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        김명순 시의 신여성상 연구

        방정민(Bang, Jeong-Min) 부경대학교 인문사회과학연구소 2010 인문사회과학연구 Vol.11 No.2

        김명순은 최초의 신여성으로 엘렌 케이 사상을 반영한 시를 많이 썼다. 김명순은 자유연애를 봉건적인 사회제도의 저항으로, 그리고 억압받았던 여성의 자아를 발견하는 수단으로 생각했다. 김명순에게 자유연애는 불합리한 결혼제도를 타파하는 근대정신의 발로였으며 봉건적 사회제도의 해체를 통한 여성해방을 의미한다. 김명순 시에 나타난 어머니에 대한 향수는 유년시절 모성의 부재에서 비롯되었다. 모성을 충분히 경험하지 못한 김명순에게 어머니는 자신의 근원적 상처이자 향수로 자리 잡는다. 그는 근원적 고향을 모성에서 찾았고 현실이 힘들수록 어머니에 대한 향수와 모태에의 회귀본능을 노래하였다. 즉 모성과 어머니에 대한 향수는 근원적 안식처요 고향 같은 휴식처다. 김명순의 시가 1920년대 다른 신여성이나 신지식인들의 시에 비해 전혀 그 가치가 뒤떨어지지 않는 이유는 그의 시가 민족해방의식을 추구하고 있다는 점이다. 김명순은 신여성으로서 단순히 엘렌케이즘 사상을 수용하여 실천하는 데 그치지 않았다. 제국주의의 피해국민으로서, 문학가로서 제국주의 폐해에 저항하고 민족해방을 부르짖는 시를 많이 남김으로써 제국주의를 고발하지 않은 엘렌 케이사상의 한계를 넘어서고 있다. 따라서 김명순은 진정한 신여성 문학가이자 선각자이며, 그의 시는 새롭게 재조명되어야 한다. Kim Myung Soon was the first modern woman and many of her poems reflected the thought of Ellen Key. Kim Myung Soon regarded free love as a resistance to feudal social system and as a means of finding suppressed women’s self. For Kim Myung Soon, free love was manifestation of modern spirit that overthrows unreasonable marriage system and it meant the liberation of women by dissolving feudal social system. The nostalgia for mother represented in Kim Myung Soon's poetry started from the absence of motherhood in her childhood. For Kim Myung Soon who couldn't fully experience motherhood, the mother settled down as her original scar and nostalgia the found her original hometown in the motherhood, and as the reality got hard, she wrote poems of nostalgia for mother and horning instinct to motherhood. That is, the motherhood and nostalgia for mother were her original refuge and hometown-like resting place. The poetry of Kim Myung Soon doesn't fall behind the poetry of other modem women or new intellectuals in 1920s because her poetry pursued national liberation. As a modem woman, Kim Myung Soon didn't only accept and practice the thought of Ellen Key. As a victim and letters of imperialism, she wrote a lot of poems resisting to the harmful effect of imperialism and crying out for national liberation and therefore she could get over the limit of Ellen Key who didn't charge imperialism. Kim Myung Soon is therefore a true modem woman of letters and pioneer; her poetry should be newly reinterpreted.

      • KCI등재
      • CFRP 구조 부재의 시뮬레이션 동적 거동에 관한 연구

        방정민(Jung Min Bang),김정호(Jung Ho Kim),강현구(Hyun Goo Kang),김지훈(Ji Hoon Kim) 대한기계학회 2010 대한기계학회 춘추학술대회 Vol.2010 No.11

        The structural members like transport machine are largely using shape or hollow steel member that has definite shape at present. Especially, structural members used vehicle support variously components and absorb impact energy to protect passenger when crash happen. The latest structural members are being developed in the lightest of light weight and stability because of these features. One of composite material, that is, CFRP has high specific strength and specific stiffness. It makes them attracted. In order to predict these fracture shape and energy absorb feature of CFRP members, there are many studies which are being progressed. But there are lots of differences between FEA Program and experiment. In this study, we do a impact simulation of CFRP square member using finite element analysis program Ls-Dyna in order to predict fracture shape and energy absorb feature of CFRP member. Also, we make square member shape of CFRP and do an impact experiment. After the experiment, we compare result of FEA Program with experiment result and consider fracture shape and energy absorb feature of CFRP members.

      • KCI등재

        문학 : 이현화 희곡에 나타난 폭력과 에로티시즘 연구

        방정민 ( Jeong Min Bang ) 대구가톨릭대학교 인문과학연구소 2011 인문과학연구 Vol.0 No.15

        The most important characteristic of Lee Hyeon-Hwa`s plays is their violence and eroticism. Eroticism is closely related to violence, perversion and death, and Lee Hyeon-Hwa, in expressing such aggressive tendencies in his plays, instead of symbolizing in a beautiful and coincidental manner, did so in a blunt and violent manner. It can be argued that the aesthetics of such brutal violence and eroticism is intended to throw existential Questions on human existence and life themselves. It is also meant as resistance against fascist power in which even human sexuality is managed and controlled by the state. Fascist power always has, within itself, a sadistic and masochistic violence and an attribute of attempting to experience sexual climax by controlling others. As a way of resistance against such fascist power, Lee Hyeon-Hwa uses violence and eroticism. So, violence and eroticism in Lee Hyeon-Hwa`s plays function as a medium of establishing the identity of a divided individual or as that of social/historic purification. It attempts to restore human beings` natural purity by subverting human rationality, which has become mere instrument in a rationalized and industrialized society, and by awakening human sexual instinct. It also functions as criticism of the society`s contradictory structure oppressing human beings. Violence and eroticism appearing in Lee Hyeon-Hwa`s plays deal with individual human being`s existential issues, not just with expression of erotic love, and delivers complex messages which are social and political. Through intense eroticism, he attempted to challenge tradition, custom and taboo and, further, attack the fascist power. But, brutal violence and excessive sexual abuse against female body produces a result opposite to his intentions. A male-oriented perspective is still thrown to the female body and women themselves are completely controlled by men without securing their own sexual identities. The gender which has failed to become socially equal and independent is objectified and is still sexually submissive. Lee Hyeon-Hwa intensively projects images of such powerless individuals mostly onto women, and also places the responsibility of onlookers in history on the disadvantaged in society only. Lee Hyeon-Hwa, through violence and eroticism, showed resistance to human identity confusion, violence of the world and fascist power in a mechanized society. But, although women`s active sexuality was achieved, as such sexuality was not exercised discreetly, women`s sexuality ended up becoming an object of men`s sexual fantasy and, ironically, remained passive images to men. In this aspect, eroticism`s significance as social reform and resistance disappears and is emasculated by the rationale of commercial, capitalist culture, simply reproducing contemporary human beings` voyeurism. But, the fact that his disagreement with the history of oppression and tragedy committed in the name of reason was raised through the power of shocking and bizarre eroticism and completely strange forms of violence and sensuality also has to be seen as an achievement of Lee Hyeon-Hwa`s plays, which should not be ignored.

      • KCI등재

        일반논문 : 한강 소설,「몽고반점」 연구 -라캉의 욕망이론을 중심으로 에로티시즘과의 상관관계 연구

        방정민 ( Jeong Min Bang ) 전남대학교 인문학연구소 2014 용봉인문논총 Vol.- No.45

        「몽고반점」 은 성년이 넘어서까지 「몽고반점」을 지니고 있는 처제를 향해 도덕적, 윤리적으로 금지된 예술적, 성적 욕망을 품고, 결국 차가운 현실의 끝으로 치닫는 한 남자의 이야기이다. 처제에 대한 형부의 금기시된 욕망이라는 다소 파격적인 소재를 바탕으로 예술과 삶에 대한 근원적인 탐구를 심도 있게 다루고 있다. 본고는 라캉의 욕망이론을 바탕으로 「몽고반점」 의 미의식을 살펴보았다. 처제는 채식주의자로 오로지 라캉이론에서 말하는 상상계에 존재하는 환상적 욕망을 꿈꾼다. 식물성으로 상징화되는 그녀의 욕망은 원시성의 순수함에 대한 욕망으로 몸과 꽃이라는 대상을 통해 획득되는데, 바로 몸에 꽃을 그리는 것이다. 처제의 상상계적 욕망은 상징계에선 허용될 수 없다. 심판당하고 처벌당한다. 상상계가 문명 이전의 자연의 영역이라면 상징계는 문화의 영역이다. 여기에서는 근친상간적 동일시가 깨어지고 아버지(언니)가 개입한다. 아버지의 이름은 법과 금지의 명령이며 타자(원래는 어머니, 여기서는 형부라 할 수 있다)의 욕망을 욕망하는 아이(처제)의 욕망-주이상스-을 거세시킨다. 언니가 둘을 정신병원에 보내는 장면이 그것이다. 소설에서 라캉의 욕망과 에로티시즘의 상관관계는 주로 꽃을 매개로 묘사(은유)되어 있다. 자아상실을 인지하는 몸에 꽃을 페인팅하고 근친 상간적 욕망을 불태움으로써 강한 에로티시즘을 발하고 있다. 라캉의 욕망과 문학적 에로티시즘은 모두 타자의 개념을 필수로 하고 있으며 죽음충동이라는 공통분모를 가지고 있다. 라캉의 실재계에서의 욕망은 죽음충동과 밀접한 관계를 맺고 있는데, 문학적 의미의 에로티시즘도 결국 죽음충동과 연관되어 있다. 결국 라캉이 말하는 욕망은 에로티시즘의 다른 표현이고, 이것은 곧 삶에 대한 동경이자 죽음에 대한 열망임을 알수 있다. 인간의 욕망은 결국 에로스와 타나토스를 욕망하는 것인 셈이다. 이 욕망은 타자의 것이므로 궁극적으로 충족될 수 없는 결여를 안고 있는 모순적인 욕망으로 무(無)이다. 바로 실재계에서의 욕망은 사물을 통해 생성되는데, 그 사물은 결국 무(nothing)이기 때문이다. 「Mongolian Spot」 is a story in which a male harbors an artistic, sexual desire to his sister-in-law with a mongolian spot even when she become an adult, which is prohibited in terms of moral and ethical absolutes, and at the end he comes up against the harsh reality of life. The story, taking an unconventional subject matter about a prohibited desire of a brother-in-law to a sister-in-law, is dealing with fundamental exploration on art and life. In response, this article is intending to investigate an artistic viewpoint of the Mongolian spot . To achieve this, Lacans desire theory is taken as a basis. The sister-in-law, who is a vegetarian, pursues a fantastic desire that exists only in the imaginary(desire of world of fancy) represented from the Lacans desire theory. Her desire, which can be symbolized as a vegetable property, is determined as a longing for primitive purity and is acquired from objects of a flower and a body, what it means is to draw the flower on the body. Her desire in the imaginary is never to be permitted in the symbol(discipline of world of symbol). It is forced into judgement and punishment. The imaginary called the world of fancy is corresponded to a primitive area where nature before civilization existed, while the symbol called the world of symbol is corresponded to a cultural area where her incestuous emotional identification is broken and interrupted by her father or elder sister. The word ‘father’ indicates regulation and prohibition, it forces to remove a desire of a child(the sister-in-law), which longs for others(originally it indicates a mother, but herein it indicates the brother-in-law), named ‘Jouissance’. The removal can be found through a scene that the elder sister forces them both to enter a psychiatric hospital. In the story, relationship between Lacans desire and eroticism is mainly described by adopting a flower as a medium(expressed metaphorically). There is strong expression of eroticism through painting the flower on the body which perceives loss of identity and harboring an incestuous desire. Both of the Lacans desire and literary eroticism includes a others`` concept as a necessity and does a death drive as a common denominator. The Lacans desire in Real thing(life of world of reality), like so the literary eroticism, has a close relationship with the death drive. Consequently, we can realize that the Lacans desire is an alternative expression for the eroticism, as well as a longing for life and a passion for death. At the end, desire of human mind is connected with desire to the Greek word ‘Eros’ and ‘Thanatos’. There is an irony caused from a situation that the desire is dependent upon others and is lacking in satisfaction to the last. Accordingly it cooperates to the extent of ‘Nothing(無)’. Because the desire in the real thing is generated from things and the things finally cooperate to the extent of ‘Nothing’.

      • KCI등재

        2021년 경남지역 소바이러스성설사 바이러스(BVDV) 감염실태 조사

        손용우,조성희,정민,조재규,상영,최유정,김철호,김우현,Son, Yongwoo,Cho, Seonghee,Ji, Jeong-Min,Cho, Jae-Kyu,Bang, Sang-Young,Choi, Yu-Jeong,Kim, Cheol-Ho,Kim, Woo Hyun The Korean Society of Veterinary Service 2022 韓國家畜衛生學會誌 Vol.45 No.3

        Bovine viral diarrhea (BVD) is one of the problematic wasting diseases in cattle leading to huge economic losses. This study was conducted to investigate the prevalence of BVD including transient and persistent infection from cattle farms in Gyeongsangnam-do. A total of 2,667 blood samples from 24 farms were collected and the sera were subjected to ELISA to detect BVD virus (BVDV) antigen, E<sup>rns</sup>. 5' untranslated region (5'-UTR) of BVDV-positive samples was sequenced to identify the genotype, and compared with isolates previously reported elsewhere. There were fourteen BVDV-positive calves from 2,667 samples (positive rate: 0.52%) from first ELISA testing followed by eight persistently infected out of eleven BVDV-positive samples (72.73%) in secondary ELISA that was conducted in at least four weeks suggesting the circulation of BVDV in the area. Sequencing analysis exhibited that thirteen BVDV-positive samples were identified as BVDV-1b and one sample was BVDV-2a. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that the BVDV-1b-positive samples showed the highest homology in nucleotide sequence to Korean isolates collected from Sancheong, Gyeongsangnam-do, while the BVDV-2a-positive sample (21GN7) was more similar to reference strains collected outside South Korea. This study will provide the recent fundamental data on BVD prevalence in Gyeongsangnam-do to be referred in developing strategies to prevent BVDV in South Korea.

      • KCI등재

        CFRP 구조 부재의 시뮬레이션 동적 거동에 관한 연구

        김정호(Jung Ho Kim),방정민(Jung Min Bang),김지훈(Ji Hoon Kim) 대한기계학회 2011 大韓機械學會論文集A Vol.35 No.5

        최근 수송기계 등의 구조물에 사용되는 구조부재는 대부분이 일정 형상을 지닌 형강 혹은 중공부재를 사용한다. 특히 자동차에 사용되는 구조부재는 여러 가지 부품을 지지하고, 충돌 시 충격 에너지를 흡수하여 승객을 보호하는 역할을 한다. 최근 구조부재는 이러한 특징들로 인해 경량화와 안정성을 고려하여 개발되고 있다. 본 논문에서는 CFRP 부재의 파괴 형상과 에너지 흡수특성을 예측하기 위해 CFRP 의 사각부재 형상을 만들어 충격 실험을 하고 유한요소해석 프로그램인 LS-DYNA 를 이용하여 CFRP 사각부재의 충격 시뮬레이션을 행하였다. 실험 후, FEA 프로그램의 결과와 실제 실험의 결과를 비교하여 CFRP 부재의 복잡한 파괴 거동과 에너지 흡수 특성을 고찰하였다. The structural vehicles are steel members of square or circle tube with definite shape. These members support various components and absorb impact energy to protect passengers during accidentswhen crash happen. Structural members need to be lightweight and stable. In this study, we do an impact simulation of a CFRP square member using finite element analysis program Ls-Dyna in order to predict fracture shape and energy absorb feature of CFRP member. Also, we make square member shape of CFRP and do an impact experiment. We compare the analytical and experimental results and consider the fracture shape and energy features of CFRP members.

      • 적층각이 CFRP/Al 혼성 박육부재의 굽힘에 미치는 영향

        김지훈(Ji-Hoon Kim),정주영(Joo-Yeong Joeng),방정민(Jung-Min Bang) 한국자동차공학회 2009 한국자동차공학회 지부 학술대회 논문집 Vol.2009 No.10

        The material property of CFRP structural member which is made by unidirectional prep reg is determined by stack-ing angle and sequence. And understanding characteristics of CFRP structural members according by stacking angle and sequence are important to apply structures. In this study, 3 point bending test had been experimented on square CFRP structural members which are made by unidirectional prepreg, as the basic shape for structural members and, also, hybrid structural members which are used aluminum to compensate the brittle characteristic compared with square CFRP structural members.

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