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      • 열왕기하 18-20장의 편집과 전승 신학 연구

        박신배 그리스도신학대학교 출판부 2010 교수논문집 Vol.10 No.-

        A Study on Redaction & Tradition Theology in Kings 18-20 This thesis is to study synthetically on redaction & tradition theology in Kings 18-20. The text of Kings 18-20 is edited by Josiah, during the Exile period. The period of King Hezekiah happened inconjunction with the History, Ur-Deuteronomy. This version is called the early[first initial primary] stage of Deuteronomistic History(Dtro). The first Edition is during King Josiah’s period, and the second Version was about the Exile Period, the final edition. Deuteronomistical History prevailed in a Deportation perspective. We find out the difference of the dimension of Historical fact and the Theological viewpoint. The final Stage is to reveal that the text is a composition of the story. The Story is the theme of the Torah, Prophet, Cult, and Politic(Life). In the Tradition history method, we search the times of each Bible period: in the Wilderness; Judges; Monarch; Hezekiah; Josiah; the Babylon jan Exile Period: the Chronicles Period, etc. so the meaning of the Tradition in the Hezekiah reformation ciarifies. Futhermore, through this guestioning of the Hezekiah reformation, today we feel the good necessity to bring the New reformation.

      • KCI등재

        코로나19 전염병 현상과 성경적 의미 고찰 - 출애굽기의 기록과 경영 연구를 중심으로 -

        박신배 한국로고스경영학회 2022 로고스경영연구 Vol.20 No.4

        This article is to study the phenomena and meanings of infection diseases in Old Testament through the economical situation, The meaning of the 10 disasters of Exodus, and the relationship between the Covid-19 periods and 10 calamities. Furthermore we research to the relationship of the 10 disasters and Covid–19 infection. The thesis is to shed a new light on them. We try to study in the God’s Management and pursue to survive the church management of the crisis period. The story of the Passover of Exodus is to make the liberation of Israel through the judgment of God. This story of the 10 disasters will be important in community of the believing. The study which is presented these disasters are to be the judgement of God, and become to the saving history of Israel. His people made into the Pass- over Festival(pesach), therefore at last we scrutinized God’s Management, Win-Win (Sangsaeng) Management. We will be known to the theological meanings, God’s providence have been through them, Although the disasters will be, we have realized the building of God’s business, company, church. 본 논문은 코로나 시대에 구약이 말하고 있는 전염병의 현상에 대해 살펴보며, 오늘날 그 신학적 의미가 무엇이며 하나님의 경영(교회 경영)에서 바라본 의의가 무엇인지 연구하는 데 목적이 있다. 이를 찾기 위해 출애굽기의 열 가지 재앙 기사가 갖고 있는 의미와 오늘의 전염병과 비교하여 연구한다. 이 논문에서는 코로나19 전염병의 현상을 살피며 출애굽기의 열 가지 재앙과 어떻게 연관되는지 살핀다. 특히 출애굽기 7-12장의 열 가지 재앙의 현상과 오늘의 경제적 상황과 그 의미를 찾고, 이 기사에 나타난 하나님의 경영, 교회의 변화와 경영을 모색하고자 한다. 또한 펜데믹의 전염병 시대에 구약의 열 가지 재앙이 무엇을 의미하는지, 하나님의 경영과 어떤 연관이 있는지 고찰하고자 한다. 이 논문에서는 열 가지 출애굽 재앙기사가 이스라엘이 하나님의 백성으로서의 출애굽 공동체를 형성하게 하고, 신앙공동체가 형성되게 하는 이야기가 된다. 이 재앙기사의 신학적 의미는 하나님의 심판으로서의 변혁을 요청하는 시대적 경영의 패러다임과 하나님 경영의 의미와 오늘날 요구되는 상생 경영을 구체적이고 실제적인 연구를 모색한다. 오늘의 경영 현실을 살피며 하나님의 경영, 교회의 경영, 상생경영이 어떻게 모색되어야 하는지 살피며, 대체불가 토큰(NFT)과 가상화폐의 도래에 따른 패러다임의 전환이 어떻게 이뤄져야 하는지, 기업과 사회가 협업하여 새로운 경영을 모색하게 되는 상태를 살피고자 한다.

      • 이슬람 평화 문제와 평화 선교

        박신배 그리스도신학대학교 KCU학술연구소 2003 기독교의 평화 Vol.- No.-

        Today Power of Islam grow to be strengthen, Region of Islam spread out fast. World nations try to avoid target of commit suicide terror. Most great problem of world is Middle East, Arab Islam in this time, Treating a peace problem of Islam is same meaning of world peace issue. This thesis presents that Islam culture and Jihad(Holy War) is important thing for solving the peace of that area. I propose the Fast(Ramadan), polygamy, a love affair without marriage are unique and special in Islam culture. and In Shaa Allah, the Koran is the central point in Isram life. Jihad is the rule to conpensation of the heavenly kingdom in participating holy war for peace. So Isalm people spontaneously take a part in a suicide bomb terror. In chapter of Islam peace problem, passing a Osman Turkey period, and then World War I was braught to decline pan-Islamism. In 1917 Balpore Foreign Minister of England decree to build a nation of Jew People in Palestine. When Israel was build on 1948, Muslim anounce to do Jihad. and then A stand point of Palestine(PLO), Arab is to be a restore Jerusalm land of third holy land. I study the cause of problem that Iraq-Kuwait fight, America participating of war, realize to cover of background of economic war. I scrutinize Islam Peace Issue is found a clue of problem in Shalom of Old Testament(NT). OT Peace(Shalom) means the perfection and totally salvation NT Peace(Eirene) means the complection and health, includes OT Shalom meaning too. we know this Peace accomplish through the crucification of Christ. I convince lord of all mankinds is Christ Jesus, Christ as the key of Peace communicated with Islam world. Francisco is to be one of the most desciples of Christ. He goes to Egypt,preachs Sultan and save, inspire, be friend with him. That is model of Moslem mission. so the Peace Mission Model is to presents today Islam mission possiblity. Special job mission proposed to be suitable method in that place. A conclusion is that the direction of Islam mission become peace entirely.

      • KCI등재

        A Study of the Method of Structuralism and Christian Education Application

        박신배 한국기독교교육정보학회 2011 Journal of Christian education information tech Vol.0 No.20

        The purpose of this thesis is to analyze the text of Exodus 1:1-22 from the standpoint of structuralism. This criticism is a study into the text itself and seeks multiple meanings. The purpose of historical criticism, however, is to scrutinize not the text itself, but the background and root of the text. In structural biblical criticism there are both the discursive structure and the narrative structure. Through the discursive and narrative analyses, we come to a knowledge of the meanings of the text, and at last come to a new creational hermeneutic. As one studies the time, space, and characters in Exodus 1:1-22 one could recognize the theme of Israel's multiplication and greatness. The Pharaoh of Egypt kills and persecutes the children of Israel and his policy is in opposition to Jehovah. However, the midwives act with faith and courage, and allow Jehovah to work a miracle among the living children of Israel. We explain the basic theory of structuralism using the stories of Jacob, Joseph, and the Tower of Babel. There is a useful application in reading and re-interpreting the Bible text from the standpoint of structuralism, and it becomes a creational hermeneutic, with a Christian education application as well. In our later discussion, we want this approach to be a correct way of understanding the Bible and Christian life, especially for a layman, which is an educational issue.

      • KCI등재

        지상전에서 다중 무인체의 선도-추종 대형제어 알고리즘을 이용한 장애물 충돌회피에 관한 연구

        박신배,하정웅,박종규 한국방위산업학회 2021 韓國防衛産業學會誌 Vol.28 No.3

        지상 무인 차량(UGV), 무인기(UAV), 무인수상정(USV), 무인잠수정(UUV), 로봇 등과 같은 다중 무인체가 대형을 이루면서 군집 주행을 할 때 충돌회피 문제는 다중 에이전트 시스템에서 기본적으로 구현해야 하는 것으로 중요하게 인식되었다. 다중무 인체들은 가까운 미래에 생화학 오염지역이나 위험한 전투지역에서의 신속하게 투입되어 주어진 임무를 수행할 것이다. 다중 무인체가 편대를 이루어 출발지점에서 목표점인 임무 지역으로 이동할 때 자율주행을 할 수 있는 선도-추종 대형제 어를 적용하고, 다중무인체가 군집 자율주행할 때 갑자기 동적장애물 등이 나타나거나 주행 경로상에 고정장애물이 존재할 경우 이를 회피하기 위해 인공전위장을 이용한다. 지상전에서 다중 무인체의 장애물 회피 시스템에 대한 대형제어 알고리즘 성능을 평가하기 위해, 다중 무인체가 각각 3대, 5대, 7대, 그리고 장애물이 각각 0개, 1개, 3개, 5개인 경우에 대해 이들을 조합한 여러 가지 군집 자율주행상황을 시뮬레이션하였다. It has been importantly recognized that the collision avoidance problem of multiple unmanned vehicles(MUVs) such as UGV, UAV, USV, UUV, Robot, etc. for platoon autonomous navigation in dynamic environments should be implemented basically in multiple agent systems. In the near future, they will be dispatched quickly and carry out their assigned tasks in biochemical contaminated area or dangerous combant areas. When multiple unmanned vehicles form a platoon formation and move from the starting point to the target point, leader-follower formation control that can autonomously navigate is applied. When multiple unmanned vehicles are autonomously driving in clusters, if a dynamic obstacle suddenly appears or there is a fixed obstacle on the driving path, artificial potential is used to avoid them. In order to check the performance of the formation control algorithm for the obstacle avoidance system of multiple unmanned vehicles in ground warfare, in the case of multiple unmanned vehicles with 3, 5, 7, and 0, 1, 3, and 5 obstacles, respectively, various platooning autonomous navigation situations were simulated by combining them.

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