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      • 초산모에 대한 어머니 역할 교육이 영아 돌보기 자신감 및 모유수유 실천에 미치는 효과

        방경숙,한경자,Bang, Kyung-Sook,Han, Kyung-Ja 한국가정간호학회 1999 가정간호학회지 Vol.6 No.-

        The purpose of this study was to find the effects of an educational program for primiparas on maternal confidence and continuity of breastfeeding. The subjects of this study were the healthy mothers, and the healthy infants whose weight was more than 2.500gm and gestational age was more than 37 weeks. The final targets were thirty seven mothers-19 of intervention group and 18 of control group. Data were collected from 15th of March to 3rd of September, 1999. To the intervention group, education on infant care and breast feeding were provided before discharge. And that, telephone advice was provided within one week after discharge, and at 2 months postpartum. And that, reeducation and counsel were provided at one month and three months postpartum by home-visiting care for the intervention group. For the control group. home visiting was also conducted only for data collection. Data were analyzed by chi-square test and t-test. The results were as follows: 1. The maternal confidence of the experimental group was higher than that of control group at one month postpartum. but the difference of confidence of these two groups were not significant at three months postpartum. 2. For both of experimental and control groups, maternal confidence significantly increased at three months postpartum than one month postpartum. 3. The rate of breastfeeding of the experimental group was higher than that of control group at one month and two months postpartum (p=.050, p=.049). But the difference was not significant at three months, although experimental group continued breastfeeding more(47.4%) than control group(27.8%). In conclusion, educational program for primiparas of this study was effective in the promotion of maternal confidence and breastfeeding.

      • 산욕기 산모와 신생아의 가정간호 알고리즘 개발

        방경숙,Bang, Kyung-Sook 한국가정간호학회 1997 가정간호학회지 Vol.4 No.-

        The needs for the home care of postpartum mothers and their infants are increasing, but the quality control of home care nurses is not developed yet. The objective of this study is to develop assessment - intervention algorithms for the home care of postpartum mothers and their infants. We can use these algorithms when we assess the client's condition, and find appropriate nursing interventions. Also, these algorithms can offer guidelines for home care nurses, so that standardization of home care can be attained. Common problems for postpartum mothers are postpartum hemorrhage, abnormal vaginal discharge(endometritis), episiotomy pain, breast problems, breastfeeding difficulty, edema, urinary dysfunction and defecation difficulties. Also, commom problems for infants are abnormal body temperature, tarchycardia, respiratory problem, neonatal jaundice, cord problem, abnormal stool, breast feeding, and bathing. These algorithms can be used as a basis for the development of computerized infomation system for the home health care.

      • 취약계층 초등학생 대상 산림치유 프로그램 개발

        방경숙,김성재,송민경,강경림,정예슬,Bang, Kyung-Sook,Kim, Sungjae,Song, Min Kyung,Kang, KyungIm,Jeong, Yeseul 서울대학교 간호과학연구소 2020 간호학의 지평 Vol.17 No.1

        Purpose: The purpose of this study was to develop a forest-based health promotion program for vulnerable school children. Methods: The specific process for program development involved establishing a program goal, assessing the needs of the participants, analyzing existing programs and constructing a forest-based program. Results: Each session of the program, which consisted of a total of 10 sessions, included 40 to 50 minutes of indoor education for children's physical and psychosocial health and 60 to 70 minutes of forest experience activities with nursing student mentors. For the application of the program, guidelines for mentor selection and prior education, physical environment check, children's safety, criteria for evaluation of the program effects and operation of the program were developed. Conclusion: This study presents the specific procedures and contents for developing a forest-based program for vulnerable school children. The results of this study will provide useful data to develop a community-based program to promote the physical and psychosocial health of vulnerable school children.

      • 학령전기 아동의 기질과 행동문제 및 어머니의 양육부담감

        방경숙 ( Kyung Sook Bang ) 부모자녀건강학회 2006 부모자녀건강학회지 Vol.9 No.1

        Purpose: The purposes of this descriptive survey study were to determine the relationships between the perception on the temperament and behavior problems of their children and mothers` characteristics with preschoolers. Method: Data were collected from 125 mothers of preschoolers in Kunpo city. The instruments used for this study were Korean CBCL, childrearing burden, mother`s health questionnaire, and social support. Results: There were significant differences in the behavior problems according to preschooler`s temperament. Difficult children were more hyperactive, withdrawn, aggressive, and premature in behavior. Preschoolers` behavior problems showed significant relationships with mothers` health problem, childrearing burden, and social support. Conclusion: Preschoolers` behavior problems are affected by their temperament, and related with mothers` characteristics. It is important to identify parents` perception on their children`s temperament and behavior problems, and the parental role education programs are necessary.

      • 일개 시 미취학 아동의 사회경제적 계층별 건강관리 현황

        방경숙 ( Kyung Sook Bang ) 부모자녀건강학회 2006 부모자녀건강학회지 Vol.9 No.2

        Purpose: The current descriptive study examined the health and healthcare status of preschoolers in poverty group compared to those of comparison group. Method: Data were collected from 51 mothers in federal poverty group and 49 in low-income group and 200 mothers in normal income comparison group in one city. The instruments used for this study were Korean CBCL and health related questionnaire. Results: Public assistance group showed more low-birth-weight infants, developmental delay, and hospital admission experiences. Their compliance for vaccination and congenital metabolic disorder test were lower than those of comparison group. Preschoolers` behavior problems were not significantly different depending upon the income of the group. Conclusion: Preschoolers` health and healthcare status are affected by the socioeconomic characteristics of the family. It indicated an need for anticipatory guidance and early intervention that might help to prevent or ameliorate potential health problems in poverty.

      • 에티오피아 일개 지역 보건지소 건강관리요원에 대한 직무교육의 효과

        방경숙 ( Kyung Sook Bang ),이인숙 ( In Sook Lee ),채선미 ( Sun Mi Chae ),강현주 ( Hyun Ju Kang ),유주연 ( Ju Youn Yu ),박지선 ( Ji Sun Park ) 부모자녀건강학회 2013 부모자녀건강학회지 Vol.16 No.1

        전 세계적으로 건강형평성의 확보가 인류의 기본권으로 간주되고 저개발국의 빈곤과 건강문제 해결을 전 세계가 공통으로 해결해야 할 목표로 설정하는 새천년 목표(Millenium Development Goal [MDG])가 채택되면서 우리나라에서도 국제보건에 대한 관심이 높아지고 있다. 본 연구에서는 국제보건을 위한 에티오피아 모자보건 역량강화사업에 참여하면서 저개발국의모자보건에서 핵심적인 역할을 담당하고 있는 HEW를 대상으로 모자보건 관련 교육을 적용하고 그 효과를 분석하였다. 에티오피아의 경우 HEW는 1년간의 교육과정을 이수한 경우가 가장 일반적이지만 단기간의 훈련만을 받고 현장에 투입되는 경우도 많아 체계적인 직무교육이 필요하다. 그러나 이들의 자질이나 역할이행에 대한 평가는 아직 제대로 이루어지지 못하였다(Medhanyie et al., 2012). 현재 HEW는 Technical and Vocational Education and Training Institutions에서 교육을 받도록 하고 있는데, 교육과정에 대해 32명을 대상으로 심층 면담한 선행연구에 따르면 2003년 교육과정이 처음 개발된 이후 아직까지도 현실에 적합하도록 개정이 이루어지지 않았으며 교육을 위한 설비가 부족하고 교육자에 대한 계속 교육이 이루어지지 않는 등 많은 제한점을 갖고 있다고 보고하였다(Damtew et al., 2011). Admassie, Abebaw와 Woldemichael (2009)는 HEW에 의한 Health services extension program을 실시한 지역에서는 실시하지 않은 지역보다 예방접종률과 말라리아 예방을 위한 모기장 보급률이 유의하게 높아 그 효과를 확인할 수 있었으나 예방적인 모성건강관리에 있어서는 그 효과가 크지 않아서 임신 시 산전관리를 위해 HEW를 처음 방문하는 시기는 더 빨랐지만 그 외의 산전 산후관리에서는 거의 차이를 보이지 않았다고 보고하였다. 또한 5세 미만 아동의 설사와 기침 질환 감소에도 기여하지 못하였다고 하여 아직은 그 효과가 부분적으로만 나타나고 있음을 알 수 있다. Koblinsky 등(2010)의 연구에서는 지역주민의 HEW에 대한 반응이 긍정적이며 프로그램 적용 이후 모자보건 관련 지표가 향상되고 있음을 보고한 바 있으며, Karim 등(2010)도 HEW의 활동이 주민의 산전 산후관리와 상관성을 보이며 모자보건에 기여하고 있다고 평가 하였으나 모성사망률 감소에는 아직 기여하지 못하고 있음을 보고하였다. Tsegay 등(2013)은 HEW 활동으로 산전관리를 받는 주민이 많아졌으며 산전관리 시 시설분만을 권고를 받은 임부들에서 그렇지 않은 임부들보다 시설분만률 비율이 더 높기는 하였지만 시설분만률 자체에 대한 효과는 미미하여 새로운 전략 마련이 필요하다고 하였다. 에티오피아 북부 지역에서 5년 이내 출산경험이 있는 산모 725명을 대상으로 한 Medhanyie 등(2012)의 연구에서도 HEW가 주민들의 가족계획, 산전간호, 그리고 HIV 검사율 증진에 기여하는 것으로 나타났으나 시설분만률과 산후관리에 대한 기여는 유의하지 않았다. 한편 에티오피아의 시골 지역에서는 HEW를 대신할 지역사회 사례관리(community case management) 자원자를 모집하여 교육 후 설사, 말라리아, 폐렴 등의 아동 건강관리에 투입하여 효과를 거둔 경우도 보고되었다(Degefie et al., 2009). 이와 같이 HEW 제도 도입 후 지역주민의 건강관리 이용률에서의 효과를 보는 연구는 상당 수 이루어졌으며 부분적으로 긍정적인 효과가 나타나고 있음을 보고하고 있으나 HEW의 지식 수준을 평가하거나 교육 프로그램 적용 후 HEW의 지식이나 수행능력의 향상 여부를 확인한 연구는 매우 제한적이다. 최근의 연구에서 Dynes 등(2013)이 HEW 대상으로 산전, 산후 관리에 대한 교육 후 사전 조사에 비해 교육 후의 사후 조사에서 수행 점수가 유의하게 증가하였음을 보고한 연구가 있는 정도이다. 본 연구에서는 에티오피아 티그라이주 KilteAwlero지역의 HEW를 대상으로 직무교육을 실시하고 그 효과를 평가하였는데, 대부분 사전에 비해 교육 후 지식 점수가 유의하게 향상된 것은 긍정적인 효과를 기대하게 하는 결과이다. 그러나 본 교육 프로그램에서는 강의만을 포함하였는데 실제 모자보건 업무를 수행하는 HEW 들은 술기도 매우 중요한 부분이므로 이들에게 보건소에서 수행하는 업무를 직접 관찰, 수행하도록 하고 부족하거나 잘못된 부분을 교정해주는 피드백이 필요하리라 생각된다. 이는 교육대상자들의 교육에 대한 평가에서도 나타난 부분으로, 향후에는 이론과 실습을 병행하는 프로그램을 개발하여 좀 더 많은 대상자에게 적용 후 효과를 평가하는 것이 필요할 것이다. Purpose: Ethiopia is one of the sub-Saharan countries most affected by high maternal and infant mortality. The government has trained health extension workers (HEWs), the community health workers, to deliver preventive and basic curative health services to community residents in Ethiopia. Very few studies have investigated on-the-job educational effects for HEWs on improvement of their knowledge and performance confidence in maternal and child health care (MCH). This study aimed at identifying the educational effects for HEWs in one health center in Tigray, Ethiopia on improvement of their knowledge in MCH. Methods: Twelve HEWs from 6 health posts participated in this study. A health center officer provided a total of 5 educational sessions on antenatal and postnatal care, family planning, and newborn care from August, 2012 to April, 2013. Ten to 12 items regarding the topics were tested before and after each education. Wilcoxon signed rank test was used to analyze the data. Results: All the HEWs were female with average 4-year working experience. Their knowledge significantly increased after education, except the first session. Their satisfaction on education was greater than 45 points out of 50. Conclusion: This study suggests a focused education for HEWs should continue to improve their capacity on MCH.

      • 정상체중출생아와 저체중출생아의 영아기 기질 비교

        방경숙 ( Kyung Sook Bang ),전경자 ( Kyung Ja June ) 부모자녀건강학회 2002 부모자녀건강학회지 Vol.5 No.1

        The purpose of this study was to compare the temperamental differences between the normal infants and low-birth-weight infants. The subjects of this study were 70 mothers with normal infants and 62 mothers with the low-birth-weight. Convenient sampling was done at three regions. The infant temperament scale developed by Pridham & others (1994) was used. Data were analyzed by SPSS WIN program. The results were as follows; 1) There was a significant difference in total temperament score between the low-birth-weight infants and normal infants. The scores of the low-birth-weight infants were significantly lower than those of normal infants in the subscales of amenability and persistence, activity, and reactivity. In adaptability, there was no significant difference between two groups. 2) In both groups, there were no significant difference by socio-economic status of parents, delivery type, and birth order. But, in the case of low-birth-weight infants, the temperament score of infants over 6 months was significantly higher than that of infants under 6 months. 3) In the correlation analysis among subscales of the temperament, amenability and persistence, activity, and reactivity showed the significant relationship. But adaptability showed significant correlation only with the amenability and persistence. In conclusion, temperament score of low-birth-weight infants were significantly lower than that of normal infants. It was suggested that parenting education for low-birth-weight infants would be needed to understand and impact the positive infant temperament.

      • 모아상호작용의 측정에 대한 고찰

        방경숙 ( Kyung Sook Bang ),권미경 ( Mi Kyung Kwon ),박성희 ( Sung Hee Park ) 서울대학교 간호과학연구소 2011 간호학의 지평 Vol.8 No.1

        Purpose: The purpose of this study was to review the concept of Mother-Child Interaction (MCI) as well as its theoretical model and measurement methods. Methods: A review of related theories and research was done to identify the concept and present status of MCI measuring techniques. Results: The concept of MCI contains the two aspect of attachment and child rearing. MCI is unique in that it includes a dyadic process. The concept of MCI was developed based on attachment theory, Barnard`s theory, and the goodness of fit model, MCI involves sensitivity, responsiveness, reciprocity, contingency, mutual satisfaction, and child developmental stimulation including positive and negative affection. Most instruments involved observation, especially in structured situations, and most were developed for mother-infant interaction. Conclusion: MCI is a reciprocal, goal-oriented partnership process and is an ongoing process during childhood. Instruments for measuring MCI for preschoolers as well as appropriate self-reporting instruments need to be developed for wide use in practice and in research.

      • KCI등재

        임상간호사의 자기표현성과 우울의 상관관계

        방경숙 (Bang, Kyung Sook),박현주 (Park, Hyun Joo) 병원간호사회 2008 임상간호연구 Vol.14 No.2

        Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the degrees of assertiveness and depression in clinical nurses and identify the relationships between them. Method: The study included 261 clinical nurses working at one university hospital in the Kyunggi province. The assertiveness scale and a micro simple mental diagnosis test were used to assess the variables. Data were analyzed using SPSS. Results: The average assertiveness score was 3.04±0.38 and an average depression score 1.23±.071. Statistically significant differences in assertiveness were identified with regards to marital status (p=.034), type of families (p=.005), number of counselling persons (p=.007), and subjective mental health status (p<.001). In addition, the assertiveness scores were statistically significant based on job position(p=.032), and the levels of satisfaction with nursing job (p=.015). There were significant negative correlations between assertiveness and depression of clinical nurses(r=-.237, p<.001). Conclusion: These findings suggest that assertiveness training for clinical nurses is necessary, especially for novice nurses, in order to decrease the level of depression.

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