해와 폐포의 확장 및 붕괴, 괴사 등의 조직장해가 현저하였다. 특히 폐장은 생사에 관계없이 큰 장해를 받고 있었다. 3) MLHPO에 의한 조직장해로는 특히 폐장에서 현저하였다. 4) 간장과 폐장에서의 조직장해는 독성의 세기와 평행하고 있어 간장과 폐장은 과산화지질에 의한 독성발현에서 중요한 부분을 점유하고 있었다. 5) 본 연구 결과로 과산화지질은 경구투여에 의하여 미분해의 형태로 흡수되어 폐장과 간장에 직접 작용할 가능성이 인정되었다. In other to clarify the mechanism of acute toxicity on mice induded by lipid peroxides, author have been carried out histopathological studies using methyl linoleate hydroperoxides (MLHPO). The mice administered orally with ?? and ?? dosages of MLHPO were continuosly inspected for 24 hours. The died and survived mice were anatomized and their livers, lungs were obserbed the symptoms by histopathological examination. In the livers of dead mice, the gross symptoms by MLHPO were the impairment of hepatic cells, necrosis, disappearance of glycogen, fatty deposition according to the fatty degeneration and the congestive hyperemia in portal veins. On the survival mice, the marked symptoms were not detectable. Fatty deposition was especially paralleled to the injury of the livers. In the lungs of dead mice, congestive hyperemia and hemorrhage were remarkable and also alveolar dilatation and rupture, necrosis were observed. Especially, the symptoms of the survival and the dead mice in the lungs were remarkable. Author noticed that lipid peroxides may be absorbed without decomposition in the small intestine. The degree of impairments in the livers and the lungs correlated to the strength of toxicity of MLHPO. From the results obtained, author concluded that the occurrence of toxicity by lipid peroxides is attributable to the injury in the livers and the lungs of mice.

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