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      • KCI등재후보

        체류목적에 따른 한국문화적응 스트레스 요인 분석과 해결방안 모색 - 베트남 출신 유학생과 결혼이주여성을 중심으로 -

        배경란 ( Bae Kyung-ran ),신용식 ( Shin Yong-shik ),정미경 ( Jung Mi-kyung ) 부산외국어대학교 다문화연구소 2020 다문화사회와 교육연구 Vol.5 No.-

        This study intends to analyze the main stress factors by which Vietnamese students and Vietnamese married immigrant women hinder the acculturation process in Korean culture. Main Purposes of stay in Korea are for the academical purpose in Korean university, for general purposes(esp. inclusive marriage) and for the occupational purposes. Especially in relation to the academical and the general purposes, this study conducted qualitative studies with “Narrative Inquiry” of three Vietnamese women. They make various efforts to adapt themselves to Korean society, but they complain of accuturational difficulties due to the limitations of Korean language-centered education and the patriarchal and closed culture of Korean families. Through this narrative inquiry, the study aims to overcome these limitations as such and to reveal what is needed to build a multicultural society. (Busan University of Foreign Studies)

      • KCI등재

        The Effect of Linguistic Knowledge and Korean Phonotactic Probability on Nonword Repetition and Fast Mapping Ability

        Kyeongran Bae(배경란),Dongsun Yim(임동선) 한국언어청각임상학회 2018 Communication Sciences and Disorders Vol.23 No.2

        배경 및 목적: 본 연구는 언어 기저의 처리 과정에서 일반아동 및 단순언어장애 아동이 단어유사성에 따른 수행 차이를 보이는지 알아보고자 하였으며, 두 집단에서 음운단기기억과 어휘학습 능력이 연령, 어휘력과 같은 다양한 변인이나 비단어의 음소배열확률과 상관을 보이는지 살펴보고자 하였다. 방법: 서울 및 경기에 거주하는 만 4-6세의 일반아동과 단순언어장애 아동을 대상으로 두음소배열확률을 조정함으로써 단어유사성에 따른 비단어 따라말하기와 빠른의미연결 과제를 실시하였으며, 통계분석은 분산분석 및 상관분석을 실시하였다. 결과: 모든 실험 과제에서 집단의 주효과가 유의하였으며, 비단어 따라말하기와 빠른의미연결의 이해에서 단어유사성의 주효과가 유의하였다. 모든 과제에서 이차상호작용은 나타나지 않았다. 또한, 단순언어장애 아동에 한해 비단어 따라말하기의 수행과 수용 및 표현어휘력, 연령 간의 유의한 상관을 보였다. 비단어 따라말하기에서 단순언어장애 아동과 일반아동의 수행이, 빠른의미연결의 이해에서 단순언어장애 아동의 수행이 두음소배열확률과 유의한 정적 상관을 나타냈다. 논의 및 결론: 음운단기기억과 어휘학습 능력과 같은 언어 기저의 처리 과정이 한국어 음소배열확률의 영향을 받았음을 보여준다. 또한, 높은 단어유사성에서 이점은 일반아동과 단순언어장애 아동 집단이 모두 언어적 지식의 영향을 받았음을 나타낸다. 이러한 결과들은 한국어 비단어를 사용한 평가와 중재에 음소배열확률을 고려해야 할 필요성을 제시한다. Objectives: The present study aimed to discover whether specific variables correlated with performance of non-word repetition (NWR) and fast mapping (FM) in each group, and whether the mean score of correct response per non-word correlated with each biphone phonotactic probability (PP) in the NWR and FM comprehension task of each group. Methods: Fifteen children with specific language impairment (SLI) and 20 age-matched children with normal language (NL) from 4- to 6-year-old participated in this study. We performed NWR and FM tasks according to wordlikeness by adjusting biphone PP. Two-way mixed ANOVA and Pearson correlation coefficient were used to analyze the data. Results: The main effect of the group was significant in all tasks. In NWR and FM comprehension, the main effect of wordlikeness was significant. There was no interaction in any task. Also, the SLI group showed significant correlation between NWR, age, receptive, and expressive vocabulary. The NL and SLI groups showed significant correlation between mean score per non-word item and each non-word biphone PP in the NWR, and only the SLI group showed significant correlation between mean score per non-word item and non-word biphone PP in FM comprehension. Conclusion: The results indicate that Korean language is also affected by PP. In addition, an advantage of high wordlikeness is that the NWR and FM, which are known to tap underlying language processing, are affected by Korean PP, and that both NL and SLI are influenced by linguistic knowledge. These results suggest the need to consider PP in evaluation and intervention with Korean non-words

      • 중년층의 건강통제행위가 건강증진행위에 미치는 영향

        김선희 ( Seon Hee Kim ),배경란 ( Kyoung Ran Bae ) 한국보건복지융합학회 2013 노인의료복지연구 Vol.5 No.1

        In Korea, A health-promotion behavior is very effective for prolonging the healthy lifespan, raising the quality of life and reducing the cost of healthcare management. It was therefore necessary to examine the effects on a health-promotion behavior in middle-aged people. The objectives of the current study are to examine the effects of health control behavior on the health promotion behavior. The result was as follows: In association with the health in the elderly, the health promotion behavior in middle-aged people is very important. In planning a scheme for the health promotion behavior, such factors as the inner control behavior of health and the dependent control behavior of health which had affected health promotion behavior depending on the lifestyle were considered very importantly. Of these, the inner control behavior of health was found to have an effect to the greatest extent. In particular, as the methods for activating the healthcare in middle--aged people, by strengthening the inner control behavior of health and then developing a concrete programme for enhancing the necessity and methods for stress management, exercise and physical activity, schemes for promoting healthy lifespan based on the health promotion behavior are necessary.

      • KCI등재

        이중언어사용자의 표음문자 및 표의문자 반응시간 차이

        한보연(Han, Bo Yeon),박예지(Park, Ye Ji),배경란(Bae, Kyung Ran),임동선(Yim, Dong Sun) 이화여자대학교 특수교육연구소 2014 특수교육 Vol.13 No.2

        표음문자는 음소나 음절을 상징으로, 표의문자는 표어를 상징으로 사용하며, 서로 다른 체계를 사용한다. 표음문자와 표의문자의 언어처리에서 읽기경로가 다르다는 선행연구들이 있다. 본 연구에서는 표음문자-표음문자의 같은 경로를 사용한 읽기와 표음문자-표의문자의 다른 경로를 사용한 읽기 반응시간의 차이를 알아보았다. 대상자는 한국에 거주하는 평균나이 24세의 영어-한국어 이중언어자 10명, 중국어-한국어 이중언어자 10명이었다. E-Prime을 이용하여 그림-단어 대응과제를 실시하였으며, 한국어 공통과제와 혼합과제로 구성되었다. 실험결과 두 집단의 한국어 공통과제의 정반응률, 반응시간에 유의한 차이가 나타나지 않았으나, 혼합과제의 단어과제에서 영어-한국어 이중언어자가 중국어-한국어 이중언어자보다 유의하게 빠른 평균 반응시간을 보였다. 반면, 그림과제에서는 영어-한국어 이중언어자가 중국어-한국어 이중언어자보다 빠른 평균을 보이긴 했으나, 통계적으로 유의하지 않았다. 본 연구 결과는 두 문자의 처리 경로가 서로 다르다는 가설을 지지한다. Phonogram, which uses phonemes as a symbol, and Ideogram, which uses logogram as a symbol, have different character systems. Previous research has shown continuously that the pathway of reading is different in both characters for language processing. In this study, two different pathways of reading - the pathway using same path(phonogram-phonogram) and the pathway using different path(phonogram-ideogram) were compared. The purpose of the study was to investigate whether there is any difference in the response time depending on the path conversion of characters processing. The participants were 10 English-Korean bilinguals(mean age=24 years old) and 10 Chinese-Korean bilinguals(mean age=24 years old). All of the experimental tasks were tested using E-prime. The task consists of Korean common task and Mixed task. Mixed task was composed of picture task and word task was presented in both languages alternately. The results showed that there was no significant difference between the groups in the correct answer rate and the response time in the Korean common task. However, in the Mixed word task, there was a significant difference in the response time between the groups. In the Mixed picture task, English-Korean bilinguals were faster than Chinese-Korean bilinguals which did not reach the statistical significance level. Results indicate that the pathways of each character system are different. Thus, it is supposed that those differences cause the response time to be delayed in the ‘ideogram-phonogram’ reading system.

      • 결혼만족도에 미치는 요인

        이영옥 ( Young Ok Lee ),김제범 ( Je Beom Kim ),배경란 ( Kyoung Lan Bae ),이영분 ( Young Boon Lee ) 한국보건복지융합학회 2012 노인의료복지연구 Vol.4 No.1

        A home is the most basic unit constituting society, and it starts with a married couple. A couple is a human relationship that a man and a woman raised in different surroundings unite together through the institution of marriage, and it is important to build a healthy home. In order to build such a healthy home, it is necessary to improve marital satisfaction. In this paper,the data collected was from a survey of the middle-aged living in Daegu area from July 1st to August 10, 2010 to study on related factors affecting marital satisfaction level. The process of collecting data was conducted by the researcher of this paper and two trained assistants. Our research team paid a personal visit to respondents, helping them understand contents of the survey. Respondents completed questionnaires by Self adminstration method. A total of 387 questionnaires were distributed and among them 332 except for some with no-response and error were analyzed. The result is summarized as follows. First, marital communication according to general characteristics averaged 3.42 on a five-point scale, which is above average. By each characteristic, the higher a level of education and a level of income are,the better communications are. And as the condition of health is good, communications between couples are better. Second, marital conflict according to general characteristics averaged 2.95 on a five-point scale, which is around average. By each characteristic, as a level of education and income are high and the condition of health is good, there is less conflict. Third, religious values according to general characteristics averaged 1.63 on a five-point scale, which is quite low.There was a significant difference in the age categories and a level of income. And the older the couples are, the higher the points of religious values are. Fourth, sexual intimacy according to general characteristics averaged 3.21 on a five-point scale, which is above average. There was a significant difference in a level of education and income, one``s health, and spouse``s health. As a level of education and income are high and spouse``s health is good, the points of sexual intimacy are high. Fifth, marital satisfaction according to general characteristics averaged 3.84 on a five-point scale, which is relatively high. There was a significant difference in a level of education and income, occupation, one``s health, spouse``s health and one``s blood type. In conclusion,it was found that young couples in their 20s and 30s communicate well each other and the level of marital satisfaction and sexual intimacy is high as couples have a high level of education. Also, the result showed that there is better communication and less marital conflict when they work in a professional field, earn a high level of income and are in good heath.

      • KCI등재

        학령기 단순언어장애 아동의 어휘학습 예측요인

        양윤희(Yoon hee Yang),임동선(Dong sun Yim),배경란(Kyeong ran Bae) 한국언어청각임상학회 2015 Communication Sciences and Disorders Vol.20 No.1

        배경 및 목적: 본 연구는 단순언어장애 아동의 비효율적인 어휘습득 측면에서 또래 일반아동과 차이점을 나타내는지 알아보기 위하여 의미점화 및 간섭 과제에서의 수행능력을 알아보고, 이 능력이 습득된 어휘력 및 어휘학습능력을 예측할 수 있는지 살펴보았다. 방법: 참여 아동은 만 6-9세의 단순언어장애 아동 18명, 생활연령이 일치하는 또래 일반아동 18명, 총 36명이었다. 연구과제는 수용ㆍ표현 어휘력 검사(REVT), 빠른 우연학습 과제(QUIL), 의미점화 및 간섭 과제를 실시하였으며, 통계분석은 분산분석 및 회귀분석을 실시하였다. 결과: 단순언어장애 아동은 또래 일반아동과 비교하여 모든 과제에서 통계적으로 유의하게 낮은 수행을 보였다. 또한, 단순언어장애 아동 집단에서는 어휘력을 예측해주는 요인이 나타나지 않았으나, 일반아동 집단에서는 의미점화 과제의 정확도가 어휘력 예측요인으로 나타났다. 한편, 어휘학습능력의 경우 단순언어장애 집단에서는 의미점화 과제의 반응속도가, 일반아동 집단에서는 간섭 과제의 반응속도가 예측력을 지닌 것으로 나타났다. 논의 및 결론: 어휘학습능력의 예측요인은 단순언어장애 아동 집단에서는 '의미점화 과제의 반응속도', 일반아동 집단에서는 '간섭 과제의 반응속도'로 나타났는데 이는 능동적으로 간섭자극을 억제하는 능력은 목표 자극에 접근하기 위해 정보들을 선택하고 조절하는 적극성이 더 요구되므로 이러한 능력이 어휘를 보다 효율적으로 학습하는 일반아동 집단에서 더 높은 설명력을 지닌 것으로 나타났다. Objectives: The purpose of this research was to identify children's semantic access on priming tasks and executive control on interference tasks, and the best predictor of vocabulary size and word learning in children with specific language impairment (SLI). Methods: The study included children between 6 to 9 years of age, 18 children with SLI and 18 children with normal language (NL). Tasks were the Receptive and Expressive Vocabulary Test (REVT-R) which examines acquired vocabulary knowledge, quick incidental learning (QUIL) which assesses word learning capability, and semantic priming and interference tasks which tap the ability to bridge acquired vocabulary knowledge and word learning capability. Results: The results were as follows: the SLI group showed low performance on all tasks compared to NL group; the SLI group did not show any bridging task predicting REVT-R, whereas in the NL group, the accuracy of the semantic priming task predicted REVT-R. Additionally, the speed of the semantic priming task was the best predictor of the QUIL in the SLI group, but the speed of the interference task was the best predictor of QUIL in the NL group. Conclusion: The results indicated that the predictor of word learning skill and the speed of the semantic priming and interference tasks can be used for the SLI and NL groups, respectively. Thus, semantic priming effect on related target words and inhibiting ability for unrelated target words may significantly contribute to word learning.

      • 대학생 자원봉사자들의 봉사활동 지속성에 미치는 영향요인

        김제법 ( Je Beom Kim ),김선희 ( Seon Hee Kim ),배경란 ( Kyoung Ran Bae ) 한국보건복지융합학회 2014 노인의료복지연구 Vol.6 No.1

        The purposes of this study are to find out the factors influencing the duration of College students volunteers` voluntary activities and to suggest the measures to lead the students to constantly participate in voluntary activities by investigating how strong influence of the factors has. The data were collected from 328 students and analyzed by using four statistical methods : T-test, correlation analysis, ANOVA, multiple regression analysis. So as to verify the hypothesis, In accordance with the data, a following conclusion is drawn. The volunteer work among four variables of factors made the high relative influence to the variance of the duration of College students volunteers` voluntary activities, followed by volunteer work satisfaction, interests and approval rating, In other words, that is to say it is proved that these four factors is become higher, the duration of voluntary activities is also made higher.The relationships among co-workers and volunteer work out of factors proposed on this study showed the duration of voluntary activities is made higher by volunteer work satisfaction and it(volunteer work satisfaction) acted as moderating effects.

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