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      • 코로나 사피엔스 시대의 온생명과 교양교육

        배시애 신한대학교 2020 신한대학교 논문집 Vol.43 No.

        A study on the global life and new approach to liberal art education in the era of CORONA SAPIENS. The concept of the Global Life refers to “ Unit of Life” sustaining its life without external supports. It is widely recognized that what we call “global life”, “individual life” and “co-life (supporting life)”, three units are systematically interconnected. The global life is collective and a kind of holistic concept on Life. The perspective on whole world says, universal perspective on the world can be viewed as Global Life in this paper. Owing to evolution of awareness, human beings became the subject of global life. Human being on global life can be subject and object (individual life) as well. As a subject, I(Me/Ego) are just staying in a state of “awareness”, as a core player we are constantly expanding our spectrum and finally approaching to converging ‘our’ awareness to ‘whole world lives’ awareness. The concept of global life can be a remedy for embracing and overcoming all the problems engendered by cognitive discrepancy, climate change, abrupt diminish of bio-diversity and outbreaks of pandemic. The concept of global life well illustrates humanistic views on the world, also this views has symbolic implications on university education. The introduction of global life to university liberal art education can offer opportunities to students to lay a solid foundation for developing critical view & holistic understanding. The time has come to accept the changes today. How? Our educational institutions like university must embrace the global life with open-mind. Time has come to Challenge!

      • 한국산 주둥이거우벌레의 계통적유연관계(系統的類緣關係).

        윤일병,배시애 고려대학교 한국곤충연구소 1994 昆蟲硏究誌 Vol.20 No.1

        한구산 주둥이거우벌레의 系統的類??關係. 배시애, 윤일병^*(신흥전문대학교 위생과, 고려대학교 생물학과^*), 亞蟲硏究誌. 20: 84~104, 1994, 한국산 주둥이거우벌레에 대한 계통적 유연관계를 알아보고자 외부형태형질과 생태형질을 중심으로 99개의 형질들을 선정하고 외부군비교를 통하여 형질의 극성을 결정하였다. 이들 형질들이 나타내는 계통적 정보에 따라 속과 아속을 단위분류군으로 한 분지분석을 실시하였다. 그 결과 주둥이거우벌레는 4개의 고유파생형질과 13개의 공유파생형질에 의해서 지지받는 단계통군임이 확인되었고 주둥이거우벌레아과(Rhynchitinae)에 속하는 4개의 족들 중에서 Byctiscusini족과 Deporaini족들도 단체통군임이 확인되었다. 반면에 Aletini족은 원시형질로 묶여지거나 단체통군으로 부터 아집단 단계통군이 제거되어진 측계통군임이 밝혀졌다. Rhynchitini족의 계통성은 두 가지로 해석되었다. 그 하나는 수렴 또는 평행성에 의하여 생성된 비상동적 유사성으로 묶여지는 다계통군이거나 Nelson의 정의에 따라 단계통군으로 부터 아집단 단계통군이 제거되어진 측계통군으로 될 수 있다. 군계통군들이 보이는 계통적 유연관계에 따라 sequencing convention과 Wiley's convention을 이용하여 한국산 주둥이거우벌레아과를 분류한 결과 기존분류에서 사용되었던 분류군중에서 Byctis-cusini족과 Deporaini족만이 보존되었고 Aletini족의 아속들은 족 수준으로 Rhynchitinae족내의 단위분류군과 군개통들은 족 혹은 속의 수준으로 분류되었다: Eugnamptina 아족과 Auletomorphus속은 족으로, Involvulus속내의 아속들 중 I. (Euvolvulus), I. (Haplorhynchites)와 I. (Teretriorhynchites) 아속은 속 수준으로, I. (Cartorhynchites) 아속은 족 수준으로 분류되었다. The cladistic analysis on the Korean rhynchitis weevils aimed at revealing the pattern phylogenetic relationships. The characters used in this study are primarily general morphological characters and some ecological characters, of which polarities assessed. We chose the Rhychitis genera and subgenera as the unit taxa among which phylogenetic relationships were to determined. As a result, Rhynchitinae is a monophyletic group that can be distinguished from sister group and allied groups by at least 4 autapomorphies and 13 synapomorphies. We have found out 10 monophyletic subgroups in Rhynchitinae but it was impossible to name every Rhynchitinae suggested that Byetiscusini and Deporaini are monophyletic groups and Aletini and Rhynchitini are paraphyletic or polyphyletic groups.

      • 한국산 거우벌레과의 분류학적 연구(2) : 목거우벌레아과 Subfamily Apoderinae

        윤일병,배시애 고려대학교 한국곤충연구소 1987 昆蟲硏究誌 Vol.13 No.1

        본 논문은 한국산 거우벌레과의 제 2 편으로, 목거우벌레아과를 다루었다. 본인등은 외부형태에 따른 유형분류의 결과 18종을 확인하였다. 그중에서 4종은 미기록종으로서 본 논문에서 처음으로 기록하는 바이다. Apoderus okamotonis Kono는 Apoderus jekeli(Roelofs)로 동물이명으로 처리하였다. Apoderus 속내의 종들은 구조 및 색체의 변이도가 심하여, 변이체와 근연종간의 형태적 유사점과 차이점에 관하여 논하였다. 또한 본 아과내의 종에 대한 검색표를 작성하고 기재를 하였다.

      • KCI등재후보

        전염병의 매개체인 해충의 피해 예방 및 소독에 대한 의식 조사 연구 산업체 종사자와 일반업체 종사자를 대상으로 의식 차이 비교 분석

        김혜자,배시애,나영아 (사)한국조리학회 2006 한국조리학회지 Vol.12 No.2

        This study shows the differences among residents' consciousness for general infectious disease and sterilization mediated by vermin. We categorized both industry-related people who work in restaurants, hygiene service shops, whole sales, government organizations, PC shops, factories, department stores and non-industry-related people who work in schools, general offices into two groups for this study. The discovery of vermin held 86% of total exam cases. The vermin included mosquitoes, cockroaches, ants, flies, and so on. People thought these vermin might mediate bacteria infection to human. 80.3% of persons thought mite might exist in blankets, beds and couches. Among 66.6% of total experience of vermin damage, the main damage came from mosquitoes. Frequently used methods of prevention from vermin damage were as follows: "spray of effective chemicals", "install traps" and " report to a prevention company" in order. It indicated that people did not take special actions to repel vermin in spite of their knowing seriousness of damage. Furthermore, just half cases were executed regular sanitization.

      • 한국산 거우벌레과의 분류학적 연구(1) : 거우벌레아과 Subfamily Attelabinae

        윤일병,배시애 고려대학교 한국곤충연구소 1986 昆蟲硏究誌 Vol.12 No.1

        한국산 거우벌레아과는 Voss(1924,1925, 1930), Kono(1930,1937), Kim(1937), Paik(1936), Kim(1978) 등에 의하여 2속 5종이 기록되어 있다. 본인 등은 본 아과 곤충의 외부형태에 따른 유형분류의 결과 2속 3종을 확인하였고 1종은 미확인되었다. 또한 1종은 오동정된 종임이 밝혀졌으며 1속 2종은 미기록 속과 미기록 종으로 본 논문에서 처음으로 추가되었다. 따라서 한국산 거우벌레아과는 3속 6종이 되며 아래와 같다. Subfamily Attelabinae Sharp. 1889 Tribe Attelabini Voss. 1925 Genus Henicolabus Voss. 1925 1. Henicolabus(Allolabus) giganteus,(Faust, 1882) *Genus Attelabus Linnaeus, 1758 *2. Attelabus(Cyrtolabus) mutus Faust, 1890 *3. Attelabus(Cyrtolabus) christophi, Faust, 1884 Tribe Euopsini Voss. 1925 Genus Euops Schoherr. 1839 4. Euops(Synaptops) splendida Voss, 1924 5. Euops(Synaptops) lespedezae Sharp, 1889 *6. Euops(Synaptops) punctatostriata(Motsholsky, 1860) *:Newly recorded genus and species from Korea *:Unconfirmen spedies in present work According to the Junk-Catalogue(Voss,1953), the Attelabinae consists of about 300 species and divides into three tribes, namely Piloabini, Attelabini and Euopsini. Among them, Attelabini and Euopsini can be found in Korean Attelabinae. This subfamily mainly distributes in neo-trophical, oriental and south of equator of aethiopea region where drupaceous plants grow, so that a few Attelabinae-species inhabit Korean peninsular. The Attelabinae is generally characterized by the fallowing characters; posterior head shortly elongated; mandibles short, stout, toothed on the inner margins; gibial apices armed with one or two large curved immovable spurs; scutellary striole present. Up to now, 5 species in 2 benera have been recorded from Korea by Boss(1924,1925,1930), Kono(1927), Paik(1936), Kim(1978) and the other scientists. In the present work the authors deal with 5 species in 3 genera, Henicolaous, Attelabus and Euops. Also we record the genus Attelavus and its two species, A. mulus and A. christophi, fro, Korea for the first time, but we could not comfirmed E.punctatostriata in this time. The confirmed species are keyed with the unconfirmed species for which we consulted original papers and redescriptions. diagnosed with some taxanomical problems and illustrated. We wish to express our sincere thanks to Dr. Morimoto, K. of Kyushu University for his offering valuable information and to Dr. J.L Kim of Sunfshin University for his kindness in providing specimens All the Korean species of Attelabinae are classified by the system proposed by Voss(1925) and Ter Minassian(1950), and all the materials examined are deposited in Korean Entomological Institute, Korea University. The initials of collecting locality are as follows. SI: Seoul, KG: Kyonggi-Do, KW: Kangwon-Do, CCB: Chungchongbuk-Do. CCN: Chungch ongnam-Do, KB: Kyongsangbuk-Do, KN: Kyongsangnam-Do, CLB: Chollabuk-Do, CCB: Chollanam-Do, CJ: Cheju-Do.

      • KCI등재

        생물활성탄을 이용한 절삭유로 오염된 지하수의 처리특성과 미생물군집구조 해석

        임병란,배시애,임호주,조창호,Lim Byung-Ran,Bae Ci Ae,Lim Ho-Ju,Cho Chang-Ho 한국환경보건학회 2006 한국환경보건학회지 Vol.32 No.1

        Treatment performance and microbial community structure were investigated in water-soluble cutting oil treatment process using biological activated carbon. DOC removal in BACI column at $15^{\circ}C$ was higher than at $25^{\circ}C$, but those of BAC3 column after 60days was high at$25^{\circ}C$. Also, quinone content of first-step reactors at $25^{\circ}C$ and $15^{\circ}C$ was much the same, but those of the third-step reactor at $25^{\circ}C$ was higher than at $15^{\circ}C$. The dominant type of two apparatus was ubquinone (UQ)-l 0 followed by UQ-8. Menaquinones were detected from $25^{\circ}C$ apparatus and effluent. This suggested that DOC removal at $25^{\circ}C$ was advanced degradation by attached microorganisms on the activated carbon surface. The DOC removal in long-term activated carbon apparatus increased with going in BAC3 column. This indicated the influent of POC was a result of DOC removal efficiency decrease. Integrated DOC removal from start point in experiment to break point and quinone content were showed a tendency of increasing with going last-step activated carbon apparatus. Therefore, the biological activated carbon apparatus used by this study was effective treatment process in contaminated groundwater by water-soluble cutting oil.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

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