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      • KCI등재

        再入院한 精神分裂症 患者의 症狀의 變化

        文哲焄 大韓神經精神醫學會 1977 신경정신의학 Vol.16 No.4

        The auther analized the frequencies of presenting symptoms seen in the readmitted schizophrenic patients who received in-patient psychiatric treatment at the Chonnam University Medical School from March 1974 to February 1977 for the purpose of studying schizophrenic symptom change over two hospitalizations. The followings were the results; 1) The most frequent symptom was insomnia over two hospitalizations (91.3% in first admission, 86.3% in readmission). Job ineffectiveness was the next in frequency. 2) Characteristic schizophrenic symptoms such as withdrawal tendency, bizarre behavior and auditory hallucination showed significant decrease in frequency with rehospitalization. But delusion showed high frequency through two hospitalizations. 3) The most frequent subtype was pranoid schizophrenia with increasing tendency on readmission (38.8% in first admission, 46% in readmission). Catatonic type showed decreasing frequency in rehospitalization.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        精神分裂症의 發病 : 初期 症狀을 중심으로

        李武石,文哲焄,柳在滿 大韓神經精神醫學會 1975 신경정신의학 Vol.14 No.4

        In order to study on the early symptoms of schizophrenea, the authors analized the early symptoms, complained of by the schizophrenics themselves and by their relatives, from 80 cases of schizophrenics(male ; 50, female ;30, mean age; 27.4 years old, mean duration from onset to treatment; 13.6 months) who were admitted to the department of Neuro-Psychiatry, Chonnam University Hospital. These symptoms were classified to 7 subgroups such as disorders of behavior, emotion, thought, social adjustment, perception, consciousness and somatic symptoms. The results were as follows. 1. In the behavior disorders (92.5%), impulsive behavior (33.8%), decreased activity and withdrawl (23.4%) were relatively higher rate. 2. In the emotional disorders (86.3%), depression (30.4%) anxiety (27.5%) and apathy (23.2%) were more common. 3. In the thought disorders (80%), disorders of thought content (55.7%) was most common, and disorders of thought formation (26.6%) and thought progression (12.5%) were less common. 4. In somatic complaints (71.3%), sleep disturbance (73.7%) was most common. 5. In the disturbances of social adjustment (27.5%), disorders of school adjustment (59.1%) were more common than occupational maladjustment (40.9%). 6. In the perceptual disorders (20%), disorders of body-percept (31.3%) were more common than disorders of visual percept (18.8%), auditory hallucination (6.3%), olfactory hallucination (12.5%). 7. Seven and half percent of all cases complained of "Unable to concentration".

      • 남북 문화유산의 교류협력 현황과 과제

        정은찬(Jeong, Eun-Chan),문철훈(Moon, Chul-Hoon) 중원대학교 인문사회과학연구소 2017 인문사회과학연구 Vol.3 No.1

        이 글은 남북 문화유산 교류협력의 필요성과 과제를 분석하는데 목적을 두었다. 문화유산 교류협력은 남북한 주민들이 실제 생활에서 정서적인 공감대를 형성할 수 있게 하는 분야이다. 문화유산은 남북 주민의 삶을 통해 같은 역사, 같은 문화 속에서 형성된 것이며, 감정이나 유대감이 담겨 있는 자산이다. 때문에 서로 공유할 수 있는 부분이 많으며 이념이나 정치적 의도에 의해서 영향 받을 가능성도 적다. 남북한 간 문화유산에 대한 인식이나 관리방식에서는 현재 차이를 보이고 있다. 그럼에도 그동안 남북 문화유산 교류협력은 일정한 성과를 거두어왔다. 그러나 본격적으로 활성화되지 못하였으며, 향후 남북한 주민의 동질성 회복을 위해 적극 추진해야 할 과제를 안고 있다. 무엇보다 교류협력의 범위와 내용을 확대하고 북한의 문화유산 보호를 위한 남한의 물질·기술적 지원, 교류협력을 위한 인프라 구축, 민간단체와의 협조체계 등이 필요한 상황이다. 최근 북한은 문화유산발굴과 보호에 적극적인 관심을 보이고 있다. 김정은의 담화 발표, 법제정, 문화유산 유네스코 등재, 문화유산 관리 우수자 표창 등의 노력들은 교류협력 활성화 가능성이 보이는 부문이다. 물론, 남북이 문화유산을 바라보는 시각에 차이가 적지 않아 분단현실을 실감하게 하는 부분도 많다. 그럼에도 우리는 점진적으로 문화유산 교류협력을 확대하면서 북한지역의 문화유산 보존에 관심을 가져야 한다. 남북 문화유산 교류협력이 궁극적으로 통일로 나아가는 중요한 역할을 할 수 있고, 통일 이후 남북한 주민 간의 갈등을 줄이는데도 기여할 수 있을 것이다. This essay discusses the necessity and tasks of the South-North exchange and cooperation in cultural heritage. The South-North cultural heritage is an area which can form a sentimental sharing between the South and North residents as it was formed through the same history and culture and is still experienced in their daily life. It is definitely a valuable asset which can be shared to a great extent for the sentiments and fellowship embedded in it. This field also has little risks of being influenced by political purposes or ideologies. Thus, promoting the exchange and cooperation in the field of cultural heritage seems appropriate and urgent. Although there has been differences in the awareness and management of cultural heritage between the South and North, the exchange and cooperation has made some accomplishment. However, there are several tasks we need to solve in order for activating the exchange and cooperation. Expansion of scope and content of the exchange and cooperation; material and technical support from the South for preserving the cultural heritage in the North; building infrastructure for the exchange and cooperation; and liaison with private organizations are the necessary tasks. Recently, the North has showed positive interest for excavating and protecting the cultural heritage. Jung-eun Kim"s announced statements, legislation, UNESCO registration, commendation of excellent cultural heritage management are among the efforts. These efforts suggest that there is a great potential for invigorating the exchange and cooperation. As a matter of fact, differences between the perspectives on the cultural heritage between the South and North cannot be overlooked. Despite that, we should gradually enlarge the exchange and cooperation for cultural heritage and pay close attention to the preserving the cultural heritage in the North region. Ultimately, the exchange and cooperation for the cultural heritage between the South and North can play a great role in progressing towards unification and it also can contribute to reducing conflicts among residents after unification.

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