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        국제화와 지방정부의 대응 : 강원도의 국제교류정책을 중심으로

        박용길 한국행정연구원 2003 韓國行政硏究 Vol.12 No.2

        본 연구는 국제화에 따른 환경변화를 지방자치단체 수준에서 어떻게 수용해 왔는가를 진단해보는 것으로, 강원도 광역자치단체의 국제교류 및 기초자치단체의 자매결연 등의 추진성과를 분석·평가하였다. 더 나아가 현재까지 추진과정에서 나타난 문제점을 도출하여 그 목적을 달성하기 위한 대안은 제시하였다. 국제교류는 경제적 이익을 그 목표로 하고 있기 때문에 강원도 목적달성에 어느 정도 도달했는가에 대한 성공과 실패의 판단기준이 된다. 연구결과로서 강원도는 국제교류에 적극적으로 대처하였으나 그에 따른 실익이 적은 것으로 평가되었다. 특히 기초자치단체의 경우 국제교류 활동으로서 자매결연이 지역발전에 적극적으로 기여하지 못한 것도 개선되어야 할 문제였다. 국제화에 대응하기 위한 기초자치단체의 선결과제는 국제교류 전담조직과 인력기반은 구축하는 일이다.

      • 유아교육 기관에서의 안전관리와 안전교육

        박용길 공주문화대학 2000 공주문화대학·논문집 Vol.27 No.-

        As the demand for early children's admission to kindergarten and all day program increases. the time for children to spend in the kindergarten increases. Therefore teacher's responsibility for the children's safety is important and much emphasized. In this study, I searched for the theory of safety management and safety education in early childhood educational organization and arrived at the following conclusions: 1. It is necessary to reinforce children's life safety education and help them form habits of safety life. 2. For the children's knowledge, function, and attitude formation about safety, Program development and teaching should be continued. 3. For the effective children's safety education, family, educational organization, and community cooperate each other. 4. Periodically physical checkout of environment and evaluation is necessary.

      • 地方自治時代의 環境管理 戰略에 關한 硏究

        박용길 건국대학교 1998 학술논문집 : 건국대 대학원 Vol.47 No.1

        This paper presents desirable strategies of environmental management and its present problems by analyzing environmental management in lights of law, public administration, economic and international movement in local autonomy. Chapter 2 describes environmental management and the definition and significance of environmental management, analysis the relationship of local autonomy and environmental management, treats primarily Wright theory about diverse mechanics relations of inter-local government. The object of this paper is to see the transition of inter-government policy about environmental management section in the local autonomy on the base of this theoretical analysis. By operating local autonomy, positive effect of its affecting environmental management is to improve autonomy, democracy, regional suitability, responsibility and so on. The enlargement of autonomy can activate suitable environmental management in each local government having inherent authority. By citizen participating policy-making process of local government, citizen's statues and roles are enlarged. On the other hand, negative effect is an excess development-oriented policy, being the lack of ability and responsibility of environmental management in local government and local council, and being the lack of recognition about regional citizen's environmental preservation, confusion of environmental law system. These points make environmental condition worse. To improve environmental management in local autonomy ages is to prevent the regress of environmental administration, by enlarging positive effects giving local autonomy and by minimizing negative effects. So environmental management in local autonomy ages, because of making negative effects minimized is important, is regional improvement of environment system and operation. In the face of local environmental management system, making law is required and authority and organization must be readjusted. For example, The authority of environment office being a branch of ministry of environment must be strengthened and regulation of land use being used at the tools of environment destruction must be readjusted. In reality evaluation of environment impact system regulating development-oriented policy in local government must be active used, and management of gold-not-relevance happening different at the aims of environmental management between national and local government must be readjusted. In the operating face of the system environmental management, what is given the institutionalized and existing authority must be operated at the positive and future-oriented manners. For example, subjective of participation and mechanism of policy-decision at the environmental policy-decision process must be strengthened and public information opening and rearing of experts by the conduct for democracy of environmental management administration. The world nations of 21th century, perceiving the importance of environmental management and sustainable economy development, have in much efforts these days. Many sections of local autonomy for sustainable environmental management can be bringed to positive effects, but if these misuse operation, the destruction of environment will be accelerated. Therefore, relations setting between national and local government for environmental management, having inclusive authority model nation government's having an much authority about relation of hierarchy-ladder as well as local government having independent and self-control partnership model of having self-jurisdiction and responsibility and duty, can be desirable model of environmental management in the ages of local autonomy.

      • 유치원에서의 창의성 교육방안

        박용길 공주문화대학 1999 공주문화대학·논문집 Vol.26 No.-

        Creativity is an essential factor for national development as well as individual ability In this report a concept of creativity, compositional factor, and prior literatures are investigated, and a method of guiding creativity in kindergarten education in summarized in this paper. Creativity in included in the children's potent abilities as a factor, It develops through the human developmental stage on every stage in different shapes. Therefore the education of children's creativity is different from that of grown-up's, and the educational goal of creativity in the kindergarten is also different from the grown-up's method for developing creativity. In the kindergarten education, the way for creative thought should be cultivated as an educational goal, and so we should take the following into account. First, we should encourage children to ask questions. Second, we should help them think by themselves. Third, we should guide then not to way for developing creative attitude, we should consider the followings; ① adventurous attitude, ② probing attitude, ③ critical attitude, ④ problem-solving attitude, ⑤ discovering attitude, ⑥ sensitivity, ⑦ flexible attitude, ⑧ individualistic attitude, ⑨ relating attitude, ⑩ comparing attitude, ⑪ curiosity, ⑫ analysing attitude, ⑬ insightful attitude, ⑭ strong tenacity, ⑮ appreciative attitude, ? modification attitude.

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