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        주차건물의 조형특성 변화에 관한 연구

        문은미 한국기초조형학회 2006 기초조형학연구 Vol.7 No.4

        현대도시에서 자동차 없는 삶을 생각하기 힘들듯이 주차건물 또한 현대 자동차도시에서 도 시환경의 일부로 고려되어야한다. 그러나 주차건물은 경제적, 기능적 해결의 측면에서만 다 루어져 왔기 때문에 주변 환경과 도시미관을 저해하는 대상으로 간주되어 왔다. 본 연구는 자동차와 건축의 새로운 공생과 통합의 관계를 모색하고자 주차건물을 연구 대상으로 하여 주차건물의 역사적인 고찰과 조형 특성 및 변화를 연구하였다. 주차건물은 당대의 기계기 술의 수준, 건축 및 예술운동에 영향을 받으면서 발전하고 변화하여왔다. 주차건물은 도입 초기인 1920년대 초까지는 주로 아파트나 백화점, 공장과 같은 외관을 갖추고 있었으며 1930년대에는 오픈데크 주차장, 옥상주차장, 지하주차장, 기계식 주차건물 등의 다양한 유 형이 발달한 시기이다. 특히 수평선을 강조하는 오픈데크 형식의 주차장은 오늘날까지도 주차건물의 전형이 되고 있다. 현대 주차건물의 조형특성은 크게 도시적 모뉴먼트로서의 대규모 주차구조물, 포스트모던시대의 운전자와의 커뮤니케이션을 시도하는 대형 그래픽 스크린 파사드를 가지는 주차건물, 다양한 재료와 주변 환경과의 조화를 고려한 지역특성 을 반영한 주차건물, 자동차의 움직임과 속도감을 조형적으로 표현한 주차건물, 자동차를 숨기는 또는 정반대로 자동차를 디스플레이하는 기계식 주차건물의 등장으로 요약할 수 있 다. 이 연구는 주차건물이 관습적인 계획방식에서 벗어나 도시경관 개선에 기여할 수 있는 다양한 가능성과 새로운 방향을 모색하는 계기가 될 것으로 기대한다. The research studies on the changes and characteristics of parking structure forms in history In order to find a way of collaboration and harmony between automobiles and architectures. Parking structures have developed under the influence of technical changes and art and architectural movements. In the 1920's, which were the beginning of the automobile age, parking structures looked like apartment, department store, and factory buildings. In 1930's, the forms of parking structures had developed into open-deck parking, rooftop parking, underground parking and even mechanical parking forms. Open-deck parking system especially became a standard form of parking system with horizontal visual characteristics until today. Today, parking structures have characteristics as follows; 1) a huge urban monumental character in scale, 2) a building with super graphic signage which can communicate with drivers, 3) a building reflecting various local characteristics, 4) a building which expresses mobility and dynamism of cars, and 5) a form of mechanical parking tower which can hide or display the presence of cars. This study intends to guide various forms and instructions of parking structure design, and eventually improve urban environment.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        디자인 교육 동영상 개발을 위한 유튜브 콘텐츠 조사 분석

        문은미 한국실내디자인학회 2019 한국실내디자인학회논문집 Vol.28 No.6

        This study investigates and analyzes video contents on YouTube in order to examine the possibility to build e-learning programs for interior design. The study has started on the current awareness that e-learning based on YouTube will change the conventional framework of university education which constrains space, time, and students. Now, on internet based e-learning, education opens to any one, any time, and any place. The study selects 23 YouTube channels for interior design topics and 195 top videos from selected channels. The contents of the videos are sorted into 7 areas and details, which are design planning, design process and method, space type, space design, details, construction, and others in reference to the NCS(National Competency Standards) Learning Module. And then the study analyzes the contents based on the keywords of playlists and the titles of the videos of the YouTube channels as well as examines six criteria of e-learning, which are utility, onsite, up-to-dateness, vividness, customization, and interactivity. The study finds that the most of the contents are about DIY and home tours, while some channels specialize in furniture, styling, construction and tours. The study also finds that the video lengths of the most contents are between 5 minutes and 10 minutes, while some of them are about 20 minutes or longer. The contents as viewing the design built-up step by step demonstrate useful educational tools to narrow down the gap between design education and practice. Moreover, YouTube videos with fast-paced speed produce in the various forms, including documentary, variety shows, and mixed formats, as well as common lecture formats. As a conclusion, this study finds that YouTube videos can apply to make an educational video for interior design, as they have the flexible lengths of the video, the diverse composition of the video due to the subjects, speedy editing strategy especially which is a strength in mobile-oriented media environment as well as current students’ satisfaction. The study suggests that guidelines are needed to build to the videos of YouTube for educational uses since the videos tends to simplify complex design process into short format and to orient contents into entertainment which can give interior design a limited view.

      • 시편의 구성적 접근을 통한 시편 제4권의 이해

        문은미 한국신학정보연구원 2009 Canon&Culture Vol.3 No.2

        This study aims to read the psalms(90-106) of Book Ⅳ in the Psalter with a holistic view. For understanding Book Ⅳ as a coherent whole, this paper investigates the message and function of each psalm in the relation of the neighboring psalms, and for the structure and message of the whole Book. In succession to Psalm 89 dealing with the failure of the Davidic dynasty, Psalm 90, as an introduction to Book Ⅳ, not only introduces various themes developed in the Book, but also provides the following psalms with the historical context of exile. Psalms 90-92 and 94 disclose the themes of human frailty in contrast to Yahweh’s eternal kingship in relation to the exilic situation. Psalms 93 and 95-100, the Yahweh-kingship psalms, manifest that the affirmation of Yahweh’s kingship is grounded on creation, and that his kingship is to attested through salvation of his people and judgment on the nations. Psalms 101-102 anticipate the return from exile. Psalms 103-104, as twin psalms, each focus Yahweh’s kingship through salvation in history and through creation. Psalm 103 celebrates the deliverance of Yahweh, that is, the return from exile, and Psalm 104 manifests the meaning of the exile through ‘the process of renewal’-death and life. Both psalms help the people of Israel overcome the exile, the major crisis in their faith. That is the purpose of Book Ⅳ. Thus, Psalms 103 and 104 function as a pivot in understanding the Book. Psalms 105-107 apply ‘the way of renewal’ to Israel’s history. This history emphasizes Yahweh’s dsh comparing Yahweh’s faithfulness to Israel’s faithlessness in the framework of the covenant relationship. The purpose of history is to advise the post-exilic community to open a new generation of obedience proper to the covenant relationship, not to repeat the history of disobedience like their former generations. 이 소고는 전체론적 관점으로 시편 4권의 시들을 이해하려는 시도로, 시편 90편부터 106편까지의 시들의 상관성과 각 시의 위치에 따른 기능, 시편 4권의 전체적인 구성과 메시지를 살펴보려는 것이다. 다윗 왕조의 멸망을 선언하는 시편 89편에 뒤이어 시편 90편은 서론으로 앞으로 4권에서 전개될 주제들을 소개하며 4권의 역사적 배경이 포로기라고 제시한다. 시편 90-92, 94편은 포로 상황에 관련하여 인간의 유한성과 여호와의 영원한 절대 주권을 강조한다. 여호와의 통치를 선포하는 시편 93, 95-100편은 여호와의 왕권이 이스라엘에 국한되지 않고 창조에 근거하고 있으며, 포로 된 이스라엘을 구원하고 열방을 심판하여 그의 통치를 땅 끝까지 알릴 것을 말한다. 시편 101-102편은 포로 귀환을 예견한다. 시편 103-104편은 구속과 창조를 나란히 배열한다. 시편 103편은 포로 귀환을 노래하고 있으며, 시편 104편은 모든 만물을 창조하시고 유지하시는 여호와의 “새롭게 하심(죽음과 생명)”으로 포로와 포로 귀환의 의미를 설명한다. 이를 통해서 이스라엘 백성이 그들의 믿음의 큰 위기인 포로 상황을 이해하며 극복할 수 있도록 하려는 것이 시편 4권의 핵심 메시지이다. 시편 105-107편의 이스라엘의 구원 역사는 여호와와 이스라엘의 언약 관계에 근거하여 이스라엘은 신실하지 못한 반면, 여호와는 이스라엘 모든 세대에게 신실하게 헤세드(dsh)를 베푸셨음에 초점을 맞춘다. 시편 107:43은 여호와의 헤세를 깨달으라고 권면하면서 포로 귀환까지의 역사 서술을 마친다. 시편 105-107편의 역사는 ‘죽음을 거쳐 생명으로 새롭게 된’ 포로 후기 세대에게 여호와의 헤세드에 합당하게 반응하여 열조들처럼 불순종의 역사를 반복하지 말고 언약 관계에 합당한 순종의 새 세대를 열어 가기를 권면하고 있다. 시편 4권의 의도는 포로 상황이라는 큰 믿음의 위기를 극복하기 위한 메시지를 주려는 것이다.

      • 노동자원으로서의 섹슈얼리티 연구 : 이십대 행사도우미를 중심으로 A Case Study of 'Event-Dowoomi'

        문은미 성신여자대학교 한국여성연구소 2002 여성연구논총 Vol.3 No.-

        This thesis explores how 'female jobs' are constructed and structured in labour market, by presenting a case study of 'event-dowoomi' which comes to the fore recently as a 'female promising job'. This study focuses on the social conditions where 'female jobs' are highlighted as a breakthrough for the solution to the problem of women employment in labour market contracted by economic recession in the late 1990s. In this social context, the followings will be explained : the marginalization of women s labor in labour market; what correlations female sexuality has with in the labour of unmarried women in their twenties. To begin with, this thesis deals with various discourses of the unmarried female (especially in twenties) marginalization in labour market. Then, it explains the operating mechanism of female sexuality in relation to such discourses. What influences women s experiences of the marginalized labour have on the ways of unmarried women in their twenties is also discussed. Based of them, this thesis finally reveals the ways of how female sexuality as the precondition of female jobs is accepted in our society and analyses how female jobs are socially stuructured. The results of my analysis are as following. First, 'event-dowoomi' is a 'female job', which is based on female/feminine characteristics. The unstable employment patterns derived from this make possible the irregular forms of temporary, part-time, and delegate jobs. Secondly, because the job of 'event-dowoomi' is unstable in employment and marginalized in labour market, women's experiences of even-helper make women value wage itself rather than its labour quality and their sense of accomplishment in the job. The wage-oriented tendency: which is very dangerous but natural, makes the labour category of 'event-dowoomi' ambiguous, because how much they are paid, not the content or kind of work, becomes a major variable to determine the value of the job. Thirdly, the precondition of 'event-dowoomi' as a female job is female sexuality. This becomes the cause that youth, beauty, heterosexual services, and labor of forgrounding female 'body' are naturally regarded as the characters of 'event-dowoomi' labour. Fourthly, in this way, these serve to marginalize women's labour force in labor market by functioning to get the idea widely-accepted that the labour, whose source is female sexuality, makes us see women's labour as simple and temporary human labour force to be thrown away after using. These can be a serious threat to women s right of labour. 'Female jobs' as the labour whose source is female sexuality function to normalize women's experiences of labour and thus are a powerful way of controlling women and of accepting other mechanisms.

      • KCI우수등재
      • KCI등재후보

        대학생의 진로타협과 진로관여행동의 관계에서 진로결정자기효능감의 매개효과

        문은미,남광석 한국교류분석상담학회 2018 교류분석상담연구 Vol.8 No.2

        The study is to confirm the mediation of career decision-making self-efficacy in the relationship between career compromise and occupational engagement behavior of University students. For this purpose, a questionnaire survey has been implemented for 278 University students in order to measure the level of career compromise, career decision-making self-efficacy, and occupational engagement behavior. The data analysis analyzed the mediation effects of career decision-making self-efficacy using SPSS 22.0 and Amos 18.0. The results of this study were as Fllows: First, the Career compromise is found to have a significant effect on the sense of Career decision-making self-efficacy. In other words, the higher the level of Career compromise, the lower the sense of path Career decision-making self-efficacy. Second, it was found that Career decision-making self-efficacy has a significant static effect on the Occupational engagement behavior. In other words, it was found that the higher the Career decision-making self-efficacy, the higher the Occupational engagement behavior. Third, it was found that the sense of Career decision-making self-efficacy is playing a complete role in the relationship between the Career compromise and Occupational engagement behavior. In other words, Career compromise has an has an influence on Occupational engagement behavior through Career decision-making self-efficacy. This suggests that intervention in career counseling and career map scenes of college students in the face of the career compromise situation is necessary to promote their career deciding self-efficacy. 본 연구에서는 대학생의 진로타협과 진로관여행동의 관계에서 진로결정자기효능감의 매개효과를 확인하고자 하였다. 이를 위해 대학생 278명을 대상으로 진로타협, 진로결정자기효능감, 진로관여행동 수준을 측정하는 설문을 실시하였다. 자료 분석은 SPSS 22.0와 Amos 18.0을 활용하여 진로결정자기효능감의 매개효과를 분석하였다. 구조방정식 모형 분석 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 진로타협은 진로결정자기효능감에 유의한 부적 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 즉, 진로타협 수준이 높을수록 진로결정자기효능감이 낮아지는 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 진로결정자기효능감은 진로관여행동에 유의한 정적 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 즉, 진로결정자기효능감이 높을수록 진로관여행동이 높아지는 것으로 나타났다. 셋째, 진로결정자기효능감은 진로타협과 진로관여행동의 관계에서 완전매개역할을 하고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 즉 진로타협은 진로결정자기효능감을 통해서 진로관여행동에 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 이는 진로타협상황에 처한 대학생들의 진로상담 및 진로지도 장면에서 진로결정자기효능감 증진을 위한 개입이 필요함을 시사한다.

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