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      • KCI등재

        스포츠용품 인터넷 구매의 위험지각에 관한 연구

        민대환,이승엽,임성택,Min Dai-Hwan,Lee Seung-Yeop,Rim Seong-Taek 한국데이터전략학회 2006 Journal of information technology applications & m Vol.13 No.2

        As the number of Internet users increases, online shopping malls are gradually flourishing and sales are continuously growing. However, since consumers are not able to check what they purchase when buying products on the Internet, they are bound to have higher risk perception than buying directly from off-line stores. Especially, sporting goods require a special attention because a preliminary test is important. Therefore, the risk perception is much higher when people purchase sporting goods online. This study first identifies the multi-dimensionality of risk perception. Then, it investigates whether online purchasing experience of sporting goods makes differences in the level of risk perception. In addition, it examines whether the risk perception by those who had an experience in purchasing sporting goods online affects the customer satisfaction. This study has identified five dimensions in the concept of risk perception, such as financial risk, performance risk, security risk, delivery risk, and psychological/physical risk. A statistical analysis shows that people without an experience in purchasing sporting goods online have perceived significantly higher performance risk, security risk, and psychological/physical risk than those with online purchasing experiences. Finally, this study has found that delivery risk, financial risk, and psychological/physical risk have significant negative influences on the customer satisfaction.

      • 기업CEO의 마이크로 블로그가 소비자 구매의도에 미치는 영향에 대한 연구

        Ning Lu,민대환(Dai Hwan Min),Li Li Wan 한국경영학회 2014 한국경영학회 통합학술발표논문집 Vol.2014 No.8

        참여와 소통 그리고 공유로 대변되는 웹 2.0시대에 들어서 소셜 미디어가 우후죽순처럼 나타났고 사람들은 소셜 미디어를 이용하여 언제 어디서나 실시간으로 의사소통을 할 수 있게 되었다. 결국 소셜 미디어의 대두에 힘입어 전통 매체에서 일방적으로 정보를 소비하던 과거의 소비자들은 이제 소셜 미디어를 활용하여 고유의 컨텐츠를 생산하고 전파하면서 생산자로서의 역할을 수행하고, 또한 의제를 설정하고 여론을 유도함으로써 사회 전반적인 분야에서 자신의 속마음, 혹은 대중의 속마음을 털어놓을 수 있게 되었다.

      • An Evaluation of m-Learning Effectiveness : English Vocabulary Apps in China

        Zang Li ni,민대환(Dai hwan Min) 한국IT서비스학회 2017 한국IT서비스학회 학술대회 논문집 Vol.2017 No.1

        Recently, with the rapid development of mobile technology, English vocabulary learning has entered a new stage. English vocabulary learning might become effective when a mobile app as a MALL (Mobile Assisted Language Learning) tool provides a new platform for learners of English as a foreign language. The purpose of this study is to find out whether the social sharing function and the image function have a positive effect on learning English vocabulary. This study consists of two steps: The first step has surveyed apps for learning English as a foreign language and found twenty-eight apps from app stores. Among them, sixteen apps have features for learning vocabulary. Main design principles of these apps are reward, social comparison sharing, image, self-monitoring, personalization, and reminder. At the second step, this study employs a quasi-experimental method to compare two apps, one with the social sharing function and the other with the image function. A pre-test of 233 middle school students in China was conducted in order to find out their usage of English vocabulary apps. About half of the students have some experiences in apps for English vocabulary learning. Two apps, ZhiMi and LeCi, were selected for a quasi-experiment. Total 134 students participated and were assigned into three groups for the two-month experiment. We are analyzing the learning effectiveness of the social comparison sharing function and the image function of English vocabulary app.

      • KCI등재

        한국 지방자치단체의 전자상거래 유형 분석

        김세훈(Se Hun Kim),민대환(Dai hwan Min) 한국IT서비스학회 2015 한국IT서비스학회지 Vol.14 No.4

        Local governments in Korea are involved in three types of online shopping sites:'direct operation', 'outsourced operation', and 'sales agency.' They are different in terms of the site operator and the charging mechanism among a local government, the site operator, and local producers. This study analyzes their differences in site traffic, local producers' participation, promotion, and partnership. The results from the investigation of 72 shopping sites are the following. First, shopping sites of the 'direct operation' type and the 'outsourced operation' type show significantly higher participation of local producers. Second, the 'marketing agency' type has significantly higher number of promotional activities than the 'oursourced type' which has significantly higher number than the 'direct operation' type. Third, the number of partnerships in the 'marketing agency' type is the highest. The 'direct operation' type is the second and significantly higher than the 'outsourced type.' On the basis of the analysis results, this paper suggests an incubation ecosystem model as a better way of involvement by local governments in online shopping sites.

      • KCI등재

        한국 크라우드펀딩의 법제화에 관한 연구

        남우석(Woo seok Nam),민대환(Dai hwan Min) 한국IT서비스학회 2014 한국IT서비스학회지 Vol.13 No.4

        Since the global financial crisis, funding for startups or ventures has been diminished seriously. In this situation, crowd-funding has attracted worldwide attention as a viable means to financing startups/ventures. After reviewing existing laws in other countries, this study investigated the current status of crowd-funding legalization in Korea and surveyed requirements from three groups of participants to crowd-funding. Investors already recognized the high risk of crowd-funding into startups and asked for the protection of their investment. But, their priorities were on the enlargement of tax benefits and the establishment of a trading market for selling their equity. In addition, investors wanted to shorten the compulsory holding period. Issuers as fund raisers hoped fast legalization, convenient process of crowd-funding, and expansion of government support. Crowd-funding platform operators requested policies for establishing paths to become new growth companies from startups, tax benefits, and the setup of separate fund for startups. Currently, the National Assembly in Korea is holding the discussion on the submitted law. For desirable outcomes to all participants, it would be better to proceed in the following sequence. First, legalize the crowd-funding with clauses protecting investors; Second, encourage investment through tax benefits; Third, develop communities among participants for reducing information asymmetry; And fourth, establish diverse trading markets for selling equities of startups.

      • 암호화폐 시장 허딩 현상: 한·중 투자자 인식비교

        이한(HAN LI),권소연(So-yeon Kwon),민대환(Dai-hwan Min) 한국IT서비스학회 2021 한국IT서비스학회 학술대회 논문집 Vol.2021 No.-

        암호화폐 시장은 분산투자가 가능하고 24시간 투자가 가능한 기능적 장점이 있는 반면 극심한변동성, 취약한 법적 규제, 양질의 정보 부족 등 단점도 있다. 경험이 부족한 개인 투자자는 위험을 제대로 이해하지 못한 채 타인의 영향을 받아 모험투자 하는 허딩 현상이 일어나고 있다. 암호화폐 시장 발전의 지속가능성과 효율성을 제고하려면 허딩 현상이 일어나는 시점의 개인 투자자심리활동을 파악하여 연구할 필요성이 있다. 본 연구는 글로벌 시가총액 기준 상위 5개 메이저 암호화폐 중 비트코인(BTC),이더리움(ETH),리플(XRP)의 시간별,분별 가격자료를 수집하여 CSAD모델을 활용하여 허딩 현상의 존재를 증명하였다. 그 결과 하락장에 허딩 현상이 존재함을 발견하였다. 또한 허딩 현상이 지속되는 기간 한국과 중국 지역의 개인 투자자들의 커뮤니티 활동내용을분석함으로써 허딩 현상이 일어나고 지속되는 요인을 파악하는 데 방향을 제시하였다.

      • KCI등재

        지각된 가치가 온라인 구매후기 작성동기와 구전행동 속도에 미치는 영향에 관한 탐색적 연구

        왕맹맹(Meng-Meng Wang),초수봉(Shu-Feng (Simon) Xiao),민대환(Dai-Hwan Min) 한국무역연구원 2020 무역연구 Vol.16 No.2

        Purpose–The importance of online word of mouth has generated considerable interest among both academics and practitioners. The present study aims to introduce a framework that addresses the factors influencing quick online word of mouth. Specifically, this paper examines the impacts of various motivations of online reviews, which are shaped by different consumer values, on quick online word of mouth. Design/methodology/approach–This study collected survey data from 328 consumers in China and tested the research model using a structural equation approach. Findings - Our results suggest that online review motivations significantly influence the quick online word of mouth among Chinese consumers, which are shaped by consumer values. We conclude that in order to better understand online word of mouth of consumers in the world’s largest emerging market, it might be more beneficial for managers to concentrate on analyzing various motivations that incentivize online consumers to write reviews and the respective consumer values shaping such review motivations. Research implications or Originality–Based on results from a survey sent to online consumers in China, we develop implications for online word of mouth management and research as well as practitioners. One of the most notable contributions of this study is to demonstrate that online review motivations, which are shaped by consumer values, have important impacts on quick online word of mouth. However, different types of online review motivations, which are shaped by different consumer values, exert different effects on quick online word of mouth, suggesting that not all consumer values and online review motivations have the equal effect on quick online word of mouth. We enhance understanding of what drive consumers’ quick online word of mouth, and how consumer values and reviews motivations matter.

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