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        고전기 아테네에서 시민과 거류외인 간의 관계

        문혜경 ( Moon Hye-gyoung ) 한국서양고대역사문화학회(구 한국서양고대사학회) 2020 서양고대사연구 Vol.58 No.-

        본 논문은 고전기 아테네에서 아테네 시민과 거류외인간의 관계를 조명하는데 있다. 투키디데스는 아테네를 외부인들에게 개방된 도시로 기술했다. 아테네는 많은 경제적 기회가 있었으며, 이러한 점에서 단기적인 방문보다는 아테네에 장기간 거주하는 것이 요구되었다. 거류외인에 해당되는 그리스어 메토이코스(metoikos)는 주어진 일수, 아마도 30일 정도 체류한 후에 다양한 의무를 져야하는 자를 말한다. 거류외인은 특정한 세금인, 거류외인세(metoikion)를 납부해야 했다. 그것은 고정된 인두세로 성인 남성에게는 매달 1 드라크마, 독립여성에게는 절반의 드라크마였다. 아티카의 거류외인의 수가 상당하다는 점을 감안한다면 이 세금으로 인한 국가의 연간 수입은 무시할 수 없는 수준이었다. 거류외인은 또한 법적으로 아테네시민 보호자(prostates)가 있어야 했으며, 그들은 육군에서 중장보병으로 혹은 해군에서 노잡이로 봉사하였다. 거류외인은 토지를 소유할 수 없었고, 대신 토지를 임대하여 사용하였으며, 대부분 상업과 제조업에서 일을 했다. 그들은 또한 민회에 참석해서 투표할 수 없으며, 배심원으로 혹은 관리로 봉사할 수 없었다. 이처럼 고전기 아테네에서 거류외인은 법률적 취약성에도 불구하고, 투키디데스 구절(1.143.1)과 아리스토파네스의 『아카르나이 구역민들』 507-508에서 거류외인의 필요성을 반영하고 있다. 그들은 아테네 도시 구성원으로서 시민과 함께 재정적ㆍ군사적ㆍ종교적인 면에서 활발한 활동을 하였다. 아테네 시민들은 일반적으로 거류외인과 친숙했고, 그들과 함께 공적 제전(판아테나이아, 도시 디오니시아 축제)에 참석하면서 거류외인과 함께 공존하였다. 이러한 축제 참여는 시민과 거류외인 간의 유대관계를 강화할 수 있는 사회적 관계망으로 작용하였다. 한편 아테네인들은 기원전 451년/0년에 이민자들에게 시민권을 주지 않기로 결정했다. 따라서 아테네 국가는 451/0년에 페리클스의 시민권 법이 통과되면서 거류외인의 지위를 처음으로 규정했다. 거류외인은 정치적 권리를 요구하는 것 보다 그 도시에 자신을 적응시켜 정치와 문화가 발전한 아테네에 거주하도록 허락한 폴리스에 순응하려는 경향이 더 큰 것으로 보인다. This article analyzes the relationships between the Athenian citizens and the resident aliens in classical Athens. Thucydides says that Athens was a city open to outsiders. Athens had lots of economic opportunities, but in this respect, for success it required a long-term residence, rather than short-term visits. A metoikos, the Greek word for resident aliens, is a person who after a sojourn of a given number of days, probably 30, is supposed to be liable to various obligations. They had to pay a particular tax, the metoikion(the tax on the metoikos), which was a fixed poll-tax of 1drachma per month for a man, and half a drachma for an independent woman. It is considered that the number of metoikos in Attica was substantial, and the annual income of the state from this tax was not negligible either. Each resident alien also had to have an Athenian citizen patron(prostates), as his legal representative. They also served in the land army as heavy infantry soldiers or as rowers in the navy. The metoikos were not allowed to own land, but instead used it on lease. They also worked mostly in trade and manufacture. They could not vote in the Assembly, or serve as a dikastes or as a magistrate. Despite the legal vulnerability of the metoikos in classical Athens, the Thucydides passage(1.143.1) and Aristophanes, Acharnians(507-8) seem to reflect the necessity of the metoikos. The Athenians were generally familiar with the metoikos, and they coexisted with them every day, attending the public festival(Panathenaia, City Dioysia festival) with them. This participation in the festivals is important, because it can reveal a context in which citizens and metoikos moved in each other’s social networks and strengthened their ties with one another. Meanwhile, the Athenians decided to deny citizenship to immigrants, in 451/0. B.C. Thus, the Athens polis first defined the status of resident aliens when Perikles’ citizenship law was passed. Even if the resident aliens did not have citizenship, they seemed more inclined to adapt themselves to the city than to demand political rights.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        도시 디오니시아 축제와 아테네 민주정치

        문혜경(Hye-Gyoung Moon) 한국서양고전학회 2014 西洋古典學硏究 Vol.53 No.2

        본 논문은 고전기 아테네에서 도시 디오니시아 제식행사와 아테네 민주정치 간의 상호관련성을 탐구하고자 하였다. 고전기 아테네에서 가장 특징적인 제도중의 하나는 디오니소스를 숭배하는 도시적 축제였다. 도시 디오니시아 축제는 엘레우테라이에서 온 디오니소스의 첫 도착을 재연하는 것이었다. 도시 디오니시아는 매해 엘라우테라이의 디오니소스를 아테네로 모셔와 영접하고 신을 즐겁게 해드리려는 목적으로 도시의 중심부에서 거행된 축제의식이었다. 이 축제는 신을 영접하는 축제의 핵심인 경연 이전 식전행사에 해당하는 프로아곤과 전체 축제에 해당하는 경연인 아곤으로 분리되어 진행된다. 즉 신의 영접(eisagoge), 디오니소스의 나무상을 들고 희생제를 치르기 위한 디오니소스 성소까지의 종교적 행렬(pompe), 저녁에 축하 잔치(komos)형태로 구성되며, 비극과 희극의 드라마 경연(agone)으로 진행되었다. 연극경연 전 아테네인들은 도시 디오니시아의 종교적 제식에 전쟁고아의 완전무장한 갑옷을 입고 펼친 행진, 동맹시에서 온 공물전시, 명예의 관수여 등 도시적 행사를 추가하면서 통합된 데모스의 이상을 표출 하였던 것이다. 도시 디오니시아는 민주적 폴리스 삶 안에서 민주적 체제를 유지한 도시적 행사였으며 디오니소스적 제식이 함축된 축제였다. 도시 디오니시아는 아테네인들의 자의식의 성장을 보여주는 동시에 도시의 권위 그리고 정치적 우월성을 도시적 행사를 통해 표현했으며, 민주정 체제 속에서 국가와 개인 시민간의 상호간의 의무와 유대관계 형식인 선행과 감사를 통한 ‘보여주는 행사’였던 것이다. 도시 디오니시아 축제가 열리는 며칠 동안은 인간과 디오니소스 신간의 만남과 소통을 통한 기쁨과 즐거움 속에서 환희와 해방감을 누린 디오니소스 축제였다. This paper is focused on examining the correlations between the City Dionysia festival and democracy in the Classical Athens. One of the most characteristic institutions of classical Athens was its civic celebration in honor of Dionysus. This festival is a reenactment of the original advent of Dionysus from Eleutherai. The focus of the festival is in the centre of the city. This core was the reception and welcoming of the Dionysus god. It is the City Dionysia that is focused on the reception of Dionysus. Its celebration included processions, choral competitions, sacrifice, feasting, revelry, and dramatic competitions. There is a preparatory day for the festival on which a proagon was held. The main festival"s proagon involved eisagoge, and a pompe, komos, then there were agones, which involved tragedies and comedies. The proagon is the core of the festival, and the whole festival apart from the agones. Before the performances began, agones, the Athenians staged still more civic rituals: the libation offered by the generals; the passing-out parade of the orphans of the war-dead, who had been brought up at the state"s expense; the handing over of the tribute brought by the allies, in the time of the Delian League; the proclamation of honours voted to distinguished foreigners and Athenians. These ceremonies occurred at the City Dionysia. The festival provided a good opportunity for the display of Athens" civic pride in the presence of a large audience of citizens and visiting foreigners. During the period of Athens" greatest dominance the Dionysia provided an occasion for the city to celebrate its power, display its wealth and proclaim its vitality both to its own citizens and to foreign visitors. The most important feature of City Dionysia festival is essentially Dionysiac event and closely linked to the life of the democratic polis. Festivals are linked to civic consciousness and serve to celebrate Athens" identity, freedom and power. The festival was a magnificent, enormous, politically significant undertaking and was recognized as such in the Athenian civic self-image. I think that the City Dionysia festival understood as a delight, enjoyment, and for a few days at least, the integration of all members of the community. In the theater, before performances began obviously represents, in symbolic form, the benefaction/gratitude of relations between citizen and city on display at this festival.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI우수등재
      • KCI등재

        펠로폰네소스 전쟁 초 아테네 역병과 그 충격

        문혜경 ( Hye Gyoung Moon ) 대구사학회 2007 대구사학 Vol.87 No.-

        The plague of Athens broke out in 430 B.C. and raged ferociously during that year and the next, it subsided and then broke out again in 427 B.C., wiping out about one third of the population of the city. In the early summer of the second year of the war the Peloponnesians invaded Attica and laid waste to the country, whose inhabitants took refuge within the Long Walls and the city consequently became severely overcrowded. The plague concerns the matter of personal cleanliness and hygiene of the inhabitants. There was no effective treatment, either by physicians` care, or by prayer or prophesy. The Athenians gave up hope. People began to live for the moment, disregarding all laws, sacred and profane. The impact of the Athenian plague was a significant depletion of the city`s human resources. As well as the impact of the plague was its effects on the quality of political leadership at Athens. The plague reinforced existing anomie. The plague reveals manifestations of social dislocation and the collapse of the moral order. This is a series of violent contrasts between the control, stability, order, and harmony of Athens as suggested in Pericles` Funeral Oration and its almost total inversion during the plague. The plague fostered an environment that unraveled the spiritual tapestry of Greece`s greatest city. The plague may have compromised the delicate and essential balance between private interests and the public good, before the plague. Physicians suggested a number of possibilities - smallpox, typhus, bubonic plague, measles, ergotism. But none of these fits the symptoms precisely. In spite of Thucydides` detailed report, no one could match the symptoms to a modern diagnosis. The Athenian plague was manifestly epidemic. I have been point out that Thucydides focus on lawlessness, sacrilege, and the demoralization of Athenian society during the plague. The Plague, in determining the course of human events, may be one of the least considered historical variables. The plague was a disease which still exists today. But the plague altered the flow of all subsequent Greece history.

      • KCI등재

        델포이 신탁과 피티아의 기능

        문혜경 ( Moon Hye-gyoung ) 한국서양고대역사문화학회 ( 구 한국서양고대사학회 ) 2012 서양고대사연구 Vol.32 No.-

        본 논문은 플루타르코스의 기록을 중심으로 고대 그리스에서 델포이 신탁의 정치적ㆍ사회적ㆍ종교적 의미를 고찰하고 델포이 신탁의 제식절차와 예언과정에서 나타나는 피티아의 황홀경에 빠진 심리상태를 탐구하는데 있다. 델포이 신탁은 기원전 8세기부터 시작하여 식민시 건설시기를 통하여 기원전 6세기에 최고조의 명성을 얻었고, 기원전 5-4세기에도 여전히 국제적 명성을 유지하였다. 델포이 아폴론 신탁은 고대 그리스인의 신앙의 대상으로써 뿐만 아니라 종교적 중심지로써 더 나아가 정치적으로 공적 논의를 이끌어 내는 중심 역할을 하였다. 델포이 신탁은 고대 그리스인들에게 인간과 신이 소통할 수 있는 메커니즘으로 활용되었을 뿐 아니라 인간이 만들어낸 하나의 제도였던 것이다. 델포이 신탁의 주된 기능은 제우스의 아들인 아폴론 신의 예언이라는 점과 그 예언으로 인해 신탁의 정확성에 신뢰감을 가져 그리스 인들에게 믿음을 초래하였다는 점이다. 고대 그리스인들은 피티아의 모호하고 다중적인 응답의 형식을 채택하고 고안해 냈으며 이러한 형식을 채택한 것은 사회적 변혁에 순응하는 그들 나름대로의 세계관적 방법이었던 것이다. 플루타르코스가 언급한 아로마 향 냄새는 델포이 지역에서 발산하는 유독가스 일 수 있으며 나아가 신탁의 제례의식에서 사용하는 또 다른 상징적 장치이며 도구로 보인다. 그리스인들은 그 제식과정을 합리적으로 설명하고 이해할 수 없는 신비로운 현상으로 간주하였으며, 아폴론 신이 피티아의 몸으로 대체되어 영험력을 발휘한다고 여겨 델포이 신탁을 절대적이고 결정적으로 수용하였던 것이다. 그리스인들은 초자연적인 신과의 영적교류를 통하는 방식으로 델포이 신탁을 신뢰하였으며 나아가 델포이 신탁은 그 시기 사람들의 종교적 수단으로 활용되었던 것이다. This article is focused on analyzing the Delpoi oracle and function of Pythia in the Ancient Greece. In the eighth century Delpoi grew in importance as the Greek world began to expand and communities looked outwards. By the sixth century the sanctuary had become one of the unquestioned centers of the Greek world. The early sixth century were open to all Greeks. The sanctuary become more splendid as cities from all over the Greek world made dedications there. The good faith of the oracle was generally accepted by the Greeks. As a result of which Delphoi achieved her position of prestige and consequent credibility. This acceptance of oracles was considerably weakened in the course of the fifth century, firstly by the failure of Delphoi in the Persian Wars and secondly by the critique of the Sophistis. But the Delphoi oracle continued. The analysis of Greeks consultations of Delphoi has divided them into categories that involved political, military and diplomatic issues ad well as religions, private individuals ones. The oracle provided confirmation. The normal policy of the oracles seems to have been conciliatory. The oracles traditionally set the seal of absolute rightness on a crucial collective decision. Arguments about the interpretation of particular oracles are so common as to suggest that Greeks are not a byproduct but an essential part of the institution's working. Apollo's temple at Delphoi, the divinatory ritual was figured as an impregnation of the Pythias by Apollo. The ancient Greeks understood Apollo's possession as an impregnation of the Pythias. The Pythias did not provide obvious answers to clients' dilemmas. The Pythias ambiguius speech was not merely a respresentational strategy. The Pythias were simply faithful translators of Apollo who enabled a conversation, between male clients and a male god. The Pythia's speech may seem to conform to the dominant ideology of their society. The Pythias tethered their mantic authority to their mantic ambiguity and forged a way to accommodate their male clients, Apollo and themselves. As the possessed and chosen instrument of Apollo, she was the conduit of divine knowledge. The Delphoi oracle's chief claim to fame was the moral and intellectual influence that it exerted. Therefore, the conclusions is that the Delphoi remained important in the work of intellectuals of the fifth and fourth centuries as a source of divine wisdom and guidance.

      • KCI우수등재
      • KCI우수등재

        서양사 속의 평화 ; 펠로폰네소스 전쟁 중 평화협정의 의미 -니키아스 평화협정과 리더십-

        문혜경 ( Hye Gyoung Moon ) 한국서양사학회 2011 西洋史論 Vol.0 No.108

        This article is focused on examining the meaning of peace in the Peloponnesian War. In March of 421, after ten years of a devastating, disruptive, and burdensome war, the Athenians and the Spartans made peace on behalf of themselves and to those of their allies for whom they could speak, Weariness, the desire for peace, the desire of the Athenians to restore their financial resources, the Spartans` wish to recover their men taken prisoner at Sphacteria in 425 B. C. and to restore order and security to the Peloponnesus, the removal by death in battle of the leading advocate of war in each city. The Greeks hoped would bring end to the great war. The peace has borne the name of Nicias. In fact, the peace lasted no more than eight years, form the spring of 413, the Sicilian expedition. Nicias` reputation for extraordinary piety further strengthened his appeal to the Athenians. Thucydides treats Nicias too sympathetically and should show sympathy for one of his characters. Plutarch`s comment on Nicias` vulnerability was that his cowardice was a source of income for the ratbags (Nicias 4.3). Nicias could appreciate the difficulty both of controlling the Athenians demos, at whose hands he had suffered banishment, and of conducting a blockade at Syracuse. Nicias does not achieve political success because he does not understand the nature of politics. Nicias is clever but is not wise a leader. Nicias` record indicates himself a man prone to fear of failure. He was one of the unfortunate psychological casualties of Athenian democracy. Nicias certainly was the leader of the Moderates, and his attitude toward peace was that of a statesman who, while deploring war, never sacrificed the honor or interests. Thucydides did not only present the political man but as a tragic warner.

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