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      • KCI등재

        산림바이오매스의 지역 에너지 이용의 경제성 분석

        민경택,안현진,변승연,Min, Kyungtaek,An, Hyunjin,Byun, Seungyeon 한국산림과학회 2022 한국산림과학회지 Vol.111 No.1

        이 연구의 목적은 산림바이오매스를 이용한 에너지 시설의 경제적 타당성을 검토한 것이다. 산림청 산림에너지자립마을 사업의 자료를 이용하여 에너지 시설의 운영 수지를 분석하였다. 에너지 시설은 열병합 발전기와 목재칩 보일러로 구성되며 목재칩을 연료로 사용한다. 목재칩은 목재펠릿보다 발열량이 낮지만 가격도 낮다. 시설 운영의 수입은 전기, 열, REC로 구성되며 추가로 화석연료 대체에 의한 탄소배출권을 고려하였다. 비용에는 연료비용과 고정비용이 포함되며, 초기 시설투자는 매몰비용으로 간주하였다. 가동률 55%, 목재칩 가격 95,000원/톤의 조건에서 에너지 시설의 연간 순수입은 양으로 나타났다. 시설 운영의 중요한 요소는 가동률과 연료비용이다. 두 요소를 조정하면서 시뮬레이션한 결과 가동률 50%, 목재칩 가격 100,000원/톤의 조건에서 연간순수입은 음으로 나타났다. 운영 수지를 개선하기 위해 가동률을 올리거나 연료 가격을 낮추는 노력이 필요하다. 탄소배출권을 판매한다면 시설 운영의 수익성을 개선한다. 또, 산림바이오매스의 에너지 이용을 촉진하기 위해 재생에너지로 공급한 열에 가격 보조를 할 필요가 있다. In this study, the economic feasibility of a local energy facility that uses forest biomass as an energy source was assessed. We analyzed profitability using data from the Forest Energy Self-sufficient Village Project financed by the Korea Forest Service. The energy facility has a cogeneration generator and wood chip boiler. Wood chip, which has lower heat value and is cheaper than wood pellets, is used as fuel. Revenue comes from the sale of electricity, heat, and renewable energy certificates. Additionally, we considered the sale of carbon credits as substitutes for fossil fuels. The expenditure consists of fuel costs and fixed costs, and the initial investment is treated as a sunk cost. Under the condition of a 55% operation rate and wood chip price of 95,000 KRW per ton, the annual net revenue is positive. Crucial factors for managing the facility sustainably are operation rate and fuel cost. A simulation in which two factors were changed showed that the annual net revenue is negative with a 50% operation rate and 100,000 KRW per ton of wood chip price. To improve net revenue, an increase in the operation rate or a decrease in the wood chip price is required. Additionally, selling carbon credits will make the operation of the facility more profitable. Furthermore, the payment required to procure wood chips could contribute to the rural economy. To foster the use of forest biomass for energy, the price for heat supplied from renewable energy sources should be subsidized.

      • Herman Melville의 작품에서 제국주의 비판과 인본주의 사상

        민경택 ( Kyungtaek¸ Min ) 현대영미어문학회 2017 현대영미어문학회 춘계학술대회 발표논문집 Vol.2017 No.-

        The purpose of this article is to analyse the critical view of anti-imperialism and humanism revealed in Herman Melville’s works. He shows his critical view of imperialism and materialism increased in the American society during the antebellum period by using an ingenious and multiple narrative strategy in most of his novels. Although Melville is well known as a romantic writer who is mainly active in the romanticism of the 19th century, he reveals his poignant criticism of imperialism expanded in the American society. His anti-imperialism is based on humanism which is penetrated in almost his works. And specially, anti-imperialism and humanism are intimately related to criticism of American society in the 19th century. Melville paradoxically emphasizes humanism through criticism of imperialism and materialism increasing in his contemporary society. Because Melville was very sensitive to American social and political reality, he expressed his points of views in his works directly or indirectly with various literary techniques such as allegory and diverse symbolical values. But sometimes, because of his ambiguous and symbolical narratives, Melville has been misunderstood as an advocate of imperialism by many reviewers. In this paper, it will be revealed how Melville expressed his anti-imperialism and humanism in his works such as Moby-Dick, The Confidence-Man, Billy Budd, and “Bartleby, The Scrivener.” Because Melville felt disgusted by imperialism and materialism widespread in the American society, he thought that humanism was the most important value to be pursued by people in our society.

      • KCI등재

        잭 런던의 『야성의 부름』에 나타난 문명과 자연

        민경택 ( Kyung Taek Min ) 충남대학교 인문과학연구소 2015 인문학연구 Vol.54 No.4

        잭 런던은 미국 자연주의 문학을 대표하는 소설가로서 인간의 비극적인 운명의 원인을 냉혹한 자연환경과 무관심한 우주적 질서 또는 사회의 구조적인 모순과 부조리에서 찾으려고 하였다. 런던은 찰스 다윈의 생물학적 진화론이나 칼 마르크스의 『자본론』과 같은 당시의 혁신적인 자연과학 이론뿐만 아니라 정치와 사회사상에 공감하면서 그러한 관점으로 인간의 삶을 분석하려고 시도하였다. 그는 19세기 말엽과 20세기 초엽의 세계와 미국의 정치, 경제, 사회의 흐름에 민감하였고 특히 실제로 사회당의 일원으로 정치에 참여하기도 하였다. 런던은 그의 대표작인 『야성의 부름』에서 문명과 자연의 대비적인 시각을 통하여 인간 삶에 대한 날카로운 분석과 진단을 보여주고 있다. 또한 그는 동물 주인공인 개 벅을 등장시켜서 인간의 본성과 문명 그리고 자연에 대한 자신의 견해를 드러내고 있다. 그는 인간의 물욕에 대한 비판과 문명의 비합리적인 요소를 벅이 문명에서 자연으로 이동해 가는 과정을 통하여 명쾌하게 보여주고 있다. Jack London, a representative novelist of American naturalism, tried to seek the causes of human beings`` tragic destiny through callous natural environments, indifferent universal order, and social structural inconsistency. London attempted to analyze human beings’ life with the perspectives of Charles Darwin’s biological evolution theory and Karl Marks`` capitalist ideology that were the progressive ideas at the time, and he sympathized with their points of view. Sensitive at the stream of politics, economics, and society in the world and the United States between the late 19th century and the early 20th century, he specially participated in politics as a member of the socialist party. In his masterpiece The Call of the Wild, London showed his astute analysis and diagnosis of human beings life through contrasting views on civilization and nature. He also revealed his opinion of the nature of man, civilization, and nature by putting a dumb animal hero Buck into his novel. He evinced clearly his critique of materialistic worldly-minded people and the irrational aspects of civilization through the process of Buck``s movement from civilization to nature regardless of his will. London continued to probe into the truth of human life and revealed his critical perspective on American society through the literary techniques of naturalism in his other works. Although he asserted that human destiny was mainly influenced by environment, heredity, and chance, he never gave up easily his belief and hope in human beings under any circumstances. He paradoxically emphasized that a warm human love was needed to overcome such absurd and unfavorable conditions rather than violence and hatred in our society.

      • KCI등재

        헤밍웨이의 『무기여 잘 있거라』에 나타난 인간 실존의 부조리성과 단독강화

        민경택 ( Kyung Taek Min ) 충남대학교 인문과학연구소 2011 인문학연구 Vol.38 No.1

        Ernest Hemingway shows his antiwar ideology along with human beings` strong will to overcome absurdity and existential nihility in the most of his novels. A Farewell to Arms is Hemingway`s semi-autobiographical novel based on the events occurred in the battle front between Italy and Austria during the First World War. The book, which was published in 1929, is narrated by a first-person account of American Frederic Henry who serves as an Lieutenant ("Tenente") in the ambulance corps of the Italian Army. Hemingway describes the tragic situation of the first great war in graphic detail to reveal human beings` absurd and existential situations. He shows a lot of real disastrous scenes wrought out of the impersonal and cruel war in which human beings are driven up to an extreme situation without safety and life. As he is sick of the meaningless and cruel war, the protagonist, Frederic Henry, ales to escape from the war front to have a separate peace and a happy new life with his lover, a British nurse, Catherine Barkley. In this book, Hemingway shows two literary levels such as a story concerning the doomed tragic romance between Henry and Catherine, and the impersonal and futile destruction wrought by the war against their romance. Therefore, Hemingway deftly contrasts their love with the cynicism of soldiers and the futility of war to reveal his antiwar thought and human beings` strong will to overcome the absurd situation.

      • KCI등재

        『붉은 무공훈장』과 『무기여 잘 있거라』에 나타난 전쟁과 실존주의 사상

        민경택 ( Min¸ Kyung-taek ) 한국현대영어영문학회 2021 현대영어영문학 Vol.65 No.1

        This paper is to analyze the relationship between war and existentialism in Stephen Crane’s The Red Badge of Courage and Ernest Hemingway’s A Farewell to Arms. As Crane and Hemingway all share a tragic perception of our life and fate, they are especially sensitive to extreme and absurd situations of human existence such as war, fear, and death. In The Red Badge of Courage based on the Civil War, Crane reveals men’s critical and selective situations against the fear of death. In this novel, Crane satirizes the heroic myths of war by using various literary techniques such as ironies, symbols, images of colors, and psychological realism. Like Crane, Hemingway, also, represents the tragic condition of human existence in A Farewell to Arms which is based on his personal experience during the First World War. Frederic Henry, the protagonist, also escapes from the war front for a strong aversion and detestation of war. Unlike Henry Fleming in The Red Badge of Courage, he doesn’t want to be a war hero, but he reveals the absurdity of human destiny by using his unique hard-boiled and understatement style. Even though there are many similarities and differences in their works, it is clear that both Crane and Hemingway show a deep existentialism in their war novels through various literary devices. (Chungnam National University)

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        포우의『낸터킷의 아서 고든 핌의 이야기』: 자전적인 삶과 정체성 탐색의 여행

        민경택 ( Kyung Taek Min ) 한국영미문화학회 2013 영미문화 Vol.13 No.3

        The aim of this study is to analyze Poe`s The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket to reveal his autobiographical elements and search for identity. In The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket, Poe created the narrator and hero, Pym, as his fictional alter ego, and reflected his own autobiographical elements to him. Pym`s friend Augustus Barnard represents Poe`s real brother William Henry Leonard Poe as Augustus is two years older than Pym, the same difference between poe and his elder brother Henry. Also Augustus died at the same date of Henry`s death. Poe attempted to demolish or blur the boundary between reality and fiction to search for his own identity. Pym`s journey toward the Antarctic symbolizes a journey of search for his own identity. Even though this journey seems to be an adventurous journey, it is imaginary or fictitious rather than real and visible. Throughout the journey, Pym is often confronted with many difficulties and mysteries in the boundary between life and death. Pym`s voyage is also an attempt to disintegrate the invisible wall between appearance and reality. In this book, there are many symbolical values and philosophical implications about our life besides Poe`s personal search for identity. Therefore, this work is a philosophical exploration about the inexplicable mistery of our life and nature.

      • KCI등재

        우리나라 산림복합경영의 운영 실태와 시사점

        민경택 ( Kyung Taek Min ),김명은 ( Myeong Eun Kim ) 한국산림경제학회 2014 산림경제연구 Vol.21 No.1

        이 연구는 우리나라 산림복합경영의 실태를 조사하고 이를 활성화하기 위한 정책과제 도출을 목적으로 한다. 우리나라에서 산림복합경영은 임간에 산나물 또는 산양삼을 재배하는 임간재배(forest farming)가 가장 흔한 형태이다. 이러한 형태의 산림복합경영 사업자들을 대상으로 산림 복합경영 재배 품목과 규모 등 일반현황과, 경영실태, 출하와 유통, 정부지원 관련 사항 등에 대하여 조사하였다. 조사 결과 응답자의 54.9%는 현재 산림복합경영이 비교적 잘 운영되고 있다고 응답하였고, 73.8%는 앞으로 경영규모를 더 확대할 계획이라고 하였다. 응답자들은 일반 농업경영과 비교하여 산림복합경영이 ‘더 친환경적’이고 ‘발전가능성이 더 많다’고 판단하고 있으며, 산림복합경영 사업에서 ‘자금 확보’, ‘사업허가 등 행정처리’, ‘노동력 확보’, ‘판로·유동·마케팅’등에서 애로를 겪는 것으로 답변하였다. 따라서 산림복합경영의 활성화를 위해 보조금지원과 산지이용에 대한 규제완화, 행정절차의 간소화 등 제도개선이 필요하다. The objective of this paper is to investigate the management status of agroforestry in Korea and draw the policy implications. Most popular type of agroforestry in Korea is forest farming, the cultivation of high-valued specialty crops including wild ginseng or wild vegetables such as Ligularia fischeri (Ledeb.) Turcz. And Allium microdictyon Prokh. under a forest canopy. We conducted the face-to-face survey to ask the status of agroforestry managed successful and 73.8% is planning to expand their business. In general, reespondents consider the agroforestry to be more environment-friendly and to have more potential to grow compared to the so-called general type general type of agriculture. It shows that they have difficulties in securing funds, labor, and market and following the administrative procedures. Therefore, policy improvements in terms of government subsidy, deregulation on forest utilization and simplification of administrative procedures are quite necessary.

      • KCI등재

        대중국 임산물 수출을 위한 중국 소비자 조사

        민경택 ( Kyung-taek Min ),김명은 ( Myeong-eun Kim ),박미연 ( Meiyan Piao ) 한국산림경제학회 2016 산림경제연구 Vol.23 No.1

        이 연구는 중국의 임산물 시장 동향과 중국 소비자의 임산물 구매 행태를 조사하여 우리 임산물의 대중국 수출확대 방안을 마련하기 위해 수행되었다. 중국 상하이 시의 18세 이상 시민을 모집단으로 설정하여 1,050명을 대상으로 임산물 구매행태와 인식을 조사하였다. 조사 대상임산물은 표고버섯, 밤, 떫은감인데, 이들 품목은 중국에서 소비량이 많아 시장규모가 매우 크다. 한국산 임산물은 중국산과 비교하여 가격 경쟁에서 불리하지만 ‘포장’, ‘안전성’에서 우위에 있는 것으로 평가된다. 또, 한국을 방문한 경험이 있는 소비자들이 한국산 임산물에 호감을 갖는 것으로 평가된다. 따라서, 한국 방문 경험이 있는 중국인들을 타깃으로 하여 위생관리를 철저히 하고 고급스런 포장으로 마케팅하는 것이 중요하다. 임산물 수출특화단지를 중심으로 수출물량을 확보하고, 시식 행사 등 마켓 테스트 사업으로 한국산 임산물 품질의 우수함을 홍보하는 것이 필요하다. The objectives of this study are to survey the Chinese consumers’ purchase behavior and perception about some forest products like shiitake mushroom, chestnut, and astringent persimmon, and to establish the marketing strategy to export the forest products to China. The survey was conducted for 1,050 citizens aged over 18 residing in Shanghai in 2014. Since the three forest products above mentioned are popular food in China, the market potentials of the products are thought to be high. The survey results show that Korean forest products have low competitiveness in price and quality, but high competitiveness in packing and food safety compared to Chinese forest products. Consumers having experience to visit Korea have a favor to Korean forest products. The safe and luxury packing forest products have to be developed targeted to high-income consumers having experience to visit Korea. The export-oriented forest product complex needs to invest in sanitary control for food safety, selection and packing system to produce high-branded forest products. Market testing is also necessary to advertise the high quality of the Korean forest products to Chinese consumers.

      • KCI등재

        한-중 임산물 교역의 분업 · 경쟁관계 분석

        민경택 ( Kyung Taek Min ),장철수 ( Cheol Su Chang ),송성환 ( Seong Hwan Song ),김진경 ( Jin Kyung Kim ) 한국산림경제학회 2011 산림경제연구 Vol.18 No.1

        이 연구의 목적은 한국과 중국 임산물 교역에서 양국의 분업과 경쟁관계를 분석하는 데 있다. 이를 위하여 양국의 임산물 수출입통계를 분석하고 관련된 지수를 계측하였다. 임산물 교역의 분업관계를 분석하는 데에는 산업내무역지수와 무역결합도를, 경쟁관계를 분석하는 데에는 무역특화지수와 시장비교우위지수, 수출유사성지수를 이용하였다. 한국과 중국의 임산물 교역은 상호협력보다는 중국이 일방적으로 수출하는 일방무역의 경향이 강하다. 또한 양국의 임산물 국제경쟁력을 분석한 결과 대부분의 임산물에서 중국은 한국보다 높은 국제경쟁력을 지니고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 따라서 한-중 FTA가 타결되어 임산물 관세가 큰 폭으로 낮아진다면 중국 산 임 산물 수입 이 증가하여 우리 임 업 · 임 산업 의 위 축이 예상된다. The objective of this study is to analyze the division and competition in forest products trade between Korea and China. We used the intra-industry index and trade intensity index to analyze the division of both countries, and used the trade specialization index, market comparative advantage index, and export similarity index o analyze the competition of both countries. The forest products trade between Korea and China shows not the bilateral trade but the unilateral export from China. The analysis on the competition between Korea and China reveals that China has the strong competitiveness in the most forest products. Therefore Korea-China Free Trade Agreement resulting in the tariff reduction or elimination is likely to make Korea forest sector shrinking.

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