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        제1차 세계대전 시기 일본 육군 무관의 연합군 종군과 정보 수집

        박완 한일군사문화학회 2021 한일군사문화연구 Vol.31 No.-

        This article examines the whole aspect of intelligence activity of Japanese army by dispatching military attachés to the Allies, the change of position of the army on intelligence, and the reaction of the Allies to Japanese attachés during the First World War. Before Japan entered the war, its army tried to use its officers in Europe for intelligence. After declaring war against Germany, the army dispatched many attachés, not only to Triple Enténte, but also to the countries newly entering the war on the Allied side, to gather information. Its intelligence activity through them continued until the end of the war by Treaty of Versailles. During the war, Japanese army dispatched most officers to Britain and Russia, and among their attaché groups in the Allied Forces, the one in Russian army was biggest and including many high ranking officers. Judging by the number, rank, and branch of the attachés, the army tried to acquire information about trench and artillery warfare on the western front, mainly from Britain and France, and about mobile warfare and German army on the eastern front from Russia. And through the change of instructions to their attachés, intelligence activity of Japanese army was systemically completed and became brisk since around 1916. However, the reaction of the Allies to Japanese attachés was not always positive. Some countries denied accepting them until some point of time, or tried to limit its number. Also, Britain and America did not allow the attachés to be assigned to their front headquarters until the eve of armistice. And there was their dissatisfaction against Japan pursuing its national interests, rather than cooperating with them during the war, behind it. 본고는 제1차 세계대전 당시 일본 육군이 연합국에 종군 무관을 파견하여 행한 정보 수집 활동의 전모를 밝힘과 동시에, 정보 수집에 임하는 육군의 시기에 따른 자세 변화와 일본 종군 무관에 대한 각국의 반응을 고찰한 것이다. 육군은 1차대전에 참전하기 전부터 유럽 각국의 주재원을 첩보 활동에 이용하고자 하였다. 그리고 독일에 선전포고한 뒤에는 연합국 군대에 다수의 무관을 종군시켰고, 또 새로 참전한 국가에도 곧바로 종군 무관을 파견하여 정보를 수집하도록 하였다. 이들을 통한 육군의 정보 수집 활동은 베르사유 강화 조약이 조인되어 전쟁이 공식적으로 종결될 때까지 계속되었다. 한편 육군은 영국과 러시아에 가장 많은 무관을 파견하였는데, 특히 러시아군 종군 무관단의 규모가 가장 컸으며 또 고급 군인이 다수 포함되어 있었다. 종군 무관의 인원・계급・병과 등에서 볼 때, 육군은 서부 전선에서는 영국・프랑스를 중심으로 진지전 및 포격전, 동부 전선에서는 러시아를 중심으로 운동전 및 독일군에 관한 정보를 획득하고자 하였다. 한편 종군 무관에게 내려진 훈령의 변화를 통해, 이들을 통한 육군의 정보 수집 활동은 1916년 무렵부터 제도적으로 정비되면서 비로소 활발해졌음을 알 수 있다. 하지만 일본 종군 무관에 대한 연합국의 반응은 반드시 호의적이지만은 않았다. 즉 각국은 어느 시기까지 일본 종군 무관을 받아들이지 않거나 그 수를 제한하고자 하였고, 또 영국과 미국은 전쟁 종결 직전까지 일본 무관의 전선 사령부 배속을 허가하지 않았다. 그 배경에는 1차대전 중 연합국과의 공동 작전에는 소극적이면서 자국의 이익만을 추구하는 일본에 대한 불만이 있었던 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        3.1운동 전후 조선인의 군사적 이용에 관한 일본 육군 내 논의

        박완 서울대학교 일본연구소 2019 일본비평 Vol.- No.21

        The First World War (1914~18) and the March First Movement (1919) shook the ruling order of Japanese imperialism. With these events as the momentum, Imperial Japan, as well as Japanese Army, sought the reorganization of imperial ruling order. The Japanese Korean Army (Chosen-gun) was optimistic about the possibility of assimilating colonial Koreans and using them in the military. Therefore, to promote the assimilation of Koreans, the Army insisted that Military Academy should be open to Koreans and Korean volunteer units should be organized. Also, the reinforcement of deployed forces in Korea was requested, partly to accept Koreans into the Army. These stances remained firm in spite of the shock from the March First Movement. On the other hand, the Ministry of War (Rikugunsho) focused on political, economic, and military legitimacy. For them, the military use of colonial Koreans was the final goal to be realized after assimilating Koreans enough for the conscription law to be enforced in Korea. Also, the March First Movement weakened their optimism about the possibility of such assimilation. As a result, the Ministry of War remained negative to the military use of Koreans until the mid-1930s.

      • KCI등재

        Double-Running In aton Mass for a Flat Potential and Assisted Hilltop In ation

        박완 한국물리학회 2019 THE JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY Vol.75 No.9

        We propose a scenario to atten the in aton potential for a small-eld slow-roll in ation from the origin. In the scenario, the in aton mass-square goes through a renormalization group running that depends on not only in aton eld but also an assisting eld. Thanks to the assisting eld participating in the running, the initial condition for a slow-roll in ation can be set naturally, and the in aton potential can be attened by the vacuum expectation value of the eld. Applying this idea, we propose a scenario of in ation, dubbed here as assisted hilltop in ation, which is free from the initial condition and the atness problems of in ation.

      • KCI등재

        야마가타 아리토모(山縣有朋)와 메이지(明治) 국가 건설

        박완 동국대학교 일본학연구소 2022 일본학 Vol.58 No.-

        This paper examines the role that Yamagata Aritomo played in the building of Meiji state by analyzing various policies he led from the establishment of the Meiji government to 1889 90. He contributed to the centralization of the new government by organizing an imperial army directly belonging to the government(Goshinpei) and unifying military systems in the country, and also tried to build a national army and a nation state by introducing a system of universal conscription. Next, he insisted on gradually establishing a constitution and opening a parliament under the superiority of the government to the latter amid Movement for Freedom and Popular Rights. And after the decision to open a parliament, he designed a local autonomy system as a countermeasure to separate local and central politics but to strengthen human links between them. Finally, he directly linked the emperor with soldiers and the nation without passing through a parliament by enacting the Imperial Precepts to the Soldiers and Sailors(Gunjinchokuyu) and the Imperial Rescript on Education(Kyōikuchokugo). Also, through the examination above, this paper was able to make the position clear of the military, the nation, and the emperor in the state he had pursued and built.

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