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        PMO 역량에 따른 프로젝트 성과에 관한 연구

        배재권,김진화,김상열,Bae, Jae-Kwon,Kim, Jin-Hwa,Kim, Sang-Yeoul 한국경영정보학회 2008 Asia Pacific Journal of Information Systems Vol.18 No.1

        In recent years, although numbers of corporations are bringing in PMO, they seem to be indifferent to PMO performance measurement. This demonstrates that there are also other reasons beside performance measurement of information systems (IS) project being ambiguous by introducing PMO; the lack of acknowledging the concrete function of PMO, and the scarcity of empirical study about the effect of PMO on the project members and project performance. In this sense, this study is aimed at proposing a new research model in which project success factors (i.e., standardization, management advocacy, and staff expertise) affect PMO capability (i.e., knowledge management, resources management, and problem solving competency) positively, leading to project performance (i.e., task outcomes, psychological outcomes, and organizational outcomes) eventually. To empirically test the research model, data are surveyed from PMO department and IS department. To prove the validity of the proposed research model, PLS analysis is applied with valid 132 questionnaires. By employing PLS technique, the measurement reliability and validity of research variables are tested and the path analysis is conducted to do the hypothesis testing. The path analysis results can be organized into 7 ways in large scale. First, standardization of project success factors has a positive association with knowledge management, resources management, and problem solving competency of PMO capabilities. The findings of this result indicate that the multiple or single project management should satisfy standardization in order to operate an effective PMO. Second, management advocacy of project success factors has a positive association with knowledge management, resources management, and problem solving competency. Management advocacy refers to the willingness of management to provide the required resources and authority for project success. There is agreement among researchers regarding the importance of management advocacy for favorable PMO capability. Third, staff expertise of project success factors has a positive association with knowledge management, resources management, and problem solving competency. The findings of this result indicate that the formation of an exceptional consultant or members with a proficient knowledge for staff expertise of project member is the key factor to elevate the PMO capability. Past research suggests that experience and knowledge and the resultant familiarity with the problem faced can be an important determinant of PMO capability. A capable project with appropriate staff expertise means that it enjoys a diversity of abilities and experiences. Fourth, knowledge management competency of PMO capabilities has a positive impact on psychological outcomes but has no direct effect on task outcomes and organizational outcomes. In domestic case of S. Korea, PMO was finally introduced to many other corporations in 2005 though it started bringing in 2000. Therefore, it had neither a significant impact on the task outcomes nor organizational outcomes by lacking the contents and the infrastructure of the knowledge management because the knowledge consolidation and management period of PMO is comparatively shorter by terms than other foreign nations. Fifth, resources management competency of PMO capabilities has a positive association with task outcomes, psychological outcomes, and organizational outcomes. In addition, problem solving competency of PMO capabilities has a positive association with task outcomes, psychological outcomes, and organizational outcomes. Therefore, the findings of this results stress that PMO capabilities has a positive impact on project performance. Sixth, according to the path analysis of the hypothesis, which suggested in this research, problem solving competency is the PMO capability which is the key success factor for task, psychological, and organizational outcomes as an integrated performance model. Further, the analysis rev

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        마이데이터(MyData) 산업 활성화를 위한 법적, 제도적 요인에 관한 연구

        배재권(Jae Kwon Bae) 한국로고스경영학회 2021 로고스경영연구 Vol.19 No.1

        마이데이터(MyData)는 본인정보에 대한 개인의 권리를 보장하고, 정보주체인 개인의 동의에 따라 본인데이터(개인데이터)를 개방·활용하는 것을 의미한다. 마이데이터 사업자는 금융정보 통합조회, 재무 현황 분석, 신용관리 및 정보관리 지원, 금융상품 정보 제공 및 추천 등의 서비스를 제공할 수 있다. 본 연구는 국내 마이데이터 서비스의 이용요인과 활성화 저해요인을 분석하고, 마이데이터 산업 활성화에 필요한 법적, 제도적 요인을 제시하는 것이다. 이를 위해 마이데이터 사업자, 마이데이터 비즈니스 모델 전문가, 금융당국 관계자, 금융빅데이터 전문가, 정보보호전문가, 정책기관 담당자 등을 대상으로 전문가 합의 델파이 기법을 수행하였다. 주요 심층면접 질의내용은 국내외 마이데이터 산업 동향, 마이데이터 서비스의 이용요인과 활성화에 필요한 법적, 제도적 요인 등이며 연구문제에 관한 해결방안과 대책을 얻고자 하였다. 전문가들은 공통적으로 마이데이터 산업 활성화를 위한 법적, 제도적 요인으로 (1) 마이데이터 사업지원을 위한 공공플랫폼 구축 필요, (2) 마이데이터 사업자들이 제공할 수 있는 정보범위의 명확성, (3) 보안정책 확보 및 프라이버시 유출문제 해결, (4) 마이데이터 호환 및 품질문제 해결, (5) 마이데이터 서비스 지원센터 설치 및 운영 등의 5가지 요인을 제시하였다. Recently, discussions related to the MyData industry and the activation of MyData services are actively progressing. MyData means to guarantee the individual"s right to personal information, and to open and utilize personal data according to the consent of the individual who is the information subject. Through this, MyData service providers can provide services such as integrated financial information inquiry, financial status analysis, credit management and information management support, and financial product information provision and recommendations. This study was conducted with awareness of the following problem: “What are the factors of use and activation of MyData service?” “What are the legal and institutional requirements for the activation of MyData industry?” In this study, therefore, the delphi survey and in-depth interview were used to identify the activation factors of MyData service and elucidate the technical and institutional factors required to stimulate MyData industry. The results of this study revealed that MyData experts suggested five technical and institutional factors required to stimulate the MyData service including: (1) It is necessary to establish a public(open) platform for building MyData service, (2) clarity of the scope of information that MyData providers can provide, (3) securing security policy and solving the problem of privacy leakage, (4) compatibility and quality of MyData problem solving, and (5) installation and operation of the MyData support center.

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        설명가능한 인공지능(XAI) 기술도입이 금융서비스의 혁신성과를 향상시키는가?

        배재권(Jae Kwon Bae) 글로벌경영학회 2023 글로벌경영학회지 Vol.20 No.3

        설명가능한 인공지능(XAI, eXplainable Artificial Intelligence)은 인공지능 알고리즘의 의사결정에 대한 인과관계를 분석하여 적절한 근거를 찾아 모델의 산출물 결과를 사용자 레벨에서 설명하는 인공지능 기술이다. XAI 모델의 고객은 해당 모델을 운영하여 결과를 고객에게 제공하는 금융기관의 실무자와 인공지능 알고리즘 모델 결과를 사용(활용)하는 금융소비자이다. 금융 산업은 개인 및 기관의 자금을 운용으로 수익을 창출하지만 그 운용에 대한 책임도 동시에 갖고 있다. 점차 지능화된 금융범죄 및 사이버범죄의 발견(탐지)과 반복되는 신용평가 등의 업무에 인공지능 알고리즘이 적용되고 있지만 예상치 못한 알고리즘 취약점에 의한 잘못된 판단으로 손실을 초래할 수 있다. XAI는 금융권 인공지능 알고리즘이 발생한 결과에 대한 근거를 제시함으로써 XAI가 적용된 금융기업은 인공지능에 의한 잘못된 의사결정 가능성을 줄일 것으로 기대하고 있다. 본 연구는 XAI를 도입한 금융기업이 금융소비자의 인공지능 산출물(의사결정결과)에 대한 신뢰도 및 만족도 향상을 위한 XAI 특성요인을 추출하고, 이들 요인이 금융권 혁신성과에 미치는 영향도를 분석하고자 한다. 미국 국가표준기술연구원(NIST, 2020)은 XAI의 주요 원칙으로 산출물에 대해 증거와 이유 제시, 설명가능성 제시, 산출물 생성시스템의 프로세스를 제시해야 한다고 언급하였다. XAI는 충분히 신뢰할만한 산출물을 생성할 것이라는 믿음을 전제하고 운영되어야 한다. 또한 방위고등연구계획국(DARPA)은 XAI의 역량평가요소(역량평가지표)로 사용자 만족도, 설명모델 수준, 업무수행 향상도, 신뢰성 평가, 오류 수정 수준 등을 언급하였다. 본 연구는 DARPA의 XAI 역량평가지표, G20의 인간 중심 인공지능 사회 원칙, 금융위원회의 금융분야 인공지능 가이드라인 등을 참조하여 금융권 XAI 특성으로 투명성, 공정성, 설명가능성, 신뢰성, 결과실증성을 제시하였고, XAI 기술 도입 및 서비스 공급에 따른 금융기관의 혁신성과를 종속변수로 설정하였다. 연구모형을 검증하기 위해 금융권 XAI 도입기업 종사자를 대상으로 온라인 설문조사를 실시하였다. 연구결과, 금융권 XAI 특성(투명성, 설명가능성, 신뢰성, 결과실증성)은 금융권 혁신성과와 유의미한 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. XAI (eXplainable Artificial Intelligence) is an artificial intelligence technology that analyzes the causal relationship of artificial intelligence decision-making, finds appropriate evidence, and explains decision-making results at the user level. Customers of the XAI model are practitioners of financial institutions that operate the model and provide results to customers, and financial consumers who use the results of the AI algorithm model. The financial industry generates profits by managing individual and institutional funds, but also has responsibility for its management. Although artificial intelligence algorithms are being applied to tasks such as the discovery of financial crimes and cyber-crime that are becoming more intelligent and repetitive credit evaluations, unexpected algorithm vulnerabilities can cause losses due to incorrect judgments. XAI presents the basis for the results of artificial intelligence algorithms in the financial sector, and financial companies to which XAI is applied can reduce the possibility of wrong decision-making by artificial intelligence. This study aims to explore the XAI characteristics and influencing factors in the financial sector that affect the reliability and satisfaction of domestic financial consumers, and examine how these factors affect innovation performance in the financial sector. DARPA mentioned user satisfaction, explanation model level, task performance improvement, reliability evaluation, and error correction level as XAI's competency evaluation factors (competency evaluation index). This study refers to DARPA's XAI competency evaluation index, G20's human-centered artificial intelligence society principles, and the Financial Services Commission's financial sector artificial intelligence guidelines, etc. In addition, the innovation performance of financial institutions according to the introduction of XAI technology and service supply was set as a dependent variable. In order to verify the research model, an online survey was conducted targeting workers in companies introducing XAI in the financial sector. As a result of the study, it was found that the XAI characteristics of the financial sector (transparency, explainability, reliability, and result demonstrability) had a significant effect on innovation performance in the financial sector.

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