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      • 좌 · 우파의 이분법적 구분의 상대성

        박찬수(Park, Chansoo) 동덕여자대학교 인문과학연구소 2004 人文科學硏究 Vol.10 No.-

        The defining historical events that caused the political division of leftism and rightism are, as well known, the Glorious Revolution in 1688, the French Revolution in 1788, the publication of Karl Marx's Communist Manifesto in 1848, the Bolshevic Revolution in 1917. Then the social democratic political movements in the early 1900s, and the collapse of communist hegemony in Eastern Europe and the disintegration of the former USSR, and lastly the appearance of "the Third Way" in the late 20th century followed the way. Yet the dichotomous bisection between the two political leanings is not as strong as it might seem, since the contents of ideologies, being far from being absolute and final, have different assessments and implementation in the course of history. This paper examines the Glorious Revolution, French Revolution, Marxism, social democracy, liberalism and protectionism in trade, the ideas of equality and freedom, and nationalism, and tries to identify the ideological cleavages and differences between the rightist and leftist ideology, and traces the way how the two opposing ideas became to mirror each other and mixed together. The political opposition between Catholics and Protestants provided the very first identifying criterion for the leftist/rightist division in and out of religious domain. Since the publication of the Manifesto, however, the reigning criterion became theism/atheism. On the other hand, the social democratic movements in the early 20th century Europe, and the liberalist, reftist theologians' activities in South America in the middle of last century attenuated the ideological gap in religion. The French Revolution defined what was meant by "leftist" and "rightist" with whether to advocate the old regime or rebel against it. But after the revolutionaries abrogated absolute monarchy and feudalism, and established a republic, the achieved goals could not be viable criteria any more. Now, whether to revolutionize existing regimes and social arrangements, or to advocate traditions could be alternatively articulated in terms of progresivism and conservativism. Until the early 19th century, French Revolution's spirit of equality and freedom represented the leftist ideology. Yet, from the early 20th century, the value of equality became more of the leftist's voice, whereas freedom that of the rightist. Liberalism and protectionism in trade was the bequest of the mid 19th century when radical leftists/prestigious rightists division arose, whereas Neo-liberalism (Globalization) and the advocates of localism and anti-globalization, each conversely being rightists and leftists are the legacy of the late 20th century. The ideology of nationalism, also, belonged to the leftist wing in the early 19th century, but the late 19th centry represents the idea of the rightist wing. The values and contents of the leftist and the rightist are not absolute, but historical and relative in character. During the French Revolution, the diverse political factions found expressions in Royalists, Constitutional Monarchicists, Republicans. The latter two can both be classified as the leftists, but to put it more succinctly, only the republicans can be properly counted as the leftist, while the constitutional monarchicists more like the rightist. Since Lenin's establishment of Commintern in 1919, communists (Marx-Leninist) got drawn closer to the leftist wing than social democratic political movements did. And the latter were more obviously rightist than communists were. This shows that the constitutive ideological contents of the leftist and the rightist wings are not mutually exclusive. "The Third way" in the late 20th century makes it even more difficult to find opposition between Western leftism/rightism. Only extremists will be the exception.

      • 15V, 1㎾ 연료전지 스택을 위한 부하추종형 전력변환장치

        박찬수(Chansoo Park),오형민(Hyeongmin Oh),최세완(Sewan Choi),박가우(Gawoo Park) 전력전자학회 2011 전력전자학술대회 논문집 Vol.2011 No.7

        본 논문에서는 15V, 1㎾ 저전압 연료전지를 위한 고효율 전력변환장치를 제안한다. DC-DC 컨버터로는 15V에서 380V 로의 고승압에 적합한 입력병렬·출력직렬 부스트 하프브리지를 제안하였는데 이는 전부하영역에서 ZVS 턴온으로 96%의 최고 효율을 달성하였다. 또한 DC-AC 인버터부는 상용전원으로의 변환 및 DC 링크 전압 제어를 수행한다. 1㎾급 시작품을 제작하여 그 성능을 검증하였다.

      • 효율적인 CC-CV 충전을 위한 차량탑재형 충전기용 공진형 컨버터의 최적설계 기법

        박찬수(Chansoo Park),김민재(Minjae Kim),정병길(Byuongkil Jung),이상혁(Sanghyuk Lee),박준성(Joonsung Park),최세완(Sewan Choi) 전력전자학회 2011 전력전자학술대회 논문집 Vol.2011 No.7

        본 논문에서는 3.3㎾급 차량탑재형 충전기에 적합한 공진형 컨버터의 최적설계기법을 제안한다. 주어진 배터리 충전 프로파일에 대하여 대표적인 4가지 공진형 컨버터를 각각 최적의 궤적에 따라 동작하도록 하는 설계기법을 제안한다. 또한 이 충전 궤적에 따른 각 컨버터의 도통전류, 턴오프전류 등의 비교를 통하여 최적의 컨버터를 제안하고 시작품으로 타당성을 검증한다.

      • 글로벌 기술환경 변화에 따른 산업보안 생태계 구축 방안

        박찬수(Chansoo Park),강민지(Minji Kang),최이중(Iejung Choi) 과학기술정책연구원 2019 정책연구 Vol.- No.-

        National competitiveness and technology hegemony is deepening in terms of national security and industrial competitiveness. For sure, one of the reason is that the harmonization of global industrial structures and production methods is increasing the risk of “theft” of industrial competitiveness. In addition, new industrial security needs such as OT(Operational Technology) security and ICS(Industrial Control Systems) security are being raised to cope with the hyperconnected society such as the 4th Industrial Revolution. The purpose of this study is to suggest policies for establishing protection or security support system to maximize technology creation and utilization from the national perspective. It is also important to suggest support policies for building a cooperative industrial security ecosystem. To this end, this study examined domestic and foreign industrial security issues and policy reponses about it. In addition, after conducting expert interviews (or Focusing Group Interviews) with industry, academia, and research in order to diagnose a narrowly-defined domestic industrial security ecosystem, qualitative research was supplemented through additional surveys. Strengthening capacities of security personnel and security firms, research security, and institutional improvement were also proposed. It is also proposed that improvement of research security system and institutions among university R&D activities is critical in Korea’s national innovation system. In addition, it was analyzed that the establishment of a dedicated support agency or control tower is urgent in Korea.

      • KCI등재

        우리나라 기업의 생산성 결정요인에 관한 정량분석 연구

        박찬수 ( Chansoo Park ),오동현 ( Dong Hyun Oh ) 한국생산성학회 2016 生産性論集 Vol.30 No.1

        This study measures total factor productivity (TFP) of Korean manufacturing enterprises and decomposes it into technological change and scale effect terms for the period of 2001-2011 by using an abundant firm-level data set. Main findings are as follows: 1) the scale component plays an important role in enhancing productivity of the Korean enterprises, and 2) the size of a firm and TFP growth has a positive relationship. Although many previous studies found that the technological change is the main contributor to the TFP growth to a large extent, this study provides evidence that scale effects have a positive relationship with TFP growth as a whole. Policy implications are developed based on the empirical results. Growth in sales and employees is effective in enhancing performance of Koran manufacturing enterprises, which requires a different explanation on the polarization across Korean enterprises. This finding also demands a new policy paradigm along with the traditional two-track policy strands; to protect SMEs and to regulate conglomerates. For further development of policymakings, supports for Korean small giants or hidden champions are required in order for SMEs to have continuous growth.

      • KCI등재

        플란팅카와 악의 문제 : ‘라이프니쯔의 실책’을 중심으로

        박찬수(Chansoo Park) 한국분석철학회 2008 철학적 분석 Vol.0 No.18

        신은 전능하기에 그가 원하기만 하면 그렇게 될 수밖에 없는 세계를 창조할 수 있었을 것이라기보다, 전능하더라도 그가 원하는 세계를 창조할 수 없었을 것이라고 해야 한다는 플란팅가의 입장을 제시하고, 인간의 자유의지에 의해 구현된 도덕적 악으로부터 제기된 무신론의 일반적 견해를 정형화하며, 신의 창조 활동과 사태를 실현시키는 활동을 구분하면서 땅, 하늘, 소크라테스 등은 신이 창조했다고 할 수 있으나, 필연적 사태와, 우연적 사태 중 거짓인 가능사태는 신이 실현시킬 수 없는 사태라는 플란팅가의 견해를 살펴볼 것이다. 플란팅가는 라이프니쯔가 잘못 생각한 명제(라이프니쯔의 실책)를 비판하기 위해, 인간이 자유롭게 행하거나 행하지 않는 사태를 분석하면서 신은 자유로운 선택지에 의해 성사된 사태들을 실현시킬 수 없다는 점을 든다. 또한 이를 일반화하기 위해 반사실적 상황에서 자유로운 인간의 행위에 의해 이루어진 사태는 신이 실현시켰다고 볼 수 없고 인간이 성사시킨 사태라는 점을 지적할 것이다. 이에 대한 비판으로 윌리암 로위, 로버트 아담스, 로버트 버치의 분석을 소개하고, 마지막으로 플란팅가의 주장은 진정한 의미의 신 존재와 악의 양립가능론이 아니라고 비판하고, 신의 섭리 또는 섭리적 결정론과 악과의 양립가능성을 개괄적으로 다루고자 한다. An atheist argument usually goes like this. If God exists and is omnipotent as believed, He could have created any possible world as he pleased. The existence of moral evil, though, makes problematic the existence of God, or His omnipotence at least. Plantinga's answer to an atheist is: it is not that God, as omnipotent, could have created any possible world as he pleased, but rather it is that God, even though omnipotent, could not have created the world as he pleased. One important argument against theistic view is what Planting a called "Leibniz's Lapse", that 'if God is omnipotent, he could have created any possible world.' Plantinga agrees with atheists in the sense that there are possible worlds in which any moral evil is excluded. But he doesn't believe that God, even though omnipotent, could have created any possible world as he pleased. He points that it is not within God's power to actualize a world in which all evil is excluded, as far as free will is allowed. In chapter 1, I formulate an atheist's view of moral evil which resulted from the free will of human beings, and examine Plantinga's view that distinguishes between an act of creation, and an act of actualization of state of affairs. He asserts that creation of earth, heaven, or Socrates can be attributed to God, but the actualization of necessary states of affairs, and among contingent states of affairs, false possible states of affairs cannot be attributed to God. In chapter 2, I explain Plantinga's view that God cannot be held responsible for actualizing state of affairs implemented by free choice, and that human action with free will can only be attributed to human being, not to God. In chapter 3, I will explicate the critique of William Rowe, Robert Adams and Robert Burch. In chaper 4, I will criticize Plantinga's view not to be a genuine compatibilism between the existence of God and moral evil, and sketch the compatibilism between providential determinism and moral evil.

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